Chastity Layman

Chapter 1224: National Division

  Chapter 1224 National Teacher

   "Xichang Dao reported that King Nivalo sent an envoy to ask for help, claiming that Tubo King Qi Zongnong sent troops to invade. How do you think this matter should be handled?"

   Chengqian asked.

  Tubo and Nipura are two small countries in faraway lands. After the Great War in Songzhou, the Central Plains court had long forgotten Tubo. Once extremely arrogant, he claimed to have attracted 200,000 soldiers to commit crimes, and then he was directly overthrown by Qin Lang who happened to go to Songzhou to help the spirit. Tubo, who claimed to be the overlord of the snowy plateau, was also dismembered by the Tang Dynasty.

  After that, he became a minister and paid tribute, and retreated to a corner of Weizang.

   Unexpectedly, they would dare to send troops to invade Nibala now.

"Nipoluo has already paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty. It is my Tang vassal state. How dare Tubo invade? You should immediately send an envoy to issue an order to reprimand. If you don't withdraw immediately, the imperial court will send troops to attack and punish!" The new right servant Cui Dunli immediately refused. Politely said.

  Cui Dunli has a wealth of experience in going out as envoys, and he is quite familiar with diplomacy. He knows that those barbarians on all sides must be tougher, otherwise these people don't know how to be afraid at all. If you give him an inch, he can advance a foot.

  Changsun Wuji was even tougher.

"I think Tubo is healed, the scars are healed and the pain is forgotten. I don't remember how Yelang was arrogant and arrogant and how he was taught by Qin Lang. Now how dare he invade Nivalo? You must learn from the army, otherwise if you violate Nivala this time, the next time it may happen We are about to send troops to Tibet, and the next time will be Supi, and we will even invade Hequ and Jiannan in the future."

  Central Plains Perhaps the most impressive thing about this remote country is the vegetable spinach that came from there.

   Before Wei Zheng was alive, he liked to eat spinach the most.

   And then, it may be the report that Honglu Temple went to Nivala to enshrine its king after returning.

   According to the report, the capital of the country is more than 20 miles away in the middle of the snow-capped mountains, and the mountains and rivers belong together. Yigujia, Duohuagu, red copper, Xueniu, Mingmingniao, red copper coins for goods. The human nature is rough, the faith is shallow, there is no learning, skillful workmanship, ugly appearance, evil and good faith, Kalan and Tianci are connected to each other, big and small, double learning, heretics and different learning, the number is ominous.

The envoy's report said that Nibala is in the middle of the snow-capped mountains, and the country is four thousand miles long. According to this statement, it is larger than Tuyuhun, and the capital of the country is only about twenty miles away. Similar, but also rich in copper.

  As for Xue Niu and Ming Mingniao, they didn't bring back the real thing anyway.

   Also said that the Nibra people are ugly, barbaric, unfaithful, but extremely religious. There are Buddhist temples everywhere in the country, and the beliefs are very mixed, and they believe in various schools.

  The more detailed envoys don’t know anymore, and even this information is mostly just hearsay.

  Anyway, according to the envoy, the country of Nibra has already established four dynasties, but there is no record of the country of Nibra before the Central Plains dynasty.

On the other hand, Xuanzang, who just came back from Tianzhu to pray for Buddha, was sent to the Western Regions by Chengqian because of the suppression of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty. was confiscated.

   Years of hard work came to nothing, and he was escorted back to Beijing by soldiers.

  The Zhenfu Division claimed that he was guilty, but gave him a chance to atone for his crimes, and asked him to write in the Zhenfu Division about his experience in the west, the various geography and government affairs of the countries in the Western Regions he visited, and even what he heard was counted.

  So Xuanzang is now a non-staff translator for the Zhenfu Division, but he is actually writing the Records of Experiences in the Western Regions.

Xuanzang called the Indian continent Tianzhu. He traveled westward through many countries, and finally arrived at the most powerful country in Tianzhu, the Jieri Empire. Study Buddhist scriptures here and translate scriptures.

