Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 101: Before the battle

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The latest website: In the castle of Montina, Barendi knelt down at the altar with his hands folded on the forehead. In front of her, the new priest of Montina, Valvidora, looked at the duchess with a smile.

"Madam, as far as I know, nothing has made you so embarrassed, even the ones who are said to be the duke ..." The priest priest pouted, seemingly thinking about what words to use to describe the few, although He had never seen the duchess ’lovers, but as long as the pastor used the duchess in front of him as a reference, he could roughly guess what kind of amazing women are like." To tell the truth, Madam, I have always been curious, because I I ca n’t imagine what kind of woman can compare with you, smart and virtuous and loyal to the Duke, this should be the best wife a husband can find. ”

Listening to the pastor ’s compliment, Barendi raised her head and smiled bitterly. In fact, she was indeed so conceited before. Although she knew that her appearance did not have any advantage, she had enough confidence in her ability. Any man who marries her as a wife should be very satisfied with her at least in her career, but Barenti is not so sure now.

"I'm not good enough, so I'm going to do better." Balendi stood up and kissed the cross in the hand of Pastor Valverdeola, and then let the pastor walk with her in the church slowly. "Pastor if you see The Queen of Naples wo n’t appreciate a person so easily, know that he is my husband ’s sister. "

The priest noticed that when it came to her husband, Barenti's tone had unshakable pride, but when referring to the younger sister, there was a rather strange expression in her expression, which seemed to be jealous and like Envy, in short, the pastor feels very strange.

That is definitely not the expression a woman should have when referring to her young aunt, but more like talking about a rival.

This absurd idea flashed through the pastor's mind, but then he began to seriously consider the thoughts that Barenti had revealed to him before.

"Did you really think about it?" The priest asked in a low voice. "You have done a good job so far. In fact, you surprised me. I think the Duke decided that it was really correct for you to supervise the country." The decision may not be much better than you even if the Duke himself does here. "

"I didn't realize that you still have such compliments," Barendi smiled. She said that she likes to talk to Pastor Valvidola because the pastor always makes people feel relaxed. Said, perhaps only comparable to Alexander "But I have decided, but I hope you can help me."

Pastor Valverde pondered a little, he knew that the decision was not so easy, but in the end he nodded: "Madam, if you insist ..."

"Yes, I insist." Barenti said affirmatively, "This is probably the first time I do an impulsive thing, so I hope you can be my partner, when necessary, when I may make mistakes. Remind and correct my mistakes. "

Pastor Valverde nodded solemnly. He knew that Barenti had made up his mind. Although he didn't know what happened next, he was very grateful for the Duchess' trust.

When Barendi returned to the Ducal Palace, Aufrei had been waiting for a long time. When he saw the Duchess entering the room, Affrei immediately handed a thick document in his hand.

"Madam, I need you to sign the name on this document that calls a batch of supplies, and I have to tell you, please forgive me for distributing these things before."

Balenti, who was about to sign, paused slightly with the pen, and then signed his name on the document.

"I said, let those who know what to do do their thing, especially your captain, I am not that Lucrezia, I will not do stupid things because of my willfulness, so you do n’t have to use it at all. Worry because you are doing your duty. "

Stood there silently listening to the satire of the Duchess ’spared efforts, the commander of the army wisely chose to be silent, and at the same time secretly curious in his heart, not knowing how the Duke should deal with this mess in the future.

"Captain, I have another thing to tell you." Barenti said with a serious expression before pushing the document to Aufrei.

Seeing the Duchess, O'Fly suddenly jumped for no reason.

None of the women of the Duchess is a fuel-efficient lamp, as long as Alexander ’s cronies know it, so now looking at how the Duchess is so serious, Aufrei is not only thinking about what is going to happen. .

"Where is Comparty now?"

Sure enough, Barondi's question made O'Leary jump again, he vaguely guessed something.

"If there were no surprises, Gompati should have arrived in Florence by this time," Aufrei whispered. "Ma'am, you know that this operation is actually very dangerous. So far we have blocked almost all French troops. This may seem remarkable, but you know it ’s very bad for us. "

Balenti nodded thoughtfully. She knew what Aufrei meant. The battle between the Roman Thesia army and the French army in the hinterland of Romagna had been deadlocked for a long time in an unexpectedly stalemate way. A lot of people's expectations.

