Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 227: For peace

Although the weather in the past two years seems to be much colder than in previous years, the spring in Vienna is still beautiful.

Through the narrow and criss-cross streets like a cobweb, various buildings can be seen in the city of Vienna.

Many of these buildings retain the traces of the tall, sturdy but distinctly alien styles of the early years, reminding people involuntarily of the history of the former rulers of the city from the north.

The Habsburg family has been ruling Vienna for centuries. From the time Rudolf I was elected the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and then laid the foundation of the family’s destiny for centuries, this originally came from the small German territory in the north. The family has now established the most powerful country in Europe and has become one of the most noble families.

However, today's emperor Maximian is not satisfied, he hopes to expand the influence of the family in Europe through various marriages.

This annoyed his neighbor, the Frenchman in the West.

After several centuries after finally stopping falling in love with the Englishman across the sea, the French turned their attention to the enemies in the interior of Europe, and Austria quickly became their preferred strong enemy to dominate the European continent. .

Maximian now has the experience of being an enemy of three French kings, but somehow he feels that his opponent is getting stronger and stronger.

Spring in Vienna is slightly cold, and the cold wind from the north blows through the city, making the beautiful scenery on the outskirts somewhat bleak.

The two carriages slowly moved along the **** toward the top of the hill.

A small team of guards protected the vehicle, and the ground that had just been rained was muddy and difficult to walk, and the place where the carriage passed left a deep rut.

The person sitting in the car in front looked at the scenery outside with a passionate look, and asked the sober but obviously cold air after the rain, with an intoxicated look on his face.

He seemed to like the feeling so much that he simply put his arm on the window and protruded the first half out of the car to look at the distant scenery.

This made a person sitting opposite him remind him from time to time because of nervousness.

"Sir, please be careful."

The accompanying person looked out uncomfortably out of the car. Although this is a suburb, there are few people on the road, and if there are any suspicious characters, the followers of the carriage will immediately notice, but this person is still very worried.

After all, if people find that this person appeared in Vienna, it is always a little inconvenient.

Kotzach looked at the person sitting opposite and smiled, but he sat back obediently in the car, which made the other person relieved secretly.

Kotzach has not been back to Vienna for a long time. Although his life in Augsburg is comfortable, he only found out that when he came back, he actually preferred Vienna even if the weather here was no better than Augus. How warm the castle is.

After being dismissed by Maximian, Kotzczah left Austria unrequitedly and went to the north, but this does not mean that he knew nothing about Olivier.

On the contrary, with the large amount of money provided by the Fugor family, he sent more and more people to Vienna, and at the same time, the influence on Vienna was also increasing.

It can even be said that the current Kotschah is more influential than when he was the chief prince.

Today he is going to visit a noble marquis of Baden, who has also gone to work, but the only difference is that although the marquis of Baden has been at home, his influence among the nobles of Vienna is still very considerable.

The reason is that the marquis’ daughter is Maximian’s mistress.

Of course, Kotzczah knew this long ago, but at that time there was not much communication between him and the marquis.

Although the Marquis of Baden was very proud of his daughter, Kotzach was different from him.

The Marquis said that although it was quite influential among the nobles, although these nobles were mostly noble, they did not necessarily occupy important positions. At the time, Kotzach was the chief palace minister.

But Kottschacher is very clear that although these nobles may not be able to influence the decisions made by Vienna, the influence they can exert cannot be underestimated.

It is for this reason that Kotzczah did not hesitate to travel from Augsburg to return to his familiar Vienna and visit the marquis himself.

In his early 60s, the Marquis of Baden had 2 sons and 2 daughters. The emperor was fortunate to be his eldest daughter, now the Countess of Miltzsteiger.

The marquis had returned home a few years ago because of his advanced age. In fact, he had been mediocre and ineffective in those years as an official, but he was valued by Maximian because of his handsome appearance and extraordinary handsomeness. .

Perhaps because of this, when hearing that the Marquis’ daughter inherited many advantages of the Marquis’ appearance, Maximian soon noticed the young Miss Baden at the time.

After that, everything became very simple. Miss Baden, who was favored by the emperor, soon moved into the luxurious castle prepared by Maximilian for her, and soon became the Countess of Mülzstego.

