Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 112: Eryu, I cheat

1501 was not very friendly to the Iberian Peninsula. Since April, most parts of the western part of the peninsula have fallen into drought, while some places in the southeast have heavy rains and flooded rivers. This is very rare in previous years, especially Although some sporadic incomplete hydrological records can be found in the Kingdom of Aragon, although there have been similar droughts in previous years, it is rare to have such a large scale and such a long duration.

The water level of the most important Ebolo River in Aragon has generally declined. Many places have dried up and the waterways have been shut down. In some places, there has been a large amount of dryness in the ground because there is no river irrigation crops.

Ferdinand is very anxious. Aragon is not suitable for cultivation in many places because of the terrain. Compared with Castilla, the land of the Ala Palace is originally much barren. This is also Ferdinand eager to develop territory in the Mediterranean. The reason for this is that Sicily ’s maritime trade gave Aragon a great help, but he still coveted Naples.

This is also where he was annoyed that Gonzalo violently violated his orders and turned to fight in Crete.

The peak of the drought reached in June. When you left the capital Zaragoza, you will find that the fields in many places are barren. Because of the withering of large areas of water-scarce fields, many places have clashes for the cherished water.

Some of these disputes were brought to Ferdinand, but more of them were settled by the nobles themselves, so the armed conflicts of all sizes and even small-scale battles appeared one after another all over Aragon. .

Faced with this situation, Ferdinand had to write to his wife. Although it was clearly too late this year, Ferdinand felt that this should be the time to re-propose the construction of a dam on the upper Ebro River.

The idea of ​​building a dam on the upper reaches of the Ebro River was put forward more than a decade ago. At that time, Isabella, who was still young and full of love with Ferdinand, was in favor of this idea. She wanted to help God Gong's construction of a dam of great significance was a good thing that made the two countries seem to be more closely related. At that time, despite the opposition of many Castilian nobles, Isabella still supported Ferdinand.

Only a few years later, Isabella ’s attitude gradually changed slightly. Although Ferdinand repeatedly urged the project to be launched as soon as possible, Isabella refuted delays for various reasons, especially since their son Hu After Prince Ann's death, Isabella began to deliberately or unintentionally cut all kinds of help for Aragon.

Compared to the area of ​​land and the prosperity of Castile, it is far superior to the Kingdom of Aragon, which makes many people have some ideas.

In the trend that Juana is bound to become the next queen, the future relationship between Castile and Aragon has become a very delicate topic. Can Juana suppress the unruly Aragonese nobility? There are many issues that Castilians care about and worry about, and this issue is obviously the one that Isabella is most concerned about.

Ferdinand can think of Isabella secretly curbing the development of Aragon, but he still wants to convince his cousin and wife to help himself, so in the middle of June Ferdinand departed from Zaragoza to Bali Aristotle, because according to the calculation of time, another grandson will soon be born, if this is a boy, he is likely to be the future king of the federal kingdom of Castile and Aragon.

Another reason why he went to Valladolid was Gonzalo.

I do n’t know when it started. There were some rumors about Gonzalo in Zaragoza ’s court, many of them about how he used his power to benefit himself when he was in Italy, and some said When he was using Crete, he was arrogant and extravagant. The most typical one of them made the Zaragoza people relish. It was the general who actually spent a full 600 gold pesos to make a gorgeous cloak for himself.

At the time, an elite soldier was paid less than 30 pesos a month.

These rumors undoubtedly made people hate Gonzalo, especially when he heard that he had brought a large number of treasures and treasures looted from Italy and countless famous paintings and sculptures to his hometown of Van Gosa to decorate his building. After the luxurious villa, many Aragonese nobility had already hated Gonzalo.

However, these were not what Ferdinand was most concerned about. Although Gonzalo ’s “spots” did irritate him, but what really caught his attention was the report sent by the Sicilian Governor, Flamenza, and then These are the rumors that had already made him very concerned, and then he was more suspicious because of various signs.

Gonzalo de Cordoba, as a representative of the Castilian nobility, has been regarded by Ferdinand as an obstacle to his future unification of the two countries, which is why he sent Gonzalo to Italy. the reason.

