Crown of Chaos

Chapter 49, Road to Wanxing Town

Aha~ I originally thought you couldn't come up with any decent ideas!

The female barbarian did not hide her surprised expression. She spread her arms carelessly and leaned against the seat. She even spread her legs unladylikely to relax: I originally planned to agree to you for Eleanor's sake. Invited!”

Asha! Eleanor complained and motioned for her to sit down: We haven't finished talking about your remuneration yet...

Oh, oh, yes, there is also remuneration. The female barbarian reluctantly sat upright: Let's talk about remuneration, Aaron, we are old acquaintances, you can't team up with Eleanor to bully me!

Asha! Miss Pastor couldn't help shouting again.

Aaron smiled when he heard this. It was obvious that Asha had suffered a lot in terms of remuneration.

The reason for this is simple.

Specifically, in an adventure team, the members of the adventure team are mainly divided into two types.

The first type of person is: I do what I am good at and leave the rest to you.

The second type of person is: You do what you are good at and leave the rest to me.

As mentioned before, why the warrior profession is called Diaosi War and is considered the most despicable profession and is despised by everyone. It is because they can only be the first type of people, with poor functionality and easy to be replaced. .

Unfortunately, savages belong to the first group.

The second type of people are welcomed by the adventuring party. They are typically powerful spellcasters, such as Miss Priest and Aaron, as well as powerful spellcasters such as mages, druids, and warlocks.

They can control, output, detect, keep vigil, add various status and protective spells, heal, and even provide a way to escape when the mission fails.

They are the most popular members of the adventurers.

Slightly weaker spellcasters, such as paladins, rangers, and bards, are less functional. They can perform some but not all duties, and they are also welcome.

for example.

If we use the analogy of Aaron's sports competition in his previous life, then the first type of people are James and Westbrook in basketball, and Cristiano Ronaldo in his later years in football. They only do what they are good at and leave the rest to others. teammate.

James and Westbrook are the core players in the team who hold the ball for a long time. They always hold the ball, and the remaining teammates are responsible for running and preparing to catch and shoot, or create space for them to watch them play in isolation. Stars are shining.

Cristiano Ronaldo was almost the same after leaving Real Madrid in his later years. Due to the degradation of his body, he gradually gave up all consumption except scoring goals and focused all his attention and energy on scoring goals. As he aged, his statistics looked pretty good, but Actually...

The second type of person is Jordan Kobe Curry in basketball, Ronaldo in his early years and Messi at his peak in football.

Except for Jordan's three-point shooting ability, which is only average, all of his abilities are among the best in history. Even in some abilities, such as mid-range shooting, breakthroughs, and defense, no one can match him. At most, they are close.

But for the sake of the championship and his teammates, Jordan gradually gave up his own style of playing with the ball to wrap everything up, and switched to playing without the ball, leaving those easy and simple balls to his teammates, and taking charge of those tough and difficult balls that his teammates couldn't do. The ball eventually became the god of basketball.

Kobe did the same thing, but Kobe's level was still far behind Jordan's. Kobe's peak level was slightly behind Jordan's in the last three consecutive years, let alone Jordan's peak in the first three consecutive years, so he got the nickname Iron. king.

In the same way, Cristiano Ronaldo before the age of 32 was also such a dazzling player. He could break through, grab points, attack from the wing, get the ball in the middle, play all-out offense, all-defense, and organize, and was almost omnipotent.

Of course, people like to stay in their comfort zone, do what they are good at, and leave the troublesome things they are not good at to others.

But the second type of person is not a fool either.

Therefore, when adventurers form a team, it is a rule that the second person will always have more distribution ratio and priority when sharing the spoils.

The mages in the mage tower and the priests in the temple must be invited and given enough promises and rewards before they will consider joining!

An adventure team with the second type of people will always be stronger than the first type of adventure team!

Aaron's goal is also to become the second kind of person. With the power of the four gods of chaos, he may have the most powerful functionality in the entire country. There is no reason why he can't do great things with the power of the four gods. If he holds the power of the four gods, If he still thinks about how to stay in his comfort zone and find a few tool teammates to play one star and four stars, then he might as well go home and sell donuts.

Aaron quickly settled on a 3:4:3 split with Asha and Eleanor. Since Eleanor is a priest with great functionality and is elite-level in strength, which is better than Aaron, Eleanor has the highest split. The remaining 60% of the commission and loot was divided equally between Aaron and Asha.

This was a very fair share that even gave Asha a lot of advantage. The female barbarian readily agreed.

After the plan was made, Aaron motioned to his aunt Mellie to bring some wine: Melly? Bring me my bottle of gin, I want to celebrate this contract! My first contract!

