Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 50: Iberian Weng and son-in-law

Isabella ’s unexpected toughness surprised the ministers, although everyone ’s firm character is known to everyone, but this does not mean that Isabella is a person with a reckless personality.

On the contrary, the queen is not only firm but also has wisdom beyond ordinary people. Just think about overturning Enrique ’s rule when she was in adversity, and then use the huge victory to recover the lost ground to make her prestige to an unprecedented level. , You can know that this queen is not to be underestimated.

But now Isabella's almost sloppy attitude surprised the ministers. They looked at each other and for a while did not even know how to answer the queen's question.

Does go to war with Portugal?

This is obviously the worst result, although Isabella has already revealed the idea of ​​exerting pressure on Portugal or even using force when necessary, but as long as the situation does not reach that point one day, there is always room for perfection. .

For Portugal, the mind of the Castilians is very complicated. The kings of all generations have taken various measures against this immediate neighbor, either actively wooing the marriage, or demonstrating the threat of power, but these methods often come later. They are all resolved in a more gentle way.

In the same way, all monarchs have regarded the use of force against Portugal as a very serious issue. This is because the strength of Portugal itself cannot be underestimated, and that France, located in the north, has always regarded Portugal as their containment of Iberian power. Important chips.

Especially after Juana married Philip, whether it was Charles VIII before or Louis XI now, they strengthened their ties with Portugal.

Now Isabella has made such a strong response. Although she has been prepared before, the ministers are still puzzled by the queen ’s stubborn intention to solve the problem by force.

Philip was also surprised, although it was indeed a good thing for Isabella to provoke the French actively, after all, his father was pinching each other in Italy and Louis eleven. If he could contain the French from Iberia at this time, It must have played an important role in the Italian war situation.

After being delighted, Philip had some concerns about this idea.

Before Ferdinand had sent Gonzalo to participate in the war in Italy, although Gonzalo was Isabella's love general, after all, it was Aragon who sent troops.

That is to say, at least in name, Castile and France did not fight, and Ferdinand has no excuses to intervene in Castile. After all, the United Kingdom is still a double king.

But if Isabella had a direct conflict with France because of the war with Portugal, it means that Castile will also be officially involved in the war.

As such, Ferdinand has every reason to take the opportunity to intervene in Castile ’s affairs in the name of war, and this is completely reasonable.

Philip is guarding Ferdinand, but he believes that his father-in-law is obviously guarding him. Now if there is such a good opportunity, Philip thinks there is no reason why Ferdinand should not use it.

For all these reasons, after hearing Isabela's tough decision, Philip was not so happy.

And he also wondered how Isabella could conflict with France so eagerly, which obviously did not fit her character.

Philip ’s doubts did not escape Isabella ’s eyes. From how he did not respond positively to his words, Isabella roughly guessed Philip ’s thoughts, which made her a little annoyed. Helpless.

When she was the only one in the room, Isabella walked tiredly to the bench and sat down, then leaned slightly on the high armrest on the side of the bench.

The door of the room knocked lightly. As the door opened and footsteps entered, the attendant walked into the room.

Slightly tilted his head to look at the dark face of the attendant standing in the distance of the bench, Isabella gave a helpless smile.

"Now it seems that I think Juana is the only one who has no intention," Isabella sighed. "I can even think of how happy Carlos will be after hearing my decision."

"The king is coming back soon." The long attendant said something irrelevant.

"I know."

Isabella tried to sit up hard, but suddenly felt unable to exert her strength. She leaned backwards, looking at the back of her head, which was about to knock down the wooden edge of the bench.

The waiter next to him swiftly supported the queen's shoulders. After letting the queen sit firmly, he silently stepped back two steps.

"I don't think my body is good enough," Isabella glanced at the attendant. "I'm worried that one day I will fall down suddenly. If that might happen, it would be terrible."

"You will always be healthy, Your Majesty." The attendant said with a deep voice.

"How is it possible to know that the people of the Astamala family don't live long," Isabella smiled disapprovingly at the concubine's comfort. "And to me, it seems that there is not much regret in this world. I have one of the most noble crowns in Europe, a strong and wealthy kingdom, and my daughter gave me a grandson who might become an emperor in the future, which is enough to satisfy me. "

The long attendant looked like he was full of joy, but he couldn't conceal her worry, Isabella's lips moved, but she still didn't open her mouth.

"What do you want to say," Isabella looked at the chief attendant, seeing that he didn't answer, she couldn't help but shook her head disappointedly "I just hope to have a reliable heir, but Juana's appearance now makes me very uncomfortable rest assured."

