Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 71: "Training Columbus"

Looking at the wagon far away, Maria de Luna was stunned. It didn't seem to be refreshed until the wagon gradually disappeared. She turned her head to look at Tiego standing beside.

The man looked a little bit fat, and he was not very tall, and it was not very pleasing in appearance.

But it was such a person who finally convinced Gonzalo.

And his last reason really sounded like that.

A crown, the crown of Sicily.

When Tiego said this, Maria de Luna saw Gonzalo's face "sure enough".

But she didn't know what to do, she didn't believe Tego, or the Duke of Rome Theseia.

Maria de Luna vaguely has a very absurd feeling, it seems that the crown of Sicily does not satisfy that person.

In any case, Gonzalo seems to believe this reason.

"For the crown of Sicily."

Maria de Luna still remembers the ridiculous look on Gonzalo's face when he heard this. It seems that at this moment he said to all people including Ferdinand related to the crown There is a so-called "Gonzalo-style" sarcasm.

"I admit that it is indeed a very attractive fruit, but is your master really sure that he can taste it?"

Gonzalo smiled and asked Tiego before he left, but he didn't seem to want to get an answer, so he didn't wait for Tiego to answer, he already chuckled into the carriage.

"But I think your advice is indeed good, and I do need to stay in a warmer place for a while, knowing that the Aegean Sea is almost freezing my bones."

With this insincere words, Gonzalo embarked on the road to Andalusia.

This is also the first time in years that he has vaguely thought about Isabella.

Looking at the empty road that had disappeared from the carriage, Maria de Luna suddenly smiled at Thiego.

It was a cold smile different from the past, which made Tiegeau stunned.

Thinking about the kind of indifference and hatred that this woman showed to him because of his coercion, Tiege couldn't help whispering: "What kind of tricks does this woman want to make?"

Constantina is a less conspicuous city in Andalusia, located on a hilly high **** on the north bank of the Gwadar River, almost exactly between Seville and Cordoba.

In the early days, Constantina had prospered for a while because of the supply of supplies between the two cities, but with the increase in the number of ports on the Gwadar River, Constantine could not avoid falling off. Too.

However, despite this, the city still retains the granaries that were abandoned when it was used as a hub in its early years, but it can still be used, so it soon became the ideal barracks in the mind of Don Bavi.

After announcing the power of Andalusian ruler, different voices inevitably appeared in the noble coalition.

Some people suggested that they should immediately negotiate with the queen. Obviously these people did not make war their first choice. In their view, they only showed their strength to let the queen compromise with them. Once Isabella showed an uncompromising attitude, these people Can't help but panic.

This naturally made Don Bavey angry, but the suggestions made by others did not please him either.

Those people thought that they must never bow their heads to the ambitious woman of Isabella. They must use force to make her understand that the kingdom is the property shared by the nobility and the royal family.

If she thinks that the royal family can monopolize everything, then she should use force to help her correct this wrong idea.

So these people screamed the slogan of "Invest in Valladolid" all day, which attracted a large number of nobles and naturally caused anxiety for the compromisers.

In the end, after a small conflict between the two sides, Tang Bawei took the opportunity to suppress it.

However, as the biggest beneficiary of this turmoil, Don Bavi also realized the hidden contradictions and hidden dangers in the noble coalition.

He knew that he must never wait for Isabella to pick them up, and he must also give those energetic all day long to remember the price of scourge

The clan masters find something to do so they can consume their excessive energy.

So after careful consideration, Don Bavi decided to enter Constantina.

The reason for choosing this place is that according to intelligence, the striker of Isabella's royal army has approached Cordoba.

Faced with the noble coalition, the defenders of Cordoba put up a posture of standing by and waiting, which made Don Bavi realize that it is unlikely to capture Cordoba before the arrival of the king. Too.

This decision obviously took into account the opinions of the two factions, which actually made the quarrelsome parties somewhat satisfied.

It's just that Don Bavey's move has a different meaning in Alexander's eyes.

Alexander noticed that Tang Bawei seemed to have some inexplicable ambiguity towards Wang Jun's attitude, and then recalled that he had the sister Alft in his hand, and he suddenly understood the purpose of Tang Bawei.

Obviously, the Andalusian nobles have become Don Bavi ’s chess pieces, and he holds the Alfred nun firmly in his hand but does not let her show up, which makes him occupy in the negotiation with Isabella A huge advantage.

At the critical moment, Sister Alft will naturally become an important means of Don Bavey, but his purpose is not to force Isabella to abdicate, but to plot the entire Andalusia.

"He wants to be vice-president of Andalusia?" Alexander thought about it, but felt vaguely peeping into Don Bavi's calculations.

"Vice king, what's that, sir?" Schell asked, puzzled.

