Crown of Chaos

Chapter 60, Legend

Enjoying the cheers of thousands of people, hearing them shout your name, being worshiped, respected, and becoming the center of attention.

This is a temptation that neither mortals nor even gods can refuse, and it is something that the powers of Slaanesh will never tire of enjoying.

Previously, Aaron felt a little hurt because he gave up part of the ownership of the loot.

According to the unwritten rules, even though the loot in the goblin camp was plundered from the local area, the three of them can still divide it at least 30%. Even counting the equipment they selected, Aaron, Asha, and Eleanor each lost 30%. Above 1,000 gold lion coins.

This is all money, money!

However, with the huge cheers and love he received when he entered the city, and as he felt that his professional level as a warlock had improved, Aaron felt that it was all worth it.

For now, strength is the most important, and wealth comes second.

If he hadn't given up such a large sum of money, he would never have been welcomed on this scale.

Because Leonard and Disma returned to Evening Star Town half a day early, distributed the wealth to those who suffered from the disaster, and then took this opportunity to vigorously promote Aaron's efforts and the achievements of the trio, the three of them The fact that the group destroyed the enemy.

War does not always bring wealth, but war certainly brings pain. It can solve problems near towns at almost no cost, and return materials looted by goblins to the victims.

At least for the next few years, Purple Dragon Knight Aaron Salian will be the hero of Evening Star Town!

People wanted to ask the hero to say a few words. The Lord Baron of Evening Star Town not only gave him this opportunity extremely generously, but he also did not ask Eleanor and Asha for their opinions at all.

Aaron was concise and to the point.

By the order of the Silver Virgin Mother, the monsters are decapitated and the disaster is dispelled. Aaron Salian, the newbie of Susar, sends his regards to all the friends in Evening Star Town!

It's a pity that only a small contribution has been made, because protecting the town requires the help of each of you!

At least today, we won!

Victory! Victory! Victory!

The blood-red sunset on the horizon of Wuxing Town witnessed this welcome ceremony.

After enjoying the treatment of heroes, Aaron and the other three still sought magical treatment from the senior priest. The holy healing technique of the paladin could stabilize the injury, but the wound on Asha's chest, the broken bones and the dislocated shoulder of Miss Priest Although it could grow back naturally, Aaron still insisted on magical treatment.

This is also one of the Knights' courses. Naturally growing fractures can easily leave hidden dangers, and dislocated shoulders are also prone to problems.

Some people will definitely say, it’s not easy to dislocate your joint. Look at me, a big country player. I can’t put it back for you with just one push? Why waste your money?

It is true that dislocation can be treated in this way, but the courses of the Purple Dragon Knights have explained many times that such physical treatment can easily lead to habitual dislocation. Especially for adventurers who often have to fight, it is best to use divine treatment. surgical treatment to avoid hidden dangers in the future.

For 100 gold lion coins, a priest of the Lord of the Morning released divine magic for the three Aarons to perform a thorough treatment, eliminating all future troubles.

Before saying goodbye, the priest of Lathander proactively asked: Since you have such a rich harvest, why don't you provide convenience to others and enjoy yourself every day? The Lord of the Dawn will bless you and me!

I am very grateful for your help, sir. Aaron politely declined: But I have given my promise to my lord, the great Silver Virgin Sullun. The silver moon is my life, and the star shines brightly.

The sun and the moon are connected, and hope is passed on. Speaking of this, the pastor of the Lord of the Morning had no choice but to give up.

Priests of Lathander have always known how to make requests at the appropriate time, but Aaron carried out the Silver Virgin Suellen, and Suellen and Lathander were firm allies, which made it difficult for him to speak again. .

After coming out of Lathander Church, Aaron saw that the female barbarian had something to say and couldn't hold it back. He asked in the twilight of dusk: Asha? What are you going to do next?

Hey! Aaron, Eleanor, we have done something big, shouldn't we celebrate? Asha's chest was still wrapped with a thick layer of bandages, and magical treatment could not stop the pain on her chest. Another scar was left, but the female barbarian didn't care about it at all. She directly hooked Aaron and Eleanor's necks with both hands: I have booked the entire Wild Boar Tavern, let's have a sleepover tonight. Drunk carnival! We won’t stop until we get drunk! We’ll fuck until dawn!”

Aaron and Eleanor looked at each other, and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Barbarians may be one of the professions that pays the most attention to carpe diem. These guys who use the primitive power of the wilderness to bless themselves are the most dissolute and enjoy life. They always spend money when they have it. Very few barbarians have savings when they are young. If they have any habits, most of them are just to leave some guarantee for their tribesmen or family members.

They wholeheartedly accept their animal instincts - keen intuition, primitive impulses, and raging rage. Barbarians do not like life surrounded by walls and crowds. Their life is adventure - enjoyment and rest - the next adventure. .

I won't go. I'm a little tired and need to rest. Aaron pushed away the barbarian's strong arms, clearly expressing his rejection.

Tsk, that's it? Ah, that's it? Last Salian, can you do it? Sure enough, seeing that Aaron didn't want to go, Asha immediately turned from enthusiasm to contempt, and the female barbarian stamped her feet irritably: So, Asha Lenore, you’re not going either, right?”

