Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 125: frustration

Gompati walked gloomy in the damp muddy ground, his boots stepped on the ground and made a crunchy, unpleasant sound, and kept blowing wind from the crevices of the cold armor.

Someone was shaking in the woods in front of him, and there was someone on the open ground not far away, but Gompati did not pay attention to them. His eyes were fixed on a group of agile musketeers who looked scattered and not far away. Looking at the muddy or dull faces on their muddy faces, Compatti felt very heavy.

The defeat of Montina's army was something he had not thought of before, or that all Montina soldiers had not thought of.

The continuous victory, the continuous defeat of the enemy, and even the Ottomans succumbed in front of themselves, which made the Montina army have the illusion that they are the incarnation of victory, because the sharpness of the firearms even caused a lot of casualties in the battle. The situation has become less and less than before, which makes the Montina soldiers even have the illusion that they are invulnerable.

Now, they have suffered a defeat, although the number of enemies has almost exceeded their own by more than twice, although they can still organize and withdraw from the battlefield even if they are defeated, but this does not cover up the fact that they did indeed suffered a defeat. .

The symbol of failure at the time was the collapse of the Agrigan Musketeers ’position.

When the French army attacked the Montina army who guarded the town, even though the French army had already encircled the town of Tarot Valley by virtue of their huge strength, the Montina army still supported it hard.

The Genoese regiment had been forced to retreat into the woods southwest of the town, where the higher terrain temporarily allowed them to stop to block the French offensive, but the wave of shocks launched by the French army then caused the Genoese regiment to The connection between the Agri Musketeers in the town became more and more difficult, and what was worse was that the French clearly learned the lessons of the last time they were bombarded by Montina artillery. The artillery position of the Montina army launched a round of fierce attacks, which forced the Montina artillery to change the position of the artillery position several times in a row, so that the threat posed by the Montina artillery naturally dropped significantly. .

The Agri Musketeers suddenly could n’t withstand it, which was a very unexpected change, but when the French cavalry rushed over and over again the body of his companion, Deloitte, who was on the ground, rushed towards the Musketeers ’position. Looking at those enemies who are getting closer and closer and seem to be rushing to the front at any time, wielding spears and swords to slash themselves to pieces, finally some Musketeers can't stand this terrible torture and abandon their positions to escape back.

The Musketeers' retreat was sudden, and no one could even tell who was the first to retreat timidly, but they did give up their positions, and the Agri fled out of the town while shooting, which even affected them. Artillery not far behind.

When they saw the Aggris retreating back and forth, the artillery had to change their positions again, but they soon discovered that this time was different from before. The Agri Musketeers retreated not only in a hurry, but also in a chaotic formation. The terrible thing is that the French did not give them any breathing opportunities, and they caught up behind.

Musketeers are defeated!

This was the only thought of the artillery commander at the time, which made him immediately order to remove the fixed bolt of the artillery. A group of soldiers struggled to pull the artillery and the musketeer back.

But not all the artillery had time to move away. When the French were getting closer, the artillery commander had to order the gunpowder to be poured into the cannon, and the muzzle was sealed with stones and shells.

One door of the artillery was destroyed by the violent explosion, and the Montina army retreated continuously during the explosion.

Gompatti passed through the musketeers, and now they looked nothing like the majestic look they had before, dirty, lingering, and low morale, and the whole team was immersed in a depressive atmosphere.

The arrival of Gompati rejuvenated the officers who were also uneasy.

Although the battle of Ferrara was not very large in the Second Romagna War, the command and authority of Gompati has been recognized by the officers. It can be said that Gompati is the first person under Alexander to be I think I can be a general.

In this respect, even Aufrei, who is considered Alexander's right-hand man, is slightly inferior.

"Sir, are we defeated?" An officer said to Gompati more like asking rather than telling a fact. At the same time, he looked at the others and seemed to want them to tell him that he was right.

"We did lose, and the casualties were heavy," Compatiti had to remind his men to see their emotions suddenly become lower. He shrugged to these people. "Now tell me Well, I think you may have a hard time from yesterday to now. "

Gompati's words made the officers' original depressed mood seem to have a vent, and they began to report the whole battle process to Gompati.

They said that they resisted many more enemies than themselves, that they caused huge casualties to the French before retreating, and that even during the retreat they still stubbornly blocked the enemy from chasing, until finally they talked about this battle Loss.

A total of nearly 3,300 soldiers in the two batches of troops in the front and back, a total of 22 artillery of the Montina Northern Army, with more than 600 casualties, and the artillery including the loss and destruction of 12, this pair has never tasted a failure For the army, although it has not yet turned into a disaster, it has plunged everyone into a trough that has never been seen before.

