Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 107: "Long live the queen!"

The French army is shaking.

Is not a certain army, but almost all French troops seem to be in a state of anxiety.

I do n’t know when the rumors spread in the army. Even in the fierce battle, some people hurriedly told others a few rumors when they were replaced.

"You know, Duke Bourbon seems to have defeated again, and his people are retreating to our side."

"I heard that the Roman Thesia army never kept captives or ransoms, and those who were caught were cut off directly."

"Some people said that it was their queen who commanded the Naples across from them. They all said that the queen was not only beautifully messed up, but also a female **** of war who could fight more than men."

"Are we going to lose, why do you always feel that the gunshots in the distance are getting closer and closer?"

"Someone saw the king's entourage packing things, it seems that things are not good."


All kinds of rumors circulated in the army. Some people only heard some gossip before telling others, but more people were more worried because they didn't know anything.

The weather has gradually drifted westward, and the otherwise tragic battle has gradually come to an end.

Soldiers on both sides were exhausted, and the forward steps were muddy and watery, the arms holding the arms were trembling and could not be lifted, and each face showed a look of despair and exhaustion.

A French cavalry dragged a heavy pace on the open ground covered with corpses, because they were afraid of the horse legs being hindered by the obstacles. They dare not let go of the horsepower, and they waited slowly until they saw the figure of the enemy opposite. Into an offensive formation.

"This may be the last time my brothers," a cavalry smiled bitterly at the companion next to him, and saw the indifferent look on the other person's face. A sentence in that little-known verse, and then clenched the straight sword hanging by the saddle.

There is a very strong rope on the hilt, one end passes through a hole in the hand guard, and the other side loosely knots and hangs on the hand guard.

This rope is used to fix on the user's wrist. The huge resistance during stab cutting sometimes makes the user unable to grasp the sword handle. This rope can be wrapped around the wrist to prevent it from being released.

Went around twice and felt the tightness on his wrist. The cavalry took another breath and then shouted, "Go!"

The cavalrymen began to let go of the reins to clamp the belly of the horse, and the war horse gradually accelerated, faster and faster.

In the distance, the figure of the Roman Thesia army has become more and more clear, and gradually you can even see the other party standing in front of them, and the gruesome smiles on the faces of the soldiers with the terrible firearms mounted on the gun frame .

"Ou Dulun Sanxi!"

The cavalry rushing to the front shouted the battle number with the sound of hometown. At this moment, there was no desire for honor or pursuit of victory in his eyes, only complete despair and unwillingness before death!

The loading of heavy-duty matchlock guns is cumbersome and complicated. The heavy gun body is awkward. Such a musket needs a long time to be used every time it is fired, but its power is terrible.

When the gunshot of the heavy rifle sounded, the people nearby could not help but cover their ears, and even then the ear holes were as painful as a punch.

Thick earmuffs were worn on the archer ’s ears. Because they could not hear the instructions, they all watched the signal from the flag in the hands of the team leader standing in front. The flag waved, the trigger was pulled, and the huge shock The shooter's shoulder hit hard and hit backwards. The body of the gun mounted on the gun frame jumped up like a chill, accompanied by thunderous gunfire and the smoke from the jet, the huge projectile whistled Shoot towards the enemy.

The first cavalry hit was not the head cavalry. It was an unlucky egg sandwiched between his companions. When he was hit, the armor on his chest suddenly shrunk into his chest, as he could hear clearly The sound of broken bones, the cavalry was thrown off the horse like a broken bag.

Then two other people were shot down, but these cavalrymen had already rushed to the enemy.

They raised the bayonet in their hands and poked fiercely into the front view to escape the few shooters in the enemy formation, but waiting for them to avenge their companions, the forest-like spear that was raised high was waiting for them wall.

The cavalry's charge was desperate. From the beginning they knew that it would be their last charge, so these French cavalry rushed to the enemy desperately, they had forgotten what they came to Italy for, the only purpose Only kill more enemies before they die.

But even so they were disappointed. The French cavalry charge was brave and romantic. The desperation of poignancy even made Louis XII even face such an unfavorable situation with a heartfelt sigh.

"The French knight! Only the French knight will prove himself with this noble and courageous behavior!" Louis XII said loudly to the people around him. Everyone announced that he would recognize these people as knights, and he would recognize the descendants of these people as the nobles of France. "They died for the sake of France. This is what they deserve!"

Although the people around wanted to praise the king ’s wise decision, the situation did not allow them to express it in words.

After the last French cavalry fell on the dead zone woven in front of the Naples Grenadier position, the central part of the French army finally could not resist the tragic loss and began to retreat.

Despite the slow but seemingly unstoppable low tide of the French army, Louis XII dazzled in the sight of the Naples as a king flag floating on the water.

"My God, what did I see?" A grenadier rubbed his smoked eyes with medicine and carefully looked at the flag. It happened that the soldier was of the most knowledgeable type, so he immediately Recognizing that it was the king's flag, he hurriedly reported his findings to the team officer, and then stuttered and asked, "Sir, what shall we do?"

