Chastity Layman

Chapter 1231: One track with Wen Hong's family business

  Chapter 1231 Tong Wenhong's family business

  The 20th year of Zhenguan, autumn and August.

  The emperor traveled to Lingzhou fortunately.

  Thousands of miles away, all the tribes from Mobei and the Western Regions came to pay their respects. The purpose of the emperor's trip was clearly stated in the imperial edict with the Crown Prince Chengqian, which was to personally appease the barbarians in Mobei and the Western Regions.

In the past few years, the Tang Dynasty has successively destroyed the three kingdoms of Gaochang, Yanqi, and Kucha in the Western Regions, and successively cut off the Khan Moheduo, the Khan Siyehu, and the Khan Yipidulu. He rebelled against Datang, but was also defeated by Sheer and Guo Xiaoke.

  The Western Turks in the Western Regions are not as good as they used to be. After years of civil strife and wars, their strength is now weak, and the original city-states in the Western Regions are now basically controlled by the Tang Dynasty in the south of the Tianshan Mountains.

  As for Mobei, Datang finally got rid of the rebellious Xue Yantuo people in one fell swoop.

  So now both places have to reshape the pattern.

  The emperor knew that time was running out, and decided to stabilize the two places before he died.

  Anbian Jingchao, under the solid gangster base, the same text, Yonghong family business.

  Thousands of miles away, there is no half-flag, and among a hundred counties, there is still no garrison.

  Wouldn't Li Yuan be happy to see the battle of the town and defense forever?

  The Western Regions and Mobei are the most important frontier defenses of the Tang Dynasty. If the hidden dangers of these two places can be solved in the lifetime, the future of the Tang Dynasty will be more stable.

  On the other hand, the emperor couldn't stay in Chang'an any longer, and the matter of Gao Yang made him very sad. The angry emperor ordered Zhen Fusi to cut off the defense secretly, and then sent the princess to her manor in Gaoyang County, Yingzhou, Hebei Province, and ordered her to live under surveillance for a year.

  The Tang Dynasty first used force to suppress the rebellious Western Turks, Xue Yantuo, Yanqi, Qiuci, Gaochang and other countries, and now the emperor came to the frontier to summon all the Tibetans to show his importance.

  Received the emperor's order, all the hu in Mobei and the Western Regions did not dare to neglect, and immediately set off to the south one after another. When the emperor's car was still patrolling slowly on the way, the hu had already galloped south.

  Ye Hu, Qi Jin, Jie Lifa, etc. from various tribes rushed all the way. At the beginning of August, thousands of tribal chiefs had gathered in Lingzhou City.

  When Li Shimin arrived, there were as many as 100,000 Hu people in Lingzhou.

   Even the Liaodong Zhuhu and the Southwestern Zhuman also came forward after hearing the news.

   Tens of thousands of imperial guards from the Sixth Army of the Son of Heaven escorted the emperor to Lingzhou, where an unprecedented Wanhu Conference was held.

  This is an unprecedented event.

  It is even more spectacular than when Yang Guangxi visited Zhangye in the past, met with Zhuhu, and visited the outside of the Great Wall in the north, and summoned the Turks.

  Because all the Tubos who kneel before Li Shimin are all conquered by Tang Dynasty, so they call God Khan, which is sincerely convinced.

Compared with the complicated situation in the Western Regions, today's Mobei is relatively simple. After Xue Yantuo was destroyed, Datang immediately proposed the establishment of the Zhenbei Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and the division of twenty-four governor's mansions and prefectures. After the prince reported this policy to the emperor, he was praised by Li Shimin, who believed that this was a good way to really solve the threat of Mobei.

   So began to implement.

  Su Dingfang was transferred to be the governor of Zhenbei, Shi Jianzhen, and the governor of Beizhou. He also sent Xue Rengui, a young general, as his deputy.

  In the past two years, this pattern in Mobei has basically been established.

  The Zhenbei army had 3,600 cavalry, 1,200 Tang cavalry, 2,400 Tibetan cavalry, plus the 5,000 Tang cavalry who were still assisting in the defense of Mobei, so that the implementation of the policy was smooth.

