Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 122: Fate

Several Aragonese soldiers hung knotted wooden sticks tied with fiber ropes on their chests.

In the shallow water not far behind them, a Caravel sea boat that had dropped all its sails was slowly moving forward.

With a burst of orders, the soldiers finally stopped and threw away their ropes to sit on the ground, panting, and at the same time they were secretly cursing the Castilian who called them a grudge.

"They must be scolding me, I can bet with anyone," Gonzalo said to the lieutenant standing next to him, seeing the grotesque smile on the lieutenant's face, Gonzalo touched his obvious big chin to continue Say "I bet you are also scolding me, the bets are the vineyards in my territory."

Then the lieutenant smiled again on the face, and then followed Gonzalo down the ladder to the boat next to the boat: "Adult, you know I can lose myself in order to get your vineyard. 'S reputation denies your guess. "

"So you guys are really scolding me," Gonzalo whispered. "I now want to know how many people don't want to obey my orders, because we might have a war with the pagans next."

"I can assure you that all soldiers will rush towards the enemy without hesitation as long as you order it. It is the responsibility of each of us as a devout Christian."

"I absolutely believe this, but can't it stop you from scolding me?" Gonzalo asked, seeing that the lieutenant again showed the strange smile of "you know", Gonzalo could not help shaking his head. "I've already I assure you all that this will be a rare opportunity. You should know that Crete has accumulated a lot of wealth in these years. I assure you that everyone can get more than you can think of. many."

"But this did not get the king's permission after all," the lieutenant said in a low voice in Gonzalo's ear. "I have to remind you, although there is no objection to your help to the Venetian, the king seems to be against you as soon as possible. The Naples landing is very dissatisfied, which is not a secret among many officers. If you ca n’t quell these arguments against you as soon as possible, I worry that some people might come forward and refuse your order. "

"Thank you, my friend," Gonzalo patted the lieutenant's shoulder casually with his hand, while looking at the seemingly calm coast. "How many people are on this island?"

"It's about less than 2000," a guide hurriedly answered. "Before there were more, but after the Ottomans came, many people were frightened and fled back to Venice."

"But hadn't Ottoman occupied the opposite land before," Gonzalo looked northeast in the distance, because the weather was fine, and he could vaguely see the hazy coastline of the Greek coast in the distance. "They are so far from Kithira. Recently, haven't you harassed people on the island before? "

"Sir, you are asking," the guide said slightly proudly. "Although there were not many soldiers stationed on the island before, we are enough to drive the Ottoman fleet away. The Ottoman army who occupied Greece They can only threaten us on land, but when they reach the water, their boats are poor, and we are not afraid of them. "

Speaking of this guide, he shook his head helplessly: "But that was all before. I heard that the Ottomans were defeated in Bucharest. We thought that maybe even Greece could recover, but then the Ottoman fleet came and we At that last point, the fleet was sent to Crete, and now the people on the island were terrified, because they did not know when the Ottomans would come. "

Gonzalo nodded silently. He glanced at the lieutenant next to him, and patted his shoulder again: "We will go to Kishila first and then go directly to Crete. I believe you will never regret this time. Travel, I assure you that everything you have achieved will come true, and maybe you will get more. "

The lieutenant lowered his mouth gently, he knew that the commander would be so confident only because he was not only Isabella ’s favorite, but also the commander who had defeated the French, and it was obviously more difficult to deal with than Charles VIII. Twice Louis XII, King Ferdinand had to tolerate his arrogance and rudeness again and again.

Crete's wealth indeed attracted soldiers who aspired to obtain wealth through war, but only changed their marching targets and even changed the enemies at war. This made the officers of Gonzalo hesitant.

"Trust me, the Ottoman fleet will not meet us so easily, because their enemy is Venetian, and we only need to drive away the pagans who have climbed Crete," Gonzalo said to him. The deputy will explain, "Then, everything there will belong to us, and even if possible, we will drive the Ottomans from near Crete, and drive them back to the opposite Mediterranean Sea. At that time, I believe that my king will only We inserted his flag on Crete to reward and thank us. "

The lieutenant glanced silently at Gonzalo, then bowed slightly to him.

Gonzalo ’s promise was calculated, although the process was not as easy as he said, but when the Aragonese army added a little from the port of Venice based on Kisila, and then advanced towards Crete, all the way The battle with the Ottomans proved his previous words.

Different from what the guide said, the Venetians have a very powerful fleet in Kisila, which is also one of the main forces used by the Venetians to defend against the Ottoman Navy. Although the Ottomans have landed in Crete, the Venetians obviously do not want Abandoning this maritime base, which is extremely important to them, so they did their best to organize several fleets to prepare for a decisive battle with the Ottomans at sea.

The emergence of this fleet made Gonzalo's last worries disappear. He and the Venetian would join together, and after a short rest, they went to Crete.

On November 9, the Aragonese army landed under the cover of the Venetian Fleet at Cape Spente, southwest of Crete.

At this point, the battle of Crete with the alliance of Venice and Aragon as a side and the Ottomans who landed in the northeast of Crete as a side began.

Alexander was sitting in the peculiar floating wooden house in Count Modillo. It was already very cold in November. The cold wind from under the board made people feel uncomfortable, but this was inconvenient to bring to the person he wanted to see Intelligence is trivial compared.

A middle-aged man with a clear oriental style stood not far in front of Alexandria. The large Gutra hood on his head made him look like a pagan from afar, but he His appearance looks like a typical European.