For the visit to Kotzach, the Marquis of Baden showed great enthusiasm, or he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

As early as a few years ago, when Kotzach brought back a weird perfume from Italy, the Marquis of Baden became a frequent visitor to the perfume shop opened by the Miyazaki family.

As the business of the Kotszach family grows bigger and bigger, whether it is the Marquis of Baden or other nobles, the luck of this family is extremely enviable.

Especially in the past two years, as the various influences of the Free Trade Association have gradually emerged, although knowing that such an alliance must have the influence of complicated countries and political forces, it can be seen that the Kotzach family is crazy and fast Inflated wealth, many Austrian nobles are still envious and jealous.

There are even rumors that the emperor would dismiss the chief minister of Kotschah. Apart from his poor performance in the Second Italian War, he did not necessarily worry that the family might rely on huge wealth to control the palace in the future. Power.

The gift Kotzach brought to the Marquis of Baden was generous. Even if the accompanying servants unloaded from the carriage at the back, if they did not open, they could only look at the sturdy packaging and the servants’ cautious appearance. The housekeeper's face couldn't help but laugh.

Although the marquis had a noble identity and his daughter was the emperor's lover, but his love of showing up still made him always in a tight budget.

In this way, even the life of the marquis was not so generous. Now that Mr. Gongxiang is so generous, he must be very happy to come to the marquis, and the reward of the servants will be indispensable.

But the Marquis of Baden was certainly different from his stewards. Although the gifts brought by Kotzczah did make him overjoyed, it was not these things that impressed him when he agreed to the meeting.

The Marquis was appointed as a farm in the outskirts of Vienna. In fact, no matter the land occupation or the scale of the building and the internal decoration, it is not inferior to those luxurious palaces in Vienna. While chatting with Kotzach, I watched it from time to time. The marquis with a few gifts on the table couldn't help thinking about the abacus.

These goods include fine silk, porcelain, ivory and gold brought from the East, as well as a variety of precious spices that can be regarded as equivalent to the price of gold. Among them, it is described as "beautiful as snow and as gold in the book" "Precious" pepper, the Marquis's smiling face was a little ugly.

"Miyazaki, I'm in a hurry to give you these personal gifts. I know this will definitely cost you a lot," Marquis first politely said, and then his face fell slightly. "But you should know that these gifts are precious but Can't make up for our previous losses, can we?

Looking at the Marquis who suddenly changed his face, Kotschach didn’t move. He knew that this was just the Marquis’ trick before bargaining, or that if there was no chance to talk, his visit would not be possible. .

"Are you talking about your business?" Kotschah asked with a smile. After several years of running around, he didn't make him much older. Instead, he felt that he seemed more energetic than ever.

In other words, he feels very energetic about what he is doing now.

This is probably because of the Duke of Thesia in Rome.

Although knowing this sounds ridiculous, Kotzczah always thinks so.

"It's our business," Marquis Baden corrected slightly. "You promised that these businesses would make us all rich, so a lot of people joined. At the beginning, we all did get some benefits, but now look at , We can provide us with less and less sugar, the amount of pepper is also a little less, and it is high, our profit is already too low to maintain."

Listening to the Marquis' complaint, Kotzchag shook his head secretly.

Since a few years ago, the trade union began to gradually develop in the German princes. The established trade union chamber of commerce has eaten up the market of local chambers of commerce that rely on nobles everywhere.

The unified transportation and circulation channels bring lower costs and faster capital return, which is unmatched by those small local chambers of commerce.

Even the Chamber of Commerce with the support of large nobles such as the Marquis of Baden is almost vulnerable to the trade unions. If it has not been necessary to deal with these nobles, in fact, as early as a few years ago, those who depended on these nobles The local chamber of commerce has long been ruined by the trade union.

"Marquis, I know exactly where you are now, and I came here just for this. Please take a look at these peppers. Do you think if this kind of pepper is sold in Austria or other northern cities, can it make money, or can it be said? Can't you let the existing pepper in your chamber of commerce simply not sell?"

Looking at the finely powdered powder that Kotzach had put in his palm and the small handful of pearl-like pepper particles on the side, the look on the face of Marquis Baden was darker.

"Are you showing off your wealth, or are you threatening?"

"Of course not, please don't forget that I am also a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Every coin that the Chamber of Commerce earns has my share."

