I looked at the egg containing the twin cores of Yellow Dragon and White Dragon.

Two days after returning from the chamber.

It was felt that the egg hatching was very short.

They said that the magic injection failed, but it was just completely absorbed and not teeing off. Rather than other eggs, the yellow dragon and white dragon’s eggs were growing faster.

‘It was clearly resonated.’

I opened my eyes again and looked at them.

Resonance was feeling each other. Would it be possible to place one on the abyss and one on the earth if it was applied far away? If you can deliver an emergency in real time, you can transition immediately to prepare for the situation.

‘It is said that one can send to the earth through the dark gate.’

Falling position was also a problem, and going to find it was a problem.

The obvious thing is that it will definitely appear in the form of a 鈥渕oon.鈥?

I will have to go and open the door myself to find it.

‘You have to bump into it.’

The ruler’s linkage was to know directly.

Will the dominion of Demon Lord’s body continue to the body?

These experiments were quick and nothing bad.

Which of the yellow dragon and white dragon to decide whether to send.

‘The white dragon would be better.’

Physical ability beyond imagination. On the contrary, Hwang Ryong was weak. It means you may not be able to adapt to sudden changes in your environment. Because the abyss and the earth were clearly everything else.

鈥淟oading. Did you name it? 鈥?/p>

Lyra approached as if it was unpredictable.

In the eyes of the dragon’s eggs, affection and a little bit of regret were felt.

For the first time, there was a chance to raise a dragon, but if the host said it was true, it was determined that he would die soon.

I sat chin quietly.

鈥淒ragon is said to grow distinctively by name. You can grow stronger if you give it a strong name. 鈥?/p>

It was my first time hearing it.

It was the moment that Geumdong and myself reflected on Eundong.

鈥淚 haven’t thought about it.鈥?

鈥淲ould it be okay if I put up an opinion?鈥?

It was not difficult.

Nodding, Lyra smiled happily.

鈥淚taqua. It is the name of a brave beast who dealt with typhoons in ancient times and defeated numerous giants. 鈥?/p>

It was a name that clings to the mouth.

A beast governing a typhoon. Rather than the yellow dragon is a name that suits white dragons.

鈥淭hen the other one should be called Ignil.鈥?

It is the name of the strongest dragon I have ever experienced, and most of all, it was the same Mr. Itakwa.

鈥淲hat’s the rest?鈥?

鈥淭here are two birds in this egg.鈥?

Lyra made a sloppy look for a while.

I did. There are two in one egg. I couldn’t even imagine.

I wanted to make a strong name, I wish the dragon to grow a little healthy. It was not because it was made with a hopeful feeling.

鈥淚 will hatch soon.鈥?

I smiled and turned my head.

Oh yeah! The cracks of the eggs grew and shredded with sound.

The horsepower around was rocking.

My heart was not strong enough to shake.

The hatching of the dragon was the first time I saw it.

鈥淭hat’s how much horsepower is released!鈥?

Lara was half-hearted. Looking at her expression, this enormous magical expression seemed abnormal.

Soon the egg broke completely and two dragons appeared.

One side had gold-colored scales and the other was pure white.

Beautiful. It was such a fascinating sight that the word came to me.

The size is now about 50cm.

Sitting on the floor, patting their tails, they both looked at me.

鈥淚gner, Ithaqua.鈥?

When I called the two names, they set their ears.

[Executive power of the ruler. It has begun to have a strong dominant influence on the yellow dragons Ignil and the white dragons Itaqua.]

[Mothers of wisdom and current issues, children of Walpurgis. Is given the protection of Seonghyeon.]

[This is the qualification given to the name 鈥榩rotection of the holy prefecture鈥? The power of the king and the power of the typhoon begin to apply.]

The two got stuck in my body and began to climb up and down, reaching their shoulders and shook their tails. Soon my forehead began to shine, and the light slowly spread over my whole body.

[The Soul’s Connection] has begun.

[Ignil and Itaquaa recognize users as parents]

[Dragon can recognize a target until dying by the connection of the soul rather than appearance.]

I had no idea about the birth or growth of a dragon.

There are few known facts because of the small number of individuals.

Even Lyra looked at this place with her eyes wide open, as if she had never heard of this phenomenon.

鈥樎仿仿仿仿仿?um. ‘

I felt connected.

I could feel it when I closed my eyes. The feelings of both of them were felt.

I was thrilled small. It’s not just a connection. It seemed to know how “high” these two were.

I do not know who Walpurgis, the mother of wisdom and current issues, … but the two of his children, the dragons, differed from the general dragons in the species itself.

More than anything, the name was really empowered. Sung-Hyun’s protection was more valuable than anything I knew.

This was a clear opportunity from heaven.

While I was thrilled, Ignil and Ithaqwa became more adored and started licking my nape.