Here it comes! Aunt Mellie had actually been hiding nearby and listening for a long time. She quickly took out the key from her waist, opened the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of gin.

Wait! The female barbarian Asha suddenly waved her hand: Wait and drink!

What's wrong? Aaron raised his eyebrows. Is this female barbarian still not satisfied?

Where is your toilet? Aaron? Asha said rudely: I want to poop!

Mellie: …………

Eleanor: “…………”

Aaron: ...Turn right and go straight, then turn left at the end.

Okay! The female barbarian got up and ran away, knocking a chair in the restaurant upside down.

Aaron sighed softly and covered his face with his hands.

Asha is rather rough. She is a barbarian from the North. Don't mind Aaron. Eleanor saw Aaron covering his face with his hands and thought he was angry.

She is the one you brought, so why would I mind, my dear Eleanor. Aaron looked at the pretty and lovely pastor lady and resumed his smile: What I worry about is that she will be killed at the critical moment. You can’t follow orders!”

Companies should be considerate and understanding of each other. Eleanor put her hands on her knees and sat down very ladylike, well-behaved and bright.

I don’t know when she started to pay attention to her image in front of Aaron.

The most important thing between companions is mutual trust. Aaron leaned back in his chair and looked at the pastor seriously: I believe in you, Eleanor, I always believe in you.

Me too. Miss Pastor also smiled charmingly: I always believe in you!

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling that the heat of midsummer was no longer so uncomfortable.

Aaron, are you going out again? Aunt Mellie was very worried and interrupted the sparks that burst out between them: Why, isn't your recruit training over yet? Why are you going out again?

This is my job, aunt. Just like Lothair has to raise horses, I also have my own work to do. Aaron sighed: As you said, aunt, this is my duty. I It’s the Viscount.”

Yes, you are a Viscount. You have responsibilities. How can Lothair compare with you? Melly was particularly unhappy when she mentioned her husband: You are such a heartless thing. How dare you ask for such a small amount of money all day long? Drinking? He never comes to help and lets me do my job. If I were to die, he would probably shed a few tears. If I’m not dead? Just do the work!

After complaining, my aunt repeated again: Aaron, do you really have to go?

I have to go. Aaron nodded.

...Manuel and my sister said the same thing at the beginning. Aunt Meili shook her head bitterly: Both of them are like this. My sister also said at the beginning that a man's destination is the battlefield, and all she has to do is bless him. If he doesn’t come back, take his shield and raise the child!”

...Don't worry, aunt, I will be back, with Eleanor.

Okay, then when you come back, you brat, I'll make you egg tarts!


The next day, Aaron, Asha, and Eleanor, who had made all preparations and changed their weapons and equipment, prayed for the blessing of the lucky lady at the Taimora Temple, and then got on the carriage heading to Evening Star Town.

The vast majority of adventurers will go to the Temple of Taimora to pray for the blessing of the lucky lady before leaving. Even Eleanor of Suellen Pastor will do this because luck is so important in adventure.

Therefore, in the kingdom, Taimora's temple is often regarded as the second adventurer guild. Many adventurers gather here to find teammates, release tasks, and prepare to set off.

Especially for extremely difficult tasks, the Taimora Temple is a must-visit.

Aaron's time limit for this adventure was about seven days.

This comes from the words and deeds of Lucian's flag officer: The best adventure time for an adventurer of your strength is about 7 days. If it's too short, it won't be enough training, but if it's too long, it'll be too much trouble. The recruits' field missions must be more than 3 days. No more than 15 days is appropriate.”

When they arrived at the place agreed upon with Ma Long, a dark-skinned young man wearing a red maple leaf turban stopped them: Hey!! Here, here!

He quickly passed through the crowd, pushed away the blockers with his hands, and came to Aaron, panting: Huh, I finally found you. No wonder the boss said that the noblest grandpas in the city will come later. Sailors like us have to get up before dawn~

Are you... from Ma Long? Aaron saw that the boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old and very energetic.

Yes, my name is Edward Teach, and I am a pirate! The young man was obviously very excited. He waved his arms: A real pirate!

After speaking, he also showed off his pirate tattoo.

Come on, the carriage we have prepared is about to leave, and it's waiting for you! The young man jumped up and down: If you have anything to say, please wait! It's hard to leave after the time has passed!

Wait! The masked Eleanor stopped the little pirate's movements.

Hey, lady, I didn't mean to talk about it later... The little pirate immediately became impatient.

Put down the coffee beans you stole! Miss Priest took out her Hand of the Moon warhammer and pointed at the boy.

