Colossus Hunter

Chapter 182

Ilya rubbed her eyes.
Eyes closed, repeated without repeating.
That’s strange. Something could not happen.
The world has not changed. Ilya was the head of the Vladimir family and Russian pride. Everything he wanted became a reality and had never been defeated.
Boil. What the hell is this?
Nothing had changed, but it was beginning to change.
One, two, kneel down.
The dream he had made is a real superhuman army itself!

鈥淲hat are you doing ?! Kill him! To kill !! 鈥?/p>

It was the hidden power of the family.
It was a dream made by Ilya.
The dream turned away from Iliya.
Soon all over a thousand corps had begun under his feet.
Kneel down with both hands on the floor, just quietly.
This was the first time.
It’s impossible.
All the spirit of the legion was in the hands of Iliya. They are not easy. A puppet who only follows Ilya’s words.

鈥淵ou do not listen to me! I told him to kill him. Kill … “

‘he’ moved.
Through the center of the crowd, as if the Great Divide.
Subsequently, corps warriors began to rise in one and two positions.

Along the back of him he wrapped around Iliya.

“You, what are you … what is that? Are you disturbing me? 鈥?/p>

The lips were seal look.
I see now.

‘he’ was laughing at the beginning.
Knowing that his aspirations are fleeting dreams.

鈥淚t is a dream. It will be a dream. This is ridiculous! 鈥?/p>

Mumbled like a madman.

‘He’ reached out and grabbed Iliya’s face.
I again encountered his eyes. At the same time my pants got wet. The tremors seemed to tremble and went out of mind.
Faced close by, he was a true devil. It was the incarnation of evil itself. An unknown being that humans cannot touch. I should not touch anything.

鈥淪tay Alive鈥?鈥?

It was urgent.
I could not die here.
If he dies, he will lose everything he has accomplished.
The truth that was revealed after death was a more frightening law.
Myeongga, which lasts for more than a thousand years, will be ashes in one day.

鈥淚’ll do anything. If you lick, you lick; if you lick, you lick. Please save your life! 鈥?/p>

鈥淭hat’s not worth killing me.鈥?

‘He’ released his hand.
The body of Ilya, who regained his freedom, sat on the floor.
Soon after he went away.

‘San Gunga 路路路路路?’

Looking back at his back with hope.
But it did not take much time to realize that the hope was also false.
They cried. A corps of millennia, Ilya’s dreams and hopes.
I regained my feelings by exposing my teeth. revenge. Only that one!
Over a thousand peoples hit Ilya.
Ilya’s look was horrible.
In time, they opened their mouths like animals and began to covet his body.
Wazak! Oops!
Ooh-up! Ooh-up!

鈥?3. Disaster, Advent (4)鈥?
Syria was a bystander.

Trapped in the 鈥淛ewel of Space,鈥?she captured the entire process in real time. 鈥淗e,鈥?Arken, seemed to be deceiving the military and killing a man who was called Russian pride.
No matter how loudly she shouted, she never reached Arken. After being trapped in the “jewel of space,” she was nervous and could do nothing but bite her lips.
was helpless. I did not know that I would be helpless.

‘Gunbu 路路路路路’

Russian forces are world-class. In the aftermath of the civil war, not a situation that can be poured a lot of power, but did not stop one Arken.
And even if it was poured out, it did not seem possible to kill Arkene.
He is invincible. If there is immortality (涓?姝?韬? will mean him.
He is also a monster. The body of the variant, flaming wings were not enough to be called ‘devil’. There was a flame everywhere he touched. Unquenchable flames devoured and destroyed everything.
How do you fight against those who do not die? How can you win!

‘Isn’t this so good?’

The dignity of humans did not seem to exist before Arken.
It bursts like a bug. Die. There is no right to refuse.
Fighters, chariots, numerous snipers. Everything called the essence of human wisdom was denied at once.
She was a man of the military. Born and raised in a military name, the self-esteem was falling apart. This was clearly outside her values.
No matter how superhuman, the human limit could be known. But he had no limits. I broke up all the limits I thought and imagined.
in particular.

