Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 202: The battle begins

The Castle of the Grand Knights is located in the southwest of the city of Seville, opposite the Guadalville River. There is a majestic six-hole stone bridge connecting the Castle of the Grand Knights with the city of Seville.

The stone bridge has been around for a long time. The deck is very wide. It is possible to drive three carriages side by side. Between the arched holes are dozens of thick pier made of granite stone.

After crossing this bridge called Cholatinos, it is necessary to walk up the mountain before reaching the gate of the Grand Knight Castle.

However, because of the mountain road ring, the location of the castle is actually close to the river bank. The two trebuchets that were directly placed on the auxiliary castles at the two ends of the front of the castle can directly threaten the river. Now they have been replaced by two more powerful artillery guns From both the east and west ends of the castle, the Guadarville River was pointed at the same time, and the two powerful artillery also blocked the Cholatinos Bridge.

When Castilla had not been unified a few centuries ago, Seville was once the capital of the old kingdom, and the Grand Knight Castle became the royal palace, so the castle was built quite solidly, with the buildings and furnishings inside It also makes people feel very comfortable, and does not care about the decoration because it is where the army is stationed.

Tiege was very satisfied after making a circle in the Grand Knight Castle.

First of all, the castle is steep and easy to defend, and it can be seen from some details that it was not cut corners when it was built, and later because of the war with the Moors, the castle has changed hands several times, and the occupiers regard it as an important The operation of the military fortress, which makes the Grand Knight Castle is still very strong although it has gone through centuries.

That's pretty good, at least Tiege felt a little safe after moving in.

He can also understand why there is such a good place that Don Bavey let his Catalan guard, rather than as his stronghold of last defense, this is because the castle hangs alone on the south bank of the Guadalville River Once on the hillside, it means there is no escape route.

Tiego certainly does not care about this. For him, as long as the castle is strong enough, of course, the huge artillery on the two auxiliary forts also makes him very satisfied, at least in his opinion enough to deal with the crossing of the Cholatinos Bridge Anything alive now.

Don Bavi handed him the Grand Knight Castle and the Cholatinos Bridge connecting the two sides of the Guadalville River, which was not an unexpected joy for Tiego. In fact, he was able to obtain these two key The place is entirely because the gold coins in hand play a more critical role.

Since entering Seville, Tiego has used the manpower that James arranged here to carry out various activities, and the Seville Exchange has become a place he frequents.

But this is not surprising. After all, he is a businessman, and of course he is more interested in places like exchanges.

After the last looting, the prosperity of the Sevilla Exchange has been somewhat affected, but it has slowly recovered.

However, people have not noticed that there are more strange faces in the exchange that have not appeared in the past, just because many previous important archive documents contracts and transaction vouchers have been attacked or looted by the pirates. It was damaged, so the appearance of these people out of thin air became unfounded.

Moreover, the prosperity of the new colony made many people willing to take risks, so it is not uncommon to have some new faces.

Tiego is not in direct contact with these people who have been confusing in Seville. He is more inquiring about news on the exchange, especially about those in the noble coalition that may cause trouble.

Soon he discovered that the current status of the coalition was worse than he had guessed. The city was full of failed emotions and remarks. Some nobles had publicly stated that they wanted to leave the coalition and Bariaridod negotiations, while others Although he still insists on continuing the armed confrontation, he opposes the continuation of the defense of Seville, but thinks it is right to retreat to the south and wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

But no matter what kind of thinking, everyone is surprisingly unanimous that they can't fight against the two enemies outside the city. Even with the support of the Catalans, it can still be very dangerous.

Especially the city of Seville straddles both sides of the Guadalville River, which gives the enemy the opportunity to quickly invade the city from the river, and this guess is precisely the plan that Gonzalo intends to carry out.

Quickly invading Seville from the river, and then waiting for the opportunity to occupy any city on both sides, and then use this city as an attack on the opposite bank, this method is simple but very effective.

At least this will ensure that part of the city of Seville will be occupied within a short period of time, and once a foothold is established in the city, the bridges that cross the Guadalville River will become the key to the other side of the river.

