Chastity Layman

Chapter 1275: retain

  Chapter 1275 Retain

Unlike Xue Wanche, although he is fierce, he leads his troops either in a big victory or in a big defeat. He relies on all his strength to fight. In essence, Xue Wanche is just another Yu Chigong. .

  In terms of commanding troops, Yu Chigong is not even as good as Cheng Yaojin. Old Cheng is still rough and fine. He is already an entry-level general on the tactical level, but he is not as good on the strategic level.

   "Since Mr. Wei has such an evaluation, then Baekje is completely handed over to Su Lie."

  Xu Jingzong proposed to strengthen the control over soldiers and horses in other places in addition to the two major armies currently conquering the East.

  During this critical period, unless there is a rebellion in the various guard houses, if they mobilize more than ten soldiers, they must first report to the Ministry of War for a fish amulet, and they must be under the supervision of the governor of the state.

  Even if there is a rebellion, soldiers and horses from all over the country are not allowed to leave the state border.

   It must be under the unified command of the imperial court, so as to avoid being arbitrarily dispatched by people who want to make trouble at this time.

  Although such a military order was made indiscriminately, Qin Lang did not object in the end, and acted in a special way in special times.

   "We must also order the governments of all states and counties to strictly check roads, patrol places, and strengthen public security management. If anyone dares to take the opportunity to cause chaos and spread rumors, they must be dealt with severely immediately and will not be tolerated."

  Everything is for stability.

  Qin Lang has no objection.

  He only mentioned one point, the more critical the moment is, the less he can default on the food and salaries of the border guards.

   "Also, when the new emperor ascends the throne, next year the Yuan Dynasty will be rebuilt and a new one will be established. The imperial court should also issue a decree to open Enke next year in addition to Changke."

Now the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty have entered the right track, from the earliest one subject per year to the current three-year one subject, from the original directly to the capital to take the test, it has become today's Children's Examination Institute Examination, Township Examination, Palace Examination The level-guided assessment has changed from the previous examination of all subjects to the current imperial examination that only focuses on one subject of Jinshi.

  Original other subjects such as Mingjing, Mingshu, etc. are no longer included in the imperial examinations. Instead, a junior college has been established in the Imperial Academy, and each academy of the Imperial Academy is selected and admitted according to the number of places every year.

  From the imperial examination to the supervisory examination, in fact, all miscellaneous subjects have withdrawn from the official imperial examination.

   Normally, the imperial examination is held once every three years, and each time the admission of Jinshi is no more than a thousand, and thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, but it does open the door to more ordinary people in the country.

  In addition to noble officials and the children of noble families, ordinary children from poor families also have the opportunity to become officials through the imperial examination. Although it is not easy, at least they have the opportunity.

Selecting scholars through the imperial examination may seem dull, but in fact it is the most fair admission method for everyone. Otherwise, if you recommend based on family background, father and brother's official rank, or noble officials, Then ordinary people will never have a chance to make their mark, even if they do, it is very small, and even they have to be attached to those powerful families to get it.

  So the Wei and Jin Dynasties were the era of powerful and noble families. Only the Song and Ming Dynasties, when the imperial examinations were fully liberalized, were the era of ordinary scholar-bureaucrats, not the era of noble families.

  For today's Tang Dynasty, the imperial examination is only a way to obtain scholars, but it has become more and more important, and the number of places has become more and more expensive. The addition of one KENCO is undoubtedly great news for countless scholars in the world.

  The imperial court does not need to spend 500,000 guan or 2 million guan. It only needs to use a few hundred Jinshi quotas, and it can be exchanged for the support of scholars all over the world for the imperial court and the new emperor. Why not?


  The long-lasting meeting finally came to an end, and everyone felt very tired.

  During the national mourning period, the prime ministers’ porch meals became very simple, no wine, no meat, three dishes and one soup.

  One kelp soup, one fried yuba, one bowl of steamed egg custard, and one plate of fried Chinese cabbage.

  The craftsmanship of the imperial chef is still good, and the simple side dishes are also very good.

  Qin Lang was a little helpless, he was a person who liked all kinds of meat, and he really didn't have much appetite for these side dishes, but he could only make do with it.

  Changsun Wuji ate big mouthfuls. He didn't eat well these days, and didn't sleep well. Today, things went well and he relaxed.

   "This kelp is pretty good. I heard it was shipped from Luzon Port."

   Luzon kelp is cheap, but the quality is still very good. Before that, the Central Plains actually ate kelp, but it was not called kelp at that time, it was called kombu. At that time, kombu was mainly a tribute from Baekje Silla, which was quite rare.

  However, in the Central Plains, kombu, kelp, gooseberry, even wakame, sea spinach, and even seaweed were collectively called kombu.

  Of course, the Central Plains also has a long coastline, so as early as the Qin and Han Dynasties or even earlier, people in the coastal areas also ate these seaweeds. Fishermen in the Western Han Dynasty called the wider ones Lunbu, and later they were called Kelp.

  During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Baekje paid tribute to kumbu, which was slightly different from that in the Central Plains. It was more expensive because it was rare.

   This is actually the same as the kelp that was grown along the coast of our country in later generations, most of which were imported from the Japanese country. The things are generally the same thing, but there are some subtle differences.

