It is the three generations of grandparents who have achieved the reputation of Hattori Hanzo, although the third generation is very spicy, resulting in "Hanzo"

The name is cut off, but Hattori Hanzo's glory is not just "second generation Hanzo"

Hattori is becoming one person.

Even if Hattori Masaki is the "Ghost Hanzo" who really made the name of Hanzo famous all over the world


Note: The Hanzo of "Samurai Soul" is... the second generation Hanzo Zhengcheng, and has not yet experienced the official plot of Samurai Soul.

Hattori Hanzo, who had been silent for a long time, was also helpless in his heart.

He didn't expect that the people he already had in this world, although they had a good reputation and lived for hundreds of generations, but being regarded as the ancients really had a kind of feeling: a complicated feeling.

The most important thing is that although the world is different, according to the records of this world, in the first half of his life, he and Hanzo in this world had similar experiences.

That is to say, if there is no future, he will give birth to a very humiliating son, and die in an assassination in his later years.

Haha, what an ironic ending.

Fortunately, as an excellent ninja, Hattori Hanzo will not easily reveal his emotions.

He chose to surrender to the god of death called Aizen Sousuke in front of him, not only because of his strength, but also because the other party took him out of the cage of fate, and by his nature he was willing to pay his loyalty.

Everyone knows that ninjas are ruthless tools, but who knows the famous "Crossing Iga Incident"

This is the repayment action of the Iga ninja, if not the future "Tokugawa shogunate"

Probably won't exist either.

However, Hattori Hanzo still has some criticisms about Aizen's desire to become a traitor after lurking in the Soul World.

It's just that it has nothing to do with him.

He believes in loyalty, which does not mean that the master he serves must also abide by loyalty. As a subordinate, he only needs to do what he should do. This is the basic code of Iga ninja.

So, he kept his mouth shut on this matter.

As long as Aizen didn't ask for it, or Aizen was persecuted, he wouldn't take the initiative to attack or calculate against the Soul Society. On the contrary, as long as he accepted the order, he would obey it [-]%.

The same is true of canine gods.

The words of the dog god are not much different from the big dog Komakoma village. In essence, the prototype of the big dog is... the dog god, and he values ​​kindness very much.

After knowing the time period when the other party was called, Aizen directly informed his friend "Sparrow"

It was killed by the nine-life cat, and naturally got the allegiance of the dog god.

In comparison, the Rexxar is simpler.

Originally, Rexxar didn't look like a rude man, but in fact he didn't care about Aizen's way of doing things.

After all, he is also the son of a chief, and his identity is no worse than that of Numasekah, so naturally he will not be prejudiced against Aizen's behavior.

Of course, he himself believes in power more.

And he's a "beast trainer" himself

, In order to ensure the strength of the opponent, the system has his partner fully configured.

In the game, his partner is a grizzly bear, a war eagle, and a porcupine. In fact, he also has a dire wolf and a wyvern, of which the first three game configurations and wyverns are all invading After the battle of Azeroth, it was discovered that the orcs were only used by Gul'dan and Ner's group, and they were friends who exchanged acquaintances with various animals during the wandering days when they left the army sadly.

Dire Wolf "Harasa"

It was his comrade-in-arms who had followed him for a long time. After the battle, due to the frame-up and conflict within the tribe, he died at the hands of the orc warlock, and he left the allied army after that.

In other words, when Rexxar got other animal comrades, Harasa must have died.

However, due to the system, Harasa's rebirth continued to be Rexxar's partner.

Stronger than him and with kindness, Rexxar naturally chose to surrender willingly.

It's just that Rexxar is not a die-hard loyalist like Inugami and Hanzo. In Aizen's view, his loyalty is the same as Heliber's, and he pays the price of loyalty and even his life because of kindness.

But once betrayed by Aizen, he would give up this loyalty without hesitation.

To put it simply, he can die for Aizen, but it can't be that kind of... "The monarch wants the subject to die, the subject has to die"

the kind of death.

As long as Aizen doesn't have a brain pump, Rexxar is not much different from a diehard.

The rest of the people are far less loyal.

Ellie Goer, mountain boys belong to the grass, and they can remain loyal if they don't endanger their lives, or they will betray them.

For guys with such high potential, Aizen doesn't really mind using them as cannon fodder at the right time, aside from... superficial skills.

The evil beast is worse, hiding his ambition to be the boss, but this guy can really be cultivated for Aizen.

Don't look at the ambitions of the evil beast, but as long as Aizen can hold him down, even if his life is endangered, he will not betray him.

