Crown of Chaos

Chapter 52, the plan to steal the country

The basement of the Elf Temple is not very big, with one hall and two inner rooms, filled with scattered debris, 22 bags of coffee beans and some rags. Weak torches and kerosene lamps are hung on the walls. .

The elves were once a civilization that dominated half of the world, and were once close to the world's dominant civilization. But when the elves were at their peak, the famous Crown War broke out, and it is said that they were fought five times.

There are very few records of this war in history. The only thing that can be determined is that this war led to the Dark Catastrophe and the Birth of the Drow. The former event caused an entire elven kingdom to disappear, and the latter The latter led to the split of the elves. The dark elves called drow went underground and became evil and bloody under the influence of the former elven main god queen and now the spider queen Lolth.

The Elf Empire has since declined, degenerating from a world-ruling power into a regional influence-level power.

Miss Priest didn't know much about the history of elves. Even though she was a half-elf, she had only heard a few words. The northwest of Cormyr was once the Elf Cormanthor Empire, but that glory was a long time ago. There are many books today. There are few records about how powerful the elven empire was in the past.

After releasing a light spell, Miss Priest focused her attention on Aaron. There was no one in the room. Asha was still counting the harvest outside. Eleanor also took off her mask, revealing her flower-like delicate breasts. Bright face.

She stared at Aaron silently, looking at the handsome man's concentrated appearance.

This guy, when he's serious, is... quite charming! Eleanor admitted reluctantly.

With the help of Miss Priest's light spell, Aaron held the letter in his hand and read the contents of the letter with his brows furrowed.

This was a letter without the identity of the sender. The letter was very long, and the long piece of parchment hung directly to the ground.

The content of the letter is roughly as follows:

The great Dark God, the son of tyranny, our undisputed master, please allow me to call you M. For well-known reasons, it is not appropriate for you to disclose your identity now. Any attempt to disclose your identity is very dangerous. .

Hello Guian, Mr. M.

According to our plan, you have now successfully sneaked into the Kingdom of Purple Dragon. Please don’t worry. Your identity was planned and prepared before you were born. When a child is born, we have already started preparing for you. With this status, no one can produce evidence to question your noble status. This is watertight, please remember.

I have served your great, sovereign, kingly Father (please allow me to call him that) for more than half a century. I have been your mentor, counselor, bodyguard, assistant, and your most faithful servant, and now It is my duty to ensure that you, His new heir, ascend the Dark Throne successfully and reclaim your master's power from that damned usurper god.

Now, I have a few things to tell you.

Son of God Bane? ! Aaron's face was serious. He raised his head and looked at Eleanor. Seeing the determined expression of Miss Pastor, he nodded slightly and continued to look down.

The following content is relatively simple. It mainly introduces the customs, laws and main customs of Cormyr, what should be paid attention to, and how to be careful not to reveal your identity. Aaron only skimmed through these contents and chose to skip them. As a local nobleman born and raised in Cormyr, Aaron is very familiar with this.

The next content made Aaron look solemn, and cold sweat broke out on his back:

To take back your father's throne, your current strength is not enough. We need an elite legion, a group of loyal supporters. I am very happy that we can work out such a detailed plan. As you said, Cormyr has such a powerful army, wouldn't it be a waste if they did nothing?

This is a very commendable idea, and I would like to offer a few suggestions:

1. Cormyrs are always proud of their glorious history, powerful army and enlightened constitutional monarchy. You only need to issue an appropriate declaration on the appropriate occasion to tell the Cormyrs: Our nation and our country are the most powerful in the country. Excellent beings, we are the hope of the country. We are the superior race and are born with the qualifications to enslave the inferior races. You will never lack people who support you. The long history of mankind has proven this countless times. point.

Second, remember that your father is the god of strife, strife, war, fear, and hatred. You need to spread these like him. We are now in a very favorable era - the catastrophe of the saint has greatly weakened the power of the churches. , the gods need time to restore their faith. Suspicions and conflicts continue among the human kingdoms. The goblin war even caused Cormyr to lose their king.

