Crown of Chaos

Chapter 20, Miss Pastor’s Two Faces

In the study on the second floor, while there was still some time before dinner started and Eleanor hadn't arrived yet, Aaron changed into clean clothes, handed the dirty clothes to the maid, and came to the study on the second floor.

There were many books at home, and he wanted to read up on the Magician Mepham.

Aaron believes that currently he is in Susar, in the royal capital of Cormyr, and in a wealthy area such as Sanguan District where dignitaries live, so safety should not be a problem, but as long as he plans to go out and take risks, He also plans to avenge Hicks, so he will inevitably encounter the elite magician again one day.

He wanted to check information about warlocks.

Warlock is a relatively new and mysterious profession. Aaron knew very little about it before. He knew very little about the country in his previous life, and he had heard very little about warlocks in this life.

Soon, Aaron found books about warlocks in the study room.

Warlocks are a group that rarely appears in the eyes of mortals, but their power cannot be underestimated.

Since ancient times, mortals' desire for power is like breathing. Spellcasters spend their lives exploring the mysteries of magic, and non-spellcasters sweat to hone their skills in the kingdom.

People have different talents. For most people, they are unable to achieve their goals through their own efforts.

Some people will try to take shortcuts. They try to summon outer beings, find powerful sources of power, and communicate with certain supreme beings outside the world through rituals to gain power. A small number of them succeed in communicating with outer beings and aliens as they wish. The world's great powers and even some indescribable beings outside the stars signed a contract and obtained the power given by these beings.

This is a warlock. Charisma is their most important attribute. This determines whether they can attract a powerful lord to sign a contract with them.

Aaron thought to himself, isn't this similar to my situation? It's just that the power given to me by the four gods was integrated into my body, soul and blood, so I became a warlock, a chaos warlock.

Warlocks are not uncommon in the world, but most of them are unwilling to admit it and disguise themselves as mages, druids or warlocks. This makes warlocks not often known.

Despite the similarities, warlocks themselves do not have the ability to cast spells. Their magical power comes entirely from powerful beings in other worlds.

The supreme being who signed the contract and provided power is the suzerain, and the warlocks are all servants of the suzerain without exception. Through the contract, the warlocks can obtain powerful and coveted spell-casting abilities from the suzerain.

As a price, the magician must always obey the orders of the suzerain, accept the suzerain's arrangements, and safeguard the interests of the suzerain.

This relationship is a bit like the relationship between gods bestowing magical powers on priests, except that the true god will not arbitrarily bestow powerful power on a mortal, and rarely directly intervenes in the mortal world. Mortals who want to take shortcuts can only place their hope in those who are not The alien existence of gods bypasses the established laws of the world and embarks on this road full of thorns.

Seeing this, Aaron understood a little bit.

There is no free lunch in the world, and you have to pay a price for taking shortcuts. Most of the time, the relationship between gods and believers is similar to legally protected partners. Although mortals are somewhat weak, the two parties are generally mutually beneficial and have their own protected by law.

The relationship between the warlock and the suzerain is similar to that of a slave. The warlock sells himself to the suzerain for the ability to cast spells.

Most of the magical spells released by a priest will not have a great impact on his body, but if a magician uses a large amount of the power of the suzerain, his body and soul will gradually mutate, and he will gradually become the same kind of existence as the suzerain.

Aaron continued to look down.

The book emphasizes that warlocks are not necessarily evil. There are also good warlocks who are chosen by the sect master by chance. Therefore, the relationship between some warlocks and the sect master is strongly antagonistic, and the warlocks constantly try to break away from the sect master. Control, the sect leader is constantly trying to strengthen control. This cat-and-mouse game between the two parties may accompany the magician throughout his life.

The relationship between a very small number of magicians and their sect master is similar to that of master and disciple, idol fan, or even lover.

It's just that most warlocks are slaves who surrender and sign contracts for power.

The most important type of master of warlocks is demons: hell devils or abyss demons, which account for the largest proportion, more than all other types combined.

Then there are the Old Ones, the Supreme Fairy, the Celestial Creatures, the Immortal Gods, the Shadow Fallen, the Deep Sea Monster, the Elemental Djinn, the Undead King, and so on.