In this respect, he is much better than those two wallflowers, and in terms of potential, it is worth Aizen to regard him as his subordinate.

In the end, is... the only one who wants "freedom"


He was originally a ghost-level weirdo, and he reached the ghost-level with his physical body. After Aizen transformed his system into a monster, he was named "Fear".

After the special spiritual power, the strength has entered the dragon-level category.

With the addition of racial changes, the defects of the artificial monsters were made up, and he suddenly became a captain-level powerhouse.

Thinking of that idiot, Aizen's mouth twitched.

"Since the official launch of the Heroic Spirit was announced for the first time, the first 'villain' is too weak to be boring."


After finishing the three chapters of the old book last night, after a short rest, I found that Fei Lu was blown up, so I didn't update the book at all.

There are at least two more chapters before bed...

【240】.Can't do what you say (14/39)

Hearing this, Okada Izo and Hattori Hanzo were all stunned.

They heard the meaning of Aizen's words.

The Beastmaster has become an abandoned child! And he is the kind of abandoned child who must die at any moment of necessity! There is no sadness in their hearts about this.

If Aizen directly regards the Beastmaster as an abandoned child, they may still have some feelings in their hearts, but in their opinion, Aizen has strengthened the change of the Beastmaster's race, which is actually... a second chance.

The Beastmaster who received the favor did not change his will, and still maintained his desire for "freedom"

If you think about it, then you deserve to be treated as an abandoned child.

"System, is there a way to solve the situation of Hattori Hanzo?"


The system is a bit confused, what is the solution?

"Strength, and form.

Hattori Hanzo is now a living person, and anyone with a little strength can see through it, I am afraid it is difficult to be trusted by his appearance alone, and his strength is not enough, what can you do?"

"This is..."

After pondering for a while, the system thought about it: "I have two ways, the first one is... convert it into a heroic spirit, and its strength will naturally increase dramatically.

Second, you can try to awaken the two forms of Shura and Rakshasa, which belong to the hidden power in the samurai warriors, and are of the same nature as the explosion of the King of Fighters."

After the system said the choice, Aizen briefly fell into thinking.

Keep the original system of Samurai Soul, or convert it into Heroic Spirit. Due to the fighting style, Hattori Hanzo is easy to compare with the Hokage system.

Shuriken, Shadow Clone, Substitute, Shuriken, Fire Escape, these moves all have cool names in Hattori Hanzo's hands, but the actual effects are almost the same, at most... more flexible in his hands.

However, his fire escape is quite flexible, and combined with the flashing technique, it is enough to easily defeat the chunin in Hokage.

As the ultimate move, Ninja Shadow Dance and Tenma Destroy are stealth and super pillar of fire respectively.

However, this must not be viewed according to the game. After all, horizontal fighting cannot fully reflect one's ability, but it is not as exaggerated as the back and forth fight with Zhensan Lu Bu in "Love Apartment", the special effects explosion of "Devil Destroyed" "

Hattori Hanzo will not.

No matter how you say one is the nine-character mantra and the other is the fire escape, the difference is still quite big.

If it is invisible, it can be regarded as the escape of the moonlight and wind, which may be more effective.

At most, the destruction of the demons is a high-level fire escape, even if it is a few advanced moves in the fire, but I have to convince Bu Hanzo that it is only a very strong level in the upper ninja.

If the Samurai Soul system is retained, the moves will not change much on the surface, but in fact, it has a lot of potential to grow from fighting against Amakusa Shiro to enough to fight against the Demon God Hattori Hanzo.

The issue of lifespan is not particularly important, and when he is about to die, it is enough to transform him into a god of death or an emptiness.

However, this can only solve the problem of strength, but Hanzo is still alive.

Otherwise, Aizen would not mind keeping some childhood memories.

"Let's unify the Heroic Spirits."


After a long while, Aizen's face, who didn't get a response, became strange, and said, "You can't do it, right?"

"Wow, you are so smart!"


This time, I was speechless for the blue dye.

If you can't do it, it's necessary to say it, it doesn't matter if you think about it or not.

"Cough cough, it can't be said that it can't be done at all."

The system coughed twice awkwardly, and his voice became a lot more serious: "But that also requires special conditions. If this world has a heroic spirit system, it can be directly transformed, but this world does not.

Therefore, there are currently two ways to make Hattori Hanzo become a Heroic Spirit.

First, if you buy a Heroic Spirit version of Hattori Hanzo, you can fuse the two together.

Second, you can complete the transformation when you take Hattori Hanzo to the Moon World."

The first blue dye is ignored without listening to it.

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