Crown of Chaos

Chapter 65, Conspiracy with the Goddess

Samir Morningstar really revealed a lot of information to Aaron.

According to what he said, Vander-Dragon Thorn originally thought that he would be so awesome now that he became a god and could do a lot of things.

But after becoming a god, only the gods of art and reptiles with weak divine power discovered that regardless of other crystal wall systems and outer planes, it was just the country's local god system, and Fande-Dragon Thorn could only be ranked second. At the end, it is mixed with gods such as the lion god, the god of revenge, the god of chant, and the goddess of cats and dance with weak divine power.

However, even among the gods with weak divine power, the status of Vande-Dragon Thorn is very low, because these gods with weak divine power may be the younger brothers of a certain god system (the God of Lions, the God of Chanting, the God of War Spirit Totem). God), or the national aspect of a powerful deity from elsewhere (the goddess of cats and dancing), or a very, very old deity (the ancient god of death who is ruining).

This kind of gap cannot be accepted by Fande Longthorn.

In the mortal world, he is a millennium legend and one of the few legendary bards in the country. He has crossed mountains and seas, and has seen countless civilizations fall into disasters. He has explored Imaskar and Netheril. Even the ruins of the elven empire and the founder race, he once had a decisive battle with the saint incarnation of the corrupt god Moander in the Great Forest of Cormanthor. He has always been so proud.

Is Evermeet Island in the Western Elf Multiverse Empire great? He once chatted and laughed with the Elf Queen!

The god of reptiles and art, who couldn't accept this gap, simply gave up. Anyway, he had recently become a god, so he became crazy and obsessed with exploring the outer planes.

These were originally said by Samir as a joke. The Harper Alliance decisively chose to forgive its founder Vander Dragonthorn after he became a god. The two parties reached a reconciliation, but secretly they still used this guy as a negative example. He warned other Harpers not to make the same mistake, and invented a word Vander's arrogance to warn everyone, which Vander accepted calmly.

For gods, having a stalk is definitely better than having no stalk. No matter what the stalk is, the presence is very important.

Yet Aaron captured a very important message in this joke.

In the pole star camp of the god AO, there is a high divine council. Only powerful gods can enter. They will vote on major issues of the country here. Only 10 powerful gods jointly propose a major issue. Guard God will open the High Council of Gods.

Aaron knew very little about the kingdom. He only learned about the kingdom through online articles, but he had an impression of one thing.

It seemed that something happened after that. The High Council of Gods convened, but the final result was that it was half-and-half failed to pass. As a result, it led to some big event that he could no longer remember.

The event was important, and that's all Aaron remembers.

So he must try to restore Su Lun's powerful power! Because this is his patron saint!

Only by restoring Su Lun's powerful divine power can he participate in the High Council of Gods and confront his sister Lady Night. Only then can many of Aaron's plans in the future be possible.

There are several favorable conditions for Su Lun to be promoted to powerful divine power:

First, she is inherently powerful and one of the oldest goddesses. Restoring her strength is a normal thing and will not cause violent reactions from the gods...except maybe his sister.

Second, Su Lun has a very wide network of contacts. Many gods are now more powerful than him, but they still give him face, such as the fire-haired lady and the Mother Earth.

Third, Su Lun's power is actually very close to the origin of the Four Gods of Chaos. They all came from the origin of chaos in the universe and gave birth to sanity. In many matters, Aaron can provide sufficient reference and experience.

So, how to enhance powerful divine power?

Regarding the priesthood Aaron had devised several plans.

But the most basic point is the spread of influence and belief. The more believers, the higher the influence, and the stronger the god is.

Continuing to deduce, how can the Silver Virgin have more influence and belief?

The analysis of this problem is extremely simple, just one word! money!

There are seven to eight adults in the entire country who are illiterate! They don’t care what your doctrine is, what your goals are, or your complicated highest pursuits. If he believes in God and can receive divine grace and bread and ale, they will read your name without hesitation!

This is the norm in the kingdom!

Aaron, who worked at the grassroots level in his previous life, couldn't help but see the protagonist in an online article gathering a large group of ignorant peasants for a few propaganda classes, and these peasants immediately transformed into powerful steel armies and interstellar warriors who would fight to the death. Will laugh out loud.

What cosplay? This also looks down upon professional soldiers.

So, when Aaron said, “No one doesn’t love gold,” Our Lady of Silver already knew what he meant.

No matter how great the goal is, no matter how lofty the ideal, it will not work without money.

Aaron is giving a huge amount of income to Him. As a goddess, Su Lun is very aware of the power of Aaron brand cosmetics!

In the future, it can be seen that the Silver Holy Mother Church will add an astonishing wealth!

As for divine grace?

