Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 206: 1503: Battle of Europa (4) Cleaning

When the hot shells hit the crowd at a nearly straight angle, someone heard the horrible sound of torn limbs.

When the shells fell, they smashed the pavement on the ground into a huge deep pit, and the splashed stones caused the second injury to the soldiers around.

The blood plasma splashed with the shells left a shocking scarlet blood road on the pavement. In the blood of the big beach on the ground, you can also see a white and tragic white bones floating on it. Broken arm in color.

The Catalans proved their existence to the Wang Jun in such a cruel way.

Even if it was already known that the rebels had received support from a group of mercenaries, the sudden blow still left Wang Jun, who was at the forefront, unexpectedly and immediately fell into chaos.

The Andalusian Allied Forces, who could almost feel the shells flying past their eyes, were first frightened by the horrendous attack on the enemy, and then they woke up and cheered.

When they were blocked at the bridge before, it was not easy to deal with it because of the Catalans' well-equipped equipment. These coalition forces had already merged with them in order to escape.

And now looking at Wang Jun's sudden damage, even though there are not many casualties, but just watching Wang Jun's chaotic appearance has already made the coalition soldiers applaud.

The rapid and dull footsteps suppressed the cries of the coalition soldiers, and the Catalans began to gather along the bridge facing the river.

These mercenaries wore different outfits of different styles, which made them look more like a group of people, but the murderous appearance of these men's fierce appearance and behavior made people dare not underestimate them.

The Catalan mercenaries formed a very tight line of defense on the bridge, flanked by the coalition team that had been separated from the middle.

At the same time, both sides also saw the cannon that caused damage to the soldiers of the Wang Jun.

The artillery was placed in a pile of goods on the left bank of the bridge. It seemed that the randomly placed pile had been pushed to both sides, and the muzzle still emitting smoke was exposed in the middle. A gunner who is busy reloading.

A small man who didn't look very tall, but apparently was the captain of these gunners, was familiarly re-correcting the gun position that had been moved because of the shooting, and he kept complaining.

This mercenary, who was optimistic about being appointed captain of the artillery team halfway by Tiegeau, was very dissatisfied at this time, because according to Thiego's command, he had to place the artillery in this place that was not suitable at all.

"We have to leave at most one more gun," the little man muttered. "I have never seen a cannon treated like this."

After the initial chaos, Wang Jun soon discovered the artillery that suddenly attacked them.

Although they were covered by Catalans, a small team of kings immediately approached the shore freight yard.

They must do this because if this **** artillery cannot be resolved as quickly as possible, on such a narrow street, they can only face terrible killings.

The Catalans didn't seem to want to launch a counterattack immediately, they just kept tightly in front of the bridge instead of pressing forward.

It was only when the king’s army tried to get close to the cannon at the cargo yard, with the commander’s cry from the team, the Catalan left wing almost pushed and pushed those king’s soldiers towards the enemy, urging them over. .

During the brief confrontation, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers on both sides knocked on the shield and the armor, and the crackling sound seemed to threaten the enemy.

After a long distance, the spears of the spears provoked each other, and someone tried to take a step forward, but when they saw that no companions had shot, they immediately retreated.

For a while, the two sides of the bridgehead fell into a stalemate, and only the tragic cry of the wounded soldiers lying on the ground who had not yet been able to save them back and forth, which made people frightened.

Perhaps it was the fighting here that attracted attention, and from other streets and alleys there were soldiers of the king army coming toward the bridge.

This gradually restored courage to the sudden appearance of the Catalan king who was somewhat at a loss.

They began to move forward slowly. Although they were still worried that the artillery might shoot deadly shells at any time, as the soldiers gradually approached the enemy, the Wang soldiers were excited as well.

"By fighting with them in the past, the cannons dare not shoot!"

I do not know who yelled so loudly, and this cry became a signal to provoke the killing.

I don't know who took the first step first, and then the two sides began to rush towards each other in the increasingly loud cry.

This was interspersed with the tremendously muffled noise of a lifetime, followed by a blood gap in the Wang Jun team.

But this time the gap was blocked instantly, stepping on the **** body of the companion who was struggling and screaming under his feet, and the **** bloody Wang Jun soldiers roared and rushed towards the enemy.

The Catalans responded to them in the same fierce way. Under the command of the team officer, the Catalans wrapped up and swelled the coalition soldiers toward the king.

The two sides launched a **** fight on the street in front of the Guadalville River Bridge.

Thiago stood nervously on the walls of the Grand Knight Castle and watched the battle across the river.

He was actually a businessman. He could discuss business with the nobles in the court and reach secret agreements with them, but he was not good at military, nor did he really go to the battlefield.

So he was so nervous that he almost forgot to breathe at this terrible scene.

