Chastity Layman

Chapter 1253: Conquer Liaodong again

  Chapter 1253 Conquering Liaodong again

  Who is Li Shimin?

   No matter how confused they are, they can still see through these tricks at a glance.

  The emperor acted very decisively and was not led by them.

   Directly find Li Junxian, the former governor of the township, who was executed by the head, and then General Zuo Yulin and Xu Luoren, the commander of the Baiqi Division who were also transferred to the local area, were directly dismissed by Li Shimin.

  The former **** leader of the Dianqian Division was even executed by Li Shimin for excuses.

   Two deaths and one elimination.

   Quickly frightened the restless third division to abolish officials, and Li Shimin quickly disposed of a group of officials. Sure enough, Gyeonggi stabilized.

  In this incident, the emperor showed his keen mind, so that he would not be led by the nose, but directly cut to the heart.

   Killing Li Junxian and others was to warn all the people in the third department that whoever dares to make trouble, he will never let it go. If he has the ability to make trouble, he dares to kill even an important official like Li Junxian, who else would not dare to move?

  Originally, the officials of the third department just wanted to make a fuss and make a fuss. Maybe the emperor would withdraw his orders at that time, and everyone's official positions and interests could be preserved. Who knew that the emperor would not follow the routine.

   As for whether Li Junxian is really befriending monsters or investigating illegal incidents, it doesn't really matter.

  For the emperor, there is not only black and white, everything is to maintain the rule.

  Xu Luoren was able to survive because he had a closer relationship with the emperor, a childhood friend. Secondly, although Xu Luoren is the emperor's confidant, apart from his fondness for horse racing, playing the piano and composing music, he doesn't have any military talents, nor does he have any big ambitions.

   As for the **** who was killed in front of the palace, he was just an eunuch, would the emperor care?

  Before, Zhang Liang and Hou Junji were killed, and now Li Junxian was executed. Although they were all killed for treason, Qin Lang knew in his heart, who was really treason?

  It seems that the emperor really won't live for a few days, otherwise he wouldn't have resorted to such drastic measures.

  The emperor's quick, accurate and ruthless shots also just showed that he felt that he didn't have much time.

  Li Shimin is clearing away the last obstacle to succeed Qian to the throne. Even a powerful institution like the Third Division of Zhenfu will withdraw as soon as it says it will.

  Thinking about Li Ji, who is still serving as the governor of Diezhou in Longyou, and him, the Taibao staying in Luzon, Qin Lang felt that his decision to leave the center early was right.

   Otherwise, if Li Shimin is going crazy like this now, he probably won't be safe either.

   "Send people to the capital to help with the arrangements, and take care of Li Gong's family members going south to Lingnan. When they arrive in Lingnan, help them resettle properly."

  Li Junxian and Qin Qiong Cheng Yaojin Liuqi abandoned Zheng and turned to Tang. They have been brothers for many years, and Qin Lang and Li Junxian also have a long relationship. Over the years, Li Junxian has been in charge of the township department and has helped Qin Lang a lot.

   Now he has been wrongly killed and cannot be resurrected from the dead, but he must take care of his family.

   Let’s see if there is a chance to move them to Luzon in the future.

  Old Prime Minister Xiao Yu also died, and he was summoned back to the imperial court again. Although he was over seventy years old, he still had that violent temper, and no one in the political affairs hall got along well with him.

   Li Junxian's case, Xiao Yu always believed that the trial was inappropriate, but the emperor still ordered to execute him immediately. Hearing about this, Xiao Yu rushed from Luoyang to Chang'an to meet the emperor.

  In front of the emperor, Xiao Yu leaned on a cane to remonstrate with the emperor, thinking that the emperor acted as he pleased in disregard of the laws and regulations, and accused the emperor of ignoring political affairs in recent years, being addicted to pills, etc., and cronies and traitors.