This is also part of Aaron's plan. You must know that although the four gods of chaos cannot be said to respond to requests, their divine grace can be said to be representatives of high quality, wide coverage, and low cost.

In the secret room, Su Lun stared at Aaron, extremely noble and elegant, with Aaron's reflection in his emerald green eyes that exuded a soft maternal aura. He gently brushed Aaron's face, slowly turned around and left. The naked snow-stained feet under the long silk skirt move gracefully, and the high-slit skirt sways slightly. From time to time, an alluring moon-white calf is exposed as she moves. Every move and every move, she is full of temptation.

He was impressed by Aaron.

If Aaron's proposal made him hesitate before, Aaron's words after that pierced the goddess's heart deeply.

Sufficient wealth can help us win the war in heaven!

The War in Heaven refers to the eternal war between Selun and Shar. This war that lasted from the creation of the world to this day still has no sign of ending. Selun was almost imprisoned and brainwashed by Shar in Waterdeep City. Lady High Priest of the Night, thinking of this experience, even the chaotic and kind-hearted Silver Virgin felt deeply ashamed when she thought of it.

She has been planning how to end the war in heaven and completely defeat her sister.

But Shar is a powerful god, and Su Lun himself once declined to weak divine power, and had to seek refuge in Fire Hair. Now, even if he has restored medium divine power, he can hardly be said to be his sister's opponent.

That phrase we has been deeply imprinted in the heart of Our Lady of Silver.

...Actually, Suni is outside, my child. Su Lun walked back to Aaron again, her snow-white neck was slender and soft, and her soft shoulders were completely exposed, If you dedicate this thing to He, He will give you a lot.”

I have made my choice, my lord. Aaron smiled: But I have a suggestion.


Given the current strength of our church, this matter may be difficult to handle. We might as well get the Huofa Lady Church and let them help us promote it. Aaron gave his own plan: Besides, I remember , both the God of Integrity and the God of Protection have the intention of reconciliation, but neither of them is willing to speak first?

Yes, my child, you know, Heim is hated by everyone for killing Mystra. Heim did something wrong, but it was also an order from AO. He was just executing the order. Suellen nodded: Only Thom understands Heim's indifference and stubbornness, and hopes to reconcile with him.

Then we will let the Church of the God of Guardians provide protection for the cosmetics caravan in the future, and let the God of Integrity provide contract guarantees and legal assistance for trade. Aaron said in a deep voice: Taking this as an opportunity, my Lord, it is up to you. Coordinate them.”

We only need to appropriately give up some benefits, with the notarization and assistance of the three gods of justice, and the protection of the guardian gods, the cosmetics trade can be expanded to the entire country, and we can also avoid losing too many manpower.

Su Lun's eyes became brighter and brighter.


He actually thought of this for himself!

My child, you... Su Lun could not continue after saying this. His eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, rippling with intoxicating light waves like stars.

The Ancient Goddess took a few breaths and gradually calmed down. Her hand pressed Aaron's head, with endless love in her eyes: What can I reward you for? My child, you have brought me so much. What a surprise...

I don't need any reward. Aaron sincerely peeked at the astonishing whiteness revealed by the slit in the long skirt.

No - okay -! I must give you some rewards. The Silver Virgin dragged her voice deliberately and said slightly: I order you now to name a reward that you think is reasonable! Now! I will try my best to satisfy you. You~

Aaron remained embarrassed, and the Ancient Goddess looked at him lovingly, waiting for his answer.

My lord, can you continue to let Eleanor be my... um, assistant? Aaron looked very embarrassed, and he tried to make a request: I think I get along well with her, I'm worried She was transferred.

It was my father's wish to have a priest of our Lord by his side.

Father's wish? The eyes of the most ancient goddess flickered.

Huh? Are you really just getting along with her? Su Lun looked at Aaron playfully, half-smiling: You have only been together for three months, and Eleanor's soul has almost been swallowed by you! She is not only Pray to me again and again, saying that you seem to have a baton controlling her soul, and she can only dance in your swing.

It's not to that extent. Aaron showed a slightly proud expression appropriately.

I never interfere with other people's freedom, my child. Su Lun smiled: You don't have to ask questions knowingly. What you are worried about is unlikely to happen, but I can promise that as long as Eleanor does not object, I will let her I'll always be by your side, assist you, and...well, that's between you.

Then please leave it to my lord. Aaron was no longer humble this time.

There are some things you can give in to, just because you won’t give in now!

This is really a trivial matter. Let me see how I can compensate you... By the way, when you were dueling with that hobgoblin, your sword seemed to be broken?

Broken in two. Aaron smiled bitterly and shook his head: My wrist strength is too weak after all.