‘Ilya Vladimir!’

Ah. Seeing him, she was frightened. Ilya Vladimir is the poison that swept Russia. None of those who have fallen upon him have not died terribly.
Aggression that does not die even when old.
For the purpose, it was chosen as a means and a method, and among the three families, it was Ilya Vladimir that was rumored to be the most vicious.
His estimates exceed just one million by the number of people killed by him. This is all but war.

The hotbed of evil was waiting for Arken with other monsters.
More than a thousand monsters were robbed of self. Poor humans who became puppet because they suffered from drugs, their whole body was remodeled, and their mind was finally taken over.
They were not normal at all. He had a green arm or a lot of body parts, small, small, large, and strengthened.
Ilya secretly made a secret weapon.
His cruelty was understood.
By the way …
Tuk. Took.
Kneel down. One, two, all who lost themselves.
Kneel and worship like a king.
Forgotten and lost, the souls finally found their way. All souls were cheering as they appeared to lead them.
It was a miracle. A miracle happened

‘Is he really the Devil?’

As soon as they knelt down and bowed their heads, it seemed as if a bright light was leaking from the predecessor of Arken. The light was so good and divine that even Syria, called the Lady, had her eyes closed and godly.
Not only is it more surprising.
Another white wing emerged from behind his back.
Angel wings. Anyone can say Syria. The spirits of light began to gather around.

Darkness and light coexisted.
The result is chaos. But there was no confusion.
Arkene. He never fell into chaos.
I almost missed it. As his heart froze and burned again, he almost raised his hands and became a huge mess.
But it wasn’t.
The eye was too straight for a massacre. I felt familiar and longing for those eyes.
So I shook my head.
It is strange to feel friendly feelings from him.

鈥淭he King! Our King! 鈥?/p>

Miracles did not stop there.
Those who had been deprived of their liberty, forgotten their memories, and lost their minds began to wake up after eating Ilya Vladimir’s flesh.
Like the imprinting effects of a new chick and its mother, they saw, devoted, cared for, and actively followed.
They turned back toward Arken, who turned their backs.

鈥淲e offer our flesh.鈥?

鈥淏e our King.鈥?

鈥淲e are all and one.鈥?

鈥淚 will follow only our lost king.鈥?

They were more than a thousand, but they were also one.
The spirit of all continues, and the will is also unified.

鈥楾he Lost King 路路路路路 ‘

The Lost King.
He came again to life.
A disaster for someone, a faith for someone.
There is neither light nor darkness!
But it’s never chaos, what should I call him?

鈥淥 reigned ruler over the world!鈥?

Everyone yelled at the throat. At the sight of the madness, Syria shook his body.
He spread three wings to the end.
Then, as they rose to heaven, fanatics followed in a trance.
The Lost King, Arken.
Perhaps it is witnessing the beginning of mythology, Syria thought.
The advance was not over.
He was the king of all variants.
Attacked large-scale human laboratories, punished the instigators of civil war, and brutally cut powerful powers.
The number of transformed humans of variant went only French.
Losing their courage, they cried out to see Arken as a “king.”
He also cut off the house of the Bushkov family, known as the 鈥淭hree Greatests,鈥?because it wasn’t enough to destroy the Vladimir family until its destruction.
And only the last one remained.
The blood of the Demidov clan flowed into Syrian blood.

鈥淢y soldiers did not stop you.鈥?

A man with a long black beard. Ivan Demidoff, the youngest of the three major families, is called a thorough fundamentalist.
He laughed desperately and faced Arken.
There was only a body around. Arken walked the path of blood. Every one of his steps died. And now only he and his surname remain.

鈥淚 know you can understand what people are saying. So only ask for one. 鈥?/p>

Arken was staring at Ivan Demidoff with a glimpse-like look, holding a dripping sword.

鈥淜ill me and finish me. Please don’t touch my family. 鈥?/p>

鈥淵our things are precious and others are not precious.鈥?

