Comprehensive Freedom

Vol 8 Chapter 254: Siege of Uchiha spot

"The technique of reincarnation is really troublesome. It has been burned to ashes and can be restored to its original state. It seems that other methods can not kill him."

Seeing that Uchiha spots can all be restored, Tsunate has no hope for other methods.

Under such a fearful blow by Noel, the burnt ash Uchiha spot can be regenerated through the dirt, and she doesn't think there are anyone here who can use more powerful ninjutsu.

Not only Tsunade thought so, but Lei Ying and I Luo thought so.

Neither of them felt that they had a more powerful ninjutsu than Noel had just done.

Noel's move could not eliminate Uchiha spots, and the two of them did not feel that their ninjutsu could be done.

However, it does not mean that there is no way.

Kakashi, who was sitting on the ground, stood up and patted the sand on his pants, saying the only option.

"Other methods can't kill you, then we have the only choice of sealing."

"Well, this is the only way for us to fight Uchiha spot."

Iroe nodded and agreed with Kakashi.

Since there is no other way to eliminate Uchiha spots, then the seal technique is indeed the only option.

It is clear to know that Kakashi and Iro are right, and I understand that there is no other choice for Ray Shadow, and of course there is nothing to oppose.

What's more, he has no better way of doing it himself.


"If there is only one choice, it's a hassle-free process and I don't have to think about it. I'm responsible for attacking and creating opportunities."

"Lei Ying don't worry, we have to plan something more or less, this will be more beneficial for us to seal Uchiha spots, and the success rate will be higher."

"What is a good plan, only Fengying will be sealed among us. He only needs to harass him with ninjutsu here, and you are also left to treat us at any time, and I will attack Uchiha spots alone to create opportunities."

"Don't look down on the medical ninja!"

After listening to Lei Ying's plan, Tsunade frowned slightly.

The meaning of Lei Ying is obvious. It is nothing more than to ignore the fighting power of the medical ninja, so he let Gangte stay.

How can Tsunade not see this?

She felt that it was necessary for Lei Ying to make it clear that not all medical ninjas need to be protected, nor are all medical ninjas incapable of fighting.

"I set guidelines for medical ninjas!"

"The first item: Medical ninjas must not give up treatment before the team members die!"

"Second item: Medical ninjas must never stand at the forefront!"

"Third item: The medical ninja must never die with any member of the team first!"

"It is these guidelines that I teach students!"

"However, there is another rule..."

Before finishing the speech, Tsunade didn't continue, but his hands were sealed.

The diamond mark on the forehead lights up the next second, and only then continues what was just said.

"Fourth item: Only medical ninjas who are proficient in ninjutsu to create the technique of regenerating the baihao are allowed to break all the above regulations!"

While speaking these words, the black spellmark overflowed from the diamond-shaped mark, spreading at a very fast rate, and quickly spread throughout the body.

When the technique of creating a rebirth by the Ninjutsu was completed, a large number of Chakras that had been stored in the Yin Seal were injected into the body, and Tsuna immediately exuded strong Chakra fluctuations.

This made all those standing near Tsunato show a surprised look.

Soon, Lei Ying asked, puzzled.

"Baihao's Art?"

"It's normal for you to use it for the first time today, but it's my only forbidden technique."

Explaining a little, Tsunato turned to look at Noel in front, and said to his back.

"Her husband, you must have been consuming a lot just now. Then come to Uchiha Spot and give it to us. Remove this cover."

"Sir Huo Ying is right, you will rest and recover first, and we will deal with Uchiha spots."

"First solve the problem of meteorite, and then use such a powerful ninjutsu, the consumption just now must be very large, don't try to be brave to us."

After Tsunade spoke, the rest also persuaded. It seems to these people that after two rounds of output from Noel, his Chakra must have little left, and now it is just dying.

But for Noel, the consumption of those two waves was minimal, and it was nothing.

It's just that a few people were completely unaware, and Noel's plan was even down.

It has its own purpose and does not intend to eliminate Uchiha spots at this time, otherwise the one who has just arrived here will be able to solve him, which would have to wait until now.

Now several people have given reasons for laziness, and Noel removes the protection that enveloped them.

After the protection was removed, the person who rushed out the first time was not Thunder Shadow, but as a ninja as a medical ninja, heading straight to Uchiha Spot.

The speed is quite fast, which is twice as fast as the first attack on Uchiha spot.

Although it is impossible to say the speed of Lei Ying, the speed of Tsunato's outburst at this moment is not much worse there, and he blinks in front of Uchiha Spot.

The Uchiha spot, which responded quickly, instantly summoned Suzuno.

At the same time, the arriving Tsunade slammed his punch with strange power.

"Don't think I am an ordinary medical ninja!!"

"The speed is not as good as Lei Ying, but the power is above Lei Ying."

Suzuno, who suffered a punch from Tsunato's strange power technique, actually had a crack, but Uchiha spotted him slightly.

At the same time, this also allowed Uchiha Spot to determine to what extent Tsunato had improved.

Previously, Lei Ying and Tsunade joined forces, and this succeeded in defeating Suzono's defense, but now she can do it alone.

Seeing that Xu Zuoneng was already covered with cracks, it was estimated that he would collapse in the next second.

Not intending to stand foolishly waiting for Suzuno to collapse, Uchiha spot jumped up and jumped back, while his hands were very fast.

"The fire escapes!"

When the seal was completed, he spewed out a spear that was more concentrated than the fire escape.

The distance is close, the speed is fast, and the range is wide.

In this extreme case, there is simply no time for Tsunato to react, let alone avoid it.

Suddenly, a figure rushed towards the back, and quickly finished printing while running.

"Water escape! Water column!"

The man came to a halt next to Tsunade, spitting out a lot of columnar water from his mouth, and used it to attack the incoming fire spear.

The water column collided with the fire, and almost immediately extinguished the flame.

To destroy the fire, immediately stop the water column conversion ninjutsu.

"Shui Dun! The Technique of Mist Hidden!"

Thick fog was spit out from the population beside Gangshou, plus the water mist that had just been poured out by the fire, which suddenly blurred the surrounding environment.

Because of the technique of fog and shadow, it is impossible to determine where the person is.

Even Uchiha spots with reincarnation eyes cannot determine the specific location of people.

In the thick fog, an obscure figure attracted Uchiha's attention and was preparing to launch a ninjutsu attack.


The fire escape had not yet been sent out, and he sensed that someone was coming from behind.

Uchiha Ban quickly tried to turn around and was ready to forward the ninjutsu to the sneak attacker.

It is a pity that Uchiha spot was only on the way to turn around, and Lei Ying rushed out of the dense fog with the two old Libra men.

"Tu Dun increases the skill of rock!"

"Thunderbolt level Chiyoyo!!!"

With the two-year old Libra's heavier rock technique, the power of Thunder Shadow's Thunder Abuse Chiyoyo was improved, directly smashing the edge of the collapse of Suzuno, and the hand knife slashed across Uchiha Spot's left arm.

"Water escape! Water dragon bullet!"

Uchiha spotted the attack and flew a little distance, and a giant dragon condensed by water burst out from the thick fog below.

The water dragon hits the Uchiha spot and pushes it to a higher point in the sky.

Tsuneo, who waited for a long time at high altitude, swooped down, kicking the Uchiha spot with a tomahawk from top to bottom, and suddenly let it shoot towards the ground at high speed.


The power above the Thunder Shadow hits directly, and Uchiha spots without defense all eaten the power of this blow and was blasted to the ground in a blink of an eye. The impact caused a huge sound.

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