Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 6 Chapter 117: 1,500 years ago

The waves were turbulent, and Alexander stood very close to the bow of the ship and looked quietly at the distant sea.

This was the first time he did not know how many times he went to sea. Every time in the past, he had a different mood, some were frustrated, some were angry, and this time it was confidence.

Gonzalo ’s threat to Naples has been alleviated. At the same time, after making the threat, Alexander also showed enough goodwill in a timely manner. He collected a huge amount of military expenses for Alexander through the Sicilian businessman. This money is enough He has been doing what he wants for a while in the Mediterranean.

As for the threats to Sardinia and Corsica, Alexander has also promised to take back the order, but although he did not guarantee that he would not threaten these two places in the future.

And Alexander also clearly told Gonzalo that he would still maintain sufficient relations with the French. The purpose of this was to ensure that Billy Shelley's exiled palace could be secured enough.

These apparently threatening actions are directed at Aragon. This is undoubtedly telling Gonzalo that Ferdinand ’s conspiracy has been fully exposed, not because his army happened to be in Sicily this time. such.

Alexander was not worried that he would provoke Gonzalo because he had found a better target for the general.

Crete's great temptation was enough to move Gonzalo's heart. As for Naples, he could not care about it for the time being.

Rather than ally with Naples, who may be allied with the French at any time, and then form a coalition, it is better to help the Venetians occupy Crete. This idea makes Gonzalo feel that his goal to change the expedition is not only correct, but also wise, or even Ferdinand should not be too troublesome for him.

Being able to turn Naples into danger is of great significance to Alexandria. In addition to fulfilling his promise to Lao Sha, the most important thing is that he borrowed this thing and finally succeeded between seemingly unbreakable Ferdinand and Gonzalo. A crack was cut.

He believes that as this rift gets bigger and bigger, it will one day become the root of the two people's complete rupture.

In order to increase the effect of this rift, Alexander also did a lot of work with Camille and Mrs. Gong Xiang.

Mrs. Gong Xiang ’s mood in the face of Alexandria was obviously more complicated than that of Kamuli.

Although this person was not the culprit that caused her husband's death, it was inextricably linked to the incident, and it was based on Gomez's death. It seems that her family has gradually started to decline since then. At this point, she even had to beg for the Sicilian nobility that she hadn't even looked at for sympathy.

So when Mrs. Gong Xiang received an equally promised grant from Alexander, her mood was extremely complicated, and the price of the money was her participation in persuading Gonzalo.

As for Camuli, the smooth old man not only did not want any benefit from Alexander, but instead sent his grandson to Bologna in advance, where it was under the jurisdiction of the pope, but from the recent appearances in Sicily, Mahimo and In Alexander's relationship, no one would doubt on whose side the pontiff's resident bishop in Bologna stood.

As for Flamenza's failure to accept Alexander's loan proposal, it seems to have failed, but with Grogening quietly arriving in Sicily, Alexander feels that the latter may not be entirely impossible.

Probably the only thing that failed is the original purpose of this trip. The matter of saving Count Modillo was completely screwed up. Although it can be determined that the finger was not the Count himself, but he still could not find the Count Modillo's whereabouts. Alexander still felt annoyed.

The Brotherhood of Sicily, this gradually developed in the next few hundred years, and later it has simply become the world ’s largest and most influential dark organization. In today ’s era, they have shown their surprising role. Probably the biggest accident in Alexander's trip.

However, although he could not rescue the count, Alexander was not very worried. No matter who was there after the robbery, he would certainly be worried about the safety of the count, but after seeing that finger, he was already sure that the count Alive, and those people will not hurt him at least for the time being. After all, even if you cut off a finger, you need to use a substitute. Obviously those people value Count Modillo.

Alexander thought about the gains and losses of this trip to Sicily one by one, and at the same time a new idea had formed in his heart.

The waves hit the ship, and the broken water splashed naughtyly on the face of Alexander standing next to the gang. The taste was a bit salty and cold. Alexander slightly licked the corner of his mouth, and then wiped the water droplets on his face with his sleeve.

"Sir, you should ... go back to the cabin ..." Shear reluctantly leaned against the door of the cabin, his feet dangling non-stop, as if he would fall at any time, seeing Alexander turned back Looking over, he struggled to climb the deck, but both times he shrank back because of the lack of energy under his feet.

"Sher, you are so funny now," Alexander said with a mocking tone. Seeing that Sher was about to release the hatch for the third time, he waved his hand to stop the Balkans, and then came to Xie himself a few steps. In front of Seoul, "Remember to never do what you can't do, that will only make you lose the gain."

As Alexander lowered his head and walked down the low cabin along the wooden ladder, under the dim light, his eyes fell on a paved map placed on a bucket and pressed with stones.

Alexander walked to the bucket and squatted down, drawing the map from under the stone. His eyes fell on the corner of the map.

The map is a bit rough, and it is in line with the style of the imbalanced scale peculiar to this era. This is a map of the Mediterranean Sea. On the east side of the Mediterranean Sea, where the scale is obviously out of alignment, Crete is in sight.

"Shel, do you think Gonzalo can win Crete?" Alexander asked suddenly.

"It's not good to say, you know I'm not a general like Lord Gompati," Schell was a little nervous, because he was worried that the master would walk out of wrong judgment because of his words, and see Alexander's encouragement, Schell Think hard and say carefully, "Although I heard that the general is very powerful, but the enemy is an Ottoman, I think he may not win."

Alexander was not sure about Schell's words. He just tapped the place marked Crete on the map.