Aaron thought to himself that except for the supreme elf, elemental djinn, which was neutral, and the celestial beings, which were kind, one could tell by looking at the names of the others that they were on the evil side. No wonder it was translated as warlock instead of contract magician.

He didn't look at any other content, but focused his attention on the Old Ones column.

The masters of the Old Ones include Ghaunadaur the Lurker, Tharizdun the Bound God, Zagon the Returner, Cthulhu the Great Dominator, Azathoth the Blind and Stupid God, etc...

Why the hell are all the geeks here? ? ?

Aaron couldn't help but complain.

Forget it, I can travel through time myself, so it doesn’t seem surprising that the Ke type appears.

The biggest difference between the sect masters of the Old Dominators and other sect masters is that these indescribable supreme beings outside the stars basically do not give guidance or orders to warlocks. Warlocks are relatively free, but because these beings continue to pass on Due to the incomprehensible extra-dimensional knowledge and unspeakable echoes of thoughts, it is only a matter of time before the magician is driven crazy, and basically lives less than half of his normal lifespan.

Warlocks who can sign contracts with the Old Ones are masters of the occult.

It was almost done. Aaron closed the book and began to think. A strange idea gradually came to his mind:

Look at my appearance, can I be the leader of a magician?

I am the son of Chaos, the owner of the four powers of the Four Gods of Chaos. Can I, like other sect masters, sign contracts with mortals and distribute my power to them, thereby cultivating a team that is loyal to me?

how? Demons can do it, celestial beings can do it, elemental djinn can do it, but I, the son of chaos, can't do it?

Although I'm not a Primarch and can't create my own Space Marine Legion, it shouldn't be a problem once I continue to unlock the powers of the Four Gods and upgrade a few Demon Princes, right?

This matter is still a long-term plan for Aaron, who is currently weak, but Aaron feels that he can write it down now.

The future can be expected, the future can be expected.

Aaron closed the book. He also wanted to look for books on magic, but after flipping through it for a long time, he couldn't find it.

There are only a few books on magic in the Salian family's collection, and the family has never been known as a spellcaster.

It seems that I need to find time to search in the royal library. There should be books explaining the powers and magic of gods. But the question is where to find a warlock mentor?

If he asked the royal family or a big noble to help him find a mentor, that would be a huge favor, and Aaron didn't want to owe such a huge favor.

The Viscount was pacing in the study, thinking about what to do next, when he accidentally glanced at the view of his garden under the window.

He was stunned for a moment.

The priest of the Silver Virgin Suellen, Eleanor Dineful of the Sunken Sea Flower, is standing in the garden downstairs!

Following the afterglow of the setting sun, the crimson rays of sunset fell on the small garden in front of the door. In the short cobblestone path, Eleanor stood under the grape vines of Salian House, quietly looking at the mansion near the palace.

There is no mask on her delicate, holy and pure face. Her face is like the bright moon and her face is like a silver star. There is a little hesitation in her sapphire blue eyes. Her golden eyebrows are no longer as sharp as before, and her red cherry lips are slightly pursed. At the same time, her hair, like a golden waterfall, flowed down from the back of her head smoothly and neatly.

Miss Pastor is wearing a knee-length dress made of silver moon silk with gold embroidered stamens. Her fingers are slender, and a pair of bright, jade-like wrists are exposed from the long silk sleeves of the dress. Her two slender arms are soft and not exposed through the white gauze. The gold-edged sleeves add a sense of holiness to these flawless arms. On the jade neck is a small bottle pendant with blue hair, which sets off the delicate and sexy collarbones with silver moon embroidery. The knee-length skirt has a pattern of platycodon flower stamens. Although the neckline looks looser, the full pride still swells it up a lot, revealing a little of the ravine between the canyons.

I didn’t expect Eleanor to hide it very deeply! Aaron thought to himself that if he usually didn't feel like wearing armor, Miss Priest turned out to be something!

Why didn't she knock on the door?

Aaron didn't think much. He immediately went downstairs and opened the door: Miss Eleanor? Welcome! Welcome to Salian House, my home.

