on a warship in a certain sea area.


"Come in!".

Soldiers in military uniforms, holding reports in their hands, reported outside the door, and only after obtaining permission did they move neatly and quickly to push the door in.

"It's the latest intelligence from the intelligence services!".

"Leave it there, we have the best things to study right now. "


Dressed in a white officer's uniform, he looked at the photo on the command table with a solemn face, waved his hand and asked the soldier to put the information on the table, and let him leave.

"Don't stop talking, let's study and study how we should deal with this!"

After the soldiers left, the entire makeshift conference room fell silent for a while, and Kanodaki, as the temporary supreme commander of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, opened his mouth to ask the officers present to make a proposal.

"The photo is not very clear, and it can only be seen that it is a woman who can cause destructive power. "

"That's right, and with the information now presented, it is impossible for her to come to sea, let alone be hostile to us. "

"But don't you care how this woman got her superpowers?"

The words of the last officer suddenly fell silent once again in the newly heated conference room.

But the officer was right, everyone sitting here wanted to know how to have power beyond mortals, so that they could continue to be on top.

And with that kind of extraordinary power, they don't have to stay adrift at sea, but return to land to establish a gathering place.

It can even rebuild the glory of the empire!

"Send someone to arrest?".

"Who are you sending?, and who of us here can withstand that woman's attack?".

"Shoot the missile! That should kill the woman, and we'll study her body directly!"

"Missiles? is a good idea, but who can guarantee that studying a corpse will reveal that woman's extraordinary powers?".

As the interim Supreme Commander, he finally heard a good suggestion, but instead of making a decision right away, he continued to ask questions of everyone.

If he is dictatorial and authoritarian, if something goes wrong at that time, he will definitely be attacked by this group of people, and it is better for everyone to bear the risk or something.

"I agreed to launch a missile, and the woman in the photo showed a power that could not have been killed by a shell at all. "

"I agree!".



Seeing that everyone in the room agreed to this plan, Kanoda Shu, who was the decision-maker, also agreed.

If there is any research result, of course, everyone will share it together, after all, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and if there is no one, there will be less strength.

Bed owner city offshore.

High in the sky hangs the white and flawless moon, its presence giving the city its last rays of light to the darkness below.

"Hahahaha!! this is really a boring battle, no screams, no roars......".

Estes stood on top of a huge icicle she had made and looked down on the beings, his cold gaze without a hint of excitement, and he laughed and revealed his uninterest in the battle.

She didn't want a one-sided, motionless slaughter, but a battle that would give her a little fun.

"It's boring, it's better to go back to the original world, where there are foreign races, revolutionary armies, and dangerous species to fight. "

Estes had already released the power of the Demon God of the Emperor Demon God to manifest the essence of the demon at will here today, and the radius of several kilometers was basically covered with blue-white frost.

This also means that there are no living people within a few kilometers of the center of Estes.

However, there was one thing she didn't know, and that was that her unbridled frost bloom today had been discovered by some people at sea.

And it was taken as a photo to be studied, although it is not clear to see, but she can also be determined from the dress and appearance of a woman.

And it has already been decided to deliver a missile long-range strike on her.

"Ten seconds countdown to the launch of the missile!".

"Nine! Eight...... Two! one! Launch!".

"Boom !!!


With a loud bang, thick steaming smoke erupted in an instant, and a slender figure streaked across the sky, leaving a white line and shooting away in the direction of the main city of the bed.

"Hmm, what's that?".

Estes, who was already packing up and leaving here, suddenly sensed that something on the other side of the sea was coming towards her at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as she thought of this, Estes, who sensed that something was wrong, immediately used the power of her whole body to instantly form several blue and white ice layers to wrap her body.

Boom boom boom !!!!!

As soon as Estes made a defense, the missile approached, triggered, and exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The energy generated by the missile in an instant knocked down a nearby house within 100 meters, producing a huge amount of smoke and dust, making it impossible to see what was happening inside for a while.

Was Estes so easy to solve? If it was that easy, she wouldn't be called the strongest in the Empire!

"I thought it was going to be a lot of power. "

As the smoke cleared, Estes was intact, even the white military hat with a black brim on his head was still intact.

Being able to attack from a place I didn't know was the power of technology that Jia Baili and Tsuiko were talking about

If the missile hits an ordinary emperor directly, there is a high probability that it will be seriously injured, and a small probability will die directly.

After all, the battle between the imperial envoys was also extremely huge.

on a warship in a certain sea area.


They saw the image of the missile hitting Estes through the drone, and they were all ready to celebrate each other with champagne, ready to step into the transcendent path.

Unexpectedly, the woman with long blue hair was not hurt in the slightest, and even the clothes she was wearing were intact.

This silenced all the officers present.

The most powerful weapons they have are missiles, nuclear weapons, and none of them have nuclear weapons, let alone officers who have been temporarily replaced.

Moreover, the launch of nuclear weapons is extremely rigorous, requiring several leaders and a series of operations such as passwords.

"What to do?".

"Let's get out of here and look for a port to find supplies. "

"We don't have to get out of here, there's no way that woman is going to fly across the sea to get in trouble. "

"Hahaha! yes, we are hundreds of kilometers away from the city of the bed owner!".

"But let's look at which port to dock and search for supplies. "

Many officers in the temporary conference room of the battleship did not care about the missile and the woman, and the atmosphere was full of joy for a while.

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