So try to start a war! With Zambia, with the Moon Sea, with the Valley, with goblins, orcs, kobolds, trolls, lizardmen, and even the murlocs of the Fallen Star Sea, only war is the best promotion ladder, and only war can create for you the ability to control purple. Opportunity in Dragon Kingdom!

Third, you must also keep in mind that although Assan IV has died in battle and the political situation in Cormyr is turbulent, the people here still have high respect for the Obeszil royal family. Anyone who tries to cross the Obeszil royal family will Any attempt to control the Kingdom of the Purple Dragon is dangerous.

However, danger always coexists with opportunity. The rule of the Queen Regent is not stable. She is an excellent soldier, but not an excellent monarch. Her rule has accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction. This is our opportunity.

At the same time, the news came from our insider in the palace that the body of the regent princess was very weak due to the curse of the ancient red dragon before she died, so she rarely meets outsiders now. This information may be put to good use.

If necessary... Be assured of this, that you are the Son of God and no woman can resist your charm.

Finally, having said all this, I hope you can temporarily tolerate the misbehavior of the Dark Sun Prince who steals your authority. Your current strength is not enough to be an enemy of him, which can easily lead to disaster.

You might think that the local priests who are full of justice will help you, or you will meet a just and helpful paladin or something, but you have to know that your father has always used fear, hatred, anger and To conquer this world with brutal rule, this is why I wrote to you personally. Do not believe those paladins and priests of the Three Gods of Justice. They are unwilling to believe in our Lord and unwilling to die. They will only become your trouble.

Let my experience be your teacher so that you don't have to learn from your own mistakes, each of which could have been fatal without me.

Steal this country, lead its army to fight back to Zhentil Keep, take back the throne destined to be yours, ignite the divine fire and become a god, and inherit everything your father has! Sons of supreme tyranny, we all sincerely hope that this moment will come as soon as possible!

May we succeed!

Your faithful servant C-L.

July 1360 in the valley calendar.

Below the signature is a holy symbol of the God of Tyranny.

Aaron put down the letter. Viscount Salian of Cormyr sat sideways and tapped the table with his index finger. His brows were furrowed and his face was solemn. The joy of having just received a large windfall quickly faded away.

Did this person read my script?

How could this son of the god of tyranny have exactly the same plan as mine?

Someone copied my face? Someone else imitated my face?

No, if the information in this letter is true, then this plan must have been implemented very early.

A plan to steal the country? !

Interesting, so much fun! Aaron's expression changed again, and he couldn't help but smile.

Then let me play with you!

The Son of Chaos steals the country? Son of God Bane steals the country?

Cormier's future is destined to be uneventful.

What's wrong? Aaron? Eleanor watched Aaron's face change back and forth, nervously wiping sweat, becoming silent and then smiling. Miss Pastor's sea-blue eyes showed concern, and she moved to Aaron's side: The content of this letter should be very important. Unfortunately, I don't understand that much, but I think you should read it.

Thank you, Eleanor. Aaron put down the letter, looked at the pastor, and took the initiative to hold her hand: You have helped me, and even helped this country a big favor! You may really save Destroy this country!

Did you see anything? With her hands held, the pastor lady couldn't help turning her head away, not daring to look at Aaron, and her slender legs under her pastor's robe quietly retreated.

Eleanor was a little panicked, she was so panicked!

Something's wrong with Aaron's eyes! His eyes were literally burning with hellfire.

This flame is called ambition!

What does he want to do? Asha is still outside!

In panic, the pastor lady took another step back. She felt her back pressed against a bookshelf. The swaying wooden shelf was like the pastor lady's mood, ups and downs, and the slender legs under the pastor's robe were slightly rubbing. , wanting to push him away, but afraid of hurting him, Eleanor could only shout in embarrassment: What on earth did you see? Are you so excited?

The pastor lady deliberately amplified her voice so that the female barbarian outside could hear her.

At the same time, she was also warning Aaron: Don't continue!

Aaron also let go of Miss Pastor's hands at this time. He held his chin, thought for a while in Miss Pastor's obscure expression, and said firmly: Eleanor, go help Asha to count the things clearly. Lock the door and check the security, let’s have a small meeting!”

This small meeting may determine Cormier's future!

After saying that, Aaron took out a book from the bookshelf and sat back to read.