   Li Shimin was anxious to take the elixir, impatiently listened to persuasion, and asked the guards to drive him out, but Xiao Yu was so excited that he died unexpectedly.

  The emperor who got involved in this matter was also very passive.

  Xiao Yu is not only the prime minister of the court, but also his children's relatives, not to mention Xiao Yu's seniority is old, so he died in the palace so suddenly.

  Afterwards, Li Shimin also regretted a little, so he issued an imperial edict to posthumously present Xiao Yu Sikong and the governor of Jingzhou, and buried Zhaoling with him.

  But when the imperial court began to discuss the posthumous title for Xiao Yu according to the procedure, Li Shimin rebelled again.

  Taichang Temple agreed that the posthumous title was De, and Shangshu Province agreed that the posthumous title was Su.

  Both of these are posthumous posthumous titles. The so-called Suirou people are called virtue, and those who are not powerful in admonishing and fighting are called virtue.

   And Su is Gangdek, so Su is determined and determined, and Su is called Su.

In the end, the emperor was not satisfied with these two beautiful posthumous posthumous titles. After much deliberation, he felt that Xiao Yu was old and disrespectful to the emperor. He ran to his palace to scold him, and finally made himself angry and embarrassed , This should not be done by a loyal minister at all.

  The guilt at the beginning is now more dissatisfaction.

  So when the posthumous title was finally determined, Li Shimin was unhappy.

  He told his courtiers that the posthumous title originally marked a person's whereabouts, and it must conform to the facts. He said that Xiao Yu's nature was too much guesswork, and that his morality and sustenance were both inconsistent, and it was more appropriate to be truthful.

  So he personally drew up a posthumous title, Zhencai.

  The so-called honesty and unyielding is chastity, frugality and lack of virtue are bad, and narrow-mindedness is bad.

  This posthumous title is far worse than that of De and Su. After all, as the prime minister of the imperial court, he should be given a good posthumous posthumous title after his death.

  But the emperor wanted to be serious and unhappy.

  You can give it a chastity, but in the end, you have to add a scorpion, saying that people are narrow-minded, which in itself reflects the emperor's own narrow-mindedness.

  The posthumous title was finally decided like this.

   But it also caused a lot of controversy among the people.

  But at this time, the emperor seems to have ignored these things.

   After abolishing the former three divisions of Zhenfu Baiqi Temple, killing Li Junxian and killing Xiao Yu, and finally refusing to give Xiao Yu a good posthumous posthumous title, Li Shimin returned to Luoyang from Chang'an.

   Perhaps it was unlucky for Xiao Yu to die in his place, so the emperor returned to Luoyang.

   Then the emperor came to court for the first time in years.

  At the court meeting, the emperor mentioned a big event.

   It is believed that Goguryeo is becoming more and more impoverished under the rule of the traitor Quan Gaisuwen, and after several years, the Tang Dynasty finally conquered and stabilized almost all the land of Liaodong.

  So he planned to send 300,000 troops to wipe out Goguryeo in one fell swoop.

  The emperor also said that during the last expedition to the east, although there were few naval forces, it played a miraculous effect. Therefore, for this expedition, we should still advance by both land and water, especially to conquer Pyongyang. The road is far away and it is difficult to transport grain, grass, mules and horses by land, so this time we plan to use boats and ships to transport by sea.

  The conquest of Liao is mainly to mobilize the soldiers and horses in the north, so this time each contributes its own strength.

  Northern states mobilized troops and horses, while southern states provided money, food and boats. The emperor ordered to cut wood and build ships in Jiannan, Yunnan, Lingnan and other places, and then flow down the Yangtze River, Xijiang River, and Red River to Yangzhou, Guangzhou, and Jiaozhou.

  The upstream states are responsible for logging and building ships, the downstream is responsible for grain, and the coastal states are responsible for sailors.

  After the ship, food, and sailors are ready, sail the ship to Dengzhou Port to assemble.

  The imperial court also issued an order to Luzon.

