Chicago 1990

Chapter 1282: Settle after Autumn

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-two chapters after autumn settle accounts

"Is it the day when the general leader will settle accounts after Autumn?"

Some things were inconvenient to ask the two teachers. After finding the right time, Song Ya went on a date with Underwood again, and the location was changed to the fitness club where he had been together.

"right now?"

Underwood smiled and shook his head. "The Elephant Party will continue to pursue and kill with civil lawsuits. The Arkansas District Attorney responsible for the Paula Jones case is likely to come forward."

This judgment is the same as that of Mikva, Song Ya asked: "I heard people say that at most, you only need to lose money."

"But it always takes energy to respond to the lawsuit. It will be soon, and the results will come out in about three months." Underwood got up from the rowing machine and went to wipe off the sweat with a towel.

"What about after that? Will it?" Song Ya continued to babble.

"This is not a western cowboy drama. It's just a pleasure and enmity." Underwood laughed.

"But he didn't hold you back, isn't he just eager for his grudges?" Song Ya irritated him a little, "because you returned to the Chicago electoral district at the critical moment of the House of Representatives impeachment."

"I don't deny that that may be one of the reasons."

Underwood was not angry. "The main reason is that his couple don't need Chicago for the time being."

"How long is it for now?" Song Ya asked again.

"It's easy to calculate. If the president's wife came out to run for public office next year and took office in 2001, and Gore won the election at the same time and was re-elected for eight consecutive years in power... His wife would have been in office for eight years. In the past ten years. As long as the political goals related to the national election are not involved, our Chicago politics really does not have much value in their use."

Underwood analyzes: "In the election next year, this year his wife must show his attitude and start to form a team to prepare for the campaign. Whether in Arkansas, Tennessee or New York, we should be able to get a glimpse of the conclusion of the civil litigation after about three months. ."

"Hehe, moral role model, wife model, legal elite, female independence and self-respect and self-improvement representatives. Some media are already making gods for his wife..." Song Ya used this time to hear and see the complaints: "It's almost a success. A perfect incarnation."

"Haha!" Underwood laughed again.

During this period of time, the two people have not rarely seen each other, and the content of the conversation is about the same as today. When they practice Tai Chi with each other, they will not touch the main problem first. Song Ya is a little impatient but can bear it. He always likes to persist until the other party can't stand it. .

But Underwood was also a good opponent and a good hunter with patience, so he turned to the Russell constituency factory renovation project.

Song Ya dealt with it casually. The reason why he is a little impatient today is precisely because he has not seen the key to the rich three generations, that is, the financial problems of defjam records.

It is already 99 years. After Seagram Global Group officially completed the annexation of Polygram on January 1, it also announced the ambitious ipo plan with Merrill Lynch. According to Seagram Global Group and Merrill Lynch two According to the family, pre-work such as roadshows will begin in the second half of the year.

It's almost a month since the time flickers, and it's not a problem to keep dragging.

"What about Fries? Will the chief take action against our fbi director?" Song Ya looked for an opportunity to bring the topic back.

Bronfman Jr. supported Underwood’s opponents. Underwood was forced to return to defense. The impeachment vote of the House of Representatives passed with a single-digit gap. There are also members of Congress such as Rangel who he supports. These people are in favor of the Digital Millennium Act. And the range of opposition to impeachment is highly overlapped. After discussing with Ms. Sloan, Song Ya and Ms. Sloan both judged that whether it was Underwood, Rangel, or other members of Congress, or the general, they would never be happy with the arrogant behavior of the rich three generations.

So today he frequently mentioned the issue of retaliation.

As a member of the Elephant Party, FBI Director Friese may have started to engage in small actions to stay behind when the impeachment case was most dangerous last year, or due to pressure from within the party, the current leader, who has worked seamlessly with anti-water actions, has testified several times in Congress. Give testimony against the incumbent chief.

"No, Fries made him very embarrassed, but at the same time the two maintained a tacit understanding. Fries kept the bottom line and did not help his party too much in the most critical Lewinsky case. That was enough. "

Underwood doesn’t mind saying more where he can say more, “The master’s wife will have to mix with the top political circles for a long time. The level of retaliation you envision will basically not occur. The telecommunications bill pleases telecommunications, radio and television. The passage of the Communications Act, the Digital Millennium Act, the Internet Tax Exemption, etc. allowed the couple to dig out many supporters of the Internet industry from Gore. The Mickey Mouse Act pleased Disney and Disney’s abc. The most important thing is the Financial Services Modernization Act. Once passed, Wall Street will be very happy. For more than 60 years, the Glass Stigl Act (the Banking Act of 1933), which did not allow commercial banks and investment banks to operate in a mixed operation, is dead. There will be one less shackle. Everyone will miss the Arkansas family."

"And you."

Song Ya complimented: "Your work in the House of Representatives is indispensable."

Underwood smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "The glory belongs to Caesar. Oh, yes, this year we only have Mayor Daley running for re-election as a major issue. What about your attitude?"

"It's the same as before." Song Ya pretended to be indifferent and shrugged.