The team officer looked at the flag with a pale complexion. Obviously he was also frightened by the scene before him. After a pause, the team officer woke up. He greeted a soldier next to him and reported to the back while taking his men towards that side. The direction of the banner rushed away, and at the same time he did not forget to shout loudly in his mouth: "Louis! That is Louis!"

All the Naples soldiers who heard this shout couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then they made a shouting cry like crazy: "It's Louis ~~"

I heard more and more people shouting, and the shouts that followed were getting louder and louder. For a time, the whole battlefield was full of shouts of "Captive of the King and capture Louis alive."

The French soldiers were stunned. They did not know whether the enemy was going to catch the king or had already caught the king, but it was clear that the situation on the battlefield had foretold that the French were facing the danger of defeat.

Louis XII looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He looked back at the flags around him and saw that some men were about to bring down the King Banner, and the Dharma King stopped them in anger.

"The king of France will either be with honor or sleep with the sword."

Louis is not a brave king regardless of the prevention of the people around him. He is not a brave king, but he has a heart that is not timid than his predecessor, so when he sees the enemy has rushed to the front not far from him, Louis X The second raised the king sword inlaid with pearls and gems, shouting and taking the lead towards a seemingly empty front of the Neapolitan side. "Follow me and rush out, follow your king!"

Several Neapolitan soldiers with spears on their heads saw the figure wearing gorgeous armor. They made a cry of excitement and greed. The French knights in gorgeous clothes like to show off are always liked by their enemies on the battlefield. An apparently oily target, these soldiers lifted their spears desperately and stabbed at the master French knight opposite.

"France is with me!"

The cry of Louis XII sounded on the battlefield. His crown mounted on the helmet shone brightly in the sunset. The golden armor made him as if shrouded by the Holy Light. When he saw him like that, the soldiers If they were struck by lightning, they stood there stiffly, watching the Dharma King rush towards them, and then passed by them.

And the cavalry who followed him instantly trampled these Naples soldiers under the horseshoes.

The turmoil on the battlefield also caught Rusha's attention. She ordered people to report what happened quickly. When she heard that her troops had engaged the Louis XII's guard, Rusha issued an order to encircle the French King without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, that's the King of France," said one of the entourage who was at a loss. "The soldiers said that his armor was sewed with fragments of holy bones and true crosses. No one dared to be unreasonable to the King of France. This might cause God Of anger. "

"But if you let Louis run away, you will face my anger," Ruosha rebuked the follower who annoyed her with a sentence that made her around her dumbfounded. "The commander of me, who captured the king of France, will Be a noble and be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins. "

When Zuosha's order and the words that made everyone stunned and heard some stunned words, the whole battlefield instantly boiled.



Gold coins!

When this series of vocabulary was combined, the huge incitement and confusion caused the coalition forces to burst out with amazing power in an instant.

The guards of Louis XII faced the siege of the coalition soldiers pouring in like a tide. At the same time, the French soldiers collapsed because of the king's encirclement!

The king escaped.

The king was captured.

The king died in battle.

One after another, the terrible bad news made the French soldiers no longer able to withstand this huge pressure.

Many people do not know where they should go. They wander back and forth on the battlefield blankly, and some simply walk towards the enemy's position toward the enemy.

Finally, on a tightly guarded convex ground, a French knight knelt in front of a flag and kissed the corner of his family flag affectionately. Then he raised the torch and lit the flag.

"The banner of the noble French aristocracy cannot fall into the hands of the mean Naples."

The knight yelled wildly while watching the blazing flames.

It was like a signal that the French nobles who found themselves surrounded began to burn their military flags one after another.

From this point on, the French could no longer maintain their own fronts. With the guard of Louis XII as the center, the French began to retreat northward.

The sound of guns in the distance has been sparse, the sunset has sunk into the deep embrace of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the night has gradually fallen on the cold and stiff bodies of more than 2,000 soldiers from both sides who died outside Siena.

The battlefield has been shrouded in a lonely night. From afar, the ground is as rugged and rugged as small mountains, the bodies of dead soldiers.

The lost horse was wandering on the plains, hissing sorrowfully in the night.

The arrival of the night rescued the French army on the verge of being annihilated.

After retreating southward for about two miles, Louis XII and the retired Duke Louis de Bourbon "victoryed" in the ruins near the ancient city of San Gilraniano.

At this point, the main force of the French army that invaded Italy was surrounded by the ruins of the ancient city of San Giraniano by the Roman and Thesia and Naples and the Papal League.

The night was dark, and the outskirts of Siena became quiet. Except for the screams from time to time, it seemed that it had nothing to do with the fierce fighting during the day.

Ruosha walked slowly on the grass accompanied by several officers. Her gorgeous dress was out of step with this deadly atmosphere, but her skirt corner, which was contaminated by smoke and blood, seemed to indicate that this was a A legendary woman who is very different from other women.