But among these bridges, the Cholatinos Bridge is the most important.

This is because the bridge connects not only the Grand Knight Castle, but also the King Francis Avenue, which can be advanced to the Seville Governor ’s Palace and the Cathedral, which is also the most important main road on the north bank of Seville. Here you can quickly attack many important places in the North Shore urban area.

Such a place is of course an important target that the enemy must attack, and Tiego has been told before entering the city that if you want to quickly seize Seville, you must occupy the Grand Knight Castle and Choradino in a short period of time. Bridge.

For this, he began to take out a lot of gold coins from his pocket and waited for the nobles who might be appointed as defensive castles, and he soon got more reliable news from those people.

Obviously, the conjecture that Tang Bawei, who is most worried about, might send his own troops to defend the castle, would not happen, and because the castle is likely to be the first target of the enemy ’s attack, it also made those nobles defend the Grand Knight Castle. Seen as terrible as if sentenced to death.

When he heard these, Thiego did n’t know whether he should be fortunate for his luck or sorrow for the status of the aristocratic coalition. He even felt that at this time, the army outside the city might just have to do something, and Seville might have to stand Qi Baiqi surrendered.

But of course he is just thinking about it. There are still many nobles in Seville who are stubborn to fight the "Aragonese who have stolen the crown of Castilla", or to fight against "someone who tries to steal the crown." An illegitimate child "sees the true chapter.

But what is more important is that the current confrontation between the two armies outside the city has made it impossible for either side to seize Seville alone, which makes the nobles in the city of Seville seem to see the new hope.

Don Bavi clearly saw this too. Although Thiego did n’t know that he had made a good plan to send Alft quietly first, Don Bavi was indeed because he is now outside the city. The two armies did not dare to act spontaneously and felt that things might turn around.

But the Grand Knight Castle is still very dangerous, so no one of the coalition nobles is willing to take this risk.

In the end, under the dual effect of gold coins and orderly temptation, Thiego made those people have put forward the view that those Catalans are more suitable to Don Bavi.

And Don Bavi also knew that it was very difficult for those people to obediently put their territorial army into the stronghold of the Grand Knight Castle, and the Catalans would not necessarily risk making this if they gave enough benefits. money.

So he finally paid the high price of the Guadalvir River's seven and a half years of taxation rights, and then returned to the Catalan mercenaries to agree to defend the banner is the castle's promise.

Don Bawei and Thiego feel that they have made a profit for each and every need.

The coalition nobles finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad that they were trapped in different situations.

Everything is ready, the only thing waiting is the attack from the enemy outside the city.

The attack started on the early morning of April 20.

Just as the coalition forces in the city were anxiously waiting for the war to come, the two "united but not united" troops outside the city were also actively preparing for the siege.

The Sicilian army is very nervous, not only because there is a "friendly army" next to it that may be bitter at any time, but also that this is the first large-scale siege after the reunification of the Sicilian kingdom.

Seville has a long history and even experienced many wars in its early years, so the city is not as easy to win as it seems.

According to the fighting sequence, the Sicilian Army publicly declared that it had 4 regiments under its jurisdiction, with a total of about 8,500 troops.

These four regiments are about 2,600 from the Naples regiment and the City Defense Army, about 2,000 from the Cosenza Regiment, about 1,800 from the Royal Grenadier Regiment, and now about 2,000 from the Sicilian Regiment.

And because of the need to divide a part to cooperate with the local civilian army, the Naples and Cosenza regiments actually dispatched the expeditionary Iberian troops to be almost the same as the Royal Grenadier Regiment that can be fully deployed.

Therefore, the strength of the Sicilian Expeditionary Force is about 5,600.

Gonzalo ’s army, in addition to the 2500-person combat brigade he personally trained as a model army, also has about 3,500 kings of Castilla.

As for the noble coalition in Seville, after repeated failures, the number of troops has declined from nearly 10,000 to more than 4,000.

But with the support of 1,800 Catalan mercenaries and the strong defense of the city of Seville, it seems that the noble coalition is not without a battle.

As for the 300 Balkan hunting guards brought by Alexander, in the face of such a battle, it is almost negligible.