Kotzach justified himself a little and saw that the Marquis was listening very seriously, so he sipped his drink with satisfaction, and then said something that surprised the Marquis: "These peppers are actually from France."


The Marquis unbelievably picked up a handful of pepper on the tip of his nose and smelled it. After confirming that this was indeed a genuine first-class product, he looked at Kotzach in disbelief.

"Now you know, our lives are not so good. The French established a group of overseas trade chambers in Le Havre near the Atlantic Ocean. These chambers of commerce import these peppers in large quantities, which makes us in the Mediterranean. Trade has become much harder all at once, and you know that there are Ottoman threats after all."

"Damn Ottoman." The Marquis couldn't help but he quickly woke up and looked at Kotschah vigilantly. "So you mean you can't help us?"

"Of course not, and I have to remind you that you should be very clear who you can earn such a big deed," Kotzach said, looking at the magnificent rooms around him. Then he nodded with satisfaction. "In fact, we all know that we have been dealing with trade unions, haven't we?"

The Marquis's face became darker, and of course he knew who he was doing business with himself in a few years, and he knew exactly why, as Kotszach said, he could save this fortune.

It wasn’t a big deal with the trade union just a few years ago, but now it’s a bit hard to say because of Italy and Iberia.

It is also unrealistic to completely sever contact with the trade union.

In the past few years, the interest entanglement between the two parties has already penetrated each other very widely, or the trade union has been deeply rooted in these nobles and chambers of commerce. If there is a sudden cut off of contact, it is likely that everyone waiting for them to roll over together.

In other words, even if the relationship with the trade union can be severed, no one will agree.

The benefits of the Free Trade Union to these nobles are too much, especially those of the German princes.

The Marquis of Baden believes that if someone rashly proposes to expel the Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the Trade Union in Germany, then unexpected surprises may erupt.

"Actually, the problems of all of us are not impossible to solve," looking at the marquis look of the Marquis, Kotzach continued: "The French are being aggressive to us. They are not only trying to occupy our land, but also want to take our hands. Every gold coin is earned, but the emperor is entangled in Lombardy only because of his own interests, and he is involved in all of us for his son to rule Castile smoothly. Do you think this is appropriate?"

The Marquis of Baden raised his head and stared at Kotzach fiercely. He certainly knew that the former palace was resentful of the emperor's withdrawal of his duties, but now the Marquis could not say anything to denounce him.

Kotzzach is right, if the emperor’s greed for Lombardy can be explained as extending Austrian rule to Italy, then he would reinvigorate the army for the war on the Iberian Peninsula, and then move the sword soldiers, it was purely For the benefit of the Habsburgs themselves.

As long as you think that the continued war with the Principality of Rome Thesia may lead to tensions with the trade union and affect business, the Marquis has a greasy taste that seems to be blocked in the throat by a whole piece of cold meat.

Kotzach said that the French's opening of trading posts in cities along the Atlantic Ocean also aroused the vigilance of the Marquis.

"What did the trade union people say about this matter, I mean French?"

"How else," Kotschach showed a helpless look. "Although the Duke of Rome Thesia and the French now have a covenant, it is said that the Duke is also annoyed, but now the emperor is dedicated to helping Ferdinand to him in Lombardy. Under pressure, the Duke can only show a tough attitude, but the Duke has privately stated that he hopes for peace more than enemies with the emperor."

"Really? He didn't want to fight?" Although there were only two people in the room, the Marquis lowered his voice slightly. "Can you assure me?"

"Of course, if we can negotiate with the emperor, the Duke is willing to make some concessions on Milan's ownership and status."

Perhaps due to the influence of the Marquis, Kotzchag lowered his voice.

"Oh, can Milan also talk about it?"

The Marquis narrowed his can talk. "

Kotzach nodded.

"That's it," the marquis, who hadn't had a good face since entering the room, finally showed a smile. "I think this is a good thing. If the problems can be solved without fighting, I think the emperor will be very satisfied."

"Then all this was brought about by Lord Marquis," Kotschah leaned back. "The Duke will thank you for your achievements in promoting peace between the two countries."

Listening to Kotzach, and then looking at the more expensive peppers on the table, the Marquis Baden also showed a sincere smile.

"For peace."

"For peace."

The wine glass touched slightly and made a soft noise.

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