Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 87: Queen's Conquest

Pass the Marcellino and St. Peter's Church from the Great City Gate, and pass the famous Kuranosh Avenue. Looking up, you can see the Arch of Constantine in the distance.

Just a few years ago, there was a man who led his army through this road, and then tried to cross under the triumphal arch that heralded victory and conquest, but was eventually stopped.

It was only one person who stopped the man ’s army, but even then, the man was not afraid, but confronted the whole army under the triumphal arch.

"Unfortunately, although Alexander blocked the Gonzalo, he failed to pass under the Arc de Triomphe." Rasa, who was riding on the horse, said with regret, a whole group of grenadiers around her, On the outer perimeter is the Kosenza army with sword shields and spears.

The grenadiers stared at the movements on the street with vigilance. As soon as someone tried to approach them, they immediately raised their guns and prepared for shooting. The perimeter sword shield soldiers also carefully placed the shield on the outward side. The entire team is like a small mobile fortress, which makes the captain responsible for defending Ruosha believe that even if a large number of thugs are encountered, they don't want to easily break through their formation.

In fact, apart from the obvious traces of destruction on the streets, they not only saw no thugs, but even rarely seen personal figures.

Before Russa entered the city himself, the Naples team had entered Rome, and then after driving out a large number of angry people, and then neatly suppressing some mobs who still refused to leave and boldly attacked, Naples The army announced that it had taken over the city of Rome.

Suosha suddenly pulled the reins, she saw a little dirty square, perhaps because it had just rained a few days ago, the square was full of mud, but she came down from the horse and went through the guard to there Go.

The guard immediately became commotion. The captain followed several grenadiers and followed Shaosha. At the same time, he swung his arms to try to encircle the small square.

Ruosha spoke to stop the captain. She did not go to the small square, but just stood not far away and looked at the place. Then she turned to the waitress next to me and said, "I used to be at the command of my brother. Here I have selected a group of workers. Now some of them should be in Crete, and some are in places I do n’t even know. Although I did that at that time, I also had some doubts about his decision, but now I believe no one will Doubt him again, our sugar feet can make the whole of Europe surrender. "

Luo Sha said with a light smile, she turned and returned to the team. She lifted her head to the Constantine Triumphal Arch, which was shrouded in a golden light by the setting sun. Sha's face prevented her from reaching out and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Then, after getting used to the dazzling light a little, she first opened her transparent fingers illuminated by the sun, let the light shine through her fingers, then put down her hand and looked up at the magnificent sunset.

"I like this city," Ruosha said to the people around her, and then she gently urged the horse, and as her hand flicked forward, her guards watched the Naples army who had gathered in the queue in the square. Heading towards the Arch of Constantine.

On June 16, 1501, Nazare's Regent Queen Russa Cosenza Astamara led the Naples army into Rome.

On the same day, the Regent Queen held a simple entrance ceremony in the Roman Forum, and then the Queen passed through the Arch of Constantine as a conqueror.

After Charles VIII entered Rome in 1497, the second monarch crossed this triumphal arch that meant victory.

In the whole process, the city defense army guarding Rome did not respond, and the Pope Army, as the Vatican army, had been stationed outside the city of Rome, and remained intact from beginning to end.

The sky has dimmed a little bit. The time when the Naples army entered the city is actually a bit strange. Choosing to suddenly enter the city in the afternoon brings to the Romans in addition to accidents and fears, because people realize that night is the coat of sin. For any conquered For the cities of China, the arrival of the night is terrible and terrifying, because darkness can cover up all terrible crimes.

The Romans hid in their homes. They dared not turn on the lights. Many of them blocked the doors and windows with heavy furniture. Some nobles had armed their servants before the mob, and now they are more vigilant. His home has become a strong fortress, ready to deal with the thugs who may break in at night, and those who may become more terrible than the mob at any time.

From time to time, there will be hurried footsteps in the street, and sometimes a few screams will be heard in the alleys in the distance. It is that people who have left the order have encountered robbery. People are listening nervously in the house, except for those The unlucky people prayed, hoping that the thugs would not stare at their homes.

A sudden dull sound came, and it could be heard that the team was passing by. The residents on both sides of the street immediately became tense, and they listened closely to the door of the room, some quietly looking out from the gap in the tight curtains.

The streets were full of silhouettes, a group of soldiers passed by the door, and the heavy sound of the thunder and thunder of the boots stepping on the ground was like knocking on everyone's heart. At this moment, everyone raised their hearts to their throats.

A sound of horseshoes came, and a large number of people could be heard from the sound.

