Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 43: The past of Duke Don Bavi

Dragon Knights, Alexander has not heard about them for some days.

Can't mention those things in the public correspondence with Sophia. In fact, she can't speak freely in her private letter, because Sophia needs her maid to read letters for her, so many things can't be said directly.

So regarding the Dragon Knights of Transylvania, Alexander recently got the news that they seem to have disappeared temporarily.

It is understandable that these minorities in the history of the Christian world were able to conceal the sky in Europe by church power for so long, even if they believed that Alexander said it was true, but they did not dare to be cautious. Believe him completely, so they will obviously be hiding now.

And think about how this person could hide his identity for such a long time but has not been uprooted by the Vatican's encirclement, and Alexander could not help but admire their extraordinary stubborn survivability.

If it was n’t for the murder of a priest in a parish far away in Iberia, the logo of the Templar appeared suddenly, and Alexander even forgot the group of people on another peninsula.

Is the sign appearing by chance or is it related to the Dragon Knights?

Alexander pondered this question in his heart. After all, in order to escape from the siege of the Dragon Knights, the things he fabricated were not exactly his nonsense, because some people really used some reliable evidence to prove the Knights Templar. It has various relationships with some secrets in the history of some European churches.

However, now that this sign has appeared in the county town where Pastor Cado was killed, Alexander cannot help but feel that things may not be so simple.

According to the news that Alexander made people in Buharanse, Pastor Gado was undoubtedly one of those representatives who used Valladolid to infiltrate the feudal territories through the church. Acting in various places, some of them appear completely as the agents of the church, at least this is the impression given by Pastor Cadogan.

This is still in Buharanse, in the territory of the Don Bavi family, if it is on the territory of other nobles, what will these agents who charge for Isabella charge in the name of the church do?

Alexander suddenly felt that he might have been too pessimistic about how to contend with Isabella.

Alexander visited Torrent Bavi again in Torreborg, the second day of the murder of Pastor Gado.

Duke still looked so sick, his legs covered with deerskin blankets, and an equally thick wool cape wrapped him tightly and tightly.

"It seems that our first meeting didn't bring us any luck, Duke," Don Bavi said sorrowfully. He extended a hand from the cloak and invited Alexander to sit down, and then waved his hand around him. The people sent out "I just hope this matter will not cause too much trouble, but I think this is probably not something we can decide."

Alexander nodded slightly, and the death of a priest priest of the parish had already attracted attention, not to mention the strange **** death. Think of the head of Gado who moved his head, as if looking at the head of his body, and Although it should be accidental, but it was a strange statue of **** because it was stained with blood, Alexandria also had to admit that this matter will definitely become a sensation in the entire Andalusian parish, and even shake the entire Castilla. Major event.

"Duke, someone will have trouble with me for this," Don Bavi said suddenly, and he wrapped his wool cloak around his body, with some muddy eyes fixed on Alexander. "I know many people have been staring at me, I know them. Jealous of the trust I got from the Queen, now that those people have finally found a chance, they will pounce like a hungry wild wolf smelling the **** smell, and according to their habits, if they do n’t bite a piece of meat on me They will not give up. "

Alexander listened in silence. He knew that Duke Don Bavi said it well. Even the nobleman who claimed to be the most trusted in front of Isabella did not mean that there were no enemies. Even some of these people might be Issa. Bella supported in secret, so as Don Bavey said, there is no chance they can't take advantage of it.

"There is such a shouting thing in my territory, Cordoba will soon send someone, and then there will be someone in the Andalusian diocese of Seville to investigate, the next is from Pali Investigators sent by the Archdiocese of Adolde believe that my Duke and others will turn the entire Buhalansel upside down, and then return to life after obtaining a lot of plausible results, "Don Bavier said. The more emotional he was, the more he shivered and stretched out his arm from the wool cape. He picked up the bottle from the side table and filled himself. After he took a sip, his emotions stabilized slightly, looking at the glass in his hand. Living with the swaying wine, Don Bavey murmured in a depressed mood, "Those people will not let me go. They are jealous of the Queen's trust in me. Unless she is not so close to me, I will always be those people. The nail in my eyes. "

Alexander always listened silently. Although the duke seemed to be pathetic, he didn't really believe that his situation was so bad.

As the most powerful aristocrat in the Isabella era, Don Bavi ’s status is not so easy to shake, whether it is his credit for the establishment of the Isabella dynasty or the nobility of Castilla The huge influence among them all proves that his status is exceptionally stable. Even if the matter of Pastor Cado has anything to do with him, I believe Isabella will not treat him easily.