Prior to this, the Holy Alliance always believed that it was the Austrian army that could really contend with the French. Because of this, although the alliance also sent its own army, most of them deliberately and unintentionally delayed the time of the march, and their purpose was very clear. , Just want to wait for the Austrian army to arrive before joining the battlefield.

Now the Roman Thesia army and the French army are engaged in a fierce battle, which allows countries for the first time to truly see the strength of this emerging principality. Although before people knew that Roman Thesia was equal to wealth, but when they found that this emerging country actually still When they have the strength to compete with the French, their attitude towards Roma Thesia becomes a little more subtle.

No one wants to see the rise of a powerful country. If this country is still its neighbor, then maybe this is the beginning of a nightmare.

"Madam, are we really going to face a decisive battle with the French army?" Aufrei finally asked this question that had been hidden in my heart.

Although both the war order left by Alexander and the current situation have proved that the decisive battle with the French army seems to be an inevitable inevitable result, but Aufrei still hopes to stop this car at the last moment. Chariot.

"Roman Thesia needs a victory to prove its existence. Only then can our Principality gain a foothold, otherwise do you think that Venice or the emperor will willingly watch us rule this land?"

Looking at Aurei seems to be trying hard to persuade himself, Barendi couldn't help thinking of Alexander's comments on the character of his generals while lying on the bed and talking to her in bed.

Among them, the evaluation of Ao Fu Lei is: "A firm character but inevitably adhere to conventions. He is a good soldier, and he can become our right and left hand in the future, but he will always be a soldier."

Barendi will remember this clearly because she has a good memory, but the bigger reason is because Alexander was harassing her while talking, which made her happy that her husband could give her the Principality so assured. And it is inevitable that he will be agitated by the harassment.

But now think about it, Barrondi cannot but admit that Alexander's evaluation is really a straightforward shot. At least, the military excellence shown by Aufrei is compared with his political vision, and the judgement is high.

"We must let the French and everyone else understand that we have not left any escape route for ourselves in this war. Only then can they see our determination, and only then can Louis willingly accept to negotiate with us, "Barendi looked at Aufrei seriously and said," So at this time, the only thing we can do is to show our strength with the greatest strength, even if it may cause heavy losses, but this is the only way for the future of Rome Theseias. Create a favorable situation. "

Aufrei listened silently. He knew that these words of the Duchess were actually the meaning of the Duke himself, but in the mind of Aufrei thought that if these words were spoken by Alexander, it might be more convincing.

"I have decided to send Pastor Valverde to Pisa," Barrondi thought about it. "At this time, a pastor is far more convenient than an ordinary person, so if everything goes well, we may soon see a relationship The battle of the future destiny of the Principality of Rome Thesia, and your duty is to ensure that we can win, at least to force the King of France to make concessions to us. "

Alfrei felt some dryness and fever in his throat. Although he knew that this day might come, he did not expect it to come so fast, and it was when Alexander was not in the country.

But now it ’s obviously too late to say anything again. It seems that Alfrei saw the carriage that made him tremble, rushing forward with the momentum that no one can stop, and in front of the carriage, there is a road in the middle. The road to the bottomless abyss.

The fate of the carriage is only two, either cross the abyss and set foot on the smooth road, or fall down and fall into a crushing bone.

"Madam, I know what to do."

Aufrei bowed to Barrondi, at this time he had understood that it was not important whether he was the Duke or the Duchess in front of him. The destiny of all of them had been closely connected with the couple.

"Haunt that Charlene, don't give him a chance to get out," Balenti stood up and said seriously to Aufrei "Let Montina be his nightmare, for this to allow you to use all means."

"Mrs. Obey." Aufrei bowed again, at this moment he felt that the real battle had just begun.

There was a fierce gunfire that awakened Charlene who was in contemplation. He looked suspiciously at the castle of Montina opposite.

I don't know when it started, and there was a trace of uneasiness in Charlene's heart.

This kind of uneasiness started to be unreasonable, but some vague guesses and doubts made him feel uneasy in his heart.