  Tumidu, the leader of Huihe, called himself Khan in private, and set up hundreds of officials according to the old Turkic system, with the intention of unifying Mobei. After the Tang Dynasty announced the order, it also obeyed the law and violated the law, and sent his children to continue chasing Shijianbu and Wuluohubu. The soldiers and horses chased all the way to Monan, crossed Helan Mountain, and arrived at the Bank of the Yellow River.

  Su Ding issued repeated warnings to Tu Midu, and said that it should not be said that the words were unpredictable.

   Tu Midu was dazzled by Victory, thinking that he was only attacking two parts, and Datang would not really attack him.

  As a result, Su Dingfang sent Xue Rengui and his cavalry to rescue the two tribes of Shi Jian in Helan Mountain.

  At that time, Wuhe claimed to command 100,000 Huihe cavalry.

   Shi Jian, who is chasing after him, is at the end of his rope.

   Xue Dingfang gathered 5,000 coalition soldiers to block the Huihe army at the foot of Helan Mountain. He ordered Shi Jian's two 4,000 soldiers to dismount and hold spears to fight on foot, occupying favorable terrain, forming an array against the mountains, and defending to the death.

  At the beginning of the battle, Wuhe underestimated the enemy's small number of soldiers, and thought that the opponent was vulnerable after repeated defeats. He ordered the left and right wings to encircle and attack, but unexpectedly, although Su Dingfang dismounted to fight with 4,000 Tie Le troops, he himself stood in the formation and commanded.

  He put himself and four thousand Huqi to death, and the Huihe army charged them three times, but they couldn't break through.

   Waiting for the enemy's morale to weaken, Xiao Siye led the cavalry to attack in disorder.

Xiao Siye is the grandnephew of Prime Minister Xiao Yu. When he was young, he traveled with his aunt, Empress Xiao of the Sui Dynasty, and finally went to the Eastern Turks outside the Great Wall. He used to be the guard of Yang Zhengdao's small court. He stayed with the Turks all the year round, so he knew the Turks well. He is good at Turkic warfare, and he is good at riding and shooting.

  After returning to the Tang Dynasty, he was awarded the title of Captain of the Forbidden Army by Li Shimin, and has been in command of a group of Turkic guards. Later, he was transferred to work as Sheren, and was responsible for comforting Huihe in the battle against Xue Yantuo.

   Now serving in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, he is a full-fledged fighter.

  He rushed straight to the 100,000 Huihe army with thousands of horses, swallowed like a tiger, and charged forward bravely.

   Xue Rengui also took the opportunity to order Shi Jian's two fighters to launch a counterattack. The two sides fought fiercely on the thirty-mile front all day and night, beheading thousands of Turkic soldiers.

   Xue Rengui beheaded the general and seized the flag, killed several of his chiefs, and captured Wuhe, the leader of the Huihe army alive.

Five thousand against one hundred thousand, the Huihe people did not expect such a disastrous defeat. They chased Shi Jian's two troops all the way, and it was so easy that they underestimated the enemy's arrogance. Tumidu's original intention was not only to kill the two parts of Shi Jian, but also to let his nephew bring the tribesmen over to occupy the two parts' land and grassland, and even take the opportunity to occupy the foot of Helan Mountain all the way.

  So many of them are not fighters. When fighting, they have no defense at all, and they look like they are watching a show.

  I thought it would be easy to win, but who knew that the two young generals Xue Rengui and Xiao Siye leading the army this time were actually more fierce than the other.

  The Huihe army collapsed.

   Xue Rengui's whole army marched in pursuit, leading Shi Jian's two men, women and children to pursue them endlessly. The Huihe people collapsed, and all the ministries came to surrender one after another.

  Xue Rengui accepted the surrender of Huihe on behalf of the Tang army, and then returned the population and livestock of the two tribes of Shijian and Jian that they had seized before, and asked them to return to the place assigned to them by the Tang Dynasty to resettle and live.

   Then Xue Rengui slaughtered a group of Huihe warriors, confiscated a group of people as slaves, and took more than 100,000 livestock from the Huihe army as military possessions, and then drove them back to Mobei.

   Returning to Yudu Army Mountain, the Tang Army naturally gained momentum.