And Alexander did not really believe that Don Bavi would be stupid enough to do so obviously. He would rather believe that Don Bavi would let someone pretend to be a robber on the road when Pastor Cadogan would go out one day in the future and smash his head. , And I do n’t believe that he would be so eager to get rid of this obnoxious priest in Buharanse.

Of course, the most important evidence is the logo of the Knights Templar that appeared in the wine glass, which attracted Alexander ’s attention and dispelled the doubt of Don Bavi unless he himself was a conspiracy theorist. Race.

But if this is the case, then it is really necessary to admit that the game played by those "minorities" is really not small.

Alexander pondered these thoughts that seemed to be paradoxical until he realized that Don Bavey looked into his eyes and inquired and explored.

"Duke, I do n’t think this matter has anything to do with you," Alexander did n’t want to get entangled in this matter. Pastor Gado ’s accidental killing was indeed unexpected, but it did n’t have much to do with him coming to Buharanse. “But we all know Probably nothing will happen. "

"Yes! This is what I am most worried about, Duke. Can you think of how the people sent by the church will interrogate the people under me, they will put a very thin red strip along the wrist of a person, Let the strips burn the blood under the skin directly, and they will tie people on a winch and stretch until the bones of the whole body are dislocated. This is how they treat those who are regarded as heretics. People, these means are enough to ensure that they want to hear all the confessions they need, and then they can take these things back to Valladolid and make a mission. I believe many people are willing to see such a confession. "

"Then Duke, what do you want me to do?" Alexander looked at Don Bavi. "I'm just a foreigner. I haven't even officially seen the queen until now, and speaking of Castile, I just follow the pope. Without the official authorization of the cardinal group. "

"It's really troublesome," Don Bavey seemed to think about what he was thinking with his chin on his hand, and then he made a dry laugh. "But isn't this a common thing, I still remember the Pope as a tile The Archbishop of Lencia did not care about anyone ’s opposition, insisting that his son Luigi became the Duke of Gandino. At that time, he was wayward and surprised everyone, but the result was that no one insisted on opposition to the end, which shows that he not only Knowing what you are doing and knowing how other people will react. I think this is probably the reason why he can become a pope afterwards. He sees everyone through. "

"But in this matter of Pastor Gado, I don't think the Pope will support you, after all, this is the business of the Andalusian diocese."

"What are you thinking, Duke, I do n’t need anyone to help me in this matter," Don Bavey looked at Alexander amusedly. "Although those people are really difficult to deal with, I ’m Pamonides. Don Bavi, the woman trusts me more than anyone else. She ca n’t punish for such a small thing. I can even think of what happens when those people hand the confession to the queen, they will be severely punished. , Even some people will be punished for framing a virtuous nobleman. "

Duke Don Bavi said again and laughed dryly, which sounded a bit of fierce pride.

"Then Duke, what do you need me to do?" Alexander asked. He could guess Don Bavey's intentions, but he needed to say it himself.

Don Bavey ’s eyes swept over Alexander ’s face, and he seemed to want to find out if he was pretending to be confused, but after a while, perhaps he knew that if he did n’t take the initiative to speak out, the smart duke would never hook himself, so Finally, he opened his own mouth: "It is such a duke. I hope you can report the revelation sacred about Mother Alfred directly to the Vatican. I know that this may not be very compliant, but you may be here. Think about it a lot, because if you do that, you will not only get a sufficient reward, but also my friendship. "

Listening to Don Bavi, Alexander's face paused a little, and he knew that the most important thing was coming.

"Sister Alfred's miracle was amazing. She had shown this ability that seemed to be able to listen to God's revelation many years ago." Looking at Alexander's doubts, Don Bavey, be careful Said, "Perhaps this kind of God-given ability is heavy for a person. Sister Alft seems to become very bad after receiving the revelation each time. The recent hearing of God ’s voice almost destroyed her. This may be the price that needs to be paid. After all, hearing the voice of God directly is incredible for an ordinary person. Even a nun ca n’t bear such a burden. "

Alexander listened carefully. He didn't actually care about what happened to Sister Alft, and he knew much more about the truth about the so-called miracles than at this time.

These sacred sites are either tricks that some people deliberately create to swindle money, or they are hallucinations that some people produce purely for various reasons, or even nonsense after madness.

As for whether these visions are regarded as proofs of the miracles of God, or as the evidence of heresy witchcraft, it is really just to see who these things fall into and what purpose they are used for.