However, with the passage of time, this unexplained uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

And the more intense the attack on Montina, the more uneasy Charalon's heart became, the later he was almost certain that he was facing a difficult choice.

Montena ’s sturdiness certainly surprised him, but Charlene was even more surprised by the tenacity of the Roman Thesia army.

Although during the war, the defending side can often deal with the enemy more safely with the fortified fortress, but this is not the place where Charalon really surprised.

The army of Roman Thesia was almost carrying out his mission with a kind of firmness and obedience that he could not imagine. This was never seen by Charlene in the wars he had participated in in the past.

In the impression of Charlene, all armies inevitably have some drawbacks, and some of them are very bad and disgusting customs that almost all armies are inevitable.

But the Roman Thesia army seems to be very clever to avoid the emergence of these vices, at least the army showed its bravery and due diligence in combating the enemy to surprise Charalon.

And the powerful defense system of Montina Castle is like a terrible flesh and blood disc. Under the powerful promotion of these Roman Thesia soldiers, they devour the lives of French soldiers all the time.

The cavalry sent back before had no news to come back, which made Charlene restless.

He hoped that his guess was wrong, but years of experience and confidence in his own judgment let Charlene know that his worry was not without reason.

Just, does the army of Roman Thesia really have such a terrible purpose?

Another round of attack began, and those flashing figures of the enemy who were outside the castle and approached the trench attracted Sherron's attention.

Over the past few days he has discovered some of the characteristics of the enemy in combat. The most impressive thing about him is the Roman Thesia artillery that made him feel incredibly accurate.

The French army has always been proud of its sharp artillery and skilled artillery skills, but in Montina, Charlene found that the French artillery encountered a strong enemy.

Charlene noticed that the artillery of Roma Thesia often could fire the first round of shells used to measure the distance, and could quickly re-correct the angular distance of the shot according to the impact point. According to his knowledge, this rapid adjustment of the artillery shooting The technique of precision, even those experienced gunners in the French army, is not so easy to master.

More importantly, Charlene discovered a very strange phenomenon. Every time the Roman Thesia artillery was about to shell, there were some enemy soldiers who appeared close to the scout near the French army.

Is just like the enemy troops vaguely appearing outside the city and approaching the trenches, which makes Sherron secretly guess whether the Roman Theseias are somehow guiding the artillery behind.

The shelling began, accompanied by a few whistling sounds, the shells that had been swept away by the advancing French army opened several gaps, and the flesh and blood of the scattered limbs were splashed on the body of the person next to them. The human figures one by one were stained with scary scarlet blood.

Charlene narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fixed on those swaying figures on the enemy ’s position in the distance, watching them run back and forth along the trench from side to side. In the army, Charlene felt that he was almost certain of his guess.

It was surprisingly surprised that the Roman Thesia army possessed such a technology, Charlene, but what made him even more disturbed was that the enemy's offensive seemed to be fierce and active. Before this, the Roman Thesia army only when it was under attack. They counterattacked, but now they are actively launching artillery bombardments against the French, and because of their more accurate shooting techniques, several times their shells even directly threatened the French artillery positions.

Charlene had to order the artillery to move to a safer area, but the threat to Montina Castle was greatly reduced, which made him realize that this may be the purpose of the Roman Thesias.

"Shoot at the trenches," Charlene gave the order, seeing the expression of doubt in his men, he pointed to the figures running back and forth in the trenches. "They are the eyes of the Roman Artesian artillery, only to make them blind and deaf, the enemy. Will not threaten us. "

Speaking of where Shaerlun shook his head slightly, he had never seen Bold Charlie, but he knew that this was a monarch and commander who gave a lot of generals a more brilliant vision. Perhaps Bold Charlie ’s luck was not good, but this did not hinder He is considered to be one of the most pioneering soldiers of this era.

Only compared to the bold Charlie, Charlene thought that these Roman Thesias had a deeper understanding and superb skills of artillery. The rare thing is that this army seems to have turned this technology into a war. Kind of common sense.