"Rest assured no one can easily capture this castle." The captain of the mercenary standing next to him comforted his employer. He actually did not agree that Thiago took risks together, after all, if the rich man had three shorts and two shorts, they Your money is in danger.

The captain reminded Tiego that he suddenly remembered that he had more important things to do. Looking at the more and more Wang Jun gathered towards the river, he looked at the artillery on the auxiliary fort with some concern.

"Those artillery can really block the Castilians?"

"As long as they want to cross the river from here, it's okay," the captain patted the stone in front of the wall unsure. "But then they will occupy the other side of the river."

The captain said sweet lips. Although these mercenaries fought bravely, their discipline was notoriously bad. Sometimes the failed mercenaries were more terrible than the enemy.

They often grab a hand before fleeing. At that time, they caused even more damage than the enemy.

Taking the Guadarville River as the boundary, Seville's North City obviously has to pay a lot. Listening to the screams and gunfires that spread in the North City, it can be guessed that Wang Jun has begun a comprehensive attack on the North City.

"Those Andalusians are really waste." The captain complained with dissatisfaction. "Originally, they thought they could stick with it for a while. Now it seems that we can only rely on ourselves."

"So the fact is that the castle is the most important, as long as you guard the castle." Thiego has gradually calmed down at this time, the following battle is still going on, but he is not so nervous.

"Do you think the Castilians will definitely attack from here?" The captain asked with a frown, although the number of kings below was not large, but watching their tenacious battles made the captain a little worried. "I don't know how long we can persist."

"I don't know, but I brought you here to do this, didn't you," Thiego watched the Catalans who were fighting with the king's army on the other side and gave the order "Let our people guard the bridge, unless Castillo Don’t attack when the Riyans attack."

A burst of cheers suddenly came from below, and the shape of the king's army squeezed at the end of the street finally appeared chaotic.

I never imagined that the army of the royal army that would encounter Catalan mercenaries could not be compared with their enemies. Under the attack of Catalans and coalition soldiers far exceeding the enemy, Wang Jun had to gradually retreat toward their way.

"It seems like a good start," the captain laughed, but then he frowned as he watched the soldiers retreating from the bridge into the castle. "But what about the Andalusians, I think I should put They drove away together."

"Or these people are still useful," Thiego looked at in the distance and seemed to have fallen into a city full of dogfights. "Since it is destined to fight Gonzalo, maybe we should find some helpers."

Seeing the captain of the mercenary hear him faintly nervous, Thiegol smiled secretly in his heart: Gonzalo, I am also very scared.

On April 20, the battle against Seville was just launched, and the King of Castilla launched a fierce attack like a Seville city with an unstoppable momentum.

Following the immediate loss of the fortress along the river on the north bank of the Guadalville River, the coalition departments stationed in Seville became frightened by panic.

Everyone was afraid that Wang Jun would attack his position. As a result, almost no one was willing to confront Gonzalo's army head-on.

This is a battle that has been doomed to failure before it has begun, or when the first cannon sounds from outside the city, the Andalusian nobles have surrendered in spirit.

Wang Junzheng penetrated all the way along the river channel into the city. They each found a suitable place to land and scrambled to the shore. Driven by the temptation of honor and loot, the soldiers of the Wang army launched a fearless death to the rebels Bobo's onslaught.

The bad news of losing all streets to the governor's house, the nobles guarding the governor's house from the beginning of the anxiety to become numb.

More and more people are looking at the old man who always sits in the hall of the governor's palace and seems to be unmoved by anything.

In the past, his seemingly calm appearance always made people feel at ease, but now his appearance makes many people secretly resentful.

"He deceived us into rebellion."

"He told us everything is under control, but now everyone has to move their heads."

"He actually married the woman of unknown origin, which is to bring all of us to hell."

"If you give him to the king, can you escape this time..."

People first try to probe each other with their eyes, and then people they know begin to discuss in secret.

The atmosphere of the conspiracy is getting stronger and stronger, and people's eyes on Don Bavey have become more and more terrible.

The attendants around them felt a strange breath, and they secretly watched the nobles standing in the distance like a staring prey.

Someone wanted to remind the owner, but Don Bavi seemed to fall asleep, just sitting there motionless with his eyes closed.


An elderly servant walked quietly into the hall. He was a close friend of Don Bavi, who had followed him since he was very young.

"have they gone?"

Don Bavey barely opened his eyes as if he was awake, and looked at the servant.

"Leave, the two went together."

"Oh, that's good, I hope they won't be caught."

Don Bavi said to let the servant stand up on his own. He walked tremblingly forward and walked in front of those people with the gaze of countless eyes.

"Do you want to give me that Gonzalo?"

His words caused a panic among the nobles. Even for many years, Jiwei, even when everyone was already precarious, still let him speak, and no one dared to refute.