鈥淭he Demidorf family has nothing to do with the alteration of the human body.鈥?

鈥淏ut you knew it.鈥?

鈥淎 bystander is also a sin? Yes, you might think so. 鈥?/p>

The Vladimir and the Bushkov families touched on human remodeling experiments. Side effects caused by entering superhuman age. It was their family that caused the civil war.

鈥淩ussia is rotten. The military longed for even stronger powers, and I’m not interested in it. Eventually the military was corrupt and corrupted. As we entered the superhuman age, the phenomenon accelerated. 鈥?/p>

Ivan looked ugly.
Is it acting? But Ivan did not know acting. Because he was arrogant, self-righteous, and unconditionally bringing up his words.

鈥淲hen you step back, you are eaten. If the Demidoffs dry them up, they will take their hands and destroy us. In fact, such situations were captured by civil wars. All I can do is protect my people. As it is now. 鈥?/p>

Ivan Demidov knelt.
Attitude to accept death. It was very different from other California.

鈥淭he Demidoffs will surrender unconditionally. Respect and follow your wishes. I will never regret it. 鈥?/p>

was helpless.
He was too helpless for a man who was called a military giant.

Arkene seemed disappointed.
On surrender without conditions. In that helpless appearance.
But death was equal for him.
Soon Arken’s sword soared high. Ivan Demidoff. Even a master who has tasted for a time eventually fades to the lost king.
And the sword is about to swing.

I smiled at my heart.

Syria, trapped in the 鈥渏ewel of space,鈥?appeared in the world.
Intense will was not impossible, but she had escaped the jewel of space beyond the will before the death of Ivan Demidoff, who had trapped her.
She turned to light and soon took shape and immediately stopped Ivan Demidoff.

鈥淵ou, you are鈥︹€?

Seeing a woman suddenly blocked her face, Ivan Demidov opened his eyes wide open.
Syria. Syria Demidoff!
She also had Demidoff’s name.

鈥淲hy are you here! I must have told you to expel it from Russia! 鈥?/p>

It was a really angry voice.
Syria’s expression was sad.

鈥淚f you hate me or deny me, I am a member of the Demidov family. To cut my father, I’ll have to cut me first, Arken. 鈥?/p>

But she had a pulpit. In a moment I stared at me with a sad expression that lifted my sadness.

鈥淕o away! It is not a place for you, who are not of the Demidoffs! 鈥?/p>

Syria was nailed.
Her feelings intensified.
Ivan Demidov’s feelings behind her also intensified.
The whirl of emotions produces memories.

“Administrator’s authority.”

I could glimpse their hidden memories.
-He’s not a ghost! Why are you talking like that?
-I know. But the child’s power is dangerous! Everybody in Russia who has the same power as kid was kidnapped, experimented and died.
-The power of the Demidov family can save Syria!
-No, no! The child has had that power since birth. I haven’t been exposed to the outside for a long time, but I smelled it in the Vladimir clan. Naturally Occurred Persons I must defend the Demidov family as California.
-Syria is your daughter!
-It’s also California. I will send deacon Royce, so let go. He’ll grow up where we don’t care.
He was expelled from the family and even banned the name of the family. She has lived a long time as Syria, not as Syria Demidoff.
I stepped on the land of Korea, believing that if it was useful, I could go back.
The land of exoticism for the first time in my life. She never weakened yet.
But from the beginning there was a miss.
The result of a missed affection was what it is now.

鈥淎rken. You’ll have to open your eyes and cut me. I could never touch my father until I cut it! 鈥?/p>

Did this happen?
I saw it for the first time. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her body was trembling with sorrow and fear.
But one footstep did not move.
Looking directly into my eyes, I was about to accept death.

Sublime devotion. I now have in my eyes what Lyra Diablo showed Uriel Diablo.
It was beautiful in its own right but sad at the same time.
What should I do with this broken affection?
The sword is outstretched.
and cut out.
Syria has bitten it and has not closed its eyes.
It seems like I’m going to put myself before my death. I will never forget.
But it wasn’t her hair that was cut off.

hair. The long hair, which was the symbol of St. Syria, was cut and shortened. I couldn’t hide the beauty even though I was a single shot.