Charlene began to think that maybe Louis XII had chosen the wrong opponent. When he hadn't confronted Maximian before, he was entangled with Alexander. This made Charlene to the outcome of Louis XII's expedition. Feeling worried.

Charlene's guess was correct. With a burst of artillery, the figures of the lookouts approaching the trench disappeared, and the artillery of Rome Thesia also fell silent. The French army finally continued to move forward, but Shire Lun's heart was already covered with a shadow.

Eliminate some artillery lookouts. This does not make him feel relaxed. On the contrary, Charlene was always puzzled by the unusually positive actions of the Roman Thesias.

He hoped that Louis XII would heed his advice. When he thought of the conspiracy of the Roman Tesia army, Charlene felt that they had made a big mistake from the beginning.

"I hope everything is just my heart ..."

"What do you say, sir?" An officer next to him asked, puzzled.

"Nothing," Charlene waved as if to shake off the gloom of his heart, and then issued the order "Continue to attack, let us see how long they can last."

Just when Charlene once again launched a fierce attack on Montina, in Pisa, the ongoing battle was also fierce.

Bowwicken was also surprised by the tenacious resistance shown by the Pizza, but what made him even more annoyed was the situation facing both parties.

As far as Bowwicken knows, there are not many troops in Pisa, and the soldiers in this city are probably the most incompetent, but the fact that surprised him is that the enemy not only has a strong firepower, but also has unexpected resistance Spirit, the most important thing is that he seems to underestimate the number of the Pisa City Defense Army.

This made Bowwicken very confused. Even though he heard that Pisa was carrying out the so-called wartime mobilization, he did not believe that a group of civilians could master combat skills so quickly, let alone confront with a powerful French army.

Until in a battle, his men captured a Swiss.

It was at this time that Bowwicken knew that his previous judgments were correct.

Pisa does not have a large number of troops, and the so-called wartime mobilization is obviously not to send those respected pizza citizens to the battlefield, but Pisa has these two things that can make any enemy headache.

Money and port.

A large amount of money is enough to hire a Swiss who is expensive but dedicated, and more importantly, relying on ports and sea routes, a steady stream of reinforcements poured into Pisa City, including Genoa ’s exiled nobles, from Naples and the Tower Ranto's reinforcements even have a group of Catalan mercenaries who are extremely sturdy despite their small number.

Such a seemingly mixed army, but under the command of an officer named Nikolai Machini, firmly held the city of Pisa.

This made Bowwicken anxious and angry, especially the appearance of the Catalans made him a little worried.

He wrote a report of this unexpected situation to the king. Although he did not directly state it in the letter, he hinted gently that the Catalans may have some relationship with Ferdinand, king of Aragon.

Then Bowwicken put all the troops into the attack on Pisa.

There was a horse hissing, and Ruosha held the reins tightly.

Looking at the vanguard who is preparing to cross the front stream, Ruo Sha pats her mount, which seems to be eager to cool off.

What surprised Ruza was that until the night before, the French army once again formed a semi-encircled situation against the Naples army.

This result is really much better than she had expected. Although it was only half a day longer, the Naples army successfully attracted the main force of the French army to the south for nearly 20 miles. ~ We are now where? "Zuosha rode and looked into the distance immediately. Although she knew the approximate location, she asked.

"Your Majesty, we are in the suburbs of Siena." Omo replied respectfully.

"Siena," Ruo Sha smiled, and she said to Omo, "Remember I told you that you will see your brother soon?"

"Your Majesty, I remember." Omo said vaguely, he knew the reason why the Queen said this to him a few days ago. When he thought of what was going to happen next, the young servant I couldn't help but feel the blood in my body heating up because of the excitement.

"Let's end all this in Siena," Ruosha looked back. The French had already formed a formation. Obviously they also thought that the Naples army wanted to keep Siena, and Ruosha chuckled. But he probably can't think of anyone other than us who is waiting for him. "

The Naples army retreated to Siena under the chase of the French.

The French army, who finally caught up with the enemy and opened the surrounding net, was surprised that another army suddenly appeared on the battlefield in Siena.

"Is this French?"

Kurash muttered as he watched the French army that was rapidly occupying various favorable terrain in the distance.

On July 14, 1501, the Pope Army entered Siena.


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