The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 9 Chichi

“What is your purpose in coming to Earth?” Sun Wukong watching Gu Ge, his eyes could not help but groan, he felt a dangerous Ki from Gu Ge’s body, which shows that the strength of the other side is definitely not weaker than himself.

Gu Ge still smiles: “Oh! Nothing, you didn’t destroy the planet I live in? So I also destroyed the planet you live in! But when I came to Earth, I suddenly changed my mind. This Earth is really a beautiful planet! So I want to make her a kingdom of mine!”

“What are you guys talking about? Don’t tell me want to invade Earth? Are you stupid? Still heads teasing? Don’t know if my boss is here?” I don’t know when, the big man appeared with the military division. Look at Gu Ge’s eyes to despise how much contempt.

“That is, look at your frustration, poor clothes can not afford to buy, and take the scales to be a fig leaf, do you think this is very fashionable? Whole looks like a big fool!” Face stunned watching Gu Ge, the words spoken in the mouth, pulling up hatred is absolutely appropriate!

The facial expression of Gu Ge, who was smiling on his face, suddenly smoked, and although there was a smile on his face, a cold chill was blowing.

“Wow! Boss, why do I suddenly feel a bit cold?” The military officer took a nap and tightened his clothes.

“I am a X!very powerful murderous aura! It turns out that this guy is so arrogant! Boss,” quite big is not comparable to the military division, he immediately found the position of the cold. I was so scared that I ran to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong didn’t bother to look at the two men, but looked at Gu Ge, and was shocked. The gas that he just released in a flash was indeed asformable! This is only a little stronger than Flies! This is simply no match!

However, the chilly Ki was just taken away by Gu Ge in a flash, and then watched Sun Wukong with a smile, saying: “Is these two subordinates? If you let go, you will be provoked.” There are a lot of troubles! Then, we met on the Martial Arts Tournament, but I really want to see the strength of your Super Saiyan!” After that, Gula walked away from a few people.

“Goku, that person is very powerful! How come people are so perverted everywhere? I see I still don’t participate in this martial arts convention!” Krillin saw Gugo, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. A look of helplessness. He suddenly discovered that his world has changed dramatically with Sun Wukong’s world, and he has completely failed to keep up with Sun Wukong’s rhythm!

“Nothing, meet him, you directly abstained, and there are still opportunities to get four or five!” Sun Wukong waved his hand, faint.

“Then I will go to get a third place!” He said with a big grin.

“You guys will also participate? What about him?” Yamcha looked at him with a big look, then pointed at the army.

“I am a military sergeant, not a Warrior, so I won’t participate! Thank you!” The military officer looked serious.

“That’s fine!” Krillin and others suddenly loosened the air. They were sadly discovered at this time that they even couldn’t even beat the seemingly thin and wretched Tauren, and felt a sorrow in their hearts! This also led them to believe in becoming stronger.


Suddenly, Sun Wukong found that his shoulder was gently patted, and curiously turned his head and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Hey! Sun Wukong!” The original girl who shot him turned out to be a cute girl dressed in black.

“Hey?!” Yamcha and Krillin looked at the girl with amazement and then looked at Sun Wukong: “This girl…will not be…”

“Hey! You are…” Sun Wukong pretended to look up and down the girl, and then suddenly realized: “Chichi, you won’t be Chichi?”

“Yeah! You remember me! I am so happy!” Chichi folded her hands together and looked happy. Then he blushed and looked shyly: “So, do you remember what you said?”

“You mean that you will marry you when you grow up?” Sun Wukong smiled.

“You remember it! What do you mean?” Chichi looked ashamed.

“If you agree, then you will get married!” The sister paper is automatically sent to the door, why not?

“What?! Married?!” Krillin suddenly yelled out. Krillin even grabbed Sun Wukong’s clothes and shook: “You guys, why are there women everywhere to send their arms? You don’t have so many wives? You call us the bachelor’s feelings!” Soul!”

“What? You said that he already has a wife?” Chichi listened to the change in facial expression.

“Yes, and more then one!” Yamcha nodded, this guy is pure and wants to mess!

Chichi’s gnash one’s teeth, then yelled at Sun Wukong: “Bastard!” Finished, and rushed away.

“Yamcha! Your sister, are you deliberate?” Sun Wukong immediately yelled at Yamcha.

“How come! I can tell the truth!” Yamcha’s head swayed.

“Chiaotzu! Distribute the number of the companion, and, don’t let us know the one before!” When the number was taken, Tien Shinhan started calling Chiaotzu to start the crackdown.

“Now the first group of preliminaries, the rules are known? Drop the martial arts, fainted, the goods surrender even if lost. But if the opponent died, immediately disqualified, please note, now please 1 and 2 to go on stage !”

Sun Wukong watching his own number, which says a big 1 word, can’t help but smile: “It’s my turn to be so fast! Not to say, the more powerful it is to stay until the end?” Got on the stage.

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