"You are really stupid," Don Bavey pointed at those people with shaking hands. "You think you can save yourself by handing me to Gonzalo, but you have thought about it, even if there is no rebellion, Ferdinand will Can you spare each of you."

"At least we can save our lives!"

A bare aristocrat retorted loudly, and once someone took the lead, the aristocrat's emotions of full complaint broke out.

They kept blaming it for Don Bavey's fault, and even his supporters complained that if he didn't marry that woman, things might not be so bad.

"Acknowledge, you are only coveting the throne of Castile, you are only planning for yourself," the nobleman above the head still took the lead in exposing Don Bavi. "You treat us all as your chess pieces to achieve ambition, now we Don't do it, give that woman to Wang Jun, so that we have the opportunity to negotiate with Ferdinand."

The person's words immediately aroused many people's response, they began to clamor for Don Bavi to surrender his wife, and they no longer called her a princess, but just called her "that woman" .

"Do you want me to betray my wife?" Don Bavi still stood there trembling, but no one dared to walk in front of him. His prestige in Andalusia over the years made him still in the minds of many people. It was the brave, noble and inviolable warrior.

"She's not your wife, she's just a Moore hybrid you don't know where to find it."

Seeing that people had been instigated, the bald nobility became fearless, he squeezed out of the crowd and stood in front of everyone, accusing him far away.

And his words made the nobles standing behind him stunned for a while, and then shouted loudly as if waking up.

Everyone knows whether or not the woman named Alft is really the daughter of Isabella and Ferdinand, the twin sister of Maria, is now unimportant.

Now they must make a complete cut with that woman and Don Bavey. They may not be able to get rid of the blame. Even many people have already made plans to lose their territory, but at least they can save their lives.

But if you continue to mix with Don Bavey, what is waiting for them is probably the gallows.

If Ferdinand is a bit more vicious, some of them may be thrown into religious courts. If they are not only tortured while alive, they will also be sent to **** even if they die.

Don Bavimer looked silently at the people who were clamoring in front of him.

Many of them are very familiar with him, before they were more afraid of him than respect.

But now these people seem to wish to scramble to bite off a piece of meat from him. It seems that this way they can prove that they are actually innocent, deceived and deceived.

Don Bavi's shrunken lips shuddered, and no one knew whether he was sad or mocking. He looked at the people in front of him with such a stiff expression, until the bald noble was headed, Andalusian nobles finally pulled out The sword is out.

"This is, to rebel?" Don Bavey glanced at the old servant beside him.

Seeing him nod, Don Bavi paused on the ground with a cane in his hand.

It was not loud, and no one even heard it, but it was a signal.

The doors on both sides of the hall were suddenly slammed open, and a group of guards armed with sword spears poured in.

Their clothes were embroidered with the badges of the Don Bavi family, and some spears also carried the eye-catching triangular flag of the Duke of Buharanse.

Everyone was frightened by this accident. They thought that Don Bavi might resist, but because the old man was in front of them, they thought he was too late to greet his men.

But now it seems that he has been prepared for a long time, maybe even if they don't mutiny and don't know the reason, Don Bavi has already planned to start with them.

"It's a conspiracy! He's going to kill all of us, called guards! Called guards!"

The bald nobles shouted while holding swords in both hands, guarding against the soldiers of Don Bavi.

But Don Bavi obviously no longer intends to give these people a chance.

The crutches in his hand paused again, and with this small movement, a "bang" sound of a crossbow bow shot immediately from the guards.

The screams were one after another in the hall, and the nobles who tried to escape and rebelled were shot down by crossbow arrows.

When someone finally thought about escaping, they found that the gate did not know when it had been closed.

Don Bavi stood behind a line of guards holding shields. He looked coldly at the nobles struggling to resist, but one by one was stabbed with a spear or cut by a sword.

Until finally looking at the Andalusian nobleman who was groaning in pain in the pool of blood, he waved his hand a bit hard.

The guards started to move forward. They saw that someone was alive and stabbed to death. Even if they looked at the dead, they had to poke twice.

The bald nobleman hadn't swallowed yet, and he was led to Don Bavi in ​​front of him.

Watching him face spitting blood because his lungs could not pierce, Tang Bawei whispered close to his ear and said, "Do you know why you fell to this end, because you know too much."


The bald noble struggling to spit blood out of Don Bavey's Watching his squirted blush, his hair was hysterical laughter.

"kill him."

Don Bavi was not angry. He watched the guards pierce the man with his sword.

He cut his throat again when he tried to pray hard, until he was motionless.

"All this is enough." Looking at the **** hall everywhere, Don Bavey whispered to himself.

Then he paused his cane to the guards who had killed the red eyes.

"Okay, let's prepare, we leave here."

"For adults!"

The guards shouted loudly, and their blood flew into the sky.

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