Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 193: Nun princess

Don Bavi pushed people to walk on the slightly rugged path. Although there was a Guadavivi outside the thick castle walls, he could still vaguely hear Seville across the river. The tumultuous voices in the city.

The River Guadalville divided the city of Seville into two, and the Grand Knight Castle used as a city defense stood proudly on the east bank of the river. Don Bavi still remembered that he sent someone to quietly occupy the castle. I was excited and full of pride when I saw the city of Seville on the opposite side of the city wall.

Then his men occupied the city.

At that time, it was probably the most proud time of his life.

But now he is still walking in this castle, but his mood is completely different.

Although the city of Seville is still under his control, the rumbling cannon sound outside the city seems to be constantly reminding him that his situation is very bad now.

It has been suggested more than once whether he will temporarily leave Seville. Although various nominal reasons are very impressive, but he can't hide the fact that he retreated and escaped.

Don Bavi coughed for a while, and the people behind him slowed down and wanted to stop, but he waved his hand to stop: "Go on."

Following the ambiguous orders of Don Bavey, the attendant had to push the wheelchair and continue to walk uphill.

The path was somewhat rugged and steep. Fortunately, the road was flat instead of steps. Finally, the laboriously pushed the wheelchair to a fairly flat platform. The entourage hurriedly wiped the sweat from the head, and then began to clean up the clothes for the Duke.

Tang Bawei let his followers fiddle with him, his eyes fixed on the door of a house on the side of the platform, and he did not signal the followers to knock on the door until they were completely packed.

The people in the house obviously knew that he had come, so they knocked on the door and opened it immediately. Two noble ladies who appeared calmly came out and stood on either side of the door. They saluted Don Bavey slightly. , And then invited him into the house without asking.

Sister Alfred was standing on the open space in the middle of the house, her hands clasped the skirt of her skirt, her expression looked a little nervous, and when Don Bavey came in, she bowed her knees slightly and saluted.

"No, Your Highness, it is me who should be saluting, so that at least I can still feel that I am a noble of Castile, not a traitor as they say." Don Bavi said in a vague tone, although he only said After a few words, his breath was already fast, and the attendant next to him immediately gently knocked his back for him, and at the same time handed the water sac to his mouth.

"You have seen that my health is not good now, which is not good news for all of us. Now the coalition forces can persist because I can still command them even in a wheelchair, but if I fall down Everything is gone. "

Although Don Bavi said a little pessimistic, there was still a sense of pride in his words. He actually looked down on the Andalusian nobles who were allied with him. In his eyes, these people are a group of Uzbek people, whether on the battlefield Still in the court, none of them played a role at all.

"What Duke do you want me to do?" Sister Alft was still a little nervous. Although she had been with Don Bavey for some time, she couldn't convince herself to relax, every time she thought of her life. People spent in planning, and even the long 19 years they spent in the monastery were caused by this person ’s plan, and Alft ’s mood was full of complexity and chaos.

Don Bavey carefully looked at the exotic beauty in front of him with slightly muddy eyes. If he only looked at it from the perspective of admiring a pure woman, Alfute in front of him was even more than her twin sister Maria. With a peculiar charm, her typical European appearance is well-matched with dark brown skin that is as smooth and silky as coffee. The beauty of the two different blends is really impressive.

If you think about her peculiar life again, it will give people a trembling beauty that a dark queen wearing a crown is ready to avenge her blood relatives. This can be a great drama, the immortal of ancient Greece. This is also true of the works written by the master of tragedy.

Don Bavey was thinking about it while pushing him towards Alft, until the waitress beside her reminded him a little bit that it was too close to the princess before stopping.

Don Bavey looked up at the dark-skinned girl in front of him. He was going to marry this girl, and he would not consider whether they could have children at this time.

Now the situation of the Andalusian coalition is very bad. Gonzalo ’s continuous attack gives them no chance to breathe. The coalition, which has been defeated several times in a row, has had a fear of the army of Gonzalo, especially It was the failure in Córdoba, and the last trace of courage in many people's hearts was gone.

