Crown of Chaos

Chapter 80, Peak Showdown (Second update!)

Near the cliff where the sea breeze roared, among the soft shrubs and grasses, Aaron and Mepham looked at each other at their opponents.

The warlock's lost left hand was now covered in tendrils, and many of the wounds he had suffered before were now covered with a sticky film. It could be seen that similar tentacles had grown out of many places on the wounds. Something covering his gap.

Mepham held a thin short sword in his hand. His weapon was lost when he escaped. His magic book was destroyed by Aaron's fire. The warlock's physical condition was very bad at this time. If If those tentacles had not stabilized his wounds, the warlock might have bled to death long ago.

Aaron was now unsure whether his plan had succeeded or failed.

Mepham also looked at the young man in front of him, and the warlock was surprised by Aaron's growth.

In just two months, Aaron has already transformed from an apprentice-level trainee knight to a powerful spellcaster?

Well, he is the Son of God.

The warlock can feel that Aaron's power is no less than his own at this time, and he is now seriously injured. The only chance to defeat Aaron is his rich experience, and the relationship with the sect master and even the Supreme Dark Sun. of mercy.

still have a chance!

Mepham looked at Aaron carefully, as such a novice spellcaster could easily reveal his flaws.

Before that, I want to ask you a question. Aaron spoke up: Abby, that girl, what did you do to her.

Abby? Who is that? Mepham didn't understand.

The little girl in the fishing village likes the one who follows you. Aaron said coldly.

Ah? The magician thought for a moment before he remembered that there was indeed such a person. He suddenly realized: Well, of course he was sacrificed.

Mepham's expression was indifferent, as if she was talking about something that was not important at all: I have sacrificed so many people, who can remember? Now she is probably working as a fish-man somewhere in the sea.

Really, she was annoying to death following me all day long, and it affected my plans, so I invited her to the cave and sacrificed her. The magician said nonchalantly: A cheap sacrifice, a boring experiment.

Is a living life just a boring experiment for you? Aaron's voice became deeper: Just annoying? Just boring?

Oh~ Come on, God Son of Baal, you are really seriously ill! The magician looked at Aaron with an idiotic expression: No matter how cheap a sacrifice is, it is still a sacrifice. As long as it can satisfy the sect leader, there is nothing that cannot be done. Brother, brother, do you understand the theory of human content? I am a spell caster, she is not even a professional, she cannot be considered a human being at all.

It's not a pity to use any amount of such materials. Mepham laughed crazily and waved his tentacles: But, thank you to the Supreme Black Sun! Finally, someone who interests him has appeared. , this boring experiment has become interesting, hahaha~


While he was mid-sentence, the magician suddenly raised his hand, and a purple light came towards his face.

Human body-fixing technique!

The speed was extremely fast and the attack was extremely fierce. Mepham almost smiled in victory.

This is his most common tactic, distracting the other person through conversation.

However, Aaron was well prepared. The Son of Chaos ducked out of the way. When the purple light was about to touch him, his figure became illusory. Four identical Aarons appeared in front of him. The leader Aaron was hit by the purple light and turned into a A screaming fire demon.

Mirror Imagery.

A tongue of fire rushed towards the warlock, licking his nose and igniting his wounds. The flames immediately turned into more fire demons. The warlock felt waves of stinging pain, and the sticky mucus on his body surface Dispelled by flames.

O supreme dark sun! Mepham began to pray to Cyric. The purple skull eight-pointed star holy symbol on his body glowed, forming a thick layer of magic armor that blocked the flames. There were bursts of purple light above, the flames of Tzeentch and the fire formed by Tzeentch. The demons were all driven away.

Son of Baal, you are indeed very powerful, but your god has fallen. The magician laughed wildly and roared: But my god is at the height of his power!

You have a little residual spark of divinity, but I have the power given to me by my Lord! There is only a thin line between the power of the fallen god and the true god, but you will soon discover that this thin line represents The gap between us.”

That's from heaven to hell!


Purple-black magic armor wrapped the warlock, Mepham raised his feet, and three beams of light rushed straight at him like arrows.

Another Aaron was hit, and another shadow formed by the mirror shadow technique was broken, leaving behind the fire demon struggling on the ground.

Aaron knew that the warlock was not lying.

The gap between the fallen god and the true god is often just a little bit, but this little bit is an insurmountable gap.

But why do you think that I don’t have the blessing of the power of true God?

Holding the Dark Moon Sword tightly with both hands, Aaron moved.

Second Ring Magic, Lost Tracking Step.

The Viscount's body disappeared in a burst of silvery smoke, along with the two clones.

In the blink of an eye, three Aarons appeared behind the magician. One of them came with a sword, one stood still and cast a spell, and the other charged up power with both hands.

The warlock turned around quickly and found that he could not identify which one was Aaron.

This kid's mirror shadow technique has an evil flavor to it. His shadow is not fake, but real, made up of strange flames.

The warlock immediately released a magic explosion, and the power of magic exploded in the air.

Aaron who came with the sword was fake, and the fire demon was ejected and flew more than ten meters.

Dazzling colorful lights enveloped the warlock.

A ring of magic, colorful jets.

A dazzling colored light burst out from Aaron's fingertips, pointing directly at the sorcerer's body. The colored light enveloped all of Mepham's sight.

The next second, the Dark Moon Sword had already come crashing down!

The movements are like waves, and the sword force is heavy slashing.