After her hands were released, Eleanor pinched her iron gloves. The expression on her face was very complicated. She stared at Aaron for five seconds. Seeing that he was really reading seriously, she whispered. Got it, and then left the inner room in a hurry.

It's really inappropriate here.

————I am the inappropriate dividing line here————

What Asha counted was astonishing. In addition to 22 bags of coffee beans, a small bandit treasury, a pile of weapons and equipment, and two rings, she also got two good things from Balder.

Extraordinary items, rare equipment Ogre Bracers! Wearing it can increase the wearer's power by one level, but it cannot break through the limitations of extraordinary attributes!

This piece of equipment naturally belongs to the female barbarian Asha, who needs the strength attribute the most.

Extraordinary item, rare equipment sapphire flash necklace! Wearing it can enhance some of the wearer's intelligence attributes (it also cannot break through the limitations of extraordinary attributes), and can strengthen the wearer's magic magic missiles, adding extra damage to it and adding two additional light darts!

This piece of equipment naturally belongs to Aaron, and among the three of them, only Aaron can release magic missiles!

A casual estimate puts the value of this piece of equipment at over 800 gold lion coins.

Hey, this kid is so lucky! Asha picked up the sapphire flash necklace with envy. The female barbarian held the two ends of the necklace between her index fingers and thumbs, and compared the size of Aaron's neck: This thing belongs to you. Got it!

Seeing that Asha was planning to put it on Aaron directly, Eleanor immediately stepped forward: Asha, let me do it.

Come, dear Eleanor, favor me! Aaron closed his eyes and spread his arms, looking like he had made a huge sacrifice.

...If you say anything again, be careful and I'll pinch you! Miss Pastor took off her iron gloves, carefully unbuttoned the necklace with her white and tender hands, and put it on Aaron. The glow on the sapphire necklace was full of the man's handsomeness. His charming face merged together, making him look even more attractive.

Eleanor slowly adjusted her position to put the necklace on Aaron, and she smelled the good smell of Aaron again: Okay.

A simple division of the spoils. Since both Asha and Aaron got the equipment, they gave all the coins to Eleanor. Miss Pastor did not refuse. She didn’t use money very much, but the weapons and equipment cost money. The church It also costs money.

The three people sat down again. It was already nighttime, and Asha had bolted the door. They sat down in the inner room.

Aaron took out the letter and told Eleanor and Asha his speculations about the Son of the Three Gods of Death, as well as the information revealed in the letter.

The Son of Darkness? Asha obviously couldn't accept it. She scratched her hair in disbelief: The God of Tyranny still has the Son of God? Oh no, I attended the city party for two days and two nights just to celebrate the fall of Bane! He won’t come to take revenge on me, right?”

If this is the case, then there are many people he wants to take revenge on. When the news of Bane's death came, 27 countries across the country held celebrations to celebrate publicly. Aaron complained: Probably how many people have to be killed. It will be your turn only after the month.

Tsk, let's enjoy it for a few months first, then it's my turn! The female barbarian felt relaxed again.

Aaron, this matter is very troublesome. Eleanor's focus was all on Aaron: We don't have the ability to face the Son of God directly now. Since we have this letter, can we give this letter to the regent? Your Highness, please tell her to be careful?

Well... Aaron lowered his head and thought for a while, then sneered: Hey, do you believe it, if I give this letter to Her Highness Alice Serre, the one who will be in trouble is not the son of Benn, but the son of Benn. it's me?

I personally met Her Highness Alice Serre, and I can roughly feel what kind of person she is. She only believes in her own judgment. If anyone wants to help her make a judgment, then she will send him to the water prison of Queen's Blade. Here. Aaron took the parchment from Asha's hand.

Right now, that's the biggest problem we have.

First of all, who is this son of Benn? The letter has written a general strategy but no detailed plan. But if we don't even know who he is, how can we catch him? Aaron collected the letter. Okay, he pressed his elbows on the table, intertwined his fingers, and pointed them at his nose. His sky-blue eyes narrowed slightly: Let me think about it.

Ah! I know who he is!

It barely took a second for Asha to get up excitedly.

Isn't that the one...

This chapter says I’m going to die if I don’t open it.

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