The military heart that was excited because of the appearance of Alft has now fallen to the valley. Whether it is a noble, knight or ordinary soldier, many people are now thinking about their own way out.

The reason why before bringing Alft back to Sevilla did not immediately decide to marry her, it was Don Bavi who considered that she was first needed to agitate the military.

A pure, 19-year-old lonely princess in the monastery, even though her skin color is so special, but this involuntarily gives a strange charm.

Don Bavi obviously uses the strong curiosity of mysterious events and bizarre thinking in his mind. His plan is also very successful. If it was not for Gonzalo who was too crazy on the battlefield to destroy these arrangements again and again , The role that Alft can play must be much greater than it is now.

Don Bavi did n’t know that if Alexander was here, he would definitely suggest that he give up the rebellious career of no future and become a playwright. Perhaps he would create the famous tragedy masterpiece "Othello" a century in advance. What.

But now everything seems to be a little late, although Gonzalo ’s main force has not crossed the Guadalville River, but his left army has cut off the connection between Seville and the upstream. At this time, even if they want to go along the river The ports of the Atlantic Ocean are already late.

There are many arguments in the coalition about whether to stick to Seville. In addition to some stubborn nobles, many people think that Seville should be abandoned once the situation is not good. They have examples of more castles in the south. The fortresses that were left by the Moors can be kept, and if necessary, they can even enter the mountains of Mulasen to stick to the long-term struggle.

But Don Bavi knew that these were just pretexts. If even the city of Seville and the position with the Guadarville River as a natural defense line could not be kept, what role could the castle fortresses that had been abandoned for many years.

As for entering the Murassin Mountains to continue his resistance, he doubted whether those nobles would be able to endure the suffering. Perhaps by that time, those people would think that his head was probably the best bargaining chip with Gonzalo.

By this time, Don Bavi already knew that the defeat of the coalition should have been an inevitable end. He was not very clear what other people had their own plans, but he knew that someone must have colluded with Gonzalo secretly, This is not surprising, and he will do the same.

So Don Bavi decided to marry Alft.

Even if it fails in the end, it is necessary to leave his own brand in the blood heir of the Astamala family, which is certainly his attachment to power and revenge on Isabella.

"We are going to get married in 2 days, don't you want to say something, Your Highness?" Don Bavey looked at Alft. He wanted to know what the young woman was thinking now. interesting.

"It's my pleasure to be your wife," Alft said softly. She first looked at the female companions next to her. After seeing their hints, she took off a small handkerchief from her head and handed it to Don and Bavi. , Seeing that he raised his arm a little bit hard, Alftusius slightly bent down and extended his hands to let him hold "For me, you always take care of me like father and husband, now you can be my true husband, This is a gift from God for me. "

There was a satisfied smile on Don Bavey's thin face. He moved his lips, and his two strangely weird lips turned out to be deflated because they had no teeth. They spit out an "Oh" voice.

Alft stood in front of Don Bavi and looked at him quietly. Her long life in the convent made her develop a character that was more adaptable and patient than others.

She can say nothing for a whole day or feel lonely and unbearable. At the same time, she has developed patience for suffering. In her opinion, the Andalusian nobles probably never understand how she can wear that kind of rough The linen robes did not feel any discomfort at all, and those noble ladies certainly did not understand that daily prayer is more important than precious stones and gorgeous silk.

But Don Bavi was very satisfied with her performance, which she could tell.

He enjoyed the feeling that she could decide everything for her, or that she kept her firmly in his hands.

Alft clearly understood that her fate was determined by the old man, and he would soon become her husband.

"We have to be prepared, the wedding is very grand, although I think your father should not bless us, but I have sent someone to Ferdinand to send him a letter inviting him to our wedding."

Only after hearing this, a slight fluctuation appeared in Alft's indifferent face.

She seemed a little confused at first, and then remembered that Don Bavey said that his father and Ferdinand were actually one person.

"Oh," Alft made a short response, and then she looked at Don Bavi without knowing what to say next, as if waiting for him to continue.

"That's it." Don Bavi waved to the attendant next to him, pushing him away.