Ah! Why are you here?! The troubled pastor lady was startled when she saw the door suddenly opened, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

... Aaron stared at the pastor with side eyes and pointed at the house number.

Um...I'm sorry. Mainly because I...I don't want to be like this. They insist on me dressing like this! Eleanor also realized what a shameful mistake she had made. Suddenly the red sunset glow filled the sky, complementing the setting sun in the distance.

The more she spoke, the softer her voice became, and finally she couldn't speak any more.

She doesn't want to dress like this either! But after she arrived at Our Lady of Silver Church in Sousal and handed in the letter from Ms. Silver Star, the priestess of the church branch took out this set of clothes and made her wear it. She also learned that she was going to Aaron's house to have dinner with her. After dinner, he took all the clothes she had changed to wash without any explanation!

The clothes have been washed. Just wear this set. This is a gift from Ms. Silver Star.

Eleanor couldn't argue. Seeing that the time was coming, she, who had always been punctual, could only wear this suit to the banquet.

The pastor lady was so aggrieved that she almost cried.

Are you people followers of the Silver Virgin? How could you trick me like this!

Doesn't this make it look like... doesn't it look like I'm deliberately trying to please him?

In fact, if Aaron hadn't seen it, Ms. Pastor would probably have continued to struggle until someone discovered her.

No, don't keep looking! Seeing that Aaron was still staring at her unscrupulously, Eleanor finally became a little angry, and she subconsciously reached out to touch her waist.

This man can't do it without knocking!

Hey, where is my warhammer?

Only then did Miss Priest remember that her Warhammer Moon Hand was placed in the church.

Well! What to do? What to do? What to do?

Eleanor, who didn't have a hammer in her hand, was completely panicked.

Aaron's big hand reached in front of her just right. The handsome and charming man's face was full of seriousness: Very, very, very welcome, Miss Eleanor, you are so beautiful tonight!

... Miss Pastor's face turned red. She carefully confirmed that Aaron's expression was serious and not hypocritical, and finally gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

Excuse me. Under Aaron's guidance, Eleanor, wearing a pair of white shallow lace-up heels and walking a little unsteadily, stepped into the door of Sally's house.

Welcome, very welcome! The first person to come out was Aunt Meili. This middle-aged woman was very familiar with herself. She directly held Eleanor's shoulders with both hands: Oh, Silver Virgin Mary, Ellie. No, my little angel, you are getting more and more beautiful!

Hello, Ms. Melly, hello, Mr. Lothair. Miss Pastor greeted her warmly. She suppressed her shame and felt her face getting hot.

The way I look without a mask is so weird and shameful...

We are all acquaintances, but... there is always an indescribable feeling, and it is still in front of this guy and his family... But their family has worshiped the Silver Virgin for generations, I can't...

Feeling that Ms. Mellie was holding her shoulder and not letting go, she habitually began to ask questions about her parents and whether she had a boyfriend. The helpless Eleanor quickly looked at Aaron for help.

Okay, Auntie, this is Eleanor's first time as a guest at Salian's house. She won't be used to your enthusiasm. Aaron immediately came out to help Miss Priest, and Aunt Mellie let go of her hands when she saw this.

Eleanor immediately felt more natural without her body being touched. Unlike when she was getting along with Aaron, Eleanor put on a bright and bright smile, and enthusiastically asked her aunt and uncle how they were doing, and asked how her cousin Robert was doing. Cousin Jutta performed a little trick, conjuring a bright lisianthus flower from her hand and placing it on the little girl's head, making her giggle and correct her prayer gesture.

The situation quickly came under her control.

Damn it, is this my house or yours?

Aaron couldn't remain calm now.

The pastor lady also gave him a provocative look just right.

The rhythm is in my hands now!

Miss Eleanor, this is your first time coming to my house. There is still some time before dinner. May I show you around? Aaron decided to take the initiative.

Yes, we are all old people, so don't disturb the interactions of young people. Aunt Meili was so shrewd, she immediately followed up, and at the same time hit Lothair's waist with great precision with her elbow.

Yes, dinner will take a while, Eleanor, just follow Aaron to visit here. Uncle Lothair endured the pain and said smoothly, while holding on to his daughter.

