Crown of Chaos

Chapter 36: Escape for a moment, miss for a lifetime

PS: I set the alarm clock for 4 o'clock this morning and got up, but I was fed a mouthful of Xiang. I am so angry that I haven't recovered yet. My heart still hurts. I asked me to adjust and rest for a day. There will be no update tomorrow.

The smelly old man's test was very strict, for which Aaron was naturally mentally prepared.

So what are the tests for Lucian's flag officer? Aaron asked.

I don't know, the smelly old man's test is always inexplicable. Disma seemed unwilling to say more: Different people's tests are different. I promised the smelly old man not to tell others. I can only say that the smelly old man sometimes It won’t let you do what you’re good at.”

I guess Lucian's flag-bearer's test for you was never a battle, right? Aaron understood.

Huh! Disma snorted coldly, drank the remaining soup in the bowl, then threw down the spoon and picked up the plate: I'm done eating, recruit, please eat slowly.

It seemed that he was right. Seeing Disma leave without looking back, Aaron smiled helplessly.

Lucian's flag-bearer only brought three trainee knights. If Leonard could pass the test this time, it would basically mean that he only brought Disma and him. How would this father's close friend train and assess him?

Anyway, Aaron knew that Lucian would definitely not let him go easily.

We can only take one step at a time.

Aaron ate slowly. He was not like Disma, who always did things in a hurry. On the contrary, the Viscount ate in the Knights every day, and even had dinner in the Knights. This really impressed everyone. I thought that Aaron really came to train seriously.

There has always been a shortage of children from great nobles who came to participate in knight courses and brought a whole group of servants with them.

However, probably no one expected that the reason Aaron would choose to eat lunch and dinner at the Knights is because the lunch and dinner of the Knights are free and similar to a buffet. You can add more if you don’t finish.

I love free! Every time Aaron thinks that he doesn't have to spend money to eat, he only feels that his appetite has improved, he is more motivated to cook, and he is not so tired from training.

Eat one meal and save one meal!

And although the food of the Knights is not very delicious, the meat, fresh vegetables and fish from Longhu are still enough.

The training of warriors is so cheap. As long as there is enough meat and suitable instructors and sufficient training, the warrior's combat effectiveness will soon take shape and become a suitable ().

Aaron continued to eat, and the discussions among the recruits sitting next to him became more and more lively.

Aaron remembered that these guys were called Moore, Roswell and Maidom. One of them was the son of a senior blacksmith in Mashanbai, and the other was the son of the best tailor in Shenhai Town. Maidom, Aaron didn't know. , but judging from his appearance, he should be the child of a small nobleman from the border area of ​​the kingdom. He has experienced basic military training, but his clothes are shabby compared to the other two.

The relationship between these three people does not seem to be very harmonious, but the atmosphere of the Purple Dragon Knights is destined to keep people like them from out of town tightly together, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive surrounded by locals.

Aaron heard them talking.

What are your plans for tomorrow? Moore said quite relaxedly: I can't wait to take a tour of our royal city. Do you want to go together?

Tomorrow is Sunday, the recruits' first day off.

You go ahead, I'm going to the lower town to get something. Oh, please, the butter cheese here is so bland. It's unbearable after a week. Madam with fire hair, please save this place. Let’s get some food!” said Roswell, the son of a great tailor. “I can’t wait to eat Eltoril Gray Cheese.”

El-Toril? Aaron remembered that this seemed to be a city in the Sword Coast region. It was said that around the time he was born, a powerful angel led a celestial army to attack Hell. After that incident, paladins and priests came here. They built a city and expanded it. They wanted to make this city a holy place on earth.

El Torrel gray cheese is very famous in the country. Its price is not high. 1 pound (454 grams) only costs 6 silver coins. It has black lines on the blue surface and is easy to store for a long time without deterioration. And it has a very strong spicy taste.

Do you like to eat El Toril gray cheese?? Goddess of the Earth, I really can't stand the spicy taste.

I just want that taste. I wouldn't eat it without that spicy taste!

But, how did you get El Toril gray cheese? Moore's question was reasonable.

The Saint Catastrophe two years ago brought a huge disaster to the country, and the disappearance of Ms. Fortune gave a devastating blow to the country's commercial trade. A large number of trade routes were either actively or passively cut off, and Cormyr itself experienced another crisis. After months of heavy losses in the goblin war, the princess managed to resume trade in a small number of daily necessities, but alternative daily necessities like El-Toril gray cheese were ignored. After all, there are many types of cheese, and gray cheese There is not much profit to be made from cheese imports either.