But when he was about to walk out of the house, he motioned to stop the wheelchair and turned back a little harder and said to Alft: "Your wedding dress is beautiful, I think you must be beautiful that day."

Looking at the closed door, Alft was a little dazed, she ignored the two ladies who were chatting to her and continued to talk about what to do at the wedding, but looked at the door and kept silent.

Don Bavey pushed himself out of the Grand Knight Castle and got on the carriage. When the carriage passed the bridge across the Guadalville River, Don Bavey made the carriage stop.

Throwing through the window and looking at the river, which is obviously much rarer than the previous ships, Don Bavi has moved his gray eyebrows and his eyebrows are slowly moving.

He trembled with some effort and took out a handkerchief. He glanced at it first, and hesitated to wipe the saliva around his mouth. When he tried to put the handkerchief away, he shook it on the floor of the car.

Don Bavey looked at the handkerchief on the ground, and when the entourage bent over to help him pick it up and handed it to him, he grabbed the entourage's hand.

He didn't have much strength, but his fingernails hurt his arms.

Don Bavey stared at the follower with a pair of eyes, like an owl looking for prey in the night, even though he was already old-fashioned, he still made his followers nervous for a while.

"Master ... Am I doing something wrong?" The entourage asked uncomfortably.

He is a follower of Don Bavi, who can be said to be loyal and honest for many years, but the more he is, the more he knows the ruthlessness of the old man.

"You did a good job in Mandoza, and there is no more faithful follower than you, because you should go to heaven after you die," Don Bavey said seriously, and then he stretched out another An empty hand, gently stroking the face of the attendant "You have followed me for many years, I think I should give you a little reward."

"Master, you have given me a lot of rewards." The follower said it sincerely. Although Don Bavi may become more difficult to serve because he is older, he is indeed a generous host. He never stingy. Under the reward, he was also very generous to his servants.

"That's not enough, I think you deserve more."

Don Bavi said as he let go of his hand slowly, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about a difficult decision. After a while, he gently waved his hand and let the entourage greet the driver.

"Is there a lot less boats on the Guadalville now?" Don Bavi already looked at the boats on the river, and his expression was even more gloomy.

"Yes, lord, it is said that even the exchange has become very depressed." The follower answered carefully, he knew that the lord must be unhappy, but he still told the truth.

"People are scared," Don Bavey seemed to be asking his followers, and like to say to himself, "Gonzalo will be coming soon, we all know that no one is his opponent."

This time the entourage did not speak but listened in silence.

"It's coming soon," Don Bavey whispered to himself, and then glanced at the attendant. "But maybe I still have a chance ..."

The Sevillas were indeed panicked, especially those Andalusian nobles who participated in the rebellion. At this time, not only did their ambitions to fight against the king have disappeared, they were not even concerned about whether they could keep their territory.

Isabella is indeed a wise queen, but she also has the decisiveness and cruelty that all wise monarchs do not lack.

She will not have any kindness to the rebels and her husband Ferdinand is no less than Isabella in this respect.

Once the defeat is about to end, it is conceivable that no one doubts Ferdinand's cruelty, and Gonzalo probably does not have a conscience burden on how many heads are cut off.

Because of the fear that the Andalusian noble coalitions that had their own intentions were actually on the verge of falling apart after Cordoba fell, and now the only reason why they have not been completely divided, it seems that it came from the north about Portugal. Rumours of a war with the French are breaking out with Castile.

This became the last life-saving straw of the Andalusian nobles. They sent people to the north more than once to find out the news, and some people simply proposed to get in touch with the Portuguese as soon as possible.

But it was not so easy. Gonzalo's attack was getting more and more fierce, while the messengers sent to Portugal were insignificant. This made the Andalusian nobles have gradually fallen into despair.

When Tang Bawei returned to the governor ’s palace, he just saw a few nobles leaving in a hurry. These people immediately seemed a little uneasy when they saw Tang Bawei. They almost hurriedly retreated and left after a hurried salute. .

"These people may not come back," Don Bavey said to the attendant pushing the wheelchair. "They look so scared. They are obviously afraid of me asking. These people, they thought I was old, but actually I know better than any of them how bad the situation is now ... "

Speaking of which, Don Bavi's tone gradually fell until he could not hear it at the same time, and his body seemed to slip with shaking.

