It was dark and dead, and no living creatures could be found, not even the concept of time and space.

The only thing Xixiang's consciousness can feel here is a feeling like the beginning of life, and the indescribable beating of his heart.

That's right, Xixiang knew that he should have no heart now.

But he just felt it, as if his heart was breathing with this space filled with the breath of the beginning of life.

The rhythm of the two sides reached a perfect balance, as if he was this dead dark space, and this darkness was himself.

"So, where did I come to? Is this also called breathing?"

Xixiang complained to himself.

His thinking never stopped, and he was afraid that if he didn't keep thinking, his will would be completely worn out in this darkness, or go crazy, or die.

Only thinking can make him feel that he is still alive, and he feels that he has become a thinking creature.

But the information he knew was too little after all, so he thought about it in this darkness for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why.

Just when Xixiang didn't know how much time had passed, when fear was about to completely fill his mind, a pair of ruby-like beautiful and sad eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness of nothingness.

Those eyes were so huge that they seemed to occupy the entire darkness.

In front of those extremely beautiful eyes, Xixiang's will was completely frozen, like an ant facing a stalwart true god.

It's like, facing a kind and sad mother.

At this moment, endless fragments of memory filled Xixiang's consciousness.

It was a battle, an endless battle, a battle of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of years!

That is the principle of heaven, the absolute destiny that bears on the woman who is constantly fighting!

Because she is "the woman who was born to satisfy the least common multiple of the universe", the great **** who was pushed to the dawn of the world to bear all the burdens!

Light and dark, yin and yang, good and evil, creation and end, male and female, these are the least common multiples, which is also duality!

She fought while crying, she penetrated the heart of the hero, covered the face that seemed to contain all the beauty in the world with her hands full of blood, and cried countless times.

In a trance, a voice was asking the woman a question.

It was like Xixiang's own voice, and it was as if he was only asking questions in accordance with some kind of destiny.

'Are you grieving with aversion to fighting? ’

The woman shook her head.

'Are you grieving for killing your enemy? ’

The woman cried and shook her head.

'Are you grieving for being inseparable? ’

The woman still shook her head.

'Then why are you sad? ’

The woman stopped crying, she opened her mouth slightly, and replied quietly:


That sentence, Xixiang couldn't hear it clearly and couldn't hear it.

The woman sadly closed the pair of red jade eyes, and Xixiang's consciousness fell silent again.

At the moment before his consciousness disappeared, Xixiang finally knew who this woman was and her name, whose name was—

Aliman, the mother of evil gods! .

Chapter 2 Supreme Supreme

In 2138 AD, the technology of the human world was already very advanced.

However, under the change of human technology, there is still an important issue that is difficult to break, and that is energy.

Even now in 2138, human beings are still unable to master the energy technology that can satisfy human beings for long-term space travel.

Unable to enter the universe to grab the resources of the entire universe, more than 10 billion human beings are trapped on the earth, and the energy crisis is coming as promised.

The shortage of energy has caused severe stratification, unemployment has increased year by year, and the entire world is in turmoil.

Under this predicament, the careerists are eager to move, and a new world war seems to be coming at any time.

To solve the current predicament, the easiest way is to master the new energy technology that enables mankind to enter the interstellar age.

And if the legendary "third type of perpetual motion machine" can be created, I am afraid that the entire human civilization will undergo earth-shaking changes.

However, that is only a fantasy technology after all.

In desperation, virtual reality technology based on network and nanotechnology is widely used.

Every citizen can buy nanomachine nutrient solution with very little money by virtue of his citizenship certificate.

By allowing citizens to inject nano-machine nutrient solution into the virtual world, the metabolism of the human body can be reduced as much as possible, thereby reducing the excessive waste of resources.

This is the method that countries have chosen to deal with the energy crisis at this stage, but in the end, this is only a temporary solution.

And the ecology of the whole society, there is a word to describe it more than a hundred years ago - cyberpunk!


Yggdrasills, the game named after the Nordic World Tree, was one of many virtual reality games that came online when the new policy was implemented twelve years ago.

At the same time, it was also one of the most watched games at the time.

However, that was only twelve years ago after all.

"What a joke, this is the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick built by everyone's joint efforts, why can you just abandon it so easily!"

A total of forty-two luxurious seats were placed around the huge round table exuding the radiance of obsidian.

A skeleton figure wearing a gorgeous robe that gave people infinite terror was screaming with rage.

Momonga slowly swept the forty-one seats except himself with his terrifying scarlet eyes.

Open the guild member list and see that there are only five left, and the remaining four are also gray.

Momonga's anger immediately dissipated, leaving only the endless emptiness and loneliness.

Thirty-seven people have left the guild completely, and the remaining four have been offline for a long time. Momonga is the only one left in the entire guild.

Ainz Ur Gong, the game guild established by forty-two 'Alien' players, was ranked seventh in the world at its peak in the game guild rankings.

The reason why it was number seven was only because Ainz Ooal Gong only recruited 'Alien' players, and there were only 42 members in the entire guild.

Compared to those big guilds with hundreds of people at every turn, Ainz Ul Gown was really a small group in the game.