In a household, the woman hugged her one-year-old son and shrank nervously in the corner of the living room. Next to her, another ten-year-old boy clutched the cloth apron in front of her mother's clothes, staring nervously and excitedly Hidden by the window and peeking outside at the brother.

"It's a team of cavalry. It must be the Naples army to see them dressed up."

The young man standing by the window whispered what happened on the street despite the urging of his mother ’s worries. Suddenly he made a seemingly surprised 'ah' sound, which terrified the woman, she immediately stood up and covered her hand The mouth of the awakened son was afraid that he would cry.

"I saw a young woman. She was so beautiful. She must be the Queen of Naples." The young man's eyes lit up, and he lowered his voice with an uncontrollable excitement.

"What's the queen doing here?" The boy asked strangely.

"I know, she came to the Marino Palace," the youth suddenly said in a trance. "The Marino Palace is the queen's brother, the Duke of Rometsia. She came here to live."

The young man ’s eyes flashed with excitement, although he knew that he could only take such a sneaky look, but he felt that this generation would probably not forget that the queen passed by the window of his house, which made him difficult for a lifetime I have forgotten the charm.

Ruosha didn't know she had an admirer. She was standing on the steps of the renovated Marino Palace, looking up at the familiar palace.

Although 2 years have passed, the renovation of the Palace of Como Marino is still in progress, mainly because Ruosha ’s expectations for this palace were too high, although it has not yet been pushed to the point of reconstruction, but in addition to the main building In addition, the east and west wings of the entire palace that were close to the main building have not only been renovated, but also added a promenade that can connect the two buildings from the rear according to Ruosha ’s intention. In this way, the entire Marino Palace It still retains the previous style, but in fact, both the room and the structure have undergone tremendous changes.

The result of the construction of such a project is that it will take at least five years to be fully completed, and the cost will be as high as 27,000 florins.

This is a huge sum of money, and a magnificent palace comparable to any building in the city of Rome.

After all, even St. Peter ’s Basilica is calculated to cost only 170,000 florins, and this is a huge project that will last for almost a century.

Zuosha was a little gratified that although Caesar expelled the army of Roma Thesia in Rome, he did not start at the Palace of Marino, so when he entered the palace, he saw the orderly servants and the same as before, although they were nervous After that familiar environment, Ruo Sha rewarded everyone in the palace for her good mood.

It was just that when she walked up the second floor through the rooms, standing outside one of the doors, she lowered her eyebrows slightly, and then she opened the door.

Looking at the familiar furnishings inside, and a wooden armor frame placed against the wall as before, Ruosha made an imperceptible hum in her nose. She knew this should be Alexander ’s command, obviously in Alexander ’s In her heart, she may still hope that the Bohemian wild girl will come back to Rome, but although Ruosha was a little upset when she saw all this, she knew that Alexander's wish might not be realized.

Alexandria did n’t know that, after Alexander returned to Rome from the Balkans for the second time, he secretly asked Pratoli to establish a trading post at the Constanta port where she had passed by the Black Sea. In Schulk's relationship, Prato transported large quantities of goods from Naples to Wallachia again and again in the war-torn Mediterranean.

Among these goods, in addition to some luxury goods that the Bucharest court and the rich aristocrats need, mainly weapons!

Flintlock muskets, artillery guns of various calibers, and even the round-fire muskets that have not yet been fully popularized by Zuosha ’s own army, these things are continuously being transported to Wallachia, and large quantities of copper and Gold, silver and iron ore.

It seems that it is an unwise choice to make love rivals stronger, but Ruosha does not see it that way. When she thinks that the rapidly armed Armenia of Wallachia is enough to stimulate Sophia ’s ambitions, think that she is probably watching now Staring at the neighbors around her, especially for the future of her twins, she has already pulled off her posture and is ready to do a big fight. Ruosha feels that for at least a long time that she can think of, do n’t worry about the wild The girl came to trouble yourself.

"Dear brother, you should thank me because I made your woman very powerful." Sosha praised herself in her heart and then quit Sophia's room. She listened to the clear lock behind her and smiled. Laugh and keep going.

A hurried footsteps came from behind, and Ruosha stopped to look back, and saw Elliott of Taranto walking angrily.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for disturbing you, but I want to know what you are doing?" Elliott seemed to be anxiously ruined. He seemed to be reluctantly suppressing his dissatisfaction. Seeing that Rusha seemed completely indifferent to his words. It looks like he took a deep breath to calm down his emotions a little bit. "You have entered Rome, and even crossed the Arch of Constantine, but then you went home directly, then everything we had before was What are you doing? "

"So what do you think I should do? Walk across the bridge to occupy the Vatican?" Zuosha looked at Elliott and saw him stop talking. Zuosha continued, "As long as I don't cross the bridge, Everything is under our control. You can rest assured that the bishops will come to us on your own initiative. As for the Pope himself, do you think there is anything more important to him than to get rid of the immediate trouble? "

"But there are pope troops outside the city. If Constantine orders them to fight us, and the Roman city defense forces, the situation is not good for us, so we should reach an agreement with the Vatican as soon as possible instead of waiting for them. "Elliot said worryingly. The excitement when he entered Rome before gradually calmed him down with the enthusiasm. Thinking of the subtle situation of the Naples army now, he had to worry that Russa seemed so satisfied.