Sorry, Asha, but I really don't like that kind of environment. Seeing that Aaron didn't want to go, the pastor's only motivation disappeared. She shook her head obediently: Enjoy this night, Asha, this is your Deserve it.”

You are so boring! I really don't understand what can be compared to the beer barbecue and the service of men after returning from the adventure... Forget it, if you don't go, I will go by myself!

The female savage left alone, leaving Aaron and Eleanor alone.

His Excellency the Viscount's playful gaze immediately fell on Miss Priest, and his somewhat profound gaze made Eleanor's heart beat rapidly.

Let's go too.

Yeah. Eleanor looked at Aaron suspiciously. She waved her fist towards Aaron to express that I'm not afraid of you. Just come if you are brave enough, and then followed Aaron's pace in small steps.

There are many people here, be careful if you get separated. Aaron wanted to take the initiative to hold the pastor's hand.

How could they be separated? You attract more attention than the temple of Lathander! Eleanor pushed Aaron's hand away, half complaining and half teasingly, she pursed her lips and snickered. The priestess's face was shrouded in a moving halo. , her bright golden braid is still so dazzling in the increasingly dusk.

The bonus from Charisma always attracts the attention of everyone nearby.

The things that troubled Miss Pastor continued. Aaron stopped trying to hold her hand, but stretched out his hand to hold the end of her braid. She could feel the man's hand brushing her hair from top to bottom, holding it quietly. Tie the ribbon on the tip of her hair.

You have already pushed his hand away before. If you refuse again, will it make him feel uncomfortable?

The smooth golden hair brushed past the palm of his hand. Aaron felt his fingertips brushing through the ends of Eleanor's hair. He smelled the fragrance remaining on Miss Priest's hair and felt satisfied.

The adventure paid off in a big way.

Personally, Aaron upgraded his warlock career level twice in a row, becoming an elite chaos warlock/warrior and expanding his spell list.

In terms of wealth, although there was some compromise on the final loot, the total wealth gained from this adventure was as high as 6,000 gold lion coins! Calculated based on the three people’s shares, Aaron received 1,800 gold lion coins in cash.

Obtain two pieces of magic equipment, namely the extraordinary magic equipment Sapphire Flash Necklace and the rare magic equipment Frost Giant Belt. The value of these two pieces of equipment is just over 3,000 gold lion coins.

In terms of reputation, Aaron has gained village-level fame through this adventure. I believe that in time, his name will be spread throughout Cormyr.

This is legend and prestige.

Legend is a very strange thing. It can't be seen or touched. Sometimes it's worthless, but sometimes it's extremely important. A high legend won't give the adventurer the slightest boost in combat power in the battle, and will even help him. Attracting more enemies, greedy hunters, opportunists eager to get ahead.

In the early stages of adventurers, legend can only affect interactions with others most of the time.

However, if you want to enter the realm of legend, if you want to become a god, then legendary and fame are extremely important!

Wanting to be promoted to the legendary realm itself means that he is already a legend in the story.

This is especially true for the Conferred Gods. When Vander Dragonthorn, one of the founders of the Harper Alliance, successfully conferred the title of God, he was easily accepted by the gods because for thousands of years, he has been a legendary bard. He left countless legends throughout the country, good, bad, right, wrong, smart, and stupid. Therefore, when he became a god in the turbulent years, all the gods accepted him easily. .

In contrast, the Red Knight of Tethyr also became a god in the year of turmoil. She also achieved an almost mythical epic victory and led the Red Falcon Legion to guard Tethyr in the turmoil, repelling ten Multiple attacks from enemies that are twice as powerful.

However, his great deeds are much weaker than those of Vande-Dragon Thorn. He almost completely relied on the god of battle Tempus to forcibly guide him to become a god with his powerful divine posture and brainless character to protect his shortcomings. Therefore, he is the most powerful among the gods. How dissatisfied, even with the full protection of the God of Battle, she still has to face countless challenges.

The higher the legend, the easier it is to be accepted by the gods. It is said that whether one can be conferred as a god is also related to the gods.

Compared to other mortals, Aaron needs legendaryness more, because the four gods of chaos all like to be famous! Even Nurgle, the laziest and least fond of trouble, also hopes that his full fatherly love can spread all over the world!

As long as everyone accepts the love of a loving father, the world will surely become a beautiful world!

So, loving father, when will your love come?

Aaron sighed slightly as he sensed the power of Nurgle that was still tightly closed in his body.

Tzeentch and Slaanesh, these two good brothers have shortcuts to their power. Khorne and Nurgle, these two good brothers, obviously have no intention of letting go.

What's wrong?

His sigh was heard by Eleanor. The pastor lady, who was originally planning how to master the topic, immediately turned around with concern, her eyes filled with watery tenderness: This kind of thing is always inevitable, Aaron, don't be sad. .”

Why don't you be sad? Aaron was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly understood.

Eleanor thought he was sad because the trio broke up, and Asha had left the team to have fun, and was not expected to venture out again in the next few months.

You are still with me, why should I be sad? Aaron continued to play with the ends of Eleanor's hair and said with a smile, I would be really sad if you left!