But it is precisely because of the small number of people, and because the 'alien' players are always persecuted and reprimanded as a symbol of evil.

The entire guild members were more united, with great enthusiasm, to create this incredible achievement.

But now the guild has long passed its peak, and it is already outside the 20th place in the world rankings.

The reason why there are more than 20 guild rankings when there are only five guild members left.

In addition to the rich legacy left by the members who lost A, it is also because the game is about to become pornographic, and there are not many people on the entire server.

Today is also the day the server is going to be shut down.

Momonga's bone-like hand held a gorgeous scepter.

The appearance of the scepter is to imitate the staff of Hermes, with seven snakes wrapped around it, each holding gems of different colors in the mouth of the struggling snake.

This was the only guild weapon for each guild, and it was also the symbol of Ainz Ul Gown. As long as the staff was destroyed, the entire guild would disintegrate.

So although this weapon is powerful, Momonga, who is the nominal president, has never used it, but has been decorated in the room where the 'Supreme Supremes' are meeting.

The cyberpunk-style life in reality is numbing, and only the virtual world can bring happiness and passion.

The game has been running for twelve years so far, and Momonga has also spent the most precious youth as a human being in this game.

Because of this, Momonga has strong feelings for the Great Tomb of Nazarick and for all the members of the guild.

Those friends who fought together were treated by him as his only family and only relatives.

After all, in reality, he is alone.

Momonga did not allow himself to do anything that would bring danger to the guild, and even if this staff was extremely powerful, he would never allow himself to use it.

"Today, let me be a little self-willed, everyone..."

Momonga murmured to the empty room, even if he was just a skeleton, one could feel his grief and loneliness from the bottom of his heart.

The departure of the members of the guild and the downfall of Ainz Ooal Gown, to Momonga, it was as painful as if his family abandoned him and made him lose his home.

In the past, when no one was online, he liked to talk to himself here alone, and recall the past alone, like an empty-nest old man without relatives.

"But Zaratul and Cuiyulu said that the scepter was designed according to the appearance of the 'Hermes Staff', but what is the 'Hermes Staff'?"

Momonga played with the staff in his hand and whispered with some doubts.

Zaratul and Cuiyulu have similar tastes.

In this numb age, those two guys who also like classical mythology have many topics to talk about.

Momonga was caught up in dementia-like memories again.

Everyone used to sit here talking and laughing together, Urbel and Taqi Mi were always arguing with each other, Zaratul and Cuiyulu were talking about myths that everyone didn’t know.

On the other hand, he and Perorocino were talking to GALGAME in a low voice, and from time to time they let out laughter that made people look down on their eyes.

They used to build guild weapons together, and every day they worked together on adventures.

They once faced strong enemies together, solved difficulties together, and even at the most critical moment, the entire guild was almost destroyed.

That was the most glorious and prosperous period of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Bits and pieces of memories were recalled in Momonga's mind. He was afraid that he would forget all of them, so he engraved them in his mind.

After sitting like this for an unknown time, Momonga stood up and left the round table shaking that gorgeous robe.

Momonga decided that at the last moment when the server was about to be closed, he would go through the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick again as the best memory of his youth.

Walking through the hall where the round table is located, the first thing you come to is a hall in the shape of a hemisphere.

There are four-colored crystals shining on the ceiling of the main hall, and there are seventy-two holes in the wall, and seventy-two statues are placed inside.

Each statue imitates the appearance of a demon, and the hall is called the 'Key of Solomon'.

And those statues corresponded to the seventy-two demons, golems made of ultra-rare magic metals.

These demon statues were made by Cui Yulu, the great alchemist, and several demon players.

However, when they made more than 60 pieces, they gave up because of the trouble.

Still, Zarath couldn't stand it any longer and felt that he couldn't do things halfway. He took the initiative to complete the remaining demon statues.

"I remember that Zarathul completed the statues of Baal, Barbatos, Bymon, Morax, Asmodeus, Cain, and Gremory. What else?"

"...Well, the names of these demons are really hard to remember."

Momonga groaned and scratched his bald head.

I like this sense of ritual and there are settings, and only the guy Cuiyulu.

Walking through this hall, what appeared in front of Momonga was a stone door with carvings of angels and demons on the door.

Pushing open the door, a magnificent hall is greeted.

The hall is vast, even if it can accommodate hundreds of people, it is not crowded.

The walls are based on white, decorated with gorgeous ornaments mainly in gold, and the unimaginable crystal lamps are made of colorful gemstones, exuding dreamlike colors.

Huge flags with different patterns hung on the walls, and forty-two flags flew from the ceiling to the floor.

Under each flag is a throne with a towering back, symbolizing the forty-two members of the guild.

This is the deepest and most important place in the Great Tomb of Nazarick—the Hall of the Throne!

Although Momonga is the guild leader, he is no different from the others.

Momonga clearly knew that the strongest person in the guild was not him, the most valuable person was not him, and the smartest and most knowledgeable person was not himself.

The reason why he was able to become the president of the guild was just because of his gentle personality and his own seriousness and responsibility, so he was elected by everyone.

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