The attendant immediately took out the bottle of black medicinal liquor from the cloth pocket on the first floor of the wheelchair, and unscrewed the stopper skillfully into the mouth of Don Bavi. After a while, Tang Bavi seemed to wake up suddenly. Came awake.

"Am I going to fall asleep again?"

"Just a short while," the attendant named Mandoza shrugged and shook the bottle to Don Bavey. "But you haven't got much medicine, but it's a bit dangerous to take the medicine back to the land now."

"As long as someone wants to make money, there is still a way." Don Bavi whispered. He seemed to close his eyes with a heavy heart, and let the follower push himself slowly in the corridor.

In the conference hall of the Governor's Mansion, a group of nobles were anxiously waiting for Don Bavey to see him appear, and some of them appeared to be relieved.

Seeing this scene, Don Bavey murmured secretly. He knew that these people didn't have confidence because they saw him, but they just felt that as long as he was there, there would be a scapegoat even if he lost, at least he was cutting down his Before their heads, they are safe.

And these people suddenly gathered together, which made Don Bavi realize that there might be a major change, and now, as long as it is changed, it is often not a good thing.

Sure enough, these people brought him very unexpected news.

The defenders of Bingolola in the lower reaches of the Guadalville River surrendered to the king's army the night before.

Bingolola is the confluence of the Guadalville River and the Kovones River leading to the southern port city of Málaga. The loss of Bingolola means that the coalition ’s plan to retreat to the south via the waterway is no longer possible. .

Although he was ready to hear the bad news, Don Bavi still froze for a while before finally accepting this fact.

"So do we have no way out yet?" Don Bavey looked at the nobles in front of him. "I think this is why I saw those people leave in a hurry. Then everyone knows this now?"

"It's awful, the person who sent the news didn't keep his tone," the noble nobleman in front of Don Bavey explained helplessly, but his flashing eyes betrayed his mind. "Maybe we are now We should consider giving up Sevilla. We also control a lot of land in the south and south, and we can even enter the Murasen mountain area, so we do n’t have to defend Sevilla. "

Although he felt weak, Don Bavey tried to sit upright. He knew he could never back down at this time. In Seville he was still the highest commander of the coalition, but once he left the city, he His status is precarious, and then perhaps what is waiting for him is to be betrayed or even murdered.

"I won't leave Sevilla, and I want to announce something to you," Don Bavey took out the handkerchief that had been slightly stained from his pocket with a slightly trembling hand and shook them at will Shaking "I have agreed with Princess Alfred that our wedding will be held in Seville Cathedral two days later."


People looked at Don Bavi in ​​amazement, and some people even whispered.

By this time, the noble coalition had already known that Princess Alft not only had no effect on them, but because of that woman, they not only lost the opportunity to negotiate with Ferdinand, but also deeply stimulated Ferdinand , So that he decided to strike hard against the coalition forces.

Otherwise, Ferdinand ’s suspicion of Gonzalo would be impossible for him to regain his military authority until a last resort.

But now Don Bavi wants to marry the princess at this time, which makes the nobles suddenly think he is joking with everyone's fate.

They started fiercely opposing this marriage ~ ~ Some people even threatened that if Don Bavi insisted on going alone, they would go to Gonzalo to negotiate alone.

"You are really a group of greedy and shameless people."

Don Bavi whispered in a voice that only he could hear. He was not shaken by the threats of these people. On the contrary, in the face of the endgame that was doomed to failure, he felt that his decision might be able to give Ah The Stamara family brings roots of turmoil.

Even though he may not see such turbulence, he believes that if he marries that woman, he can sell a seed of revenge for the future.

The nobles were still noisy around Don Bavi, so they did not see a follower hurried into the conference room.

"Adults!" Finally, the attendant shouted with courage after carefully reminding him a few times. He saw the old masters looking at him. The attendant licked his lips nervously and said, "Just from Malaga The report came that Queen Sicily ’s army landed in Malaga! "

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