  The kelp of the Qin family is actually a species obtained from the Ainu people in the north of the country of Wa, that is, the place in Hokkaido in later generations. After cultivation, it is cultivated artificially.

Although kelp can actually be picked directly from the crevices of the reefs by the sea, after all, such small quantities and varieties are still mixed. Qin Lang still pays more attention to scale and efficiency when doing things, so he is building a saltworks in Luzon while also Do some kelp farming.

   Not to mention that the effect is not bad, the sea water in this era is not polluted, and kelp cultivation is simple.

  The kelp harvested regularly is quite good, looks good, and tastes good. It is very different from the kelp passed down on the peninsula, and it is completely different from those gooseberries, and is closer to the kelp of later generations.

  After being harvested, it is dried and transported to the Central Plains. It is a very good business. Because the production of artificial breeding is high and the cost is relatively low, it is much cheaper than kombu sold in the Central Plains. It has become the first seafood eaten by many inland people.

  Last time, the Qin family sold 180,000 catties of dried kelp at one time, exclusively for the royal family. The royal family collected so many seaweed vegetables and used them to supply the Luoyang court, officials, schools and army, so even dine-in can often eat seaweed.

Of course, in addition to 180,000 catties of kelp, the Luzon ship also brought 5,000 catties of sea cucumbers, 5,000 catties of shark fins, 6,000 catties of dried cuttlefish, 3,000 catties of dried fish, 10,000 catties of abalone, and various other items. More than 100,000 catties of salt fish.

Luzon's fishery resources are still very rich, but the transportation and fresh-keeping technologies of this era actually limit the processing and sales of fisheries. Fresh fish can only be sold and consumed locally, but the demand is not much, and long-distance cannot be stored, so only It can be made into dried fish and salted fish.

  The price of some salted fish is actually quite good, especially in Luzon where there are rich salt farm resources, but it is far inferior to the scene of seafood being transported by air in later generations.

  Qin Lang knew that Changsun Wuji was sure there was something in his words, and the dignified prime minister, Tai Tuo, wouldn't care how much sea the Qin family sold to bring them to Luoyang.

   "Princess and the others should have known the news and set off to go north, right?" Changsun Wuji changed the subject again.

   "Well, when I was in Taishan, I sent people to Taiping Port and arranged for a boat to pick them up."

   "Sea or canal?"

  Qin Lang arranged for inland shipping, mainly because of the large number of people who came this time. Not only Princess Lizhi was coming, but the daughters of eldest grandson Wuji, Li Daozong, Gao Shilian and others naturally also wanted to bring their children.

From Taiping Port, cross Zhennan Pass and enter Zuojiang River, then go along the river to Guangzhou, then pass through Beijiang River and cross Dayuling Canal to enter Ganjiang River, then go to Yangzhou, and then go to Luoyang through the Grand Canal. After all, inland rivers are more stable and safer than seas.

  Qin Lang's sons and daughters will basically go to Beijing this time.

The main reason is that although Qin Lang has many sons and daughters, some of them are still young, but basically they all have titles or loose ranks, and many of them are directly enshrined in the world. It doesn't matter whether they are born of beauty or not, Li Lizhi is anyway. Concubine wife, these concubine sons and concubine daughters naturally also want to call Daxing Emperor's grandfather.

  When my grandfather passed away, I naturally had to go to Beijing for the funeral.

"I'm in Beijing this time, so let's stay here. The two capitals are prosperous, so why isn't it better than southern Xinjiang? I'm getting older, and I want to have the opportunity to meet my daughter more and have more fun with my grandson." Changsun Wuji felt that Qin Lang had been enfeoffing land in Lingnan before, and there was some gap with the emperor.

   "The new emperor also needs your assistance."

  Qin Lang didn't say a word, he didn't think about staying in the court for a long time, now is just a special time, he is always on guard against Cheng Qian.

  He didn't think he could get along well with Chengqian for a long time.

   But there is no need to tell Changsun Wuji this.

   "When they come back this time, I will send their mothers back to their mother's house to stay longer."

   "Elder Grandson also seized the time to rest for a while after the meal. In the afternoon, he still has to discuss the posthumous title."

  The emperor’s posthumous title must of course be decided by the courtiers. In fact, it is discussed by the prime ministers.

  After reporting the posthumous title and posthumous proposal to the emperor for approval, another posthumous title book was engraved, and the prime minister led the officials to announce the posthumous title book to the southern suburbs.

   This can be regarded as the conclusion of Emperor Daxing's lifetime achievements.

   This is also a very important matter. The word used for the posthumous title must be very particular, and there is no mistake.

Although Qin Lang once had some estrangement with Li Shimin, Qin Lang still admires and respects Li Shimin very much in his heart, especially after the death of the Heavenly Khan, now let's look back at his life and the achievements he has made. , it is even more amazing.

   This is a truly remarkable emperor.

  Even in this time and space, compared with the time and space where Qin Lang was originally, although he lived two years less, the achievements he made are even more remarkable, shocking the past and the present.

Under his rule, the Tang Dynasty truly reunified the world and conquered the surrounding barbarians. The barbarians who dared to ride on the head of the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains and dared to enter the country frequently to take the Han people as slaves were all conquered. A concubine of the Tang Dynasty.

   Not to mention the great prosperity and stability brought about by the Zhenguan New Deal.

   Such an emperor deserves the most beautiful posthumous title!

  (end of this chapter)

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