The light of the moon shines, and the moonlight from Selun on the Dark Moon Sword collides with the shield of faith from Cyric on the surface of Mepham's body. In the mixture of light and darkness, it is the competition between the two gods' divine power. .

What? the warlock screamed, Why? Why can you, the son of Baal, get the power of the Silver Virgin?

It's not over yet! Aaron yelled next.

Slaanesh-True Silver Slash.

Under the blessing of double power, Dark Sun's shield of faith shattered, exploding into countless fragments.

The Dark Moon Sword was also bounced away and fell out of hand.

It's not over yet.

Aaron's other hand clenched tightly and hit Mepham hard on the chest, sending him flying away. The warlock only felt strong pain in his chest, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out a stream of blood.

It's not over yet.

Aaron approached again. He increased his speed again, and rushed under the magician. He pushed off the ground with a single push, raised his fist, and punched Mepham's chin with a bang!

Ahhhh~ The magician was so dizzy from these two consecutive blows that he fell to the ground and rolled several times in a row.

Aaron was also forced to stop. He gasped heavily and picked up Suellen's gift.

It's a pity that this set of combos didn't kill the Warlock. His strength attribute was low after all. Otherwise, let alone the female barbarian Asha, even if Miss Priest came, these two blows would be enough to kill Mepham. .

Eleanor...the figure of Miss Priest flashed in Aaron's mind.

Silver Virgin, my Lord.

Suddenly, there was a squirming movement on the beach, and three dark tentacles burst out from the ground, each one as thick as a baby's arm.

Aaron quickly got out of the way and swung the Dark Moon Sword twice, cutting off two of the tentacles, but the third tentacle wrapped him tightly in place, and spikes protruded from the suction cups on the tentacles, penetrating Aaron. His clothes greedily sucked his blood!

Three rings of magic, vampire touch.

In the distance, on the broken left hand of the already dying warlock, three tentacles penetrated into the ground, squirming and twitching.

Death! Mepham screamed: In the name of the Dark Sun, die!

The tentacles tightly hooked Aaron's neck, gradually tightening it. The magician's last push gave Aaron an irresistible force. The strength attribute of the tentacles overwhelmed Aaron's strength attribute, and he could not break free. .

The bones made a crackling sound, and the tentacles tightened rapidly. Aaron struggled hard. He tried to cast a spell, but in this case, the Viscount simply could not concentrate on releasing the spell.

Die, Son of Baal, die, die, die!

Mepham's expression was ferocious, and the warlock kept screaming.

He used his last strength to release a magic blast, but Aaron's body flashed with light, and the divine spark shield blocked and protected Aaron.

But Aaron could no longer release the spell, and Mepham had already seen the dawn of victory.

Kill...or not, me... Aaron struggled and said, using his last strength, he raised his Dark Moon Sword towards Mepham.

Accumulating strength, the moonlight condenses on the blade.

Moon Blade!

The half-moon-shaped light blade scraped through the air, cutting off the tentacles connected to the ground, and causing the warlock's screams to stop abruptly.

Cough~cough~cough~ Aaron coughed hard. His brain was a little deprived of oxygen. There were teeth marks left by blood-sucking suckers on his neck and arms. He pried off the twitching tentacles from his neck.

He wanted to thank the Frost Giant Belt. If it weren't for the massive physical bonus provided by this belt, he would have gone into shock after sucking so much blood, not to mention having his neck broken.

It seems that I am the final winner. Aaron held the sword, approached with empty steps, and pointed the Dark Moon Sword at the magician who had lost the power to resist: Now, end this ritual immediately, immediately , I can swear to the Silver Virgin Suellen that I will consider not killing you.

The crowd of fishmen in the distance was already very close to the village.

Aaron played a little word game, and the so-called result of his consideration was still to kill the magician.

Never forget, never forgive.

Yeah hey hey hey~ Mepham laughed wildly. He was vomiting blood, his left arm was broken, his magic power was exhausted, and he felt that Cyric had given up on him.

But the warlock was still extremely happy: Don't think... you won, Son of Baal.

You must be thinking at this time, why can an elite magician release such a powerful magic circle? Summon hundreds of fishmen from the sea? The magician coughed up blood, and he was very happy.

... Aaron frowned, this was indeed his doubt.

That's because of you, God Son of Baal! Hahahaha! Because of you, it's all you! Mefam suddenly said crazily: It's all because of your appearance. My sect master felt a strong interest in you, so he gave the gift I have so much power!

It's you. It's you who killed so many fishermen. It's you who killed that little consumable named's you. Now the entire fishing village and even the entire nearby area are going to be ruined!

Hahahaha! You idiot. Mepham laughed so hard that tears came out: Do you know what the last key is to complete this magic circle?

It's your blood just now, I got it. The magician laughed so much that he stuck out his tongue:

You think the fish-men were summoned by me? You're wrong. Those fish-men came ashore to avoid the beings I summoned.

Look at it with your eyes open, Son of God Baal, look at the disasters you have brought, it's all because of you! This country is going to end, hahaha~

The big one is coming.

After saying that, the warlock's body shriveled up like a deflated rubber ball, leaving only a layer of wrinkled skin.

he died.

But the battle is not over.

On the sea level in the distance, a wave crest more than ten meters high surged.


Two long wing frames extend out from the ocean.

The giant thing covered by the sea water is emerging.

The will of the master of the magician comes here.

Updated~ I’m going to burn out, please vote!

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