The French army did suffer a lot of casualties, which is why the French did not chase after the victory. After driving the Montina army out of the town of Tarot Valley, they continued to chase after a while and returned their troops, leaving only a scattered body. , Let them spend the cold night in the wilderness outside the town.

Gompati's mood is also somewhat depressed. In fact, he also feels helpless about this situation. The army that has been accustomed to victory can't accept the shock and blows caused by defeat and casualties for a time. This makes Gompati kind of unknown. How to appease his daze.

It was only then that he finally understood why the Earl did not seem to be so excited after winning a victory, and sometimes even vaguely showed some kind of worry during the conversation.

"A winning army is not really proud, but an army that can stand up to failure is really precious."

Gompati remembered the sentence that Alexander once said. At the time, he could not fully understand the meaning of this sentence. Now, when he looked at the soldiers who had depressed morale, he really understood Alexander ’s sentence. Heavy but full of deep meaning.

It's just too expensive to understand this.

"Regroup the army." Gompati finally gave the order. He thought of looking a little higher at the Agri Musketeers on the open ground. Those Musketeers had lost their pride. They now gathered together silently. Waiting, like a group of prisoners waiting for trial.

"My lord, the Agri Musketeers suffered a lot of casualties." A Musketeer officer said dullly. "The French attacked us constantly. The body of the heavy cavalry almost covered the land in front of the position, but even then they They have been attacking us all the time, and the Musketeers have encountered unprecedented blows. They are all good, but the enemy is too powerful. "

Gompati did not immediately answer the officer. He was actually wondering whether such an army could continue to fight against the French, especially after such a large number of casualties and at the same time losing more than half of the artillery. Something started to worry.

According to the previous plan, the total strength of the northern army of Montina will be 4,000. This is the largest military operation organized by Alexander after the expedition to the Balkans. After all, Alexander took only 1,500 Balkans in Naples.

Now, in addition to the 200 people brought by Compatiti in the name of the Pisa army, there is an army of about 500 people advancing to Lombardy by land.

"Even in this case, there were only 3,400 people," Gompati had some headaches. The huge loss of more than 600 people was killed and injured so that he had begun to feel that the intervention in the Lombard war had suffered setbacks at the beginning, and worse What the army looks like now seems to be that it is temporarily impossible to fight again. "Perhaps we should temporarily withdraw from the battle to take a break, but where should we retreat?"

Gompati frowned, not only did he need to regroup his troops, but he also needed to organize the army again. It was very difficult for the army that suffered a fiasco to fight again, not to mention the first such defeat.

Finally, after some consideration, Gompati decided to temporarily withdraw his troops to the east: "We will meet with the reinforcements and then rest again."

After making this decision, Gompati rubbed his head with a headache. He felt that more troublesome things were waiting for him.

He needed to write a report about the battle to the prospective countess.

In Gompati, or most Montinars ’minds, it was considered that Barenti was more severe and harsher than Lord Earl. This was not even objected by the people in the territory.

The count is merciful, and the countess is harsh. This statement has been accepted by the vast majority of people. Even the Montina officers privately thought that Barendi seemed more like a harsh lord.

Among them, Gumpati had a deep experience. While attacking Ferrara, Barenti gave him enough power to allow him to command the army with the greatest freedom, but when she suspected Gumpati because of Lukele When Qi Ya's reasons remained unchanged, he immediately wrote to him in strict language to ask.

In the original treatment of Bishop Tony, Barenti showed a decisive and harsh side. No one would think that she would actually order the execution of her uncle.

This also made many people who thought that Alexander was outside for a long time, could not help but think about Montina.

When Constantine reappeared in Newcastle in Montina, Barenti was looking at a report sent by a very beautiful businessman in the Balkans. The report was in duplicate, one of which was People were rushing to Naples all the way, and another was sent to Montina.

"That wild girl is arrogant now," Balenti put the letter down and looked at the brother sitting opposite with some annoyed eyes. "You know, if you are not so eager to demolish my desk, maybe Alexander can still be like me. It's a little bit better for that wild girl. "

"It's a pity that you say that, but as far as I know, Gombré doesn't trust you very much," Constantine looked a little incredulously at the seemingly jealous Barendi. "You are now the regent of Montina, and The woman who is now called Alexandra can only return to Wallachia to wait for her child, have you won? "

"Do you think so?" Barendi glanced at Constantine. "If I tell you that woman deliberately asked Bruto to show me in the letter that she is building a mountain castle for her unborn child, and spend All the money is from Alexandria, do you still think I won? "

"It's really annoying, but you can't help but admit that you won the final victory, you are the Countess of Montina, aren't you?"