"Maybe the Duke can help her." The chief attendant finally said something that he didn't believe very much.

There was a trace of disgust on Isabella's face. She stood up and back and walked around trying to chase the gloomy head, but this didn't seem to be of any use. At last she sat down helplessly and stared out at the window again: "You think Can Philip really help her? "

The attendant Changhei Chancan's face revealed helplessness. He knew what the queen was worried about, but this was not something he could help.

"All my hopes are on Juana. If she disappoints me, maybe the civil war is waiting for this country in the future."

Hearing Isabella ’s words, the attendant ’s long heart could n’t help but jump. This was the first time he heard the Queen say the future so seriously.

"But are you still the queen now?" The long attendant finally said something that he didn't know if it was comfort or something. After looking at the smile on Isabella's face, the long waiter thought about it again. Say "Maybe, you should let Juana meet the Duke, this may not make her mood better, but it should not be worse."

The long attendant's words made Isabella fall into a deep ponder. She knew that this was indeed the truth. Although she was very disappointed with Juana, her everything was now pinned on Juana, which made her completely have no choice.

"Let Philip go to see her and make him treat Juana better," said Isabella's face with a stern expression. "Tell him this is my order."

Philip leaving the palace hurried out of the city, Valladolid is really a suffocating place, for those narrow streets, secluded alleys and seemingly depressing churches and monasteries, he has seen early Impatient, until after leaving the city, Philip finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Philip's villa outside the city is not very big, but very comfortable.

A large house with a high, raised ridge looks very similar to the style of the lowland area. The golden lights from the windows that are not open but transparent are full of warmth, looking at the window Philip flashed a smile from time to time.

This house was prepared by Normezi for him. A businessman from the north took a lot of money from Normezi and sold the house to him, and then the contract of the house quickly reached Philip. in.

For Philip, of course, he would not treat Normezi differently just because of the bribe of such a house, but then the beauty that Mrs. Olgala opened up for him made him indulge in it all at once. .

Now in his house, there are all kinds of beauties from Europe, from the East and Africa, and even from the new colony. Those exotic beauty made Philip taste the past, whether in Austria or in the lowlands. The fresh taste of this made him fascinated by it for a while, and he never lingered back.

Philip had lived here for a while, but he did n’t feel bored at all. As for Juana, he did n’t even want to see the mad woman. For him, this was probably the happiest after coming to Iberia. It's been a while.

However, after returning from the royal palace this time, Philip had rarely calmed down to think about the problem.

Isabella's attitude always puzzled him. Philip felt somewhat incredible that the Queen was so stubborn to fight against Portugal and even hesitate to be against France.

Reminiscent of some recent rumors that the Queen ’s body seems to be unwell, a thought that had never been seen before suddenly flashed in Philip ’s mind: "Is the Queen planning future things?"

Once this idea appeared, it could no longer be driven away. For a time, Philip had forgotten the beauties, and began to figure out how to deal with this situation if it was what he thought.

Philips thought of Ferdinand, and also thought that if Isabella was really out of health, then perhaps this should be the crucial moment when Juana began to appear in front of the Castilian nobles as a regent.

So will Ferdinand tolerate this kind of thing?

Thought that this Philip was a little uneasy.

And his happiness was destined to be broken. With a letter sent by the entourage to the queen, Philip had to leave the manor and rush to the palace.

When Juana saw Philip, the joyful appearance made Philip feel a disgust from the bottom of her heart. If he was really attracted by Juana's fiery passion when he first got married, now all he has left is boredom.

But Juana apparently didn't realize this, and she danced happily when she saw her husband coming back. She didn't even mind that a maid brought Philip a glass of wine.

She kept talking around Philip, and when she arrived, she offered to leave Valladolid.

"Let's go back to Flanders, where no one obstructs us." Juana said in a very urgent tone, her eyes were still so enthusiastic that Philip suffocated, but this suffocation was completely different from before.

"We have to stay here," Philip said coldly, and he was too lazy to talk to the snake "This time is very important to you and me, so don't think about leaving this stupid thing."

The idea that Isabella ’s body may be getting worse made Philip irresistibly raise an ambition. Although he did n’t know what happened to the Queen, he felt that he should probably do more before Ferdinand did n’t come back. something.

So of course he will not agree to leave Castile at this time.