"The number of regiments in the regiments needs to be expanded and gradually stabilized. The scale of future wars will become larger and larger. There is a relatively stable number of regiments that will allow you to better plan the next battle, otherwise between regiments The uneven strength and serious shortage of personnel will directly affect the entire combat process. "

Alexander rode to stand side by side with Ruo Sha, and saw the wind blowing Ruo Sha's hair, he used to raise his hand to smooth her, and then remembered what changed to no trace of Fu Yuan was very correct hat of.

At this time, they were a little farther away, or riding or walking around the many Sicilian soldiers, and in the nearer vicinity, Alexander's Balkan hunting guards were firmly guarded by their side.

With the retiring of the Agri hunting guards, the composition of the hunting guards has gradually formed a situation in which the Balkans and the Agris have been selected.

The recruited Agri people are more added to the Musketeers.

As for the Balkans, Alexander has found that they seem to have some inexplicable resistance to hot weapons. Even if they are equipped with long and short rifles according to the order, most Balkans still prefer to use sabers and short axes.

Moreover, this trend has not diminished with the gradual popularization of firearms in the army of the Romagna-Tuscan Kingdom.

Alexander knew that both the Sicilian and Roman Thesia armies needed a real change.

These changes will be a watershed that distinguishes modern and medieval armies. With the increasing use of hot weapons on the battlefield, the form of war will be truly earth-shaking changes.

The Battle of Seville may be a very important sign of this change.

All along, no matter whether it is Alexander or Ruosha, the enemies they face even if they are fierce, they can still be an old army with strong medieval traces. Even the new Ottoman army, although using the most advanced weapons of this era, but because of all The reason, but also unable to get rid of the old army's problems.

This is also when the new army of Alexandria and Ruosha was encountered under the city of Bucharest and on the Dumbuwica River. Even the famous Ottomans like Sisugu had to be defeated by new weapons and new tactical ideas. In front of a baptized opponent.

But compared with the previous opponents, Gonzalo Cordova is completely different!

The fact is that in the history of the post-medieval era, military revolution really turned into reality, it was Gonzalo himself.

The great Gonzalo, this is the Spanish name to pay tribute to this outstanding commander who created the Spanish phalanx that has swept Europe for more than a century.

Under his personal command and guidance, the Spanish phalanx once prevailed on the battlefield.

A true general, with rich experience in war, is not lacking in pioneering and enterprising spirit.

Enemy against such an opponent is very dangerous, but it is inevitable.

The negotiation time on the small island of Hexin is indeed not long, but it is enough to talk about some sensitive topics.

Gonzalo did not show much interest in the announcement of the Castile throne in Alexandria and the fight with Ferdinand.

He stated directly that he only cares about whether he can embrace everything he has now. As for what he hasn't got in the future, Gonzalo makes a rational choice to ignore it.

Use a battle to prove yourself a Gonzalo reply.

Sevilla will become a battlefield where the two forces mastering the most advanced military technology and tactical ideas in the current era collide head-on.

"Gonzalo has always wanted to replace the entire Castilian army with his model army. This idea is not wrong now, but it not only takes a long time, but also wastes too much time," Alexander said to Ruosha around him: "The future Kingdom army will become a model for the entire European continent, but Gonzalo may not have the opportunity to leave a name in history."

Ruosha glanced at Alexandria with some doubt. Although she was exposed to Alexandria from time to time, it seemed that she could get used to watching the future vaguely, but she would always be fascinated by it.

"Will Gonzalo let the model army attack the city first," Zuosha looked at Alexandria. "If he wants to capture the government of Seville, he must first seize the ferry on the north bank of the Guadalville River. Good opportunity. "

Alexander pondered, but still shook his head slightly to reject Ruo Sha ’s suggestion: "Gonzalo will not let the model army enter the battle so quickly. He is just like us to guard against possible accidents. If he prematurely provokes his Conflict may turn the whole battle into a muddled battle, then maybe we will be caught in a long and protracted war, know that Maximian is coveting the south of Rome, so we must avoid getting stuck in Iberia, And to ensure that Castile and even Aragon will not be severely damaged by the war, this is the most important thing for us today. "

Alexander's words made Ruo Sha's eyes flash, and she quickly grasped the key meaning revealed in her brother's words.