"Your Majesty, you should visit the battlefield during the day," an officer hesitated a little and said carefully, "Your present appearance should be left on the canvas by the greatest painter. I believe this will be the most legendary scene in the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the future. "

This compliment was immediately praised by the followers, and even Omo, who had always been incompatible with these people, couldn't help but heartily agree.

Ruo Sha's eyes showed a smug smile, and the suggestions below really moved her. She began to wonder whether to find Michelangelo or the up-and-coming Raphael to paint this legendary work for herself. At the same time, she also began to wonder if she should send someone to tell the good news to Alexander in Iberia.

There was a commotion not far ahead, and people looked there and saw several soldiers shoving a French captive who looked like a nobleman, and the man was half on his knees and hugged and lay motionless on the ground. Companions.

"If it weren't for you to pay a few ransoms, I will now cut your head," a Taranto shook the Frenchman with a knife in his hand. "I have told you that this person is dead. He, if you do n’t obey, I do n’t care about those ransoms. "

"What happened here?"

Rosa walked over, she looked down at the man lying on the ground, and from his slightly undulating chest it seemed that the person should be alive, and then she looked at the nobleman who was kneeling on the ground again.

This is a very strong Frenchman, who can see that he should be very wealthy. The upper body of the armor was stripped to reveal a good silk shirt worn inside. Under the torch, the pearl button on the shirt flashed slightly. Light, but this person now looks a little embarrassed. He has a wound on his head. Although one hand hugs his companion tightly, the other arm falls down weakly.

"Soldier, how much ransom do you plan to let this person pay?" Luo Sha asked the Taranto.

"200 ... No, 400 Florin." Taranto said cunningly.

"I gave you 600, and these two people belonged to me." Luo Sha said, waving to the entourage next to her, and then she looked down at the two Frenchmen with firelight.

"You are, God, you really are her," the knight first looked at this beautiful woman who should not have appeared on the battlefield in amazement, and then he immediately knelt down and realized respectfully, "Salute to you, Your Majesty, I ’m Earl Eugen de Weasline of Avalon, I ’m your captive now. "

"He is your friend?" Luo Sha gestured to the man lying on the ground.

"It's my brother," the noble named Eugene de Weasline said bitterly. "Your Majesty, I know I am not qualified to ask you anything, but I ask you to save him, and I am willing to do anything for you. . "

"Anything?" Ruosha smiled, and she looked at the injured person on the ground again, and after confirming that the person was indeed alive, she gestured to the next man to lift the person aside.

"Your brotherhood will be cured, and it depends on God's arrangement whether he can survive," Zuosha said to raise his hand to Eugen de Weasline and ask him to move forward with himself. "I I noticed that you are also hurt. I suggest that you take a look at it as soon as possible. I believe this is good for you. You must know that after being hit by a musket, even if you do n’t send your life, you will have some trouble. "

Eugen de Weasline thanked Lao Sha gratefully, but he did not rush to find the doctor, but continued to walk behind Lao Sha.

"You probably also know that I didn't save you plainly," Ruosha was quite satisfied with this knight with great eyesight. She stopped to look at the hazy battlefield under the night. At this time, the taste here is not very good. The scent of middle-aged people makes it almost impossible to stay on the hot nights of the river, "Do you know how many people die here?"

"Your Majesty," Eugen de Weasline replied very simply, "but my men are all dead. They came out of Avalon with me, and now only two of our brothers are left."

"I think there might be someone," Ruosha thought for a while, then she added, "I'm talking about French."

Said she glanced at the stiff French knight beside her and asked, "You don't want to ask me how do I know this number?"

The Frenchman shook his head blankly. He did not know whether the queen was right, but he suspected that there might be more French soldiers who actually died here.

"Okay, maybe I will tell you how I know after you have done things for me," Ruosha looked at the French knight who was half a head taller than herself. "I will write a letter to Louis. I brought this letter to him, and at the same time, I suggest that you take a look here first, and then tell him what you saw ~ ~ Eugen de Weasline nodded, He knew that this should be the condition for Queen Naples to be willing to save his brother, and he was not qualified to refuse.

Watched the French promised, and it seemed that Ruosha had taken care of her to return to the camp she had set up in a village on the outskirts of Siena.

The shouts of the soldiers who cheered the Queen's figure all the way through the night sky.

Ruosha's demure riding on the horse, the hem of her riding skirt specially designed for the march flew upwards with the night wind, and the **** skirt seemed a bit abrupt, but this did not destroy her majesty, but let the soldiers More frantically, she sent a heartfelt cry to her.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Kingdom of Sicily!"

"Long live the Grenadier Regiment!"

Went all the way and cheered all the way until Ruosha stood at the door of her royal camp room, and the officers who followed followed bowing salute to the queen respectfully to show respect to their queen and commander-in-chief.

Luo Sha smiled to her generals, and then walked into the room calmly.

It was just after the door was closed, that no longer could restrain the joy of her heart, Zuosha threw her fists excitedly and jumped up: "Brother, we succeeded!"

On July 15, 1715, after a day of battle, the anti-French Allied forces defeated the French army outside Siena!

The 3rd Romagna War shocked the world in such a way.

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