"How was the conversation today?"

Back at home in Highland Park, Ms. Sloan asked.

"no progress."

Song Ya shook his head and was taking off his coat. Sloan suddenly exclaimed ‘ah’. It turned out that Xiao Leijia ran out, grabbed her skirt with one hand, and hugged her legs. He raised his head and smiled.

She froze instantly as if she had been applied with a hold method.

"Don't make trouble, Leijia, be good." Song Ya picked up his son, "Do you know if you want to be polite?" Lesson.

"Why do this one by one!?" Sloan rolled his eyes and complained.


The ex-wife who followed her son heard these words and began to look suspiciously at Sloan.

"I mean... forget it." Little Robb also liked to hug beautiful women's legs before. Sloan couldn't explain, "Then I'm going." He lifted his foot and left.

Song Ya hugged her son to the door and watched her get in the car and leave. When she came back, her ex-wife was already lying on the sofa. "The whole body is sore..." He sighed and sighed.

"Hmph, if you want to achieve the best results in the most expensive mv in history, you need to suffer a little bit." Song Ya smiled secretly when she saw her like that.


Little Leijia started leaning forward to ask for his mother. The end of the scumbag was that all his children kissed his mother.

Song Ya put his son on the sofa, sat next to her and teased him, watching the two of them happily.

"The costume is here."

Her female assistant came in with a big bag of clothes, "Try it now? No, let them change it."


Mariah Carey yawned and went to the cloakroom lazily. "How?" She came out soon, wearing a big size Bulls uniform. The number is Jordan's 23. To sing at the retirement ceremony, she twisted. Toss and writhe to pose.

The hem of the red bull vest hangs down to the thighs, which can be worn as a woman's miniskirt. It has been changed to fully reveal the exquisite mature curves of the ex-wife.

Song Ya secretly swallowed, and remembered her cheerleader look back then, and immediately handed her son to the female assistant, took the rest of the team uniform from the other hand, and walked over with a grin, "Not very good, my hand This one might be better."

"The number of yards is the same." said the female assistant, "the colors are just different."

"What do you want to do?" The ex-wife knew him too well, "I don't!" He started to struggle when his waist was hugged by his strong arms, of course, half-pushing and half-stopping.

"Why are you still like a child, obedient, Xiao Leijia is watching." Song Ya dragged her into the cloakroom, shyly.

"Mommy!" Little Leijia ran over to save her mother from the sofa, punching her leg with a small fist, "Let go of Mommy! Bad guy!"



A family of three was happily arguing, and Sloan appeared at the door again with serious expressions.

"What's the matter?" Song Ya asked, knowing that something major should have happened.

Sloan gestured to come.

Had to let go of the ex-wife and walked over.

"The Chicago police just arrested Kozko." Sloan reported in a low voice.

"Kozko? Peter's real estate developer friend?" Song Ya was surprised. Kozko's company is also one of the main builders of a+ Records and Litman Media.

"It's probably the hand of little Daley." Sloan said.

"So fast!"

In fact, the little Daley always feels a bit like Gore for himself. He's not as stable as Underwood and Peter. He doesn't mind being close to him as much as Underwood and Peter. I didn't expect this shot to be fast and ruthless. Peter went to jail last time. One of his charges is related to the trade of power and money with Kozko. "The election for the mayor of Chicago has not yet started this year, and Peter shouldn't officially turn his face against him and say that he does not support his re-election, right?"

"It's really late at that time, isn't it?" Sloan asked back, "Isn't it safer to hold Kozko in his hands, and to advance or retreat?"

"These politicians..."

They are not fuel-efficient lamps, I am still dragging Peter here, UU reading www. estimated that Peter did not expect Little Daly to start so fast, so early, "Then we..."

"It has nothing to do with us. In short, as long as we don’t have a handle on the construction of the a+ record headquarters, we only have business dealings with Kozko. Of course, Kozko must know a lot about Peter. He had a strict mouth last time and he was rich. Litigation."

Sloan said: "Little Daley shouldn't expand the scope of his attack. He doesn't need to have trouble with us."

Damn it, Underwood's party whip was slapped, and Peter and Little Daley were fighting again, "But we have to make a choice, right?" Song Ya asked.

"Yes, there is not much time left for us to stand in line."

"That's it?"



By analogy, Song Ya chased Sloan out, "The same reason, defjam's problem...I don't think it can be delayed anymore. Did you choose to start contact with the murder record owner irv Gaudi?"

"If you don't touch, you have been worrying about it. I don't know what New York street rap label you know..."

Sloan said.

Song Ya’s worry is nothing more than irv Gauti’s big mouth, but now that other attempts are not working, and you can’t always wait for Underwood to let go. The card must be held in his own hand before he can rest assured, “Then I’ll find someone Try it out first?"

"You decide."

[Get the red envelope] The cash or coin red envelope has been issued to your account! Follow the public account on WeChat [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive!


Song Ya ran back and took out her cell phone, dialed after careful consideration of her words: "Brother jazzy, how are you doing? Haha, you are nominated for this year's Grammys, right?"

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