鈥淔rom now on the family of Demidov families is Syria Demidoff.鈥?

I declared.
Ivan Demidov said he would hand over all authority to me.
Then, today, Syria Demidov is the new face of the Demidov family.
at the same time.

鈥淲hen everything is done, only reveal the truth. I am nowhere and nowhere. If another sin is found, you will see me again. 鈥?/p>

I turned my back.
And finally said.

鈥淥ne reason is to keep you alive. I know that evil will not disappear anyway. 鈥?/p>

Worst kills and leaves only evil.
Evil is boundlessly boundless. Even if you kill the great evil, the small evil will take its place again. So keep it alive and let evil watch over it.
If it is Syria, it will do well.
At least he could build a new Demidov family.

‘Now the last one is left.’

President Sergey.
Did he do his best?

鈥?3. Disaster, Advent鈥?
Sergei Scream screamed when Ilya Vladimir, California, who seemed to live forever, died.
It’s impossible.
is a lie!
Ilya Vladimir was a strong supporter of President Sergey.
Because he was there was also President Sergey. I was not afraid of civil war because Ilya Vladimir was behind everything.

鈥淜ill! Kill! Kill him before he gets here !!! 鈥?/p>

President Sergey’s eyes turned upside down.
The madness that was never seen before.
Lost calm and reason flew.
How can it be stable?
Arken, gnome was not found even though more than 100,000 troops had been deployed.

鈥淪hoot missiles to anti-aircraft missiles! Scrap it as if it were S-400 or Kh-31! 鈥?/p>

President Sergei ran wild.
Not yet lost. Now he was president and lost public sentiment but was holding power.
Ilya Vladimir died, and the bush of the Bushkov family died. Only the Demidov family survived. But the Demidov family had already lost much of their military power.
The chief conductor was still President Sergey.

‘Suck me! You will never get here! ‘

The instigators of the civil war were dying and the rest of the public was flowing to Arken. He was called a god, or demon, or lost king, or dark knight, and was getting more support than he thought.
Particularly, public suspicions were raised, with the truth that all the missing persons were mobilized in the lab’s shocking human experiments.
The fires fell on the instep of high-ranking officers. Civil wars have reduced the power of the citizens and the military has gained an edge, but it is due to the rapid deterioration of balance due to the appearance of the Arkenes.
Here the reaction was split in two.
Will you stand on the side of the citizens in order to live and revolt to cut out Sergei, a supporter of Arken, who has forgiven humanity, or will he again restore his sovereignty by killing Arken?

‘If you kill Arken, you are the next one. It’s like a dog of useless power! ‘

Those who abandoned allegiance and chose to survive would have the most terrible consequences when this situation was cleared up.
Yes. Just kill Arken and everything will be cleared up.
No back boat is needed, and a unique king is born.
Absolute power! Imagination just turned around.

‘I’m better.’

Crisis to chance!
Greed and madness in the eyes of Sergey.
After all, it is Arken. Just kill him to cover everything. There is still a chance.
And the hounds following him were clearly left.
A number of surface-to-air missiles were deployed around his palace.
A missile capable of intercepting up to 40-50km outside of it could be shot down no matter how much a dragon flew.
Especially in the case of the Kh-31, it was light enough to be able to hit up to 200 km and to be equipped in a small fighter, so it was possible to deal with enemies before approaching.

‘Let’s go all the way, this damn noom!’

And not long after, Arken entered range.
President Sergey ordered a total attack.
In anticipation of a man’s bombing.
But expectations were broken.

鈥淭hat’s urgent! Missiles are coming back! 鈥?/p>

鈥溌仿仿仿仿仿?What? What do you mean? 鈥?/p>

“The missiles shot at Arken are returning here for some reason …”

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwak!
The axis was shaken.
Sergei’s face was firm.
Something was going wrong.


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