"You do n’t have to worry, do n’t forget that we entered the city in the name of quelling the riots in the city of Rome. As for the city defense army, why do you think they have n’t responded yet?"

Ruosha suddenly smiled at Elliott, and her bright smile made Elliott unable to lose her mind in an instant, and Laosha's next move made Elliott even more surprised.

Luo Sha raised his arm to him.

Elliot was at a loss at this moment. He did have a certain illusion about the young queen who had almost become his stepmother, but he never thought that Ruosha would show him an unusual attitude at this time.

Elliott immediately stepped forward, ready to respond enthusiastically to the queen, but just didn't wait for him to speak, but Ruosha said to him behind him: "Welcome to you, secretary, I don't think you need to be careful this time. Yes. "

Elliot turned around in amazement, watching Nomelo passing by him, and then stepped forward to pick up Rosa's hand and bowed his head to kiss. Elliot's face was stunned for a moment, his expression blank.

The Queen of Naples did not enter the Vatican, which made the entire Cardinals secretly relieved.

When they heard that the Naples army entered Rome, everyone was overwhelmed by the accident.

They were worried that the Naples army would directly occupy the Vatican. If the Holy See would fall into an embarrassing situation, although it would certainly not benefit the Neapolitans, the Cardinals could not help but shudder at the thought of looting the entire Holy See without any consideration.

In history, the Holy See has been looted more than once. In addition to the pagans and even the army claiming to be pious to Christ, it has never been polite to the Holy See. Now because the Ladia gold coin has caused such a great disturbance, it is playing. It is really hard to guess what the Naples army will do in the name of quelling the riots in the city.

It's just that although they didn't enter the Vatican and let them breathe a sigh of relief, the next move of Ruo Sha made the Cardinals confused.

"What does she want?" No one dared to despise the young queen at this time. The eyes of the cardinals turned to Mahimo, who was waiting for his answer.

Mahimo always had an unpleasant smile on his face. He had not participated in the discussions of the cardinals, but listened to the attendants to report the news one by one, until all of them because of Zuosha's move. Feeling inexplicable, and suddenly awakening to find him, Mahimo stood up and looked at the cardinals:

"Everyone, you probably have forgotten a very important thing. Queen Rosa Cosenza Astrama is not only the sister of the Duke of Rome Thesia, but also an important member of the Free Trade Union, and Ladia Although the gold coins were issued by the Holy See, they were able to rely on the trading transactions of that trade union to succeed. Now that the gold coins of Ladia are experiencing such a big crisis, this obviously also destroys the interests of the trade union, so the queen sent troops to calm down at this time. The riots in Rome are completely understandable. "

The cardinals looked at each other, and they were overwhelmed by this sudden change. Although the Holy See guard still controlled Fort Sant’Angelo, no one really expected them to block the army that Caesar had killed. .

Old Luo Weilei looked silently at Mahimo, he had no doubt at this time that all this was actually a premeditated.

As for when this premeditation started, it is not important. The important thing is from the declaration of war between the Trade Union and the French, to the run of the Ladia gold coins, and then the Naples army entered Rome in the name of quelling the riots. Once unrelated events are connected, it seems to be a big net that no one can get rid of!

And the prey in this web ~ ~ has Rome, Vatican, Louis XII, Alexander VI, and maybe even him!

Thinking of this, old Luo Weilei suddenly felt a bit chilly in this hot June. After thinking about it, he finally said to Mahimo: "So tell me, what does she want?"

Mahimo was about to speak, and a commotion from the door interrupted him, followed by a seemingly unexpected whisper of alarm that caught people's attention.

The cardinals looked at the door one after another, and then they stunned to see Alexander VI standing at the door.

The pope in a white robe was slightly camel, and his expression was a bit sullen. His deep eyes made him look tired. The staff used to be a ritual was now a cane supporting the body.

"Cardinal, are you asking what you want," Alexander VI's skinny face appeared with a meaningless smile. He glanced at the old Rovere, then glanced at Mahimo, then his gaze slowly Passing through everyone's face "Please rest assured, believe me all of you will be safe this time, because I think she knows what she wants. She wants me."

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