  Decree to build ten large ships, send two thousand sailors, and supply ten thousand stones of grain.

  San Francisco City, in Yacheng Governor's Mansion.

   All the retainers of the Qin family in the Dudu Mansion were very dissatisfied with this decree.

   "Our two taxes and commercial tax have never been more than one point. Why does the court still allocate it like this? Ten large ships, two thousand sailors, and ten thousand stones of grain are really easy to say."

   "The Wu'an Governor's Mansion also received the same task." Qin Lang said.

   "How can it be the same? The Wu'an Dudu Mansion is an administrative prefecture of the imperial court. Ships are built and food is used in the treasury of the imperial court. Our Luzon Mansion is a foreign fiefdom."

   And humanely said, "Wu'an Prefecture has one prefecture and five prefectures, with a population of more than one million. How can our Luzon Prefecture compare?"

  Qin Lang looked at the dissatisfied crowd, "We can afford ten boats, ten thousand stones and two thousand sailors."

   "The problem is unknown."

   "Just think of it as contributing to the country."

  The emperor wanted to destroy Goguryeo before his death. Qin Lang could understand it. After resting for a few years, it can be said that the time is ripe to launch a campaign against Liao.

  The task assigned by the imperial court is indeed a bit unreasonable. After all, the Qin family has paid all the taxes that should be paid. If the imperial court allocates such a heavy task all at once, this is extra exploitation.

"If you agree, we will have to accept apportionment when the imperial court confiscates others in the future. Even if the imperial court finds a name, we will have to pay for it? Isn't this the same as the Yao slaves in the past? gone?"

  Under the two tax laws, it has long been discounted as a service agent.

  The imperial court no longer has the power to enlist civilians for military service at will. If they want to enlist, they have to pay wages.

   After all, the common people have already paid for the service that should be given to the court, so they can’t do another service after paying the money.

  Qin Lang smiled.

   "I can understand everyone's feelings, but the imperial court has given us Luzon some edicts, and it is estimated that they know our basic strength. We can still bear this burden."

  Qin Lang stopped everyone from continuing to complain.

  The emperor's apportionment edict is indeed unreasonable, but Qin Lang feels that this matter may not be so simple.

  Perhaps this was the emperor's test of the Luzon Dudufu, and he wanted to see Qin Lang's attitude.

  The imperial court did not have to worry about military expenses and food when they fought Goguryeo once, but the emperor still allocated this task to him. The emperor was definitely not the kind of greedy or stingy person, so it can only be said that there is a hidden meaning in this matter.

  Especially after experiencing the secret resistance of the officials of the third division when the third division of the Zhenfu Division was abolished, the emperor wanted to test Qin Lang's attitude, and it made sense.

  Although it cannot completely prove that the emperor has this kind of thinking, Qin Lang does not intend to fight.

   It has never been a big deal for him to pay some money to solve it, although some people say that this case cannot be opened, otherwise it may be endless in the future.

  But what Qin Lang was thinking about was that Li Shimin probably wouldn't live for two years, so it's better to deal with him first. As for whether the future emperor will behave like this, we'll talk about it at that time.

  Ten large ships may be difficult for other places, but the problem is that the Qin family already owns many shipyards, and they also have a very strong fleet. Whether it is inland river ships, offshore ships or ocean-going ships, the Qin family has no shortage.

Therefore, there is no need for temporary ships at all, just transfer ten ships directly. Even the imperial court’s conquest of Liaodong shipbuilding orders, the Qin family can take the opportunity to provide shipbuilding business to those state capitals that are unable to build ships, and strive to get more shipbuilding orders, or What about parts orders such as sail anchors?

   It is not difficult to have two thousand sailors, and it is not a problem to have 10,000 shi of food.

   Ten thousand shi of grain can be bought for only one thousand guan.

   "I don't want to hear any more complaints about this matter. Everyone should implement this task immediately. If you don't discount it, be positive!"

  (end of this chapter)

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