Unexpectedly, Eleanor seemed to suddenly think of something. She glanced at Aaron carefully, turned her head away, and said casually: Speaking of which, I got my Lord's sacred object this time.

The pastor's tone was normal, without any ups and downs, but she always secretly glanced at Aaron with her peripheral vision.

Who is Aaron? He almost instantly understood what Eleanor was implying, and chuckled: Yes, our Lord's holy relics have gone through many hardships, and it must be the blessing of the Silver Virgin Mary to be able to return to our hands.

Yeah! But the holy objects are of no use in my hands. They should still be placed in the temple. Eleanor pointed out: What do you think of the open-air altar in Shenhai Town?

I think it's okay too. Aaron nodded immediately, and the pastor lady looked expectantly, waiting for his next words.

Then I'll leave it to you, Eleanor, I can rest assured that you can do the work! Aaron patted the pastor's shoulder and cheered her up.

Before he finished speaking, Aaron felt a chill.

The pastor lady pushed away the hand holding his hair, turned around and left.

Wait a minute. Aaron quickly followed up: Are you going to go to the open-air altar in Shenhai Town alone to return the sacred objects?

Otherwise? Eleanor slowed down a little, and her pointed ears under her blond hair stood up: What suggestions do you have?

There was a hint of anticipation on the delicate face under the mask.

I mean, you must pay attention to safety on the road! Aaron said very seriously: Girls must protect themselves when they go out!

This person must be out of his mind! The corners of Eleanor's mouth twitched crazily. She really wanted to hit Aaron's head with a war hammer to see what was in his mind?

He even hinted it so obviously!

Does he really not understand or is he pretending not to understand?

etc! Miss Priest suddenly realized it and turned around suddenly.

Just under the night, a radiant, charming and handsome young man was looking at her with a half-smile, and he could hardly control the teasing at the corner of his mouth.

I lost again! A feeling of sadness arose in Miss Pastor's heart. She pursed her lips and stamped her feet.

Aaron immediately took her little hand and said teasingly: I seem to have nothing to do, how about... we continue to go to Shenhai Town together, and then return to Susar together?

You decide for yourself. Anyway, I want to go to Shenhai Town. Miss Pastor turned away and said coquettishly: I'm just afraid that I will mess around without you. After all, you went in without me last time. The solitary still need me to rescue you.

Yes, Eleanor, I can't do it alone without you, so let's go together. Aaron immediately solemnly requested.

Since you said so... Miss Pastor wanted to agree.

So, why can't you be more frank? My dear Eleanor? Aaron took a step closer. He lifted up Miss Priest's golden bangs with his hands, untied the ribbon behind her mask, and revealed her bright and bright face. : You know, I can't refuse your request.

snort! You bastard! Always loves to embarrass me!

Eleanor silently recorded another bad debt of Aaron in her heart, but when she thought that he agreed to accompany her to Shenhai Town, her little anger was replaced by deep joy.

You also know that you can't live without me!

Yes, I am your monitor!

They took off their masks, held hands, and smiled at each other, saying nothing.

Great Silver Virgin, I am really happy to stay with him~

In fact, Aaron also needs to go to the Holy Silver Shrine in Shenhai Town. He has something to do and wants to meet Su Lun and talk about his plan with this ancient goddess.

Many of his ideas require Su Lun's support and cooperation.

By the way, test his newly enhanced bloodline magic ability: Gift of Slaanesh!

Let's set off tomorrow. Aaron said directly.

I have no problem, but don't you want to rest for a day longer? Eleanor held Aaron's big hand and felt a kind of warmth coming from his palm, which was very comfortable.

It's better for us to get out of here quickly. Speaking of this matter, the smile on Aaron's face faded a bit.

Leonard mentioned something to him before.

The reinforcements originally agreed between Aaron and Wanxing Town were almost unable to set off! Because the Lord of Perilous Rock Castle, Brun-Songjian, who was stationed not far outside the city, temporarily changed his mind and refused to send troops. If Leonard hadn't produced the official letter from the Purple Dragon Knights, the reinforcements from Evening Star Town would not have arrived as promised. !

This was an unusual signal, and Aaron thought of the letter he had intercepted.

How far has the Son of Bane penetrated this area?

It's better to leave as soon as possible.

————I am the dividing line to leave as soon as possible————

The next day, early in the morning, there was a hurried sound on the door.

Queen's Blade, Your Excellency! The leader was Queen's Blade and Aaron's old acquaintance Captain Hendry Higginson: Please open the door!

What's the matter? Aaron was still a little sleepy. He played cards with the pastor lady very late last night.

What? The warlock was caught?

Aaron's current attributes: Level 4 Chaos Warlock/Level 2 Warrior

Strength 15

Constitution 19 (Frost Giant Belt +4)

Agility 14

Intelligence 14

Perception 14

Charm 23

Extraordinary equipment: sapphire flash necklace (strengthens magic missiles), frost giant belt (constitution +4, fire resistance), energy storage staff (a small amount of magic power), shield brooch (defends magic missiles, force field resistance)

Legend: 1 (village and town level)

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