"After the Battle of Seville, it's time for us to march into Bariari Dode," Alexander said to Luza with a smile. "Then Zaragoza, I will let you enter Sara with the most distinguished status Gossa, the Kingdom of Aragon will open your arms to you, and their nobles will crawl at your feet. "

Ruosha laughed. She knew it was a promise. A long time ago, her brother promised her a crown, but now it seems that this promise has a tendency to be over-fulfilled.

In the early morning of April 20th, the Sicilian army began to orderly cross the Kovones River.

The whole process of crossing the river was very smooth. The few noble coalition forces across the river withdrew to Seville with little decent resistance, but when they passed the two sister lakes, they finally encountered a The enemy forces ready to resist.

On the wetland in the middle of the two sisters' lakes, an Andalusian noble army stubbornly stood on their positions. Based on the lakes on both sides, they built a narrow line of defense on the wetland that was not wide in front.

Looking at the enemy with a spear and two-handed sword as the main weapon in the distance, Kurash, who has now served as the deputy commander of the Naples Regiment, did not waste time. He directly ordered the field artillery that followed the infantry to face The enemy spoke.

Although there were only a few artillery pieces and the caliber was not large, the killing caused by the shells falling in the enemy queue quickly shook the somewhat stubborn enemy.

The Andalusians' team appeared shaken, and Kurash did not let this opportunity pass. He immediately ordered the dozens of cavalry in his hands to enter the battlefield.

Dozens of people seem to be meaningless in a battle where the total strength of several parties reaches nearly 17,000, but if used properly, these dozens of people can at least build merit in a small battle.

These cavalry are the group cavalry equipped by Rosa to each regiment. Their mission is to have their own assault power when each regiment is fighting alone, without having to lose it because it needs to ask for help from a separate cavalry unit when it needs support. Fighter.

These cavalry sprinted quickly towards the Andalusians who had been stunned by a burst of artillery before they could fight with the enemy. When they rushed through the gap in the middle of the enemy line, they did not stay but kept on. Rushed towards the rear of the enemy front. As a result, the Andalusian formation was quickly pulled and gradually deformed.

The Naples regiment began to attack. Although the wetland between the two sister lakes was not an ideal battlefield, they still approached the enemies that had become increasingly chaotic under the cover of artillery on both sides of the lake as trained.

Immediately, a white-blade battle began.

Ruosha climbed up the roof of the carriage along a special ladder with the help of Alexander.

This carriage is also specially made, special as a reel of shock-absorbing axle springs clasped together, so that even if the carriage travels on a road with bad road conditions, it will not make passengers feel guilty, but has been reinforced The roof of the car can let people stand up and observe the movement of the enemy in the distance. This carriage has become a moving headquarters.

"I didn't expect that there were brave nobles in the rebels," Ruosha smiled and looked at the enemy in the distance, which was already very chaotic but still struggling to support. "They block our way, which may delay time."

"Don't worry," Alexander said dismissively. "If Gonzalo rushes into Seville, waiting for him may not be a wonderful result."

Alexander ’s words made Ruosha laugh, and she turned her head and continued to look towards the enemy ’s position ~ ~ But soon her attention was driven by a car that was coming along the shore of the two sisters lake A carriage attracted the past.

Gradually, when seeing the flag accompanying the carriage, Ruosha couldn't help but look at Alexander unexpectedly.

"It's a surprise, isn't it?" Alexander asked Ruosha and slammed the wooden ladder down the carriage, and then he stood there waiting for Ruosha to come down and stand with him, waiting for the carriage to approach. And finally stopped in front of them.

Looking at the figure walking slowly out of the carriage, a strange expression crossed Ruosha's face, but he quickly recovered his composure.

"Welcome your father, is it smooth all the way?" Alexander bowed to the pope.

"Not very smooth, but if I can take a quick rest in the bedroom of Seville Cathedral, I think it will be fine." The Pope replied.

"Your Majesty, your wish will soon be realized."

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