Next, Yang Xuan returned to Immortal Sect, sending the Battle of Hundred and Eight and the Gold.

After settling down, he left again without staying too much.

However, before parting, Xiaojing still pestered him for a few spring nights, it seemed that she really wanted to make a villain.

Stepping into the starry sky, looking at the Immortal Sect star farther and farther away from him, for some reason, Yang Xuan had a feeling of farewell, as if this was the last time he came back.

Took a deep breath, Yang Xuan left this strange feeling behind.

Next, he has to consider his own business.

Wandering between the stars at will, Yang Xuan gradually moved away from the Immortal Sect star area.

After several moves, at the end, he didn't know where he was.

Because I forcibly broke through the barriers of realm and promoted to Great Ascension, my life foundation was seriously damaged, and my potential was almost exhausted. The original long lifespan was greatly shortened, and now, there are only a few left. Years.

This is still an optimistic estimate.

Not only that, if he was only promoted to the Great Ascension Stage, it’s okay to say, but because of insufficient realm insights and unable to control the energy consumed by the gluttony, he actually broke through the Great Ascension Early-Stage and Great Ascension mid-stage, And came to the late Great Ascension.

Although the breakthrough of realm gave him incredible power, the problem is that the gain of this power comes at the cost of his potential and lifespan.

The problem now is that even if he is a self-dispelling cultivation base, he cannot exchange the damaged lifespan back.

The meteor flashed by in the distance, and the eternal darkness of the universe was like a god, watching everything that happened quietly without saying a word.

Yang Xuan just lay quietly in the darkness, letting himself float towards an unknown distance.

He is always alone, facing everything alone.

From the beginning to the present, he can only face everything alone, struggling, shouting, unwilling...

Looking back on the past, he stepped out of each step is so lonely, just like this endless darkness.

And now, he is going to die alone...

Perhaps just like this, the corpse fell on a certain star, corrupted and dissipated.

Perhaps, a few years later, in the place where he was buried, a tree or a flower will grow out, recording the traces of his existence.

Maybe, that's also good.

Yang Xuan thought quietly, then slowly closed his eyes, letting the darkness surround him.

It's cold!

He thought.

Thinking began to slow down, like a leaping creek gradually freezing.

Even his heartbeat and blood flow began to become slow and weak.

The cold darkness slowly surrounded him, soft and cool, as if to take him somewhere.

It seems a bit comfortable.

Yang Xuan thought with a little bit of consciousness at the end.

But next moment, he suddenly reacted.



As if the stars have just opened, another group of rays of light exploded in his mind, and he rushed out instantly with his thoughts.

But it's too late, the darkness of everywhere, the coldness of everywhere has long since I knew when, he was tightly bound in place, unable to move.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a group of dark shadows, occupying the entire starry sky, without head and tail, endless.

Yang Xuan struggled hard, and the golden power in his body burst out.

But it was too late, the cold and dark power, when his soul was most vulnerable, quietly invaded in, like a chill, freezing his blood, heartbeat, and power to death. of.

This is the biggest disadvantage of forcibly breaking through the realm, the mood is unstable, and it is extremely easy to be invaded by external evils.

The cold and dark power came in slowly and silently during the time when Yang Xuan's mind was the weakest and helpless.

Yang Xuan has a wry smile in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, my final ending would be like this.

If the dead enemies know his ending, I am afraid they will laugh from ear to ear.

The golden power in the body recedes inch by inch, gradually letting out the control of the body.

It's not that they don't want to resist, but that they have lost the dominance of Yang Xuan. Even if they possess the power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, it will not help.

At this time, Yang Xuan's divine sense, but only a little bit is left.

Maybe, probably, this is the end.

Yang Xuan is muttered with only remaining thinking.

Darkness surged, and ruthless began to engulf Yang Xuan's last divine sense.

Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by darkness, at this moment, a golden glow connecting to heaven penetrating the earth suddenly appeared in the darkness.

That golden glow is like a golden river. The river is rushing and the waves are surging to the sky. In an instant, the cold energy that envelops the Yang Xuan divine sense is smashed into pieces.

Yang Xuan was sober in an instant, seizing the opportunity, divine sense surged out like a tide.

The golden energy cheered and jumped, like a huge army looking for its own generals, the formation is ready, imposing manner is monstrous.

The cold energy hesitated for a moment, as if it felt impossible to do anything, then resolutely turned around and retreated like a tide. After a while, it all disappeared without leaving a trace.

Vaguely, Yang Xuan seems to have heard coldly snorted.

Yang Xuan, who finally regained control of his body, let out a long sigh of relief, and turned to the black clothed person behind him and said, "many thanks!"

Black clothed person figure Tall, with clear Demi-God clansman's physical features on his face.

"No, you save me once, and I save you once." He spoke slowly, his voice extremely majestic, suppressing the starry sky.

Yang Xuan looked at him, and asked for a long while: "Demi-God Great Emperor?"

"As a Great Emperor of the same level, I allow you to call my name directly-- Samson." The majestic voice said.

"Anyway, I want to thank you." Yang Xuan took a deep breath.

If it hadn't been for Demi-God Great Emperor Samson who had arrived at the critical moment, the consequences would have been disastrous. He might have been killed or controlled by the cold and dark energy.

It's okay to kill, but control is better than death.

"I said, you will save me once, and I will save you once. In the words of your Human Race, it is even." Samson's tone was a little softened, and he could see that he It hasn't been a long time to communicate with people like this.

"I just murdered, not to save you." Yang Xuan shook his head slightly.

"Regardless of the starting point, the result will be the same. If it weren't for you, I would be irreversibly harmed when I was in retreat at the critical moment that day." Samson said.

Yang Xuan indifferent expression, his eyes began to become cold, and he asked: "Does the Great Emperor know who was the one who just shot?"

Samson nodded: "This kind of independence With some power, there is only one person in the starry sky—Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor."

"Tianlang Great Emperor!!!" Yang Xuan's eyes narrowed. In fact, he also had some guesses in his heart. He had seen some breaths in the power that he had seen in Wolf Alone.

"I will pay it back." He coldly said, his eyes cold.

He is not a person who pays attention to repaying grievances with virtue, nor is he a person who pays attention to rules, especially in the last moments of life.

Heavenly Wolf Great Emperor must be prepared to bear his anger if he dares to attack him, and even the entire Heavenly Wolf Race must be prepared to bear his anger.

Samson stared at him for a long time, and suddenly said: "You are in a strange state, life is passing by at a very fast speed."

Yang Xuan's physical condition, Can hide it from others, but cannot hide it from the Great Emperor of the same level.

Yang Xuan did not speak.

Samson continued: "In the Lyra family, which has the most research on life, there is a sacred relic called the star of life, which may be able to supplement the consumption of your life."

Yang Xuan's heart moved, if a Great Emperor could solemnly tell him this news, it would certainly not be groundless for a long time.

"Thank you!" he said.

"No, you save me once, save me clansman once, in return, I save you once, and send a message, we both clear." Samson said slowly, his figure began to dissipate.

When a Great Emperor said Liangqing, it was really Liangqing. Maybe after Yang Xuan died in front of him, he would not make a move.

"Anyway, many thanks." Yang Xuan arched his hands where he disappeared.

"You are welcome!" Samson's voice came from in the sky, and then gradually disappeared.

After Samson left, Yang Xuan stood still.

"Heavenly Wolf Race!" He spoke slowly, his eyes icy.

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