Really, the boss said that getting along with these priests is troublesome! The young man obviously knew that these people were not easy to mess with. He looked at Aaron and Asha for help, but the Viscount responded with a look of sanctions, Edward - Teach had no choice but to put the stolen coffee beans back into their place under Eleanor's supervision: Let's go! It's really Mask's cloak!

Mask, the god of thieves, has a certain hostile relationship with the Silver Virgin Suellen, but he is not an absolute mortal enemy like the Lady of Fortune Woking or the god of protection Heim.

The leader of the Longya Gang, Ma Long, had already arranged a secret way out of the city for Aaron and others, and they were mixed in with a large caravan. Aaron naturally agreed to this way of leaving the city, and the three of them went out in secret. Sousal.

Aaron selected a durable traveling horse from the stable of the Purple Dragon Knights, and he named the traveling horse Pearl.

Neither Eleanor nor Asha had horses. Miss Priest mainly rode in carriages, while Asha mingled with the caravan guards. With her strong muscles and vulgar speech and behavior, she quickly blended in with the caravan guards. , and bursts of laughter broke out from time to time.

The first day of travel was generally pleasant. The area near Susar was relatively safe and full of towns, farmland, patrolling guards, and caravans.

This group of caravans carrying smuggled goods had no time to pay attention to the mysterious three-person adventure group. They had many things to be busy with.

The trip started to run into trouble on the second day. After entering the forest, the line of sight gradually narrowed, the caravan's progress slowed down, and the number of people and sentries gradually became less and less. The caravan changed its traveling speed and rested for two to three hours. After a while, he changed to moving forward quickly and did not rest until there was a sentry or a human village.

Even so, the caravan was stopped by several patrolling Queen's Blades, who fiercely demanded to see the goods and search for contraband.

Mr. Aaron, have you ever been searched like this by the Queen's Blade? The little pirate hiding in the carriage had an indifferent expression on his face. In his eyes, those Queen's Blades who were fully armed and had bad attitudes under the blazing sun seemed to be A few clumps of non-burnable trash.

Of course, they don't care who you are. Aaron watched one of the Queen's Blades keep flipping through the permit. He almost tore through the permit after going back and forth and still couldn't find violation of regulations, and he became even more angry. with a look of disdain.

Since the Queen Regent came to power, the Queen's Blade has become more and more strict. The little pirate leaned on the carriage, holding a straw in his mouth: Why is the Queen's Blade so well-equipped, and doesn't teach the bandits in the forest a lesson or deal with them? Why don’t those pesky kobolds bother us all day long instead of dealing with the goblins entrenched in Arabel in the north?”

Indeed. Aaron couldn't help but sneer.

These Queen's Blades cannot deal with goblins, but they are very good at dealing with their own people. Asha was full of contempt.

If you ask me, it's probably a trick of the noble lord. The adult world is really difficult to understand! the little pirate said casually.

The existence of the Queen's Blade is also to maintain order. Eleanor closed her eyes: In the long run, it will be helpful to long-term stability.

Tsk, madam, you are so free. Maybe it's different because you are a priest, right? The little pirate still had the same indifferent attitude: Are we different in the long run? In order to survive, our Longya Gang works hard every day. Make money, because a large sum of money earned will be used to pay for the tax collectors under the Princess Regent and the Minister of Shipping, who thinks about the long term?

How free you are to have this kind of time to think long-term, madam! Edward Teach said casually.

Pfft! Hahaha~ Asha couldn't help laughing.

You! Eleanor didn't know how to answer the little pirate's words for a moment. She was so angry that she shut her mouth and gave up communicating with these smugglers.

But Miss Pastor did not lose, because Aaron's big hand secretly reached over and held her little hand.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand you, I understand you! Aaron blinked.

Eleanor's anger immediately disappeared.

He is always the first to soothe his emotions. With him here, he really can't be angry, Miss Pastor thought.

In the afternoon of the next day, the group arrived at Dyddock. Since then, Malone's help ended. Aaron and the three of them continued towards Evening Star Town with the marked map given by Malone.

Not long after walking, the barbarian Asha immediately threw out his halberd: Wait! There's something going on!

Aaron and Eleanor also stopped immediately and took out their weapons: What's wrong?

Look here! Barbarian Asha rushed into the forest and pointed at a large dark mark under the big tree in the forest not far away: What is this?

Water, and footprints! Aaron immediately understood the smell in the air.

It’s August now!

There's someone nearby! Asha reached out and touched the halberd, her expression couldn't help but be excited: And it's a robber!

It's time to get rich, Aaron, Eleanor, come on, let's bring a message to this robber.

Here comes the one who puts an end to their atrocities!

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