King Jieri was the most powerful king on the continent of Tianzhu at this time. After the Gupta dynasty of India in the unification of India was killed by the Zeda people, and Zeda was also destroyed by the Western Turks and Persian Sassanians, Tianboer Mountain Pass The Tianzhu continent in the east fell into long-term turmoil.

  The various countries fought in a melee, and finally the Ganges River Basin formed four powerful countries, and among these four powers, the Qunv Country finally defeated the other countries, unified the Ganges River Basin, and became the strongest country in the Tianzhu Continent.

King Jieri established the feudal system. Jieri has thirty-six powerful feudal vassal states, and there are many vassal states in the east and west that submit to pay tribute. Chaluky Kingdom.

  However, King Jieri has basically restored the glory of the Gupta Dynasty, dominating Central India, and the surrounding areas have surrendered one after another, and one family dominates.

  While the King of Harmony was enforcing feudalism, he also rewarded heresies. Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism all gained the support of King Raja and prospered.

  For example, the Nalanda Temple where Xuanzang lived was rewarded by King Jieri with more than 200 towns. Each town is basically a village with 200 households, so one Nalanda Temple has 40,000 households.

Giving these two hundred eups of land to Nalanda Temple not only transfers the land tax of the villagers acquired on the land and the power to collect income to Nalanda Temple, but also has the right to pass on the son, which lasts forever. The complete hereditary fiefdom system is the same as the feudal vassal land that King Jieri gave to his brothers, nephews, generals and senior officials.

  In the country of Jieri at that time, Buddhism, Brahmanism and Hinduism went hand in hand, and there was even the Aojiao religion that came from Persia.

  Facing the powerful religion, King Jieri also secretly advocated Buddhism in order to suppress the increasingly powerful Hinduism.

  So when Xuanzang came to Qunv City, the capital of Jieri Kingdom, the king of Jieri invited Xuanzang to teach the Dharma, and he touched his feet with the highest etiquette.

   King Jieri’s request for help made Xuanzang feel obliged. In the capital of Jieri Empire, there was a Theravada master who wrote "Breaking Mahayana Righteousness" and publicly criticized Mahayana Buddhism.

  Of course Xuanzang knew that in the dispute between Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, King Jieri needed Mahayana Buddhism, and Xuanzang himself was the master of Mahayana Buddhism.

  Brahmanism can be said to be the oldest religion in India. Later, Buddhism also originated from Brahmanism. Later, the development of Brahmanism and Buddhism could not keep up with the needs of the social situation, and Hinduism was formed.

  For thousands of years, several major sects have emerged one after another, fighting endlessly.

King Ashoka, who established the Mauryan Dynasty, once captured 150,000 people and killed 100,000 people in the battle of Kalinga. After the war, Ashoka felt guilty and was finally persuaded by Buddhism. He deviated from the traditional beliefs of the royal family and formally converted to Buddhism. Since then, Buddhism and the Maurya Dynasty ushered in a glorious era together.

Later, the Mauryan Dynasty declined and perished, and was replaced by the Sunga Dynasty established by the Brahman nobles. The Sunga Dynasty established Brahmanism as the state religion and dealt a brutal blow to Buddhism. Buddhists were persecuted, and temples and church properties were destroyed or destroyed. , or being invaded, turmoil filled the entire ancient Indian society.

  The Sunga Dynasty was quickly replaced by the Ganpo Dynasty, but the Ganpo Dynasty was also a short-lived dynasty. It only existed for 43 years before being destroyed by the South Indian Satavahana Kingdom.

Later, the Da Yuezhi people established the powerful Kushan Dynasty. Like Ashoka, the outstanding ruler of the Kushan Dynasty, Kanishka, converted from Brahmanism to Buddhism, but the religious policy he adopted was equal treatment, which to a certain extent Religious conflicts were eased.