He does n’t care about Gonzalo ’s use of power for his own self-interest. Even a greedy Gonzalo reassured Ferdinand, but even so, Gonzalo may collude with those Castilian nobles. Suspicions against him still exist, and Ferdinand vaguely felt that maybe even in the Kingdom of Aragon, there were some people who secretly opposed him because they did not want to merge with Castile.

Maybe these people also have no affection for Gonzalo, but they may not be able to unite for the same purpose.

It is precisely because of this idea that after returning to Barrialdod in early July, Ferdinand objected to Isabella ’s appointment of Gonzalo to suppress the repression of the Andalusian noble coalition, and he hoped that Gonza Luo recalled the court, at least where he could see it under his eyelids, because this man was too dangerous both for prestige and power, so he did not hesitate to have an open disagreement with Isabella.

The conflict between the king and his wife did not become a secret. People soon learned about the conflict caused by Gonzalo.

The news even reached Andalusia, so when Alexander walked up the hill to see Gonzalo standing in the shade of trees, his gaze could not help looking at the robe on Gonzalo's body.

"What are you looking at?" Gonzalo asked. He noticed Alexander's eyes and looked down at himself. "Are you looking at this dress?"

"I want to know if this is a 600 pesos worth of clothes." Alexander laughed and said, "But I don't think there is anything special about it."

"Because it's a cloak, not such a robe, and it's worn in winter, but 600 gold pesos is still worth it," Gonzalo showed off without revealing "If you want to take a look, you can , And I think you can actually own more luxurious clothing than me. "

"Forget it, expensive clothes are very flattering, but I'm not interested in wearing a pile of gold coins on my body and tell me what it means to do it. Don't you think that the King of Aragon will rest assured you Yet?"

Alexander's words changed the face of Malchow, who was standing on the side. He used to hold the hilt, and glanced quickly at Gonzalo's face. When he saw that Gonzalo was no different, he slowly Released the hand holding the sword.

"This is the reason why you encouraged me to go to Crete?" Gonzalo asked indifferently. "Don't deny that if it weren't, I really can't imagine why you should take such a big risk to go to Sicily."

Alexandria was not a ridiculous smile, he knew that even if he told Gonzalo that he did not go to Sicily for the purpose that he probably would not believe Gonzalo, and in fact, when the Aragonese army arrived in Sicily, they originally wanted to be in Sicily The turmoil that arose internally, which in turn made time for Naples, did change.

Especially after knowing a lot about the then Sicilian Governor Flamenza, Alexander did think of using him to find trouble for Gonzalo.

And Flamenza did not disappoint him. Rumors that Gonzalo may collude with the old nobles of Castile even reached Andalusia. It is precisely because of this that Don Bavi will hold it more or less. Hopefully agreed to meet with Alexander.

Looking at the silent Alexander, Gonzalo looked gloomy. He did n’t believe that those messages would destroy his relationship with the Queen. He was still very confident in Isabella ’s trust. Gonzalo, he did n’t believe it. It would easily lead the Queen to doubt him, but the young man in front of him still annoyed him.

"Our business is doing well," Alexander said suddenly, and when he saw a strange look next to Mal Qiu, he pointed to Mal Qiu. "It seems that your men don't know."

"That's just business."

Gonzalo dissatisfied that although the battle in Crete also brought him great wealth, it does not mean that he will forgive Alexander, after all, it was because of Alexander's persecution that he had to give up Marching into Naples was unacceptable for Gonzalo, who was always proud and even spoiled by Isabella. Even when Crete was fighting, he still wanted to return to Naples. Even if it wasn't for Ferdinand, he would love to compete with the young man in front of him.

It was just that he had never had a chance. The precarious situation of the Venetians at sea and the aggressiveness of the Ottomans made him no room for breathing at the time, and he knew somewhat in his own mind that after many battles with the Ottomans, Gonzalo realized Alexander's ability to defeat such opponents in the Battle of the Balkans is clearly no longer the little country noble he had known in Rome.