The Caravel ship is undoubtedly the king of ocean exploration in this era, but this kind of ship is actually not suitable for the Mediterranean. Except because the area of ​​the Mediterranean is responsible for the use of this workmanship, expensive transportation means are a huge waste when it comes. The huge hull of Caravel type is not suitable for many places along the Mediterranean coast.

Especially after going deep into the Tyrrhenian Sea, Caravel ’s huge hull is not as flexible as a paddle sailboat. Especially in some areas with complicated seas, Caravel has to be stranded in order to avoid the boat ’s draught being too deep and bottoming. Forced to bypass those places.

This reminds Alexander that although he does not know the terrain of the Cretan Sea, from the Tyrrhenian Sea, he feels that perhaps the Aegean Sea is not necessarily better than here.

"Gonzalo's fleet seems to lack enough logistics ships to transport supplies." This thought moved Alexander.

The port from Aragon ’s east coast into the Mediterranean Sea to Sicily was downwind, and according to the original plan, it was closer from Sicily to Naples, because they collected military food in Naples, so Gonzalo ’s fleet except soldiers In addition, not much food is carried.

And once they decide to occupy Crete, the materials they have to prepare in addition to food will inevitably be several times the original occupation of Naples, so that their ships will not be enough.

"It seems necessary to remind the French to hide all usable boats." Alexander whispered, then put the note on the side note and put it away.

Alexandria really admires Gonzalo. If he can use his muskets so handily with the help of prophets, then Gonzalo de Cordoba absolutely found his firearms on the battlefield by virtue of his extraordinary genius. The powerful power of the large-scale use of the above, and the bright prospects that will inevitably replace the status of cold weapons.

Alexander is indeed full of admiration for such a genius, but he is not so polite to enemies with such genius-like abilities.

Although I have just reached an agreement with Gonzalo, if there is an opportunity, Alexander does not mind taking the opportunity to pit him. No matter what means is used for such an enemy, there is no guarantee that he will take the initiative in the future. You can't let it go.

Alexandria ’s boat arrived in Naples at noon on the third day. Caravel may not be suitable for use in the Mediterranean, but it is obviously one of the most comfortable sea travel tools of this era. At least those beds are a piece of seasickness. Gift.

Seeing the coastline of Naples from afar, Alexander narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already noticed several ships in the distance that were not large but had been watching from afar. Although he could not see the flag on the ship too far, Alexander could guess That should be a French patrol ship at sea.

"French." Alexander involuntarily said in a disgusted tone. Although he said that he had no enmity with the French and had a good relationship with Charlene, whether it was Rusha's brother or her lover All made Alexander have a natural aversion to the French.

"Maybe in the near future, a war with the French will be inevitable." Alexander pondered.

According to his plan, once Gonzalo was led to Sicily to temporarily resolve the crisis of enemies in the stomach and the back, then the conflict with the French was bound to come soon.

Or even if Gonzalo still focused on Naples, Alexander knew he had to make a decision between the French and the Austrians.

He made this determination because of the upcoming 1500 years.

In 1500, as the confluence of the 15th and 16th centuries, there were not many major events that would happen in this year, but one of them was something Alexander could not ignore.

That is the birth of a child this year, his name is Charlie, the future King of Spain Carlos I and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

Alexandria did n’t know much about this monarch who truly unified Spain. In addition to knowing that he was the pioneer of the Habsburg dynasty in Spain, Alexander ’s parents were more impressed in his heart.

Juana of Castile, and her famous husband, the governor of the Netherlands, the beautiful Philip of the Duke of Vienna.

Although Charles V later proved that he was the most powerful monarch in the first half of the 16th century, and he also officially opened the glorious era of the Habsburg dynasty to conquer the European continent, of course Alexander will not treat a The born child is worried.

He cares that as his nominal cousin gives birth to children, the relationship between the Iberian kingdoms and the Habsburg family will become closer and closer, and then even if he can achieve the goal of winning the crown, probably It will also take a huge price to pull Spain out of the vortex of European wars that are deeply involved in it.

If so, it would be absolutely intolerable for him.

Think about it. When the Europeans beat you to death, the new world is gradually fading away, such as a graceful lady model, and at this time a group of stupid and reckless men have no time to watch the intoxicating face of this beauty. He will only let himself and his enemies bleed non-stop until he hits the treasury empty one by one, which is unsustainable.

Of course, Alexander did not want to see this happen, at least he did not want to see the future Kingdom of Spain being exhausted in this war, so he suddenly supported Maximian.

He needed someone to help him contain Louis XII and his French army.

And if you do n’t want the future Spain to consume the rich resources that were originally accumulated in this long Italian war, then the only way is to start early and dismantle them and the Habsburg family will be born with the birth of Charles V. The relationship is bound to become more and more stable.

"Grogening, I hope you will not let me down ~ ~ Alexander looked back in the direction of Sicily where no shadow could be seen in the distance.

At the end of October 1499, with the cold sea breeze, Alexander once again boarded the land of the port of Santa Lucia.

To avoid embarrassment on both sides, he used Qiao Hui's name.

Charlene sent people to meet him on the pier. When they met at the palace, Charlene did n’t even sit on the throne in order to consider his feelings.

"Is your journey smooth, Count?" Although I have heard a lot of reports, I was still very interested in asking after seeing Alexander himself.

"It should be said that it was smooth," Alexander looked at the French and smiled slightly. "But then it may not be so optimistic."

In November 1499, the Montina Army was ordered to enter Northern Italy.

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