Shh, listen to me. There is a Longya Bar in the lower city. It is the stronghold of the Longya Gang. The leader there is called Ma Long. He can get a lot of cheap smuggled goods, and gray cheese is just one of them.

Many things there are cheaper than on the market. If you are interested, you can go and take a look.

At this time, the three of them had almost finished their dinner. They seemed to realize that it was not good to say this in the Knights' auditorium. The three Purple Dragon recruits looked around and saw Aaron immersed in a piece of pork chop, so they got up. We made an appointment for tomorrow and dispersed.

Downtown area? Dragon Tooth Bar? Dragon Tooth Gang? Malone?

Aaron desperately searched his memory, and he had some impression of the name Malone.

Where have I heard this name come?

Think about it, think about it.

Got it! Aaron remembered!

Ma Long from the Dragon Tooth Gang! He heard someone mention it in Sanguan District, not because of smuggling, but because the Dragon Tooth Gang can help deal with the cats!

Yes, there was an edict issued by the Queen Regent after she sat on the throne, Do not harm cats. However, some nobles did not want to keep cats after they had them, or they encountered very fierce wild cats that attacked them but could not fight back due to the law. , what should we do?

The Dragon Tooth Gang is willing to help deal with such problems by handing the cats over to them, and they will transport the cats out of Cormyr on fishing boats, where they will then accidentally drown and be eaten by fish.

Therefore, the Longya Gang is somewhat famous in neighborhoods like Sanguan Street, which is adjacent to the palace, just because they can handle cats.

But this can no longer be said to be playing with fire, it is simply a life-threatening business. Only the Silver Virgin knows what will be waiting for them if they are discovered by the princess.

Aaron said nothing. After finishing his meal, he stood up and left the knights.

It is the end of May 1360 in the valley calendar.

It was his first day off after entering the Knights' training, which was Sunday. However, believers of the Silver Virgin always prayed to the moon at night. As a goddess of the chaotic and good camp, Suellen had very few requirements for believers. There are not so many harsh dogmas, just pay attention to sincerity.

The next day, Aaron, who finally didn't have to go to the Cavaliers for training, slept happily until dawn. He ate the breakfast left by his aunt. By this time, the weather had begun to get warmer, so Aaron changed into short-sleeved pants. , sitting in the study, writing and thinking about what to do next.

The sun is shining brightly outside, the shadows of the trees are dancing, and the atmosphere in the study is peaceful, quiet and relaxing. Plus, a glass of juice chilled by cold well water is placed in a carved glass goblet, which is very elegant.

Aaron summarized what he had gained this week and his future goals. He wrote them down one by one with a pen.

He has successfully entered the Purple Dragon Knights. He has met the Queen Regent and obtained a magic mentor for himself. He has used his father's connections and made some friends.

This is what he gained in a week.

The Lord Viscount counted the goals that were not achieved.

The first one to bear the brunt was the warlock Mepham. After the regent Alice Ser believed his words, Cormier began to search for the warlock nationwide. However, Aaron really could not provide enough identity information. The face of that Mepham has never been seen, so the pursuit is very difficult. A week has passed, and no useful clues have been found. The only thing that can be determined at present is that the warlock is definitely still within the borders of the kingdom.

Secondly, Susal's internal enemies against him have launched a city-wide search for Queen's Blade due to the failure of the last assassination. They are currently hiding in the dark and have stopped all activities. Since the opponent has no activities, Aaron's current strength is different from Resources cannot find the other party, so we can only be careful.

Finally, there is the issue of power.

Aaron leaned against the soft backrest. He stretched out his hand, and in his hand was a ball of purple-gray twisted energy intertwined with thin multi-colored flames.

Sons of Chaos, the Four Powers.

More than 15% of Slaanesh's power has been unlocked. As long as he continues at the current pace, it is only a matter of time for him to utilize the power of Slaanesh.

Currently, less than 5% of Tzeentch's power has been unlocked. This power still comes from the Silver Virgin Suellen. Suellen's priesthood has a hint of freedom and change, so Aaron, who has received the favor of Suellen, can also use it a little. A little bit of Tzeentch's power.

The remaining powers of Nurgle and Khorne are tightly sealed, showing no signs of opening.

At present, it is too early for Aaron to have these two powers. He does not even plan to improve his warrior professional level for the time being. The purpose of the six-month Purple Dragon recruit training is just to master and become proficient in the warrior professional abilities. , just learn a few more combat skills.

