Chastity Layman

Chapter 1203: Captain Hachiro

  Chapter 1203 Hachiro Bawei

  On the way from the wharf to the city gate, there are many red armored knights.

  Their bright red cotton armor is also painted with the emblem of blood shield and golden lion, which is the family emblem of the Qin family. Qin Lang didn't ride a horse either, but walked slowly under the support of everyone.

   After half a year, there have been many changes here.

  The road from the wharf to the city gate has been widened a lot, and two tracks have even been paved for the carriage of four-wheeled carriages. On the other side, a new canal was excavated to connect the Qin River and the city, and a new water gate was specially opened in the city to directly introduce water into the moat, and at the same time connect to the city, serving as a canal in the city.

   Both sides of the road are golden again.

  The rice is ripe again.

   "The amount of early rice planted in San Francisco this year is ten times that of last year's late rice. In addition, after the early rice was planted, we recultivated a lot of rice fields, and then planted a lot of middle rice."

  The mid-season rice that Qin Yong mentioned is also called late rice, which is planted after the early rice cropping period. It is planted a month later than the early rice, and one month earlier than the late rice. Some of this kind of mid-season rice are usually planted in rotation, and planted in the middle of the two seasons, which can also avoid being overwhelmed during the busy farming season.

  Of course, there are also some lands where late rice is prone to lack of water, or early rice is low-lying and prone to waterlogging, so it is just right to plant mid-season rice not too early or too late.

"Didn't Barangay's chaos mean that the impact is quite big?" Qin Lang walked to the side of the road and carefully watched the golden rice ears. The rice ears were golden and heavy, and it was obvious that they were just outside the city. The yield of these paddy fields should not be low.

   "These lands are close to the city, so there is fertilizer applied, and the output has increased a lot."

  A city with people and livestock in it is equivalent to a huge chemical fertilizer factory. In this era of fertilizer shortage, these fertilizers can indeed increase a lot of production.

Qin Yong told Qin Lang that Barangay's series of rebellions before did disrupt the rhythm of life and production on Treasure Island at first, and even lost a lot of people and property. Immediately asked for help from Wu'an, and sent mercenaries to help.

  Multi-pronged approach, the Qin family's counterattack gradually achieved results, and slowly opened up the situation again.

  Qin Yong, Shan Sili, Zhang Chao and others organized several active attacks, constantly interrupting their joint offensive preparations, and even severely damaged several Dabarangai villages in raids.

  Relying on the advantages of the mobile transportation of ships on the water and the mobile transportation of horses and mules on land, Qin used them to fight fast battles, fast forward and fast back.

   One blow is enough to go, don't get entangled with them, every time you see the right opportunity, just stab it.

  Although Barangay has a large number of people, he is also a mob. The intelligence information and maneuvering speed are not as good as those of the Qin family.

   Instead, he was beaten and defended.

   "Your move of attacking instead of defending is indeed very good, and it has won the essence of using soldiers."

Qin Yong is also helpless, "The main reason is that we have few soldiers. There are only thieves who can be thieves for a thousand days. There is no one who can defend against thieves for a thousand days. Now we can only increase the fortifications in villages and mines in various places, and start building plantations. The towers are encircled, the mines are built with watchtowers, and watchtower outposts are set up on the roads, and patrols are sent out."

However, Qin Yong and Zhang Chao used offense instead of defense, but now they are just making small troubles, and they have no real power to kill these islanders. Another major force, the Great House, has reached an alliance agreement.

   They are brewing a bigger offensive plan.

  The gate of the city.

  There are many wooden stakes standing on the side of the road, with many dry heads stuck on them, and on the other side is a row of gallows, and a row of corpses are hanging on it and shaking in the wind.

  Qin Jun looked at these scenes with a feeling of discomfort on his face.

   They have long been accustomed to saving their kindness and talents.

   These silently reminded them that this is Treasure Island, a place full of gold and silver, a piece of fertile land, but at the same time, it is also a battlefield. The war between the Qin family and the natives on the island is constantly escalating, and the two sides are constantly fighting.

   It is no longer safe to leave the city and village.

  These are the natives who tried to attack and loot, were captured by the patrol team, executed in public and then displayed to the public.

   "The weather is hot, don't make a fuss. If there is an epidemic, it will be troublesome." Qin Lang said expressionlessly.

   "Don't worry, those hanged on the gallows will be dragged away before they stink. They will chop off the heads, deep-fry them and put them on wooden stakes to continue to show the public. As for the corpses, they will be burned."

  Qin Lang looked at the black smoke in the distance.

  Qin Yong immediately said, "It's burning there."

   "Are there a lot of raids now?"

"Fortunately, there are not many bold natives who dare to rush to the vicinity of our city, but there are always some who are not afraid of death. They try to rob our property and take our people. It is very rare to sell for a very high price, so there will always be people who are not afraid of death."

   "Is one tax too much?" Qin Lang asked.

  Everyone felt that Qin Lang's condition to the natives was not too much, he only asked them to pay tribute, one-tenth of the tax, but he still refused.

  These natives are really stupid and ignorant.

  Qin Lang just sighed.

  The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle. He is an outsider and a latecomer, and Barangay is also an outsider, but he came earlier, and Dajiawu is the pioneer of the earliest big immigration.

  Who remembers the original aborigines on the island?

  Everyone is essentially the same outsider, so everything still speaks by strength.

  War is cruel, but there is no justice at all.

   "Affected by the rebellion of the Tibetans recently, the number of gold diggers coming to the island has decreased, and even fewer merchant ships have come to the island." Qin Lu from the Mint said on the side.

   "It won't be long before we can defeat Fanzi and quell the turmoil." Qin Lang gave everyone a reassurance.

   Enter the city.

   Enter Yacheng.

