Crown of Chaos

Chapter 4, Miracle Technique

As one of the two oldest goddesses of origin in the country, the faith of the Silver Virgin has branches all over the continent. Although due to the eternal war of origin that continues to this day, the Silver Virgin is in conflict with her twin sister, the Lady of the Night. During the battle, he lost most of his priesthoods and his strength was greatly reduced. He was once forced to seek the protection of other gods and became their followers. However, his influence has not faded. The believers of the Silver Virgin are not the strongest in the country. The batch is not the one with the largest number, but the influence it has is not small.

Aaron followed behind Miss Pastor. His steps were still vague and his physical condition was very poor.

This large open-air altar in Shenhai Town is the faith center of the Silver Mary Church in this country. As the two of them walked out of the ward, Aaron saw more people.

Under the bright sky, in the dense shade of trees, by the clear pond, the paladin guards and priests of the Silver Virgin are treating several injured lycanthrope adventurers. One of the adventurers has a pair of furry cat ears and his hands. The cat's claws were also round and round, covering his head and receiving treatment from a female paladin.

Beast-eared girl! Aaron couldn't help but take a few more glances.

so cute.

Lycanthropy is an extremely terrifying infectious disease in the country. This acute disease will gradually turn the infected person into a lycanthrope controlled by appetite and desire to kill. There is almost no way to cure it. The only hope is the salvation of the Silver Virgin. Almost all good and neutral lycanthropes believe in this god, while most evil lycanthropes are followers of Mala, the god of hunting.

The pastor lady who was leading the way noticed Aaron's movements. She walked a little slower and said sternly: What are you thinking about?

Huh? Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Miss Pastor might have misunderstood.

Am I that bad?

You never looked at them twice before. Miss Pastor turned around, her silver-embroidered robe danced in the air with her movements, and her thick ponytail swayed causing bursts of platycodon. The fragrance of flowers: They are unpopular with humans and are considered cursed by humans, aren't they?

You are right. Aaron nodded slightly, and the young Viscount turned his attention to the guard not far from the altar door: I was just thinking, what is the so-called justice? These few are being bullied. The lycanthropes we treat are also lycanthropes, and those who have caused countless disasters to the kingdom and even the entire country are also lycanthropes. I should hate them, but I only think they are cute.

This shows that humans are emotional animals and like to evaluate people based on their appearance. Secondly, it shows that after experiencing life and death, even a noble child like you has grown. Miss Pastor stared at him with her eyes behind the mask, Aaron gave her a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

Hey, aren't you half-elves who care about appearance the most? Aaron immediately complained: Suzal's law stipulates that you can enter the city as long as you meet the conditions, but I actually saw your half-elves gathering there. Those who are ugly or short in stature will refuse to enter!

They are half-elves! And I am Eleanor! Miss Priest seemed to be pricked by a needle, and her attitude turned slightly irritable and said: Don't confuse me with them!

Yes, you are not a half-elf, you are Eleanor. Aaron said calmly: And I am Aaron, a human, or a viscount, right?

...I'm sorry, I have some stereotypes. Miss Pastor's face was stained with a hint of red by Aaron's words, and her delicate and pink face was rosy because of shame, and her tone gradually softened. : I apologize to you.

I accept. Aaron had no intention of arguing with her, he just wanted to hurry up.

Otherwise, if the ogre Gurk becomes bigger, this will be Aaron's end.

Doubts filled Eleanor's mind.

She always felt that the man in front of her was a bit unlike the Aaron Salian she remembered. They had met many times. Aaron would appear with his family every year during the Silver Virgin Festival. In my impression, Aaron is a mediocre aristocratic child, cautious and prudent, with a lot of aristocratic arrogance and self-consciousness of being superior to others, but his good tutoring and discipline allow him to carefully cover himself up.

Just like this group of lycanthropes, when Aaron came to the festival in the past, Eleanor could clearly feel that he was afraid that the curse of lycanthropy would be infected with him, so he always kept a distance, but often pretended to do everything possible. Showing friendship without discrimination, he shook hands with the lycanthropes while wearing gloves and gave them gifts.

There is a private joke among priests and paladins that the biggest advantage of the last Viscount Salian is that he has no shortcomings, and the biggest shortcoming is that he has no advantages.

Eleanor used to think so too, to this day.

You saved my life, Miss Eleanor. You are my benefactor, and I am the one who should thank you. Aaron said seriously: I can swear to the Silver Virgin Mary for saving my life. , I will repay it.

