Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 336: Public opinion rises, trends emerge, conspiracies and plots arise, and everything is vi

Some of the strong men thought clearly and figured out the reason.

In Daxia, besides that one, who else could make the Big Three do such a thing.

And those who don’t know the truth find it difficult to explain the mystery. In short, they don’t dare to go deeper.

As for the forces that were the victims, they were furious after seeing the response.

What does it mean to deserve punishment?

This is nonsense!

Just say that they deserve what they deserve!

Then, some people said angrily that since the Martial Arts Association and the Big Three didn't care, then don't blame them for trying to stir up public opinion and let public opinion force Daxia to investigate.

Not even an hour later, news about this matter appeared all over the Tiandao Internet, and with the help of the promotion, it quickly climbed up the hot search lists.

Two hundred and thirty-six strong men died, Daxia ignored and did nothing...

The mysterious evil takes action, and Daxia returns to massacre...

The major forces suffered serious losses, but the three giants showed no sign...

A nameless crime, an undocumented crime, more than two hundred strong men sacrificed their lives for Daxia...

Of course, after all, it is those forces who are doing the trick, and the comments they make are naturally tendentious and guiding.

He didn't tell lies, but there was something hidden inside.

But understood in this way, it seems that Daxia has done nothing, and the three giants have failed to bring fairness and justice to Daxia.

Naturally, there are a lot of discussions on the Internet about this.

Although the release of the last hotly searched heaven-level technique Blood Escape Manual was shocking, it was indeed a bit far away from the general public. Those were things that only the eighth or ninth grade could deal with.

And now this, involving safety, has gradually become related to their own safety.

Relatively speaking, the latter topic is closer to them and is related to their own interests. The discussion will naturally be wider and they will be more concerned about it.

Oh my god! No way! This kind of thing can actually happen in Daxia now? Unbelievable! It's so unbelievable! It's simply appalling!

How terrifying! At the same time, more than two hundred strong men were dead. Among them, the weakest was the fifth grade, and the strongest was even a grand master. I personally feel that there is something wrong with this!

Damn it! The Grand Master has died without a trace. Why is it so unsafe in Daxia? It doesn't feel as safe as the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield Guard City!

With such ruthless tactics, how did they fall?

I always feel that Daxia is becoming more and more dangerous than before!

Strict investigation, strict investigation is necessary. Will the Big Three just ignore it?


Countless people poured into the official websites of Daxia Martial Arts Association, Education, and Military Department, leaving countless messages, strongly demanding strict investigation.

Therefore, being stupid has little to do with whether one is strong or not.

In the past, these were ordinary people, who would be so ordinary when they were swayed by public opinion, and let those behind the scenes lead the way.

Nowadays, although the average strength of each person is an intermediate warrior, which is many times stronger, it is still no different from before.

Of course, when those forces secretly added fuel to the flames, they deliberately did not display the horoscope replies given to them by the Big Three.

The small arms cannot twist the thighs, and these forces dare not show their faces openly.

In short, it is to give a choice.

Either hand over the murderer and give an explanation, or let the entire Daxia people lose trust in the officialdom.

There are countless twists and turns in these conspiracies.

However, what these forces never expected was that Daxia Official and the Big Three of Daxia not only did not compromise, but instead responded to those eight words on the official website and displayed them openly.

[The crime deserves it and the case can be closed! 】

At this time, public opinion on Tiandao Network completely exploded.

The popularity of the discussion increased by eight plus signs, an unknown number of times.

What does it mean to deserve it? Where is the evidence! Where is the evidence that they committed a crime! There is no evidence, why is this happening?

Hmph! If even the official is not allowed to be fair, then what justice is there? Then what is the difference between Daxia and all races? In other words, it is even worse than the alien beasts and beasts of all races!

Protest! Protest! Reveal the truth! We have the right to get the truth!


This time, not only those forces, but also other entities fishing in troubled waters are constantly adding fuel to the fire, allowing the incident to continue to ferment and expand.

Sometimes, just because Daxia is a whole and civilization is flourishing, it does not mean that a small number of people will be better off.

In particular, Daxia's officialdom is as stable as Mount Tai, which makes some careerists restless.

In their view, it is better for the world to be chaotic. The bigger the storm, the bigger the fish.

If you can't make waves, how can you take advantage of the opportunity to become a wave and rise again to lead the times!

As the saying goes, one general's success makes thousands of bones dry up. During this period, it doesn't matter how many people are killed or injured.

For the sake of ambition, to get what they want, these beings don't mind sacrificing the happiness of others.

This time, Daxia's three official giants made such an unwise move. From their perspective, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If I don't get on top of it, I'm sorry to have been suppressed all this time, and my ambition is about to be suffocated to the extreme.

Among them, there are the remnants of sect forces, the careerists of the indigenous royal family in the small secret realm, the remnants of various aristocratic families... and so on.

All kinds of conspirators and careerists showed some flaws one after another and chose to take advantage of the opportunity to get involved.

Of course, not everyone is mentally retarded. There are also some smart people who are keen to interpret other information from these horoscopes.

Moreover, they also sensed an extraordinary danger, so they quickly became in a state of watching from afar, not participating, but just watching without ending, waiting for the results.

One day...two days...three days...

The commotion online is getting bigger and bigger, and public anger is building up.

In the top-floor office of the Martial Arts Association headquarters.

The three giants sat in a row, sipping tea and chatting in a calm tone.

It should be almost there. Although it is not 100% drawn out, it is still 70% to 80% ready to close the net.

Yeah! After this is done, there will be some drawbacks, but it doesn't matter. The culprit is the one who has the guts to vent his anger. At worst, we can fight GG together.

Okay! The follow-up comfort work and stabilization work are also ready. It's better not to take risks and seek death! No one knows what that person is thinking. If the bet is not good, you and I will be the sinners of Daxia.

I have to say that without the all-purpose scapegoat of the cult, it is indeed a bit inconvenient. There are not many reasons to kill these moths!

That's right! If this person hadn't violated that person's taboo, he would have been given the name of a cult and these conspirators and careerists would have been killed!

Okay! Close the Internet cafes! It's time to eliminate these cancers!


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