Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 183: Sir, times have changed

When Alexander was Ding Mu, when he had just arrived in this era, he was still an overwhelming "foreigner" who was at a loss for his own future. One person changed his destiny.

Although he spent a short time with this person, compared with his later ups and downs, that person was barely a passerby in his life, but it was the appearance of that person that made Ding Mu take a step at the time. A brand new life trajectory.

This person is Kunto, a mysterious Iberian.

It was Kunto who killed Qiao Modillo, who had become a lunatic, and he also brought Ding Mu out of the Monastery of San Sebaron. Although Kunto quickly died because of the attack, he also died. Because of his leadership, Ding Mu entered this era.

As Kunto's brother, Clariant is one of the keys to let Ding Mu's fate track slide in another direction.

At the beginning, Alexandria had never imagined that Krian would have anything to do with Count Modillo. At least there should be no direct involvement. This is not only because of the disparity in status between the two of them. Count Modillo worked for another group of enemies.

However, with the gradual understanding of the relationship between the Earl and the Jewish Assembly, Alexander also thought about whether Klien had a connection with Modillo, but it was really long since then that I have not seen this at first. , But it does not seem to be a very important little person.

But now, looking at Krian who stood in front of him, Alexander suddenly felt that he might have been wrong from the beginning. Even if this Krian was not a big man, he might be well aware of the key to some things, and even this person may have been a long time ago. You know the secrets that others ca n’t touch.

Alexander knew the fact that the emissary sent the embassy, ​​he didn't even get a copy of the national book even later than Ferdinand, so of course there was a man named Krian in the emissary. I have already heard.

But even so, when they meet again, the two of them feel a little bit like another world.

The warm afternoon sun shone on his face and made him sleepy. Alexander just sat on the stone wall and looked at the person who looked up at him below.

Not seen for a few years, Clian's face portrayed more vicissitudes of life. Although he didn't know what he had experienced, Alexander could guess that he had not been very comfortable in these years.

"I've seen you in Sicily, sir," Krian finally said, with a smile on his face, although wearing a monk robe, he still looked vaguely like the one when Alexander first saw him. The grocery store owner who drove the truck "You are so beautiful in Sicily."

Alexander nodded gently, knowing that Krian was supposed to be his return to Sicily, which made him understand the strange signs he had encountered in Sicily, although he later guessed that the disappearance of Count Modillo was The Jewish Assembly is relevant, but it seems that he still ignored Krian at that time.

"So, all this is the earl's arrangement?" Alexander did not conceal his doubts about the still existence before him, at least since Krian would appear in front of him, then it seemed that the earl seemed to have decided to send everything to him showdown.

"You probably misunderstood, Earl and us ..." Klein paused for a moment, as if thinking about the wording to describe, before he continued. "The relationship with the Holy Council is not so complicated. This is more like a cooperation between businessmen. "

Alexander laughed silently. He knew that the Jewish Assembly had many self-professions in history. They often disappeared when they were doubted by the Holy See. Then they changed their appearances and appeared to the world in another identity, so the historical Jewish Assembly was not It is always hidden in the dark, but it will occasionally move in the world in a certain open identity, but their purpose is consistent.

Now they seem to be called the Holy Council, and many years later, some people who are obsessed with conspiracy theories will call them Satanism.

"The count has his own purpose, and his ambitions are very big, maybe not just want to unify Sicily," Alexander's words made Alexander agree, after all, if he just thought so, he would not deliberately treat his sister Delivered to Enrique IV's side "But so far we have been very happy to cooperate, and the results have even exceeded our imagination."

Speaking of which, Krian looked at Alexander sitting on the wall, and his eyes seemed to be saying, "You are our achievement."

Alexander still listened silently. He knew that Krian would stand in front of himself today for sure not to give people a head. If he is not sure enough, this man who can abandon his family without hesitation and escape alone is not Will easily fall into danger.

For Alexander, Crian was a great threat, because he was clearly aware of the truth about Joel Modillo, and it was also dangerous to Crian, because with Alexander ’s power today, once the whereabouts were exposed, he waited Krian's inevitability is a desperate pursuit.

So Alexander knew that Krian should rely on it.

"Tell me why you are here?" He put one leg away and pressed it against the wall, and then dragged his chin on his knees with his elbows and looked at the following Krian, so that the next side Shear suddenly felt like this The Duke seems to have a mischievous illusion.

"Adult, I don't know how big your ambitions are. I remember the first time I saw you, you were just like many young people who came to Palermo to try their luck, but now you can already do anything with Europe. The most precious monarchs are compared, and even in Ottomans people have heard about you, "Krian looked at Alexander with admiration." Maybe this should be enough for others, but you should still want to get it. More, I came for this, 'gift and then get rewarded, God said, this is what the good man does.' "

Alexander looked at Krian in a funny way, this man who had always wanted to die to death, but now stood in front of him and said to him that he could help him fulfill his wish.

This may sound absurd, but it is so realistic.

"What about you, what do you want to get." Alexander continued to ask. He would love to hear Krian's answer. Perhaps from these answers he could find out whether the person's words were true or false.

"I don't want much because I know what conditions are more in the interest of all of us," Krian said deliberately when he said to everyone, and then there was a sense of regret on his face. "We Some of them never seem to be awake from their dreams. They want to get things that they can never get, which is sad. "

Alexander jumped off the wall, his feet landed on the ground, jumped forward a little bit, and then stood firm. Perhaps the impression in Klian was that Alexandria has always been stable or a little deep, which is not consistent with his age. The image was too deep, so Alexander's frizzy behavior fell on Krian's eyes, making a surprise on his face quickly.