Constantine ’s words somewhat made Balendi feel a little bit better. In fact, she did n’t understand this truth, but the thought that the two women had Alexander ’s children made her feel that she did n’t care. I feel sick.

"Then why did you come this time?" Barendi calmed himself down and looked at Constantine sitting across from him. "It sounds surprising to you that you will come to Montina again, especially when Uncle Tony came out." After that incident. "

Constantine swallowed secretly, thinking that Bishop Tony had been lit up by the sky lantern, and he felt cold in the back.

"Father asked me to express his miss to you." After saying this, looking at the silence, just looking at his Barenti, a little unable to bear the dull and depressed Constantine finally waved his hand and gave up the disguise. "Actually, my father thought he might be able to cooperate with Montina again."

"Oh?" Balendi's expression was slightly correct. She didn't take it immediately. Instead, she pondered a little before asking, "So how does father think he can cooperate?"

"Barrenti, do you think the French will occupy Genoa?" Constantine asked suddenly.

A surprise appeared on Barrondi's face. She obviously hadn't thought about the problem. For her, everything is now in the interest of Montina, especially as the hunting guards stationed in Pisa. Barendi suddenly felt that she had already Some can't help it.

In fact, at this time, as long as people with a little vision have also seen that a powerful kingdom centered on Roman pinch and Tuscany is gradually forming, Montina, Pisa, Livorno, Florence, and There are vaguely controlled Bologna and Ferrara, with these places as the core, this kingdom is expanding outwards in central Italy at a disturbing speed, and now it is the Barenti that represents the power of this kingdom.

This made Barendi suddenly feel a little worried about whether he could rule such a large piece of land, which is why the French were still in Northern Italy. But Barendi sent an army to Lombardy immediately after receiving Alexander's signal. The reason for the march, deep down, Barenti hopes to block the French at the border of Lombardy, because for her this land in central Italy has already been the Gombre family, and she is very worried that once the French invade this A piece of land may lead to unexpected turmoil, and may even give other people who covet this piece of land an opportunity to intervene.

Suddenly hearing Constantine's inquiry, Barenti was a little surprised, and then he couldn't help but sink.

"It seems that you have thought of it," Constantine ignored Balendi's apparently unexpected look and continued, "If so, although it can't be said to be a disaster for the Rovere's family, you know that it is definitely not very human. Happy, our family and the business year will fall into the hands of the French, and that Louis is now eyeing the pope. "

Barendi didn't say anything, she thought about it, and more importantly, she thought that if Genoa was occupied by the French, then the threat to Pizza was too great.

And from Pisa to Montina, now build a road that Alexander called "intercity highway".

If the French occupied Genoa, it meant that they could travel by sea at any time, rather than by land, to transport large numbers of troops through Pisa to Montina.

If that were the case, she would not hesitate to use a large number of troops and materials to form the Northern Army to try to prevent the French from stopping at the border of Lombardy, which would become meaningless.

"This must not be allowed," Barrondi said in a voice. "Genoa must not fall into the hands of the French."

Looking at Barendi's expression, Constantine finally relieved, and by then he had some understanding of his father's saying "Barendi is a real Rovere family".

"Father thought we could cooperate," Constantine said to his sister. "He decided to give the family more support in Genoa to resist the French, and he hopes that your army can act with the emperor's army, not the French. Have a chance. "

Constantine ’s words made Barrondi ’s face suddenly change, and she suddenly realized that since the old Luo Weilei could think of this, then the French King Louis XII could not have thought of it. At this time, she felt that the Montina army entered Lombardy. After the individual action is obviously a very risky move.

As Alexander launched an offensive against the French in Naples, Montina's northern army was in danger.

"Hurry to send someone to inform the Northern Army to advance to Milan, be sure to guard against the sudden attack of the French." Barenti called the entourage hurriedly, she was too late to give orders through Gompatti, although this would obviously cause damage to Gompa The intervention of Teddy ’s command, but the great uneasiness made her no longer manage so much ~ ~ Just the day after the entourage left with the order of Balendi, the embarrassed Balendi received Gompati sent the report from the front.

Even if the letter was not opened, Barenti had already noticed something from the messenger's expression, so despite repeatedly telling himself to be calm, Barenti's fingers were already cold.

"The army of Montina and the town of Tarot Valley were defeated. The French army occupied the town of Tarot Valley and entered Genoa!"

Two days later, another report of the same content was sent to Naples.

Looking at Gompati's report, Alexander rubbed his forehead and raised his eyebrows.

"It's defeated."

Alexander smiled bitterly.

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