Chastity Layman

Chapter 1277: Temple name Holy Ancestor

  Chapter 1277 The temple name of the holy ancestor is eternal

   "Holy Patriarch?"

  Qin Lang proposed to fill up the seven rooms.

  The seventh patriarch Li Chong'er of Chengqian was named Emperor Xing, Li Xi, Duke of Xuanjian, was named Emperor Xuan, and Li Tianxi was named Emperor Guang.

  Pursued Fengjing Emperor Li Hu as Tang Taizu.

   Then the Yuan Emperor Li Zan.

  In this way, the seven temples of the Li Family Taimiao are

  Xing Emperor Li Chonger,

  Emperor Xuan Li Xi,

  Guang Emperor Li Tianxi,

   Taizu Jing Emperor Li Hu,

  Emperor Li Zan of the Yuan Dynasty.

  Gaozu Li Yuan.

  The holy ancestor Li Shimin.

   Fill up the seven temples, and when Chengqian is also hanged in in the future, the Xing Emperor Li Er will be invited out and sent to the private room for worship, and then the next emperor of Chengqian will also hang up and Li Xi will also be invited out.

   One goes in and one goes out, but no matter how many generations are passed on, Taizu Li Hu, Gaozu Li Yuan, and Shengzu Li Shimin don't need to come out, and they can be sacrificed and enjoyed by descendants for generations.

  This proposal made Chengqian quite satisfied, and Shengzu sounded better than Shizu.

  The Seven Temples of the Son of Heaven are indeed more noble than the previous six temples.

   Li Chonger is the grandson of Xiliang Emperor Li Hao. He was not admitted to the Taimiao and was not posthumously emperor before. Now he is also invited into the Taimiao to become the emperor of the seventh generation.

   Shengzu Wenwusheng emperor, Chengqian is very satisfied.

  Qin Lang knows how to handle things, and if he is replaced by someone else, he is afraid that such a small matter will be controversial for a long time.

   "There is Grand Master Lao and all the gentlemen to handle this matter well."

Regardless of whether it is the posthumous title of the Emperor Wenwu or the temple title of the Holy Ancestor, these are all different from what was agreed in the Zhengshitang before. Instead, it was handed over to Qin Lang to settle the matter for him.

   "Your Majesty, pay more attention to the dragon's body, my condolences!"

  Chengqian said, "Thank you, Grand Master."

   When leaving the palace, Qin Lang glanced back at the palace.

  At this time, the Luoyang Palace was deserted and deserted. Among the concubines and concubines in the harem of Emperor Daxing, those who had no heirs had all been sent out of the palace, and all of them were sent to become monks in the Daci'en Temple in Chang'an.

   Those who have children will also arrange to leave the palace to live with their children. In the future, the princes will go out of Beijing as adults, and they will follow.

  Under the darkness of night, the palace was deadly silent.

  Qin Lang went out of Qianyang Gate under the guidance of his servants, and was still escorted by Qin Xun to Zhongshu Introspection. It was very late, but there were still prime ministers on duty.

  Xu Jingzong was on duty tonight. Qin Lang went to chat with him for a while, and mentioned the meeting with the emperor just now.

   Xu Jingzong didn't think there was anything wrong with the emperor's opinion on the posthumous and temple names drawn up by Zhengshitang.

   "Grand Master, please rest at ease."

  Although Xu Jingzong has a strong desire for power and is relatively smooth, the relationship between the two is relatively stable now, and they are a political alliance.

  Because they are in the palace province, they only sleep in their own prime minister’s public house. Fortunately, the prime minister’s public house is larger, a large suite with complete facilities, and it’s not cold in autumn at this time.

  Lying on the couch, Qin Lang began to gather up the current situation.

  In general, although Li Shimin passed away suddenly in the Taishan Palace, fortunately, arrangements were made in advance, and the handover transition was very smooth, without any accidents, and everything was in order.

  Although the capital is under martial law, it is just in case.

  With ten years of experience in supervising the country, Cheng Qian's reputation is still good. At this time, his succession did not cause any problems.

  The East Conquest War is still going well, at least for now, there are frequent reports of success, so there is basically no need to worry about that side.

   But it wasn't all smooth sailing.

For example, Jiannan Songwaiman has become agitated recently. It is said that these Songwaiman rebellions are also related to the conquest of the East. Li Shimin had previously ordered that both land and water should be marched. He said that in the battle of the East, the southwestern regions would not send troops or money, so give them Give them the task of cutting wood and building ships.

  Jiannan Road was also assigned many logging and shipbuilding tasks.

The tasks assigned to the western mountainous areas of Jiannan Road, and further west of Xichang Road were not light. Their main task was to cut down trees, but the transportation in western Sichuan was inconvenient. For semi-nomadic tribes, logging and building ships is really embarrassing for them.

  Even if only logging is required, logging is also a very professional thing, let alone transporting those huge trees and giant trees from those deep mountains and old forests.

  The assignment from above was urgent, and Song Waiman had neither the ability nor the technology, so he couldn't complete the task at all.

I don't know how the local officials dealt with it. In short, the barbarians who got involved in the end actually turned against them. Around the time when Li Shimin had not passed away, these people began to turn against them. At this time, they were stationed in Jiannan and succeeded Su Dingfang as the Song Dynasty. Governor Shi of the prefecture and Liang Jianfang, the envoy of Ning Yuan's army, reported that Songwaiman had rebelled against seventy-two departments.

   And Shi Zhang Shigui, the governor of Dongning who was stationed in central Guizhou, also reported that the unrest had spread to central Guizhou.