They were heading towards the merchant exchange. Andalusia ’s sudden rebellion caused many shipowners from the Mediterranean and Africa to suffer a big loss. The merchant ships that had to enter the mainland from the Gwadar River had to be forced to stop in Seville. Leah or the farther pier cannot continue to advance inland,

This made them in a hurry, these merchants have now gathered in the merchant exchange waiting for the news of the opening of the river.

However, they were destined to be disappointed, because Don Bavi had blocked the whole river on the grounds of preventing the army from using the Gwadar River to attack Seville.

It is not just those businessmen who often run old routes, but some businessmen from the new colony routes are also coming from other places because of the bad news.

But what made them feel bad was that the **** incidents that occurred on the exchanges before resulted in the loss of many important debits, contracts, trading certificates and various commercial contracts.

This caused those people to panic. They were worried that the loss of these precious data would make many businesses that relied on these certificates continue to be clueless. For a time, the whole exchange was full of voices, and the shouts were one after another. There was a terrible sign of murder here before a little bit.

When Alexander came to the exchange, he saw such a scene. The lively place made him seem to return to the futures exchange in Rome. These are countless wealth in his eyes.

A group of people gathered in the distance caught Alexander's attention, and he saw those people encircling two of them in the middle, and everyone paid a special compliment to one of them.

Those people listened attentively as soon as he spoke, and sometimes he might be careful to raise doubts when he stopped, but as soon as the person spoke, the people would be silent immediately.

"Christopher Columbus."

Even though he hadn't seen this person, looking at his vaguely similar appearance to James, and then listening to his accent with the obvious Genoese accent, Alexander already knew who this person was.

Columbus is 50 years old this year. This is an old age. After all, there are few people who can live as long as Leonardo, so it seems that although he still has a lot of energy, but from the look and eyebrows There can already be some old look between them.

Columbus obviously also noticed Alexander standing in the distance and looking at him, so he stopped and looked over.

Looking at this legendary figure who discovered the new continent and let human beings truly understand what the complete world looks like for the first time, Alexander felt calm and without any excitement.

It was the same feeling as when I saw Magellan, the first person in the future, at a glance. Looking at this Columbus, which is tall but nothing special, Alexander thought about how to let this supposedly greedy person do it for himself live.

Columbus's greed is obviously very famous. It was because the conditions that were proposed to the Portuguese were too harsh, so they could not get help from the Portuguese.

Even if it was finally funded by Isabella, at the beginning, because he was also too greedy for the demand for compensation, Ferdinand had once been unkindly rejected.

However, here you can see Isabella's distinctive courage and long-term vision that are different from ordinary people. She clearly sees the huge potential of opening new routes. She is determined to resolutely shortly after the battle to recover the lost ground, The state treasury was not wealthy and funded Columbus's adventure.

The wise decision was to return a huge return. Isabella's gambling won her a chance to build the first real world empire in the future.

It was only Columbus ’s greed that caused the couple ’s dissatisfaction, especially because of the huge wealth flowing into his pockets, so not long ago, he made an excuse not only to deprive him of his colonial governor status, but also cast him Go to prison.

Although he was released soon, everyone could see that Columbus fell out of favor.

Of course, Alexander knew that Columbus ’s legend did not end like this, and soon Isabella would once again entrust him with a heavy duty, and let him lead a trusted fleet to the New World for the last adventure of his life, but Alexander did not intend to let This happened.

Now this Columbus was standing in front of himself, so Alexander figured out how to make him sell his life without paying a big price.

In a room in the exchange, Columbus sat in front of Alexander and looked at the noisy and noisy businessmen in the hall outside the window. Columbus smiled with confidence and pride.

Everything here can be said to be thanks to him. This exchange is now slowly prospering, and these have only appeared since he explored the new colony.

"Duke, I know James is serving you now," when the two were alone, Columbus immediately said unkindly, "I don't know what you promised him, but I want to declare to you that the new colony I discovered it. Everything James knew was stolen from me. "

Looking at Columbus's arrogant look, Alexander shook his head secretly in his heart.

If Columbus later considered his life as a rich man to be a good result all his life, but he did not finally realize that his family became a respectable noble family, which definitely has a huge relationship with him.

This is a man who dares to risk his life, but is arrogant, greedy, and lacks the experience of self-protection in this dangerous place of the palace.

Alexander quickly concluded this person.

It can be said that it was Columbus's luck to meet Isabella. If you change to some other monarch, waiting for his end is probably not so wonderful.

"James is now a very important assistant around me," Alexander looked at Columbus's unhappy face. "If you think you can replace him, you have to perform enough to satisfy me."

"Duke, I think you misunderstood. I just wanted to explain all of this. I still serve the queen until now, and I am the governor of the new colony ordered by the queen."