If saving people's lives is just to get rewards, what is the difference between us and the cunning followers of Lady of the Night? Eleanor shook her head: True kindness should not be based on kindness in getting rewarded. When you expect If you can get any reward for saving people, then maybe the Silver Virgin is not suitable for you.

I have learned a lesson. Aaron pondered for a few seconds, and then respectfully treated Miss Pastor with aristocratic etiquette: I have learned something from Miss Eleanor's words.

Is this guy really Aaron Salian? Miss Pastor couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

It seems that I was wrong before. This is a man with dragon scales on his belly (referring to Neixiu). He is not as simple as he seemed before.

Thinking of his life experience, the pastor lady sighed softly.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

Aaron turned his attention to the altar.

Su Lun is a goddess from the chaotic and good camp. Unlike the order camp, she has almost no requirements for her temple. Her temple can sometimes be just a few stones randomly erected in the wilderness to demarcate the land, and placed in the center. A silver moon shrine is enough, or it can be a magnificent and gorgeous palace. This goddess doesn't care about it.

Only a rippling pond and a garden reflecting the goddess's glow in the moonlight were indispensable.

As Aaron gradually stepped into the core area of ​​the open-air altar, he could feel the divine power of the Silver Virgin filling every corner of the center of the altar. During the day, the surface of the building here was also covered with a layer of moonlight. Look closely. Below, layers of moonlight swam along the walls of the temple like tidal waves. The walls were engraved with the battle between the Silver Virgin and the Lady of the Night - from the origin to the present, the struggle for hegemony between them has never stopped.

Most of the people coming and going are women, ranging from girls only seven or eight years old to gray-haired old women. Unlike some gods who require uniform dress, the Silver Virgin Church does not have many dress requirements. There were aristocratic women with their heads full of precious gems and flower crowns on their heads, and there were also old ladies wearing only brown linen robes, their clothes were so simple that they were shabby, and they were carrying a basin with sweat on their foreheads.

Eleanor took Aaron to the center of the temple. A six-meter-high silver statue of the Virgin stood there holding a silver moon in both hands, looking down at all living beings with a sad face. The priest asked Aaron to wait here, and she went in to report. .

Aaron stood there without moving.

In the kingdom, temples are actually a dangerous place, because the temples of the gods often serve as both fortresses and refuges. Here, the divine power of the gods is attached to landmarks such as shrines, sculptures, sacred objects, books, and murals. , as long as the gods’ power is not exhausted, this place will not fall easily.

Therefore, in many sieges, the temple is often the final battlefield.

He felt that the moonlight seemed to notice him, and the flowing light gradually gathered around him.

Salian, what can you ask of the great Silver Virgin?

A lady in a luxurious silk dress stepped out of the temple. She was plump, gorgeously dressed, her hands were full of jewelry, her cuffs and collar were inlaid with pearls, and she wore a pair of high-heeled deerskin boots. , two silver chains swayed gently with her steps, the clothes were embroidered with patterns of grape vines and the moon, and her long hair was tied into a lady's hairstyle by an exquisite moon crown.

Of course, what caught Aaron's attention was the fact that her gorgeous gown was low-cut.

Her child can be fed until he is at least one and a half years old, right?

She is the chief high priest of this open-air altar, Lady Silver Star.

He couldn't help but take a second look, cleared his throat, and changed his tone to a humble tone: Yes, I have encountered some troubles, and I must ask for the grace of the Silver Virgin. Only He can save me.

Ms. Silver Star looked surprised, her eyes flashed with moonlight, and she stared at Aaron: Not even regeneration?

Ms. Silver Star is a master priest and a quasi-legendary powerhouse.

As long as she is willing, not to mention all the wounds are healed, even if only a head is left, as long as she is not completely dead, she can create another living person!

I don't know. I was hit by a spell. This spell caused devastating damage to my body and my soul. Aaron sincerely pleaded: The energy of this spell is still in my body.

Ms. Yinxing was even more surprised. She opened her eyes wide and her fair face was full of incredible expression: Then you are still alive??!!

Aaron nodded awkwardly: I don't know how I survived. I was hit by a spell released by the old ruler of the warlock.

Yes, there are cases where regeneration cannot be restored, that is, the injured person has negative energy such as curses and continuous magic (which cannot be dispelled) remaining on the body. In this case, regeneration can only help the recipient recover. The negative effects will persist.

You are really the Boy-Who-Lived, the last Salian. Ms. Silver Star's surprised expression has not yet recovered. She has really never seen such a situation.

The negative energy spells of this kind of continuous curse are all high-level magic and high-level divine spells. If she is hit, she has no chance of surviving the spell, and this viscount only has the strength of a first-level apprentice. , he is not dead, can still move, and can still talk!