Alexander believes that this Isabella is just like him. Actually, he is very aware of the tricks, but now he is facing the Duke of Don Bavi, and things look very wonderful.

"Do you want me to believe that the vision of that Sister Alft was a miracle given by God?" Alexander asked in a low voice as he noticed that the Duke's thin cheeks shook gently.

"This is not a confirmation, but a voice really made by God. Sister Alfred just conveyed this voice to us, and you are the key to let this voice pass to the Vatican."

Duke Don Bavi ’s turbid eyes flickered slightly, his tone low and fuzzy, his eyes slightly trance when he glanced at Alexander ’s face.

"I said that you can get my friendship. At this point, you don't have to doubt it at all, because I believe that my trust in Her Majesty can't be easily shaken, so this is a cost-effective business for you. "

Speaking of this, Don Bavi looked at Alexander again: "As far as I know, Duke you have some business in some places, and I happen to have some relationship in Ceuta and Malaga."

Listening to Don Bavi, Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly.

Apparently, Don Bavey was trying to bribe him.

It ’s just that it ’s a little strange, Alexander, understands how this prince is so bold, knowing that this private act involving the sacred site may become his fatal weakness once exposed.

Alexander did n’t know how Don Bavi could be sure he would n’t betray him. In fact, when he first heard Don Bavi say this, Alexander first thought that this might be a trap, and then the thought was “If Isabella What will happen when I know this? "

This thought quickly turned around in Alexander ’s mind, and suddenly Don Bawei would say to himself that in addition to being surprised and puzzled, Alexander also had a deep vigilance. He did not speak immediately, but thought slowly before thinking slowly. Said: "Duke, I think you should understand what your proposal means, so I think I need to ask you to explain."

Don Bavier leaned slightly into the depths of the wheelchair, his eyes staring blankly at a corner of the hall, and after a while he slowly said, "The Rastamala family ruled Castilla It's almost a century and a half. Among all the kings, Queen Isabella is now the most powerful one. Perhaps many people can't imagine how a woman can do so many things that even a man can't do. But as long as anyone who really knows her knows, it ’s not surprising that all this happened to Isabella Nara Rastamala. "

Don Bavey said a smile on his wrinkled face at this time, but his eyes didn't move. It didn't seem to look in front of him, but a long past.

"Duke, why do you think I supported Isabella?" Don Bavi glanced at Alexander who was listening carefully. "When I first saw her, I was actually fascinated by her," Seeing the unbelievable look on Alexander ’s face, Don Bavey shook his head ridiculously, “No, it ’s not what you think, Isabella is really beautiful, and I was a strong man at that time, but things did n’t Not like that. I said I was fascinated because I discovered that this young princess had greater ideals and ambitions than any of her loved ones, including her grandfather and father, not to mention her stupid difference. Mother brother. "

Don Bavi ’s words made Alexander ’s cheeks tremble. The reputation of Enrique was indeed not very good, but he still felt weird when he heard others commenting on his cheap man in his own face.

After all, Enrique's bad reputation really caused a lot of trouble to his successor.

"Isabella is a real queen. I mean she knows what she is doing. Even when she was coerced by Enrique, she never lost faith in herself." Don Bavey's face was slightly dull. , Seems to be completely immersed in the memories of the time "I saw all the qualities that a monarch should have in her body, brave, confident, firm and ambitious ~ ~ she seemed to know from the beginning What to do, and I did it without hesitation, these things I have not seen in her parents and brothers, I knew from that time if this princess would not be forced into the monastery He will definitely make a shocking event. Unfortunately, Enrique does n’t believe me. He even mocked me for being so scared by a little girl. He did n’t know what kind of opponent he faced. He actually thought everything would be fine as long as she was married to Portugal, and he did exactly that. He sent me to send Isabella to Valladolid, and then planned to send Sent to Portugal to get married. "

"But Duke you released Isabella halfway?"

"Yes, I did know what I was doing at the time, just as I know you are in front of me now, I will do it because I know Enrique ca n’t be the opponent of the princess, if she really becomes Portugal Queen, the result can only be to make Portugal a tool for her revenge and annexation of Castile, since it might be better for her to become queen herself, do n’t think that I am telling a joke, I did know that at the time Isabella can beat Enrique, just like now, "Don Bavi, who said it, slowly fell on Alexander's face, saying in a slow but undoubted tone," I know she will ruin for ambition After we have used the Vatican for ambition, I asked the Duke to cooperate with you, because Isabella is the enemy of all of us. "

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