The moment the soul was connected, they recognized me as their parent. Ignil and Ithaqua’s eyes were clear and clear as if I were looking deep inside of me. I have seen a lot of dragons, but these two were the first to feel so subtle.

Ignil and Itaqua knew feelings even when they first came out.

Happiness. Joy came.

No. I shook my head.

I do not know.

‘They feel my feelings as I feel them.’

My feelings were learning. Only a few minutes after being born, dragons faced me and applied the feelings I have already entered into practice.

But I had to be careful.

It meant that my feelings and background were important in the growth of these two.

I once erased my feelings.

Consistent with a stance of posture, a reaction soon occurred.

Igneal and Itaqua, who licked their necks, paused and shook their heads. The wave of emotions that seemed to fluctuate in a moment seemed to be embarrassing.

I was angry this time.

The feelings of anger. Those I knew recalled scenes of dying one and two.

Days that were only helpless. Friends and countless ties that could not be kept despite the power.

Then the reaction was divided. Igner stretched his wings all the way to the perimeter.

On the contrary, Itaqua licked my neck slowly and rubbed my face.

Why? Why is there such a difference even though I have the same feelings?

‘Twins, but the process of hatching was different.’

Ignil absorbed all of his magic. I accepted it as it was and best expressed my feelings of anger.

On the contrary, Itaqua was found to survive. Evolved on their own, boldly discarding the unnecessary and maximized physical ability.

Perhaps because of that, I seemed to focus more on 鈥渃ompassion and sadness,鈥?which fell asleep deep inside my anger.

It is not who is better or wrong.

Both of my feelings are well expressed.

But they were exhausted quickly. I soon realized my mistake.

‘I forgot I was just born.’

There was a limit to accepting emotions. No matter how different the species itself, children just born cannot do everything.

I remembered the feeling of happiness again. Infinite possibilities arising from getting these two. The past is just the past, and there is a driving force to move forward. Those I knew will not die, neither will those who have dedicated themselves to everything.

I will not create a situation where I will be frustrated by lack of power. Despite the power, I would not just watch.

Ignil and Ithaqua were like the beginning of my pledge.

鈥淗ow is this happening?鈥?

Lara was still surprised.

“It is no match between Carpe Diem’s 鈥嬧€婦ark Dragon, Ignil and Itaqua.”

鈥淗, but surely the facilitator is …鈥?

鈥淚 was going to die. Can’t absorb magic. 鈥?/p>

鈥淵es. But Rod knew about the egg’s specificity. 鈥?/p>

鈥淚 forgot that I am a鈥?penetrator 鈥? No matter how intimidated they are, it is worse than I glance over. 鈥?/p>

Lara knew my power. The power of the ruler would have been dimly noticed. Lyra was the closest to seeing the slime evolved and making the shadow chime.

She was not without notice.

But I did not dare to speak until I said.

Uriel Diablo is the top priority for all her priorities.

Lyra asked carefully.

鈥淲ould you like to use your ability in earnest?鈥?

鈥淵our eyes are afraid of something.鈥?

鈥淣o. Rhode was always on the lookout for showing all of his abilities. He was extremely restrained to exercise his power in public places. It’s just because I’m worried. 鈥?/p>

Uriel Diablo was a native son. If you show your ability to die to the sun king, even after breaking the fence of the sun king was known that his power was very likely to be used.

So I hid. The hiding seems to be a habit.

If you just hide it after the Daemon Road.

Probably, the shadow of the sun king continued to follow.

No matter how bad it is to sin.

I had no idea that.

Contrary to him, he would use it like crazy and get the maximum benefit.

鈥淪orry. Lord, Lord. 鈥?/p>

Lyra bowed his head. I realized I wasn’t worried about it.

Lyra Diablo. Her behaviour was because everything was geared to Uriel Diablo.

I looked again at Ignil and Itaqua.

Sleepy guys yawned and put a chin on their shoulders.

So I was sleepy to me. This was great too. I have never felt the weight of Daemon Lord’s body except when I just made a transition.

鈥淧repare food for these two. I will rise up and eat horribly. 鈥?/p>

鈥淥kay. And…

鈥淒o you have anything to say?鈥?

Lyra came slowly.

After placing his hands on his chest, said very carefully.

鈥淲ould I have a hug?鈥?

The envy for the dragon was recognized from the auction house, but the lanterns shed their eyes shining cravings, creating a tremendous sense of separation.

With a sulky expression, he grabbed the bodies of Ignil and Itaqua and handed them over to Lyra.

Immediately upon Lyra, the two struggled.

Though I did not want to fall with me as it was.

Seeing the smile of Lyra Diablo brighter than ever, she lost a moment to say.

Unable to imagine the thrill and the queen of slaughter.

I finally woke up and nodded.

Let’s not see it.


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