Alexander shook his head, and he suddenly didn't want to talk to this person. Obviously Columbus still wanted to raise his worth, which made him feel unnecessary to continue.

Must he accommodate and reuse this person because he is Columbus? Alexander smiled sarcastically. He has Columbus's sailing diary and a group of experienced sailors. More importantly, he owns the Columbus Institute. There is no more detailed understanding of the new continent. In this case, why does he need to use such a so-called person?

In fact, the greater reason Alexander wanted to solicit Columbus was not that he wanted to command the expedition for himself, but that he took a fancy to the image he established in people's minds for the feat of opening up a new continent.

This can be seen from the respectful attitude of those businessmen towards him, but he is not indispensable, maybe he is a little troublesome, but Alexander believes that as the battle between Portugal and the Kings begins at sea, these will soon be It's not a problem.

Compared with the two kings, Manuel's ambitions are not inferior to them, which is enough to make him attract too much attention for Alexander.

And this time just happens to be a wonderful opportunity to open up a new continent.

Just like meeting that Magellan, it only makes sense for a person to appear at the right time. Otherwise, even if he knows that he will have extraordinary feats, he still has little value.

Just like James, although he had only a nautical diary that seemed useless at the time, he appeared exactly at the time when Alexander was in need.

And now, this Columbus is not so important.

Looking at Alexander's cold look, Columbus showed a stunned look. Although Isabella deprived him of his identity, he still has a great reputation, which is enough to make him pay enough attention.

But now the Duke seems to have not taken him at all, and he has not even given him the opportunity to continue to prove his importance.

Seeing that Alexander had already made his departure, Columbus could not bear it: "Duke, do n’t you think that I am more suitable to cooperate with you than James? Know how familiar and familiar I am with the new colony. Yes, and I have a great influence in the Castilian navy. I believe this is important to you. "

Alexander stopped to look at Columbus. He admitted that Columbus was right. His influence in the Castilian Navy did have a pivotal role in the future, but Alexander did not want to accommodate him because of this.

Alexander is too clear. This is an insatiable person, and he will not be grateful for his tolerance.

He shook his head and looked at Columbus's eyes with indifference: "No matter what kind of glory you have ever been, it is already past, now you are nothing. What I need is to be able to obey and follow my will The people I ’m doing are not an unruly adventurer. I can find a lot of people like that. There are already too many people in Lisbon who are looking forward to seeing Manuel ordering to start an exploration of the new colony. "

Columbus looked at Alexandria in disbelief. A burst of anger surged from his heart. He could not have imagined that the nobleman from Rome actually did not put him in his eyes.

It's just that although he was so angry that he had the urge to make a duel to the opponent on the spot, he also knew that Alexander was actually good.

The huge harvest of the new colony has deeply stimulated the Portuguese. If it is not the scruples of the double kings, the Portuguese have already begun the battle for the new colony. Even so, he has heard that the Portuguese have just been in the Azov. The Isles attacked Castile's fleet.

This means that a colonial battle has officially begun.

At this critical time, he was deprived of the status of governor of the new colony.

Columbus suddenly felt that the situation was really embarrassing. Maybe he could still deceive himself before, but when Alexander unmasked his layer of shame, he really meant that maybe he had really been abandoned.

In the upcoming fierce battle for the colony, he no longer has his place.

"I will give you a suitable place in the fleet that I organized. This is the only promise I can give you," Alexander stood up, and he looked at Columbus, who looked blank, and reached out to him. "You should have already Knowing my conjectures about the new colony, you should also know that if those conjectures are facts, then this will be one of the greatest discoveries in human history, but I want to remind you that I will not wait for you for a long time, because this does not matter It is up to you to decide whether you are a God-given opportunity to become a discoverer of the new world or to be a historical watcher. "

After talking, Alexander went to the door.

"Master, do you think that Columbus will come?"

Shear immediately walked out of the exchange and could n’t help but ask ~ ~ Although he does n’t quite understand why the new colony is so valued by the Duke so far, this matter is obviously very important, and this Jem His brother must also be a very important person.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it," Alexander stopped and looked at Shelle with a smile and said, "Remember Shelle, there are words that are true truths."

"What's the matter, lord?"

"Everyone leaves the earth and turns as usual."


Xie Leng stared at the back of Alexander who had moved forward alone after saying this inexplicable sentence. .

When he was about to catch up and then ask what happened to the earth, a rapid horseshoe sound suddenly came from the far street.

Sher instinctively grabbed the hilt and hurried forward to meet him in front of Alexandria. At the same time, a person was already pulling the reins not far from them, and at the same time the person immediately shouted: Lord Duke, I just got news that Gonzalo has reached the front line of Cordoba! "

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