Holy Silver Virgin, this is simply a miracle!

The pastor lady standing by was equally surprised. She opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

She believed that the great Silver Virgin would make a just decision.

The words that Ms. Silver Star originally wanted to refuse stopped at the corner of her mouth. She stretched out her hand to hold Aaron's head, and the sacred moonlight enveloped the boy kneeling on one knee: Yes, there is indeed a negative energy in your body. It’s eating away at you.”

After saying that, she made no further moves and remained silent.

Dad, gods don't live in the mortal world, so why do they need temples?

Silly boy, temples are places where gods do business with mortals.

————National Joke

This joke clearly illustrates the relationship between mortals and gods, and the role of temples in this.

Regeneration is a seven-ring magic and is the most powerful magic that Ms. Silver Star can currently release. Releasing it is a huge burden for Ms. Silver Star. She needs to pay a huge price and be weak for a long time.

If the regeneration spell could not cure the boy in front of her, then she had only one option left - to use the divine power stored in the open-air altar to release the nine-ring miraculous spell and seek the help of the Silver Virgin Suellen.

This meant that she had to pay for the accumulated divine power stored in this altar for tens or hundreds of years, and she needed to consume a long accumulation of all her efforts since she became the chief high priest for this young man.

These costs are almost impossible to measure in terms of money.

Aaron felt the other party's hesitation, and the young viscount immediately said: Ms. Silver Star! I am willing to pay the price, but I don't have so much money on hand now. I can only swear that I will repay the Silver Star Lady for everything she has done for me. I can sell off my big house in Sousal, I am Viscount Salian, and the royal family gives me a salary of 800 gold lion coins every year, and I can donate, 600 to the church!

Aaron said these words categorically. He was very clear about his situation. Seeing that Ms. Yinxing was still hesitating, he gritted his teeth and continued: Besides, I also have some relics and antiques left by my parents at home. , souvenirs, weapons, jewelry, please give me some time to sell them, I will definitely repay them!

Not enough. Ms. Silver Star shook her head slightly. She looked at Aaron's determined look, with strong memories in her eyes.

Aaron's face turned pale. He took a few deep breaths, thought for a while and then said: The Salian family has worshiped the Silver Virgin for generations. Starting from the ancestor Liu Dolf, the family has been passing on for seven hundred years...

I still remember when you came here with Manuel to participate in the festival when you were a child. Ms. Silver Star interrupted Aaron, with a look of reminiscence on her plump face: I feel sorry for you. Sorry, that's not fair to you.

The world is so unpredictable. In the face of sudden disasters, we can only accept it. Aaron seemed a little disappointed. He spread his hands and wanted to get up: In this case, I'm sorry to bother you.

It seems that I can only try my luck elsewhere.

That's it, that's it?

Follow me. Ms. Silver Star motioned for him to follow her.

The release of the miracle technique requires a long preparation time. Whether you can get the help of the Silver Virgin depends on Him. I can only wish you good luck, the last Salian.

Ah... yes! Aaron nodded in disappointment at first, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

This is the opportunity he fought for.

His only chance to break the situation!

————I am the dividing line of the only chance————

In the secret room within the altar, Aaron took off all his clothes and sat cross-legged naked in the center of the secret room.

As Ms. Silver Star sang, the murals on all sides of the secret room glowed with the bright silver moonlight at the same time. The statues of the four goddesses lit up at the same time. The statues seemed to come alive under the flowing moonlight. They reflected the white moonlight at the same time. It was reflected onto Aaron's body from all four directions.

Aaron only felt a cold comfort rising from his body. He felt as if he had entered an illusory space. A strong milky smell came from his mouth and nose. He opened his arms to show that he had no ill intentions.

There was a being who accepted him.

Aaron felt that his soul continued to rise, rising along with the brilliance of the moon. His body became lighter and lighter. He seemed to have returned to the time when a baby was babbling. He tried to speak, and what came out of his mouth was vague milk. A pair of gentle hands held him in his arms. In a daze, he seemed to see a loving woman looking at him with gentle eyes.

He kept rising until the moon was in sight, until he landed on the moon.

Under the moonlight, among the two holy white trees, stood a slender beauty under the moonlight.

Welcome, my child.

She faced Aaron, spread her hands, and two long transparent silver gauze sleeves fell to the ground along with her movements. The maternal light was as soft as water on her body.

I heard that you need my help? My child? Have you encountered any problems? Tell me and I will help you solve it.

Updated, please pay attention~

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