"But the business is still good," Alexander did not let go of Gonzalo. "I know you have opened a lot of perfume shops in Valladolid and many places. The Castilian nobles have your own The perfume sold in the store is proud, so I think that a cloak of 600 gold pesos is completely insignificant to you, but I am very curious about what Ferdinand would think. "

"Is the king's idea important," Gonzalo said disapprovingly, "I have accumulated so much loot for him, and almost every day the wealth of a ship sent from everywhere is transported to Valencia, but this is enough. Let me be the most popular general in the two courts. "

Alexander looked at Gonzalo with a little curiosity. He knew that this person was arrogant, but he was so arrogant that it was really beyond Alexander's expectations.

Alexander didn't know if he really thought so, and he was still struggling with himself, but he was already impatiently trying to test each other.

"I think we are all well aware of your current situation. The various suspicions about you are well known even in Seville. It is even said that someone in Bariaridod has suggested that you should be deprived of your military power. That is, you have to admit that the wealth you have today is also very jealous, so at this time I think you should think about yourself. "

Gonzalo listened calmly, he noticed the worried look that Marquez next to show from time to time, so he reassured his deputy while gently shaking his head to Alexander: "Say something else, we all know these It is useless to me. No one can match the Queen ’s trust in me. It can even be said that as long as the Queen is alive, my status will not be shaken. "

"Indeed, as long as she is alive," Alexander showed a playful smile. He saw Gonzalo's face turned bad and seemed to stop the topic with interest, but then he said "but you think Ferdinand will be easy Believe you, I mean we all know that you are a big trouble for Ferdinand, especially in the case of Sicily, you make him very unhappy. "

"Isn't it all because of your tricks, without your threats, maybe I was already in Naples at that time," Gonzalo looked at Alexander dissatisfiedly, and then suddenly there was a look of surprise on his face, he looked at Alexander seriously "Let me think about it, oh **** I didn't think about it, I actually forgot, your half-sister is the Queen of Naples, why don't you want to win Sicily for her?"

"This is Aragon's business, isn't it?" Alexander asked with a smile.

"But in the future Princess Juana will inherit two kingdoms, so Sicily is included," Gonzalo said seriously. "If this is your purpose, even if you come to Castile for this, then I advise you to go back as soon as possible. When I have subsided the Andalusian rebellion, I will march into Naples again. By then, we should see the heights. "


Listening to the threat of Gonzalo, Alexander slightly pouted. He knew that it was impossible to persuade this arrogant and stubborn general. In fact, as he said, Isabella ’s favor with him certainly made him fearless, More importantly, Ferdinand obviously still needed his military mind of the day, so even if he already had some suspicions about him, but at most he sent him far away.

It is unlikely that he would fall out of favor because of this little suspicion.

"Okay, the Duke told me your intention this time," Gonzalo also seemed a little impatient. "But before that I have to declare that the only option for Don Bavi is to ask the queen for forgiveness. I can use me 'S personality guarantees that he will not suffer any harm until the Queen makes a ruling, and I can also plead with Her Majesty for him, but he and his followers must surrender, which is the premise of all negotiations. "

Alexander looked at Gonzalo calmly, but now he felt that this person was arrogant and cute. Obviously, such a negotiation is almost impossible to go on, and looking at the knight named Marchiu next to him is also because he is so strange. The usual tough attitude showed a slightly unexpected look, and the pressure was so great that he guessed that even on the side of the king, Gonzalo would not have such room for the Andalusian nobles.

"Then we have nothing to talk about."

Alexander stood up from the stone he was sitting on. His movement made Malchow a little nervous. He quickly looked at the nearby Alexander followers and saw that they just followed the movement but there was no strange action, Mal Qiu Cai was a little relieved.

"The Duke went back and told Don Bavi that I didn't care what decision he made, because I would attack him soon, he could delay it with me, but I would soon score in Seville , By that time, it was not a surrender but a noose waiting for him. "

Alexander nodded silently, seeing Gonzalo reveal his unique arrogant smile, Alexander also responded with a smile.

However, when the two separated slightly from each other, looking at Alexander walking down the hillside, Gonzalo suddenly asked out loud, "Tell me why you are here ?!"