Then, let me give you a new weapon, my child, please accept my gift.

Suellen raised his hand.

Divine power surged out like a tide and spread throughout the secret room. Vast stars exploded from a tiny point of light, filling every corner of the room!

Starlight and moonlight rushed towards the broken sword at Aaron's waist at the same time. With the celestial language recited by the Silver Virgin, the light gradually turned into substance and gradually took shape under His will.

Just like a hammer forging an anvil, the broken sword began to be reforged, the fire of the stars and moon was ignited, and the material from the outer plane was formed under Selun's will, and a layer of light gradually appeared on the surface of the blade. The light of the silver moon!

This sword is the weapon I used when I opened a hotel in Waterdeep City. Suellen held the Dark Moon Sword in one hand. The huge figure of the Silver Virgin made the sword like a dagger in her hands. Xiaoqiao: Now, I give it to you as a small compensation for your huge gift.

Aaron, I know that you don't completely believe in fraternity and equality. You are a Purple Dragon Knight. You will never lack fighting and killing in your life.

I want peace, but I never give up fighting, and when I fight, my symbol is the icy dark full moon.

I hope you will use this sword to cleanse the demons, eliminate evil, and bring light and kindness to the world. I also hope that when you hold this sword, you will have good intentions in your heart and will not act recklessly and sacrifice the lives of innocent people.

Extraordinary weapon, magic weapon, extremely rare item, the Sword of the Dark Moon!

Aaron took the sword. The blade of the long sword, which was about 1.25 meters long, had a dreamy luster on its surface. The moonlight power from the Silver Virgin Suellen filled the sword, which contained powerful power!

Not only is this a magic weapon, this weapon is also bound to two effects.

Each of its attacks can add magical damage from the moonlight, directly penetrating ordinary armor and damaging the enemy's body.

It can release the skill Moonlight Slash by charging up, shooting a frost-attributed moon blade into the distance, attacking powerful enemies several meters away.

Accept it, my child. Su Lun did not give Aaron a chance to refuse: With your contribution, it is not an exaggeration for me to give you a divine weapon, but your current strength is not suitable. Many times, in the end, What’s good isn’t what’s best for you.”

Yes, I will always keep this sword by my side! Aaron was a little excited.

Magic weapons! He finally has it!

This is the biggest reward of this adventure!

When he still wanted to have some fun, Ms. Silver Star outside had already received Suellen's instructions and brought Eleanor in.

My lord! This was the second time Eleanor saw the Silver Virgin. The pastor was still struggling with what the fiery-haired elder sister had left on her, but she had forgotten all about it when she saw Su Lun.

Time flies so fast, my child, it's time for me to say goodbye. The incarnation of the gods cannot move in the main material world for a long time. Su Lun looked at the priest lady kneeling on the ground kindly: Eleanor, someone asked me I have made a request and I need to seek your opinion.”

Where my lord goes is where my hammer goes! Miss Priest replied seriously.

There is a person who hopes that you can continue to accompany him and provide him with help, so he came to beg me. Su Lunqiao smiled and moved his eyes to Aaron beside him: He begged me not to let you leave him.

Aaron? !

Eleanor was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red. Miss Pastor felt that all the blood in her body was concentrated towards her heart and face.

This person? ! How can you tell my lord...about such a thing? !

The last Salian does have a lot to do next. It is good to have a fixed collaborator, but I need to ask your opinion on this matter, Eleanor, you must give me the answer I prepared.

Aaron said his father's last wish was to have one of my pastors by his side.

Are you willing to continue to be with Aaron, or? Su Lun paused for a moment: After the matter is over, you will return to Shenhai Town first? Then assign someone else?

Eleanor's pink face was now red and dripping with blood. She first glared at Aaron and wanted to hit him on the head.

You're done! Just wait for me! ! !

But the gods are incarnated here, and the pastor lady knows that her choice at this time will determine the direction of her future life!

Thinking of this, Eleanor calmed down: My lord, can I ask him a question?


Is it just father's wish? Eleanor's sea-blue eyes locked onto Aaron.

This is her pride, she is not a tool or a thing! She is a person, a living person!

She doesn't want to be treated as a promise, a gift, or a prop!

What she wanted was for him to answer in person.

It is indeed my father's wish to have a pastor by my side. Aaron nodded with a smile, then put away his smile and said seriously: But I hope that this person is you, it is my own wish, Aaron Salian!

After saying that, Aaron slowly walked up to Eleanor and stretched out his hand.

So, can you come with me, dear Eleanor?

Seeing Aaron's incomparably handsome and bright smile, Eleanor felt like her head was spinning.


She lost again.

Updated, I’m so tired, I burned out yesterday.

Miss Pastor, lose, lose, lose!

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