When the Spiritual Qi wandered in his body, it was not until this moment that Yang Xuan truly confirmed the identity of this person.

Except for the Yuanxi Great Emperor who became the emperor with Spiritual Qi, he couldn't think of anyone else who would have such a pure Spiritual Qi.

After Yuan Xi’s Spiritual Qi was in Yang Xuan's body for a while, his brows gradually frowned.

"No, Spiritual Qi is the best way to maintain health. After you become an emperor with Spiritual Qi, why is your body rapidly aging?"

Yang Xuan was slightly sighed and did not hide:" Senior, Junior’s breakthrough, due to various reasons, is a forced breakthrough, which hurts the foundation and damages the essence of life."

"Making noisy, noisy." Yuan Xi had a hate iron for not becoming steel. Expression: "Breakthrough is a big deal, how can it be so trivial, didn't your Master tell you what to pay attention to?"

Yang Xuan obediently and honestly said: "Junior has been groping all the way along the way. , There is no Master."

Yuan Xi was taken aback, with a suspicion in her eyes, and asked: "No Master? How can you cultivation without Master?"

"It's all groping for yourself, Randomly."

Now Yuan Xi was completely surprised, and he shook his head again and again: "Impossible, impossible, without a Master, you will never be impossible until now."

Yang A wry smile appeared on Xuan's face. He did not have a Master, let alone a Master. When he first started cultivation, he hadn't even seen a cultivation classic.

Next, Yang Xuan briefly explained the process of his cultivation, and Yuan Xi was a little bit convinced.

"Genius, genius, peerless genius." Yuan Xi sighed again and again: "There is no Master, and no classics, but I can point to the source all the way to this step. It’s not a genius."


After stopping, he asked again: "How old is your cultivation now?"

Yang Xuan thought for a while, opened the mouth and said: "Probably less than fifty years. "

"What?" Yuan Xi turned pale in fright: "Less than fifty years? I heard it wrong?"

Yang Xuan has the final say.

Yes, his cultivation is indeed less than 50 years, strictly speaking, maybe only 20 years.

But seeing Yuan Xi's surprise, he didn't say anything.

"I understand, I understand." Yuan Xi suddenly shouted: "There is no Master, no classics, only relying on the most instinctive intuition, but accidentally pointing directly to the source, all can be so amazing The speed of cultivating the Tao, what kind of Tao are you cultivating, you are the Tao."

You are the Tao?"

Yang Xuan was taken aback, feeling as if he had caught something.

Yuan Xi sighed again and again, and couldn't calm down. Then she said with emotion: "Compared with you, my long cultivation years are really inferior to a dog, not to mention it, not to mention it. "

Yang Xuan rolled his eyes at hearing.

Is this a different way to call him a dog?

However, in this way, Yang Xuan lost that feeling of awe for the Yuanxi Great Emperor, which crisscrossed the starry sky ten thousand years ago.

It looks no different.

Yuan Xi sighed for a while before turning to the topic, and asked: "Do you know why I asked Zhang Zhongyang to come to you?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Yuan Xi showed a calm smile on her face and said: "My life is not long. This has stored tens of thousands of years of pure power, and the tone made him dissipate out of thin air, it is better to give it away."

Yang Xuan heard the meaning of Yuan Xi's mouth, and was surprised: "Why did the senior say that?"

Yuan Xi waved her hand: "Listen to me, you'll know after you listen."

He stopped, he looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Do you know why I am locked here?"

This is the strangest place about Yang Xuan.

"This has to start from the beginning. Ten thousand years ago, I became the emperor with cultivation, and Qingyao was the two emperors of Human Race, brilliant and endless, high-spirited and vigorous."

Yang Xuan couldn't help but move when he heard him mention another emperor ten thousand years ago.

Yuan Xi continued: "Everyone knows that I and Qingyao are the two Great Emperors of Human Race, but no one knows, we are still lovers."

Yang Xuan's heart Surprised, he knew that Qing Yao's Great Emperor was a female, but he really didn't know that she and Yuan Xi turned out to be a lover.

"The years at that time were the happiest period of time in my life." Yuan Xi's eyes showed nostalgia and sorrow: "But the good times did not last long. Later, because of an accident, I was confused by inexplicable power. The mind, first suddenly shot, severely injured Qing Yao, then massacred and killed the experts of all races, and finally attracted the Great Emperor of all races to take action together."

Yuan Xi said simple, Yang Xuan just listened , You can hear the soul-stirring, the past ten thousand years ago, in this brief moment, it is as if you have seen it with your own eyes and is vivid in your eyes.

"Next, I was seriously injured. With the help of Zhang Zhongyang, I fleeed by feign death, and my mind was restored to Ching Ming." Yuan Xi sighed: "After I wake up, I know that I have committed such sins. , I was going to die, but Zhang Zhongyang persuaded me."

"He said, Qingyao was seriously injured, and he was afraid that his life would not be long. If I die again, I am afraid Human Race It’s not far from ruin. So, with his help, I suppressed my power forcibly, sealed it, and lived in this place to make atonement for myself."

Heard here, Yang Xuan Interrupted: "Is that Senior He was locked up?"

"hmph, you will know if you listen to me." Yuanxi coldly snorted: "After I got here, I just paid I don’t feel anything, but slowly, I find that my power is not under my control at all. Instead, he is controlled by Zhang Zhongyang with strange means, and he has become a puppet driven by him.

Yang Xuan was shocked when he heard it. Then he knew that the so-called Divine Item was actually Yuanxi Great Emperor.

"However, speaking of which, this Zhongyang controlled me and did nothing bad. It only controlled me to shoot once many years ago and drove away an emperor who had a covetous heart for Human Race. Level expert." Yuan Xi said.

Yang Xuan became more confused as he listened. Now he is less and less able to see Zhang Zhongyang.

Yuan Xi seemed to understand his doubts, heave a long sigh afterwards: "Zhang Zhongyang was actually helpless, because at that time, the lord of the imperial court was no longer the lord of the imperial court."

"What is that?" Yang Xuan remembered the time he saw the Lord of the Imperial Court.

"I don't know, but I know, it's definitely not a human being." Yuan Xi said solemnly: "So, the current Human Race is actually not the Human Race of Human Race anymore."

"Does the lord of the imperial court know that you exist?" Yang Xuan keenly grasped the crux of the matter.

"hmph, I know it naturally, but it wants to know a secret, so this keeps me locked here." Yuan Xi said with a sneer.

"What's the secret?" Yang Xuan asked in surprise.

"Here is the heart of the universe." Yuan Xi said solemnly.

"The heart of the universe?" Yang Xuan had doubts in his eyes, he had never heard of it.

"That is the source of the power of the universe. According to legend, as long as you get the heart of the universe, you can become the only True God in the universe, omnipresent, omnipotent." Yuan Xi explained.

"Is there this thing?" Yang Xuan was very strange, he had never heard of it.

"I don't know either. I only know the coordinates, but I have never been there." Yuanxi explained.

Yang Xuan half-squinted his eyes and asked: "The Lord of the Imperial Court is to get the heart of the universe?"

"Yes, if it is not for the heart of the universe, he can tolerate I am now?" Yuanxi was coldly snorted.

"Then, do you want to tell me the coordinates of the Heart of the Universe?" Yang Xuan looked at Yuan Xi and asked slowly.

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