"I heard that my uncle asked you to go to St. Seblon," Alexander didn't seem to realize what he was talking about. He even asked Krian with a smile, "So have you seen the monastery's dungeon?"

Krian was silent for a moment and said cautiously: "As far as I know, it is just an arrow in the underground storage room. The monks will store the vegetables they planted in the monastery. You know the monks of Saint Seballon. They all swear to stay poor, so they never contact the outside world all year round. "

"Is everyone like this?" Alexander still asked with a smile.

"Yes, everyone is, this is the promise made by the monks." Krian still said carefully.

"Then Qiao Modillo," Alexander's eyes were fixed on Krian's eyes. "As far as I know, the Kalibo people pay a tithe to the monastery, so the monastery always sends a person to collect it in the city. Isn't tax? "

Krian was silent for a while in response to Alexander's inquiry, and then he slowly took out a small flat wooden box from the monastery robe and hung it to Alexander.

Alexander noticed that the lock on the wooden box seemed to have been opened not long ago, but he did n’t care. The key sent by Krian at the same time opened the wooden box with some effort, and saw that the one placed inside had also been opened. The letter.

The stationery is very old, and the corners are brittle with a little force, and fragments will come off, so Alexander took out the letters carefully and looked at the contents.

Because of the long years, the ink has been ambiguous, but it can still be vaguely discerned what is written in it.

The letter was addressed to the old dean of the Monastery of Saint Sebaron, perhaps because he knew the other person ’s body, and the identity of the person who wrote it was not stated in the letter, which was of course also in case the letter fell into the hands of the “enemy”.

The letter mentioned a boy named Qiao Modi Luo. The writer asked the dean to take the child. Perhaps he was worried that there might be an accident on the road. The person who wrote the letter described the child's appearance in detail.

What surprised Alexander was that there was such a description in his heart that he could see clearly even though it was intermittent. "Because it is too small, we cannot confirm whether his eyes are dark brown or black. This may be clear in the future, but he has a striking eye. Red hair ".

Seeing this, Alexander couldn't help but looked up at the opposite Klien, and then he met the profound eyes that Klien also looked at.

Alexander involuntarily touched his dark red hair, and then found that he had grown a little longer. Speaking of coming from Italy, he had not taken care of his hair seriously.

But this is not the most important.

What made him care was that although he had only seen the short side with that Qiao Modiolo, he clearly remembered that Qiao Xun's hair was black.

The king of Castile, Enrique IV, is called the "incompetent". According to the truth of the wrong name, there is no wrong nickname, whether the person is a king or a husband. The above are really incompetent.

Enrique IV once had two marriages that were not only blissful, but also ill-fated.

In his early years, he once married Princess Brenda of Navarre, but this marriage was eventually abandoned because of the so-called "God blocked Enrique's affairs". It is said that Princess Brenda was later proved to have been married for many years Is a virgin.

Although he had a daughter Juana in his second marriage, as Isabella won the battle for Castile kingship, Juana also proved to be the child of his queen and love. And lost the right to inherit.

After the defeat, Enrique understood his life in such a suffocating state, even before dying to declare that Juana was her blood relative to the coercive struggle against Isabella, but this was for the future generations. Historians and conspiracy theories have left an unsolved case that no one can tell, and it has no use for himself and Juana.

There is a portrait of Enrique IV in Juana. This is the only thought that Juana left to herself. Every time I see Enrique IV holding a sword and a golden ball symbolizing courage and power in the portrait. , Juana will recall the scenery when she and Isabella competed for the Castile throne.

Alexander had seen the portrait.

He remembered clearly that Enrique IV had red hair.

Because of this, Juana had a strange conversation about his strange hair color when she saw Alexander.

Alexander slowly closed the letter. He closed his eyes slightly and recalled Mrs. George Anne's hair color.

Although it is slightly different from Ruo Sharu ’s blond hair that shines in the sun, Madame George Anne ’s hair is a slightly darker gold that is unique to the Modillo family. This hair color makes her look much younger than her actual age. .

But no matter how, if these two people really have children, they should not have black hair.

Alexander looked back at Krian again, and he saw Kryan shrugging slightly, imperceptibly.

"Your gift is very precious," Alexander said, putting the letter in a wooden box and handing it to the neighboring Sher. "So this is your exchange condition?"

"You need to be able to make the descendants of Enrique IV's bloodline stand in front of everyone to be questioned, isn't it," Clian asked with a smile, he didn't seem to be worried at all that he might become such a lost chip Dangerous situation "Some witnesses, exhibits, and various proofs enough to refute the lies that were slandered against Enrique IV. You need these things now, so you need us."

Alexander looked at Klien in silence ~ ~ Then he said softly: "You are not the same as Kunto, although he hasn't known him for a long time, but I believe that he will not make such a proposal. . "

Krian ’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he shook his head: “But fortunately, we are different, do n’t Kunto and his people believe too much in unrealistic things, and they do n’t even want to admit that the times have changed. Now, and we are different, we know what to do to better achieve our goals. "

Listening to Clariant ’s declaration-like explanation, Alexander looked at him reluctantly, and after a while he finally spoke: "Well, except for this little thing, the dean asked you to tell me that my sister sent you and What other things? "

"Yes, Lord Duke, Your Majesty does have some other orders. I will report to you now ..."

Looking at the back of Krian who was walking towards the town with Alexander, Schell narrowed his eyes slightly while holding the wooden box.

The keen sense of the mountain hunter can make him aware of the dangerous breath of this monastery, but now, this man really looks like a "monastery".

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