  After this defeat, Tu Midu also hurried to the Yudu Junshan Metropolitan Government Office to plead guilty.

  Su Dingfang convened the twenty-four major tribes of the governor's mansion, as well as ninety-six prefectures and two hundred and eighty-eight counties of all chiefs and chiefs to come to the alliance.

At the alliance meeting, Su Dingfang publicly reprimanded Tu Midu for breaking his oath, ordered him to immediately withdraw the soldiers and horses who crossed the border, and hand over the land that crossed the border, etc. The four prefectures and twelve counties were enfeoffed in place.

  After Xue Yantuo was destroyed before, Tumidu took the opportunity to seize a large amount of territory, and later Datang divided most of it to other tribes, and only reserved a part for the Huihe tribe. Tumidu refused to hand it over to other ministries, and the other ministries were also afraid of Huihe's power and refused to force it.

   As for the two parts of Ru Shijian, they were even hunted down by Tu Midu all the way, and they were about to wipe out the roots.

   Now Su Dingfang asked Tu Midu to spit out all the territory originally assigned to the various ministries. Of course, the ministries were happy.

  Su Dingfang then released his nephew Wuhe and handed him over to take him back for discipline.

  However, 100,000 troops went south, but only 60,000 went back, and over 10,000 were beheaded by the Tang army. Many of them were meant to rob other troops, and some of them were directly killed by Su Dingfang and were not enslaved.

  Of course, Su Dingfang explained to him that the 40,000 were all killed in the battle because they resisted the Tang Dynasty.

  Did not dare to speak out when he vomited his confusion, his hair was dizzy with anger.

  After the alliance meeting, Tumidu, who returned to the territory, became more and more angry. Not to mention the loss of 40,000 people, the territories annexed before were all taken away at once, leaving only a small half.

  The angry Tumidu didn't dare to get angry at Datang, so he had to turn his anger on his nephew, thinking that Wuhe was incompetent and humiliated the country by losing his teacher. In a fit of rage, he not only whipped Wuhe in public, leaving him covered in scars, but also took away the state that was originally entrusted to Wuhe by the imperial court, and gave it to his son to lead Wuhe. Tribal people and territory, to be the governor of this world.

  Wu He was carried back to the tent by his subordinates, and he became more and more angry when he thought about it while recuperating.

   It is indeed embarrassing to lose the battle, but it is not intentional. It doesn't matter if he is beaten up, why should he take away his tribe and territory, which his father inherited from his grandfather Bodhisattva.


  If you have the ability to compete with the Tang people, what is it to **** your nephew?

  Unreconciled, after recovering from his wounds, Wuhe secretly planned and led his confidant knights to raid Tudumi's camp one night, hijacked him, and fled back to his own territory, expelling Tumidu's son.

  The matter spread to Yudu Junshan Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. After discussing with Xue Rengui and Xiao Siye, Su Dingfang, Li Daozong, Xue Rengui and Xiao Siye felt that this was a good opportunity.

  The civil strife in Huihe will further weaken its strength, but it is also an opportunity for Datang to intervene.

  So Su Dingfang immediately issued an announcement order to the various ministries of the prefectures in the name of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, saying that Wuhe conspired to rebel and hijacked the chief to raise troops to rebel, which violated the oath of the alliance and violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, according to the covenant, he recruited soldiers and horses from all the tribes to fight against the rebellion of the non-officials together, and restore the peace and tranquility of Mobei.

   All ministries responded one after another.

  Su Dingfang personally commanded the troops, asked Li Daozong to guard the house for him, and led the troops into the Huihe territory.

   Wuhe's rebellion was not successful. Although he successfully hijacked his uncle Tumidu, the Yaoluoge family was unwilling to support him, let alone Tumidu was still alive.

All the ministries came to attack one after another, especially the princes of Tumidu who worked harder. In a rage, Wuhe directly killed Tumidu, and sent his head to the Dudu's Mansion of the Tang Dynasty, saying that Tumidu During his rebellion against the Tang Dynasty, he wiped out the thieves for the Tang Dynasty and asked Su Dingfang to protect him.

  (end of this chapter)

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