Alexander stopped, but he didn't look back immediately. It seemed that after thinking about it, he turned and smiled at Gonzalo on the hillside. "If I said I came to visit relatives, do you believe it?"

Gonzalo showed an annoyed look, this was the first time he showed such a look after the two met.

He raised his right hand and pointed at his eyes with two fingers, then pointed to Alexander: "Don't play tricks on young people, I will stare at you."

"Then I hope you can fix it, otherwise one day you will regret not letting the people on the mountain shoot me now," Alexander said, glancing at the dark windows of the houses on the hillside. Then he smiled at Gonzalo again. "And your perfume business is doing really well. I think at least Ferdinand thinks so."

After speaking, Alexander turned and walked down the mountain.

Behind him, looking at his back as he drifted away, rolled, the sand's face slowly gloomed down, and he waved to Malchow to say something to stop him from speaking, and then slowly sat down on the stone in the shade of the tree on.

Looking at the line that was still so slow and slowly going after meeting with his men on the river bank below, Gonzalo patted his knees thoughtfully with his hands before he stood up and instructed Malchow to hide those in the mountain house Called back.

"Let's go back."

At the command of Gonzalo, Marchiu immediately greeted his men to gather, but while waiting for the departure, he finally did not have the patience to ask, "Adult, do you really want to attack the rebels immediately?"

"Of course, I must do this, this is the order the queen gave me." Gonzalo said undoubtedly.

"But lord, you know there are so many rumors against you, so ..."

"You mean that if the rebels are not so good to deal with, maybe I can make my situation better?"

Malchow didn't answer, but the look on his face had clearly answered.

"Malchiu, probably you haven't understood what I just said to Gombre," Gonzalo's patient opponent said, "To me, everything I have now is the grace of Her Majesty, so I Even if he is loyal to the queen, even Ferdinand ca n’t treat me. Maybe he suspects that I am his opponent, but as long as the queen is there, he has no way to take me, so do n’t worry about Marchiu, the only thing we have to do now It is to eliminate all enemies for the queen. "

Listening to Gonzalo ’s words, Malchow, who was a little worried, gradually smiled. He knew that the general said it well. In Castile, there is no more trusted by Isabella than Gonzalo, even Even as his most confidant, he sometimes does not doubt whether there is any ambiguous relationship between the queen and the general, so since there is really nothing to worry about.

Malqiu assured him that he was ready to leave, so he didn't see the faint trace of melancholy on Gonzalo's face when he left.

Down the mountain, Sher didn't make a gesture behind him until he walked far away.

Looked at a man who immediately turned around and ran towards the town, and Alexander gave a smile to Schell.

Soon, several Balkan hunting guards followed the man who had left before. These people were all dirty, which made Alexander look at the town.

"Are those hillsides difficult to climb?"

"It's not too hard, lord ~ ​​ ~ Sheer doesn't care about looking at those men" and it is much flatter than the mountains in his hometown. "

Alexander smiled again. He knew that the Balkan hunting guards arranged by Schell must have discovered those hidden by Gonzalo, but he wanted to come to Gonzalo after experiencing dealings in Sicily. Dare to come to see him in any preparation.

"Master, that Gonzalo will really attack immediately?" Xieer suddenly asked.

"Yes, for him, only being loyal to Isabella is the only way to keep his current status," said Alexander here. "At least this is now."

"Then what shall we do, do you want to help the Duke Don Bavi?" Schell asked again.

Alexander didn't answer this question immediately, but when he returned to Seville and saw James Columbus send him a letter, Alexander was a little surprised for a while, and then Xiang Gang Xer, ready to rest, greeted: "Prepare us to see the Duke."

The so-called Duke of course refers to Don Bavi, but after seeing him, waiting for Don Bavi, who has waited a little bit impatiently, Alexander said: "Duke, I think the Al you have been hiding Sister Furt may be in use now. "

"what did you say?"

Looked at Don Bavi with a wary look, Alexander said with a smile: "I just got the news that His Majesty the Pope is about to drive to Valencia."

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