Aaron now gave Eleanor the same arrogant look.

this is my house!

Tsk, seeing that the situation was over, Miss Pastor had no choice but to look fiercely back.

Best of three!

————I am the dividing line between the best of three games————

After paying respects to the small Suellen shrine on the first floor with Eleanor, Miss Priest followed Aaron to the study.

She really rarely came to the nobles' homes, so she couldn't help but feel the novelty. She followed Aaron and looked around. She felt that although the Salian family was in decline, it was still very rich!

No wonder the priests and paladins who occasionally come into contact with the Church of the Three Gods of Justice often hate these nobles!

snort! If the Salian family hadn't recognized the god correctly, I wouldn't have given him a good look!

Miss Pastor thought so, but in fact Aaron was very happy when he showed her around.

The Viscount was a well-spoken and charming man, and Eleanor found it very pleasant to listen to him.

Of course, Aaron also took this opportunity to secretly look at the pastor.

Under the knee-length skirt with embroidered stamens, two slender and delicate jade legs are straight together. The thin skirt slightly presses over the knees. The white and tender leg lines are as smooth and well-proportioned as silk satin, extending to the ankles. The ankles are crystal clear, and the two jade feet are worn in a pair of white fish-mouth laces. A few toes are slightly poked out. They are full of pink and delicate and well-proportioned. People can't help but want to take a closer look. The uppers There are also silver star patterns on both sides, which wrap Eleanor's pair of jade feet.

Miss Pastor's graceful figure dangled in front of Aaron's eyes. She was obviously not used to walking in high heels, and her delicate ankles were swaying as if they were about to break at any time.

There's just something missing, Aaron, who secretly admired in his heart, thought with regret.

Eleanor naturally felt Aaron's gaze. Miss Pastor was secretly annoyed but could not find a reason to criticize him. She could only point to a giant tapestry in front of her and asked: Is this your family tree?

Yes. Aaron then raised his head,

In front of them hangs an oversized tapestry that is eight meters long and about four meters high. The long inheritance of the Salian family is drawn on it. Each name represents a piece of past history.

The ancestors of the Salian family can be traced back to the first king of Cormyr, Countess Ostrasi, a third-generation descendant of the Ondas-Obeschier family, who married a local noble and obtained the title of count. However, The most famous of the ancestors was Liudolf. He obtained a fiefdom by virtue of his military exploits and pioneering achievements, and the concept of the Salian family was truly formed.

I can't find your name. Eleanor came up and searched directly at the end of the tapestry, but couldn't find Aaron's name: I can't find your father's either.

Mine? My name is here. Aaron couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He pointed to the last part of the tapestry, which was obviously a place that was forcibly burned with fire: Here, my father's and my names are both. He burned it with fire.”

Why? Eleanor obviously didn't understand.

Because we are all useless and unworthy of the surname Salian. He thinks that my existence and his are insulting the name of our family. Aaron snorted a few times.

I always felt that he was not that kind of person. Eleanor recalled Aaron's parents: He was always so upright, so polite, so humble, and so full of compassion in front of others.

People often have two faces, just like you, Miss Eleanor. Aaron approached from behind and whispered in Eleanor's ear: Just like when you face my family, with It’s completely different when you face me!”

That's just because they... Eleanor felt the good smell blowing against her ears. Miss Pastor's face turned red from Aaron's intimate movements, and she tried to defend herself.

You don't need to say it, I understand. Aaron's sky-blue eyes were as profound as the distant sky, staring deeply at Eleanor, and said softly: I'm very happy that you treat me like this, really.

If you treat me like you treat your aunt and uncle, then I will be sad. This shows that you don't really treat me as one of your own, treat me as a like-minded partner, treat me as a person who has been touched by the Silver Virgin, and treat me as one of your own. Considered a true friend.”

I'm very happy that you allowed yourself to show your true self in front of me, dear Eleanor. In the future, I still long for us to get along like this, relaxed and showing our true selves. Is that okay?


Aaron's words were like a huge battering ram, hitting the pastor's heart.

He understands me!

Updated, I went out to get myself something delicious today.

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