  The governors of Maozhou, Xining, Tonghai, and Erhai all reported the news of the barbarians. It seems that overnight, because of the task of logging in the east and building ships, all the barbarians in the southwest were turned against each other.

  Qin Lang was very surprised when he first saw these memorials. Since Zhenguan Zhongping the Southwest, the imperial court has kept the situation in the Southwest under control. Why did it suddenly become like this?

You must know that all the roads in the southwest today have initially completed the reform of the soil and returned to the local people. Basically, there are no local emperors who control the autonomy. Set up military towns, station troops and emigrate, not to mention controlling the whole territory, but through several major transportation arteries, the entire southwest region is still divided and controlled.

  How to say reverse is reverse?

  With the news of the wild chaos in the southwest and the great epidemic in Qingzhou, Qingzhou is in the central area of ​​Guizhou, about in the Changshun area of ​​Guizhou in later generations.

According to local reports, the major epidemic in Qingzhou this time was bone steaming disease. Qin Lang specially asked the imperial doctor to inquire, and learned that bone steaming disease is actually pulmonary tuberculosis, also known as tuberculosis. For this era, this disease is very contagious. .

  The imperial physicians all said that if you get this disease, you will die, and the infection will be contagious, and the doctors are incapable of curing it.

  Qin Lang also attached great importance to this, and immediately discussed with the prime ministers urgently, and issued an order at the emergency post station, asking Zhang Shigui to dispatch troops and horses to seal Qingzhou tightly, and no communication with the outside world was allowed.

  At the same time, medical staff and medicinal materials were organized to go to Qingzhou to prevent the epidemic and save lives.

  Firstly, ensure that it does not spread, and secondly, isolate, control and disinfect as soon as possible.

  However, this wave of epidemics does not seem to be an isolated case, because many places began to report the epidemics.

Chenzhou and Tanzhou in Hunan Road, Puzhou in Jiannan Road, Bazhou and Xiazhou in Shannan Road, Luzhou and Haozhou in Huainan Road, Guzhou, Guozhou, Xuzhou, Daizhou in Henan Road, and Hedong Road Zezhou also began to report the epidemic.

  Although the epidemic is not as severe as in Qingzhou, since they are reported directly to Zhongshu, it still shows that it is not a normal situation.

Since the early days of Zhenguan, because of the epidemic of acne, the imperial court, under the auspices of Qin Lang, established an epidemic prevention and control mechanism. There are special epidemic prevention stations in various places. effect.

  This is also the reason why various places can report the epidemic so quickly.

  Currently, the number of deaths reported by the epidemic in various states has exceeded 1,000, but in fact, relatively speaking, under the conditions of this era, the outbreak of the epidemic in so many states resulted in 1,000 deaths, which can still be said to be very well controlled.

  If it was before Zhenguan, such a large epidemic might have been out of control long ago, and the death may be calculated in tens of thousands or even more.

  Now a total of thirteen states have reported the epidemic, Qingzhou has even lost control, and more than a thousand deaths are very rare. This is all due to the epidemic prevention and control mechanism in the early years, as well as the consequences of the extensive medical education since Zhenguan.

Now not only the imperial medical department in the capital is responsible for the training of medical students, but all prefectures and counties have also established government medical schools. These medical schools recruit medical students and train doctors, and the hospitals affiliated to the medical schools are official Hospital units have many doctors and nurses, and they also have advantages in medicinal materials.

  The local garrisons also have military doctors and medical battalions. Even in the villages, the imperial court encouraged the development of rural doctors, unified training and training, and even unified scheduling and distribution of medicinal materials. These have played a great role in ensuring people's livelihood.

  Even private midwives, the imperial court has entered into specialized training and advanced training, and in some remote areas, local midwives have been trained for the common people.

   This midwife project alone has greatly reduced the death rate of newborns in Datang, and even avoided many maternal deaths.

Before Zhenguan, there were actually very few official doctors. An upper state with a household registration of more than 40,000 and a population of hundreds of thousands had only one doctor of medicine, one teaching assistant, and fifteen students, and the lower state had only one doctor of medicine. , ten students.

   At the county level, there used to be no official doctors at all.

  There are only local pharmacies and medical centers, and the number is limited.

Since the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, the training of doctors has been unprecedented. From the two capitals to the local prefectures and counties, there are medical schools and hospitals, and the governor's mansions, military towns, and Zhechong mansions in various places are also equipped with military doctors and medical students. Pharmacies are spread all over the country.

   There are even Huiren pharmacies for poor people.

For more than 20 years of hard work by the imperial court, the human and financial resources invested before and after are also very large. Not to mention other things, there is no need to worry about the acne that has changed people's discoloration in the past, because the epidemic prevention stations set up by the imperial court in various places are for People are vaccinated against pox.

At the time of Wude, the total number of teachers and students in the Imperial Medical Office was only 341, but now, there are more than 300 doctors in the Luoyang Imperial Medical Office alone. Various medical subjects have been opened, and students are recruited from all over the country. There are still public-funded students, and some self-funded students, although the scale is not as powerful as Luoyang Guozijian's over 10,000 people, it still exceeds 5,000.

  Even if you add several affiliated hospitals and the students of its nursing department, it will exceed 10,000 people.

In the past, the Imperial Medical Administration was also in charge of the medicine warehouse, but now the medicine warehouse has been separated long ago. The planting, procurement, processing, storage, transportation, and distribution of medicinal materials have long been very mature. The scale of the industry is so large that it was previously A hundred times a thousand times.

  (end of this chapter)

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