"Mrs. Let me say hello to you, sir." The man said, looking at Alexandria curiously. In his impression, the supernatural lady was a real strange person, but since she used to be cautious about the count, The middle-aged people couldn't help but have a keen interest in the peculiarities of this count.

"How is Mrs. Connie?" Alexander asked.

It had been several months since the Venice room, and Alexander was interested in what the haunted woman was doing now.

"Mrs. is in the east now, please believe me that is farther away than you can imagine," the messenger specifically said, "Ms. is in Persia now."

Alexander nodded slightly, he already knew what Connie was doing now.

The last meeting with Connie in Venice gave Alexander a piece of news that was arguably important to him. When I heard that Pelotto Cardron was actually the brother of Bayset II When Jem's son, he immediately made a plan that would never hurt him no matter what.

In this plan, Pelotto Cardron became the key, but what is more important is not this piece that can compete with Bayesert II or his descendants for the throne of Sudan, because according to Alexander, no matter Whether Bayesert II or his son Selim I in the future is not a good opponent. Alexander is not optimistic about whether Cardron can inspire the Ottoman Jem's early betrayal of the current Sudan. of.

What he really cares about is actually another person, a genius with extraordinary talents, and his life experience can even be called a legendary "little boy".

At the age of 12, he became a sect leader. At the age of 13, he quickly re-emerged after a devastating and devastating defeat. At the age of 15, he established his own country. Such a character can only use "devil" or It is "miracle" to describe.

Ismail I, a teenager who can only be described inconceivably, a legendary figure who almost shook the Ottoman rule in the East.

In 1499, he was exactly 12 years old, the year he became the leader of the Safi Sheikh.

"Madam wants to get guidance from you," the messenger said with some doubts. In his mind, Connie was a woman more intelligent and decisive than most men, even if he was a man. As the Lord of the East, she can also easily walk between those forces. She takes a lot of money from one tribe to another, and then non-stop to the next tribe, through this kind of like a needle At the event, she built a huge network of relationships in the far east ruled by the Ottomans.

Connie apparently pinned her hopes on Pelotto Cardron. She hoped that by persuading the old department of Jem to build an armed force against Bayesert II, Cardron would be able to make an impact. At the same time, she also hopes that the Vatican will play a role.

"It may be possible, but don't expect too much," Alexander said conclusively about Connie's request brought by the messenger. In his opinion, Cardron might have a little effect, and it could be like the miracle child Isma Compared with Yi I, it seems too insignificant.

"But the lady asked me to report to you about the Safi sect," the messenger said a little helplessly. "We have seen the pagan sect far away in Persia. They are not only poor but also scattered like sand. As for you The young leader who brought his wife's attention is more like a child. It is because of this that the lady is surprised. She thinks that perhaps you should know more about what happened in the East. After all, compared with more important things, that pagan Of children really have nothing to watch. "

Alexander knew that Connie ’s so-called more important thing naturally meant using Cardron to win over the old part of Jem. Although he had to admit that Connie ’s ideas were not only correct, but now it seems to be very useful, but Alexander has a bigger the goal of.

"The lady has contacted a lot of people, and they can give the Ottomans a lot of trouble." The messenger was confident. In his opinion, the young count was clearly incomparable to Mrs. Conneau in any place. "If possible, we can build a force with the Ottomans that is enough to compete with Constantinople."

"If that's the case, maybe your wife will want to become the owner of Constantinople next," Alexander easily broke Connie's ambition. Although he was collaborating, he did not doubt if the woman had a chance. I do n’t mind using the power of the Ottomans to eradicate all her enemies. "You can tell your wife, I will not object to her plan, but what I let her do is equally important, if she wants to get it from me. With enough help, then she can not forget to promise me something, get in touch with the Safi sect as soon as possible, it would be better if they can establish a sufficient mutual trust relationship with their leaders, for this purpose I can ask her Provide all the help she needs. "

"But that Ismail is just a child, and it is said that even the nobles within some denominations seem to have questioned his inheritance rights. Do you think that such a child is more important than an Ottoman prince?"

Looking at the messenger's face full of doubt, Alexander tickled his finger slightly, and brought him closer to him, saying, "I know this is not just your own doubt, I think Connie actually is so concerned about me. It ’s strange that the pagan sect in Farsi is so interested. Now I tell you, I ’m interested in that child because I know he is much smarter than many of you, when you are still his age. At that time, most of you may not have left the house, or are still at the mercy of others, but this child has not only personally experienced the murder of his father ~ ~ and his brother for protection The tragedy of paying the price of his life, when he was 12 years old, has become a leader of a sect with enough arms. Tell me what all of you have experienced at his age. Maybe someone has had misfortune, but I promise None of you is as brave as he is. Because of this, I am optimistic about him, so I sent him the weapons I promised, especially the firearms, I believe you will soon discover that not only totally worth the return, and may even have to get much more than you imagine. "

Just as two people were painting sweet and delicious pancakes for others with almost the same words, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, a brutal battle started near the town of Tarot Valley, not far from Genoa.

When Louis XII ordered his soldiers to attack the Montina in the town of Tarot, the French army encountered for the first time a violent shelling that was as terrible as the artillery they had always been proud of.

It was at this time that the King of France remembered the phrase "This is a different army" repeatedly emphasized in the report by Charlene.

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