Isabella's toughness against Portugal shocked the Castilian court. The Queen's unwillingness to fight in the conflict in the Azores inspired many nobles. They seemed to see the young and beautiful, but Full of majestic queen.

At the same time Isabella did not fear the firm courage of the French intervention, but also made many Castilians can not help but ignite the fighting spirit.

The city of Valladolid seemed to be filled with a strong atmosphere of war. Everyone was talking about when the queen would send troops to Portugal. According to some rumors that came from the palace with high credibility, the queen Already wrote to her love general Gonzalo, asking him to return to Castile as soon as possible.

Isabella ’s actions certainly inspired her subjects, but this is obviously not a good thing for Portugal.

The messenger sent by Manuel in Valladolid had to ask for Isabella time and time again. While trying to understand the Queen ’s purpose, the messenger who had the same status as the ambassador to Lisbon, Earl Don Luvigo, was not allowed Running tirelessly between Valladolid's dignitaries, I hope that these people can be used to dissuade the Queen from the terrible actions that may be taken.

In this way, Philip became the main target that the messenger tried to win.

After receiving the order from the Queen to let Princess Juana accompany her to listen to the news of the state affairs, the emissary thought that her choice was correct.

"Juanna is the crown prince, and her husband will be the future prince of Castile," the Portuguese kept telling his men "so we must spare no effort to impress and persuade the duke, whatever the cost. . "

Philip himself obviously also noticed the changes. Although the Castilian nobles still seemed to be wary of him, the attitudes of those people have changed somewhat.

Philip knew it was because of Juana.

After seeing Philip again, her spirit gradually became normal and her mood gradually stabilized. After learning from the doctor that her daughter's condition seemed to be better, Isabella finally officially ordered Juana and herself Everything deals with state affairs.

This day is February 9, 1501.

When Juana rolled a heavy semi-circular copper seal on a power of attorney that allowed a shipowner to tax in a place in the new colony in the name of the queen, all the nobles who saw this scene I know what it means.

Many people looked at Juana's gaze, and a few people who knew the inside story felt anxious.

And others looked at Philip who stood beside the pair of mother and daughter.

Philip can feel their gaze, and there is both suspicion and indifference, but some people are looking at him with expectant eyes, and of course, some of them are more like watching a good show.

Soon, the other protagonist sent someone to send the news.

Ferdinand stayed in Aragon after leaving Valladolid, but he was very clear about what happened in Castile, especially when Isabella showed his toughness against Portugal for the first time At that time, he had already written a long letter to Isabelle.

In the letter, Ferdinand expressed unreserved support for his wife ’s decision, and at the same time assured Isabella in the dual capacity of husband and monarch if the war between Castile and Portugal led to the French With the intervention, Aragon will immediately send an army of 20,000 to launch an attack from the north to the interior of France.

This promise is obviously very important, and it is because of this that the voice of the war in the city of Valladolid for a time is noisy.

But soon, Ferdinand changed his attitude after receiving another news from Isabella. He wrote a private letter to Isabella. In the letter, he unequivocally mentioned his Disgusted.

"I don't trust the son of the Austrian Grand Duke, just like I never trust his father. The only thing he has is the face that can turn Juana's soul. He also deceived Juana's trust by this.

I doubt very much what he will do once he becomes the husband of the next Queen of Castile, for this I think you should postpone the time of Juana ’s participation in government affairs, everything will wait until I return to Valladolid discuss. "

Ferdinand's unusually worded letter was carefully collected by Isabella ~ ~ Although it was also her expectation, Isabella was a little bit more concerned about Ferdinand Disappointed.

Ferdinand thought about Isabella, but she knew that Ferdinand ’s ambitions could not be accepted by the Castilians.

Castillas can accept their children as their monarchs, but will not tolerate Ferdinand himself to wear a crown, and now Ferdinand is obviously trying to compete with Philip for control of Juana.

This made Isabella worried that what she feared most might happen.

Because of melancholy, Isabella finally fell ill, and this was one week after Juana's official participation in politics.

On the same day, a letter from Seville, the seat of the Andalusian ruler, was delivered to Juana ’s desk in the Royal Palace of Valladolid.

Juana opened the letter curiously, then she handed the letter to Philip sitting sideways, and then she concentrated on kissing Philip's ears, chin, and bare shoulders.

Thanks to the annoying Philip, Zou Ran was surprised when he looked at the autograph letter of Andalusian Consul Fernando Caroline.

"Don Buvey, Duke of Buharan, is it possible to rebel?" Looking at the letter, Philip thought about it.

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