Above the mountains outside the first War Zone, Yang Xuan stepped out of the void crack, the golden glow in his eyes flashed away, ripples in front of him.

The entire number of large cities in the First War Zone at the foot still appear quiet and serene, as if they have completely forgotten the threat of evil spirits.

But in fact, demons are everywhere.

Yang Xuan stomped slightly, and the ground under his feet suddenly trembled a few times.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of black shadows bounced from below the ground and flew up in midair with ugly faces, have nothing common with each other.

Hundreds of evil spirits in the first War Zone were hidden and watched.

zhi zhi!

The evil demon screamed for unknown reasons, but the scream only lasted for a second, and then stopped abruptly.

The rain of blood boiled down, and after it stained the ground, Yang Xuan's gaze turned to a place far away from here.

Over there, there is an army of demons, slowly moving.

Yang Xuan thought for a while, body moved, has disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he was already standing in front of the billions of demons.

After the densely packed evil spirits, the huge body of No.3 is floating in the air, probing the thousands of tentacles under him all around, and from time to time, the tentacles curl up one or two evil spirits. Tuck into the mouth below the heart.

No demon dared to raise the slightest objection.

To them, the existence of the mother is God.

Yang Xuan keenly saw that, in addition to the mighty Winged Dragon-like demons, there were crows, of course, including the six crows flying in the army all around in the sky.

The army slowly stopped, and they found Yang Xuan standing in the direction of advancement.

A demon exuding the aura of Saint Level flew up from the army and greeted Yang Xuan.

"You..." Far away, this ugly demon opened his mouth and roared.

However, this is destined to be the last word it will say in this life.

I didn't see Yang Xuan making any movements, this Saint Level demon automatically disintegrated in the air, but strangely did not even shed any blood, just as simply disappeared.

The originally chaotic and noisy army of evil spirits suddenly fell silent, and hundreds of millions of eyes have nothing common with each other at the same time converge on the in the sky which is not big and looks a little small.

"Yang Xuan, it was you?" Number Three floated from behind, with surprise in her voice: "You didn't meet Number Two?"

Yang Xuan is not free To answer question number three, his time is limited.

A golden glow connecting to heaven penetrating the earth suddenly appeared on the head of No.3, and it was chopped down without any pause.

There is anger in the third voice, coldly snorted and said: "They all say that your power has surpassed God, I will not..."

Exit, he was stunned.

After a while, a crack spread from the center of its body, and within 0.1 second, it was divided into two halves.

But it's not over yet. Then, his body that was divided into two halves continued to show cracks, and it was divided into four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two...

Until it completely disappeared, the golden glow slowly disappears.

"How...How is it possible?"

In the sky, the last voice came, and it faded away.

Everything is quiet, and the entire vast land full of demons, in this brief moment, completely quieted down. There is something called fear, which is quietly spreading.

The space beside Yang Xuan suddenly produced ripples like water waves, and a thick tentacled suddenly protruded, piercing Yang Xuan's temple.

But what happened at the next moment caused the billions of demons at their feet to sucked in a breath of cold air.

They saw that just one-tenth of a second after the tentacles pierced, the ripples in the air trembled wildly and began to squeeze back and forth.

A large amount of flesh and blood was directly squeezed into meatloaf, flowing out from the narrow gap, until finally, the body of No. 4 that had become a pancake was exposed.

What's sadder than No. 3 is that from start to finish, it didn't even say a word, so it died here.

An evil demon lined up at the forefront quietly took a step back, not fear, but dazedness on his face.

Looking at the original aloof and remote, the mother of life and death was killed in such a short period of time. In the hearts of all demons, they did not feel fear, but not knowing what to do. .

The quiet earth, with a light breeze passing by, flows among the demons like cold water.

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, palm up, sticking out.

He did not intend to let these demons go.

Only by eliminating the vigorous power of demons as much as possible, will the crisis in the central battlefield be completely resolved once and for all.

A small sun appeared above the palm of the protruding palm, and the white and soft rays of light spread all around and enveloped the earth.

Every corner is illuminated white and translucent, the entire world, there is no shadow, no darkness.

This is light!

True light!

Billions of demons bathed in rays of light, in a trance, they actually felt a warm current, like a mother's hand, stroking their wounded hearts.

That feeling was extremely comfortable, and even some demons closed their eyes comfortably.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan sighed, turning his palm over and slowly pressing it down

It's dark!

The real black began to envelope the earth. It seemed that all the rays of light were suddenly lost in the universe, and even the brightest places were infested by the darkness of thick ink.

All the demons were shrouded in darkness, then dissolved and disappeared.

From start to finish, no demon made even the slightest cry.

They are just like that, very quietly dissolved in the darkness, disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace of debris.

Yang Xuan retracted his palm, Heaven and Earth restored to sobriety and calmness, the ground in front of him was empty, the grass that was trampled down, and he tried his best to straighten his body, curiously guessing what was just now Where did the big guys go.

The ground in the rear vibrated. Under the leadership of Todd, the countless alliance warriors that appeared in the sky on the ground, Qi Qi stopped his footsteps, and stared at the empty Heaven and Earth in front of him in amazement.

It's dawn, it's dark, and the demons are gone!

All this is beyond their cognition.

Ji Cang and Ulysses looked at the thin back in the sky, unprecedented with deep fear in their eyes.

For a moment, they felt that person was so strange and terrifying.

Mu Cheng's reaction is the same as Todd's, both of them are full of disbelief, dumbfounded.

They got the news and brought people there, but they saw the last scene of dissolving and disappearing between black and white. The thunder in their hearts has never been broken.

At this moment, their brains are blank and they have lost all their thinking ability.

Yah Liu fell from the air and fell in front of Yang Xuan like its clansman. It was not an attack by any force, but fearful forgotten to flap its wings.

Yang Xuan looked at Yaliu at her feet, and after a long silence, said indifferently: "Leave here, don’t come back."

Yahliu trembled and listened to the last word. After struggling a few times, he flew again, leading the few clansman, and flew away without daring to turn his head back, and even fell off several times in the middle.

Not scared, but because of being too excited.

Avoided the excitement of a catastrophe.

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