Hundreds of years later, the Kushan Dynasty was replaced by the Gupta Dynasty. Like Ganishka, the rulers of the Gupta Empire also adopted a policy of religious equality. At that time, the religious world of India was undergoing changes, and Brahmanism evolved into Hinduism. To decline, people no longer stick to a certain religion.

  The Gupta Dynasty only prospered for more than a hundred years, and it exhausted its national strength in the battle with the White Huns who came from the south, splitting and perishing.

  Finally, Jie Japan rises.

   King Jieri inherited the religious equality policy of the Gupta Dynasty, but he also gradually felt that the power of Hinduism was getting stronger, so he supported Buddhism.

   Taking advantage of the arrival of the Tang monk Xuanzang from the Tang Dynasty, he planned the Uncovered Conference, and countless noble monks participated, reaching more than 100,000 people.

  More than 5,000 Buddhists came, and thousands of other religions also came.

  King Jieri asked Xuanzang about the Dharma, and what he asked was Mahayana Buddhism.

  Although Tianzhu was once the birthplace of Buddhism, under the rise of Hinduism, Buddhism weakened instead. Xuanzang, a Tang monk from the east, was proficient in Mahayana Buddhism, far surpassing the monks in Tianzhu. At this time, Buddhism in Tianzhu was weak, and there was even a lot of internal fighting between Mahayana and Mahayana.

  No one will obey anyone, and no one can overwhelm anyone.

  The intense Hinayana dispute exacerbated the weakening of Buddhism and made Hinduism stronger.

King Jie Ri held 18 consecutive days of Dharma conferences for Xuanzang. Xuanzang fought against the monks of Tianzhu, and the eminent monks of Theravada Buddhism in India were speechless, and the Brahmanism and Hindu monks who came to challenge were also distinguished To the point where I can't make a sound.

  Under the attention of all the people, Mahayana Buddhism finally completely suppressed Theravada Buddhism, and even robbed the emerging Hinduism and traditional Brahmanism.

  The king of Jieri also formally converted to Buddhism in front of more than 100,000 people, and conferred Xuanzang as the national teacher.

  Xuanzang then toured around Tianzhu to give lectures and learn the scriptures. A few years later, Tang Monk, who had studied scriptures from various schools, asked King Jieri to resign. He rejected King Jieri's offer to build him a huge Buddhist temple and give him a hundred yi of land, and insisted on returning to Datang.

Tang Sanzang has traveled almost all over Central India, but he has never been to Nivara, but he was only one step away from Nivara at that time, and he has heard a lot about Nivara, so in his experience record, There is also a volume of Niddala records.

  Tang Seng said that it is customary for the Navalas to cut their hair at the same level as their eyebrows, wear their ears and wear bamboo buckets or horns, and eat with their hands instead of knives or chopsticks. The Nivara people are good at doing business and do little farming. The Nivara country used to be called the Rammo country.

  Inheritance so far, there are four dynasties that can be recorded in history, but the first three dynasties only have legends, and the current dynasties only have written records.

  The four dynasties are the Gopal Dynasty, also known as the Ox Dynasty, and the Ashir Dynasty, also known as the Sheep Dynasty. Then came the Crates dynasty and now the Lichavi dynasty.

  The name is a mouthful, and it is all transliteration.

  Ni Borna claims to be Nipoer, which is said to mean the middle of the snow-capped mountains. The Lee Chawi dynasty is also called the Deva dynasty because that is the family name of the king.

  It has been more than 240 years since the founding of the country.

When it was handed down to the ninth king, Shiva Deva, his son-in-law Amusu Varma was shrewd and capable, and was appointed prime minister. Under his management, Nivara reached its peak, and agriculture, handicrafts and commerce were very developed. .

Amusu Varma, like the kings of all dynasties, is a Hindu, but he also agrees with Buddhism and loves art. He once presided over the construction of the famous Kailaskut Palace, which is a seven-storey building with exquisite design. It is beautiful in shape and huge in scale. It is said that the uppermost floor can accommodate ten thousand people.

  (end of this chapter)

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