His greatest reliance is the power of chaos flowing in his veins, his power as a Chaos Warlock.

Before unlocking the power of Khorne Nurgle, Aaron had no idea or talent for improving his warrior profession.

Otherwise, why was he still just an apprentice-level warrior after having received military training from his family for eighteen years?

Because he really has no talent in the way of a warrior.

Father Manuel was extremely angry because of this. Aaron was too mediocre before.

As for how to unlock the powers of Khorne and Nurgle, Aaron currently has no clue. The only thing that is certain is that these two powerful powers cannot be unlocked by killing a few people or releasing a few plagues.

Perhaps a very powerful increase in impact power is needed, just like the power of Slaanesh. The extreme madness, despair and desire to survive at the moment of life and death can only open a small hole. In the end, it must rely on the full power of the Silver Virgin Suellen of medium divine power to save it.

So when will my magic tutor arrive?

Aaron smiled bitterly for a while on the soft back chair. After training for a week, he finally had a day off. The thought of training again tomorrow made him a little annoyed.

No, it can't be like this. I still have a lot of things to do. I can never stop or rest.

Aaron suddenly stood up from his chair, picked up a pen, and carefully wrote a sentence on the parchment.

A moment of escape will lead to a lifetime of mistakes.

After blowing the ink dry, Aaron looked at his work with satisfaction.

Just frame this wise saying.

Six months of recruit training is still a bit too long, and I can't just wait passively without doing anything.

He must look for opportunities!

Cousin, come here.

What's the matter? Aaron, I'm busy.

In the study, Aaron sat behind the desk and looked at Robert who looked impatient, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Robert obviously plans to go out for a stroll. He is more relaxed now because his uncle has a job and Aaron also has funds to support the family. Therefore, his salary is almost entirely at his own disposal. Every day off, Robert will definitely go out to eat. Drink up and spend your money.

It seems that Westerners' concept of saving is much weaker than that of Easterners. Aaron thought about the cultural differences between the two sides. Westerners especially like to use credit cards to overdraft tomorrow's money, and there are also the famous payday loans... Westerners are born with this. Tend to consume.

But Aaron then thought of the mortgage in his previous life, and thought that his ancestors were more wise.

As for my cousin, he has an arrogant personality and likes to talk big words and spend money lavishly. He also likes to call himself the cousin of Viscount Salian. As for his strength, he is just like that. He is good at handling paperwork, arithmetic, and writing. He has good quill calligraphy skills, but other than that he has no special talents.

Finally, he knew that his current good life depended on Aaron. Robert was somewhat self-aware. Although his cousin was very impatient when Aaron called him, he still sat down obediently under Aaron's sharp eyes.

Regarding the wanted order for the Warlock, what's going on with the guild? My cousin is not completely useless. He works as a scribe in the Adventurer's Guild, so he is naturally very familiar with the changes in the guild.

Oh, that's the thing. The reward is 180 gold lion coins, but you provided too few clues. There are many gold coin warriors (a contemptuous name for mercenaries) in the guild who want to receive the money, but they don't know how to get it. How to find them. Robert said nonchalantly: Instead, several magicians were arrested. Although it was later proven that they were not the ones you said, these magicians were still put into the water prison.

Uh... Aaron thought to himself, these guys are really sorry.

But as mentioned before, the vast majority of warlocks are not good people, because most of the warlock masters are supreme beings on the evil side, so Aaron has no psychological burden.

Besides this incident, is there any news? A major event? A super high reward? A new discovery that the mercenaries are paying attention to? Aaron then asked: Of course, forget about dragon slaying.

The power of Slaanesh still wants to be famous. It longs to be famous in the Great Divide and let everyone know its name.

Aaron is now just a little bit away from improving his Chaos Warlock career level!

If you say so, cousin... there has been a big event recently. Robert was asked by Aaron, and he really remembered something: Countess Arabelle, Milman Raul is preparing to form a large army. She is sending her army to regain her territory occupied by the orcs. Recently, she has been out and preparing to recruit adventurers! This is a big deal.

Oh?! Aaron's eyes shone brightly: Tell me more details!

Is there a major military operation in the future?

Is there any better opportunity to gain fame and merit than this kind of thing?

Brother Taobo is really good at messing with people's mentality. I've been nauseated and vomited. It's so uncomfortable. Please let me slow down.

If you want to blame, just blame Brother Taobo.

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