  Qin Lang first invited the emperor's imperial edict and read it out to everyone.

"From now on, this place is no longer a land of alienation, but belongs to the territory of the Tang Dynasty. This is the feudal territory bestowed on the Qin family by the sage. Of course, it is also common to everyone. I, Qin Lang, have never been stingy. , Brothers fight side by side together, sharing joys and sorrows will naturally share wealth and honor."

  Qin Lang took out another booklet, but it was the enfeoffment order of Tweet.

The above part of the list is the group of people who have been drawn up before and the land is distributed, mainly the managers and shopkeepers on the island, the first class of the security team, and the new list added later is mainly the old retainers of the Qin family in Wu'an Prefecture. is coming.

"The Luzon Governor's Mansion is divided into eight ranks and sixteen ranks, including court discussions, general discussions, court invitations, court dispersal, service, acceptance, scholars, Wenlin Balang; Wuqi, Tunqi, Xiaoqi , Youqi, Feiqi, Lvqi, Yunqi, and Yuqi Bawei, their ranks are below the sixth rank and above the ninth rank.

  The upper rank is Lang, and the lower rank is Wei, collectively known as Ba Lang Ba Wei.

  The sixth rank goes to Chao Yilang, the sixth rank goes to Wuqiwei, the ninth rank goes to Wen Linlang, and the ninth rank goes to Yuqiwei.

  Eight ranks and sixteenth ranks, Tween grants titles, the highest Chao Yilang can get 10,000 mu of land, and the lowest Yuqiwei can get 500 mu of land. Those who have been conferred are all the retainers of the Qin family. Not only can they get this fief, but they can also get one-third of the tax revenue on the fief, and actually deduct one-third of the tax that is handed over to the court, so they get nine points of the tax. of two.

   Titles and fields are hereditary.

  However, rights and obligations are also equal. After becoming a vassal of the Qin family, the corresponding vassals have to bear corresponding obligations. For example, all vassals have to prepare their own weapons and equipment, guarantee training, and accept the obligation to be recruited by the head of the family at any time.

  A minimum feather cavalry captain only needs to provide one cavalry and four infantry troops, including providing a full set of equipment and food for five people, ensuring training, etc. A Wen Linlang will provide the strength of two cavalry and six infantry.

  The highest court Yilang, to provide thirty cavalry and seventy infantry troops. The Wuqi Lieutenant will provide 20 cavalry and 60 infantry.

  A cavalry has to be equipped with a war horse and a spare horse, and then a spear, a riding bow, a horizontal knife, a whip, a shield, and a set of armor and a set of armor. The infantry also had to be equipped with two spears, two bows, a knife and a shield, a set of infantry armor and a set of armor, plus a mule and horse for transportation.

  Basically, it is the same as the equipment that the soldiers need to prepare themselves.

  Moreover, the Qin family has to review the vassals’ armaments twice a year, review and conduct exercises. If they cannot be equipped with the necessary equipment, or the soldiers’ riding and shooting skills are not up to standard, they will be punished. In severe cases, the title will be confiscated.

And if the people on Luzon Island can have more than 500 acres of land, and more than 1,000 liquid assets, and have enough riding and shooting skills, and can afford a full set of cavalry or infantry equipment, and Those who are between 20 and 40 years old can apply to become warriors.

Once the inspection is passed, he will be awarded the title of warrior and become a soldier of the Qin family in Lusong. After becoming a warrior, he can obtain a lifelong lease of 200 acres of land. Even if he dies in battle, his wife or children will inherit it for at least 20 years. tenancy rights.

  The status of a warrior is lifelong and not hereditary, but he also has some powers such as not kneeling when seeing an official, not being sentenced to punishment, being able to take concubines and keeping slaves, and having children and grandchildren enroll in county schools.

   If a samurai makes contributions and meets the qualifications for granting titles, he can also be granted titles as retainers and obtain land, etc.

  Samurai children can also get the priority to click.

  Compared with the previous enfeoffment system of retainers in Wu'an Mansion, this time it is more complicated and more standardized.

  In the fiefdoms granted to them by the Qin family, they have strong autonomy powers just like local clans. Although they have to follow laws and regulations, they have also obtained the right of autonomy.

At the same time as enfeoffing his own people, Qin Lang also officially opened a mansion in Luzon. The Luzon Dudufu governs San Francisco and Xinjinshan. Qin Lang serves as the governor himself. The imperial government’s governor’s mansion is the same, and the prefectures and counties below are the same as the imperial court, and there are also layers of villages and villages next to Baojia’s neighbors.

  Balang Bawei is actually equivalent to the ninth-class title and twelfth-class honor conferred on the courtiers by the Tang Dynasty. As for the samurai similar to the selected soldiers, only the officials at all levels of the shogunate are real officials.

  In addition, Wei Guogong also has a team of government officials, which is equivalent to the internal retainers, and the outside is the shogunate.

  The Balang Bawei applied a set of scattered official systems used in the previous dynasty, which is similar to the current imperial court's system of conferring land on 12th-rank officials in Liaodong.

  The imperial court is from the Shangzhu Kingdom to the Wuqiwei, a total of twelve ranks, the highest Shangzhu Kingdom regards the second rank, and the Wuqiwei regards the seventh rank, and each grants the corresponding land, which can be hereditary.

  The Luzon Governor’s Mansion belongs to the Overseas Jilin Prefecture, and it is also a new outer seal established by the imperial court. It is different from the previous world seals and honor seals in Liaodong.

  The governor of Lu Song Dynasty is just a governor who regards the third rank as the governor, so he can't still confer the title of Shangzhu Kingdom of the second rank? Therefore, this set of Balang and Bawei was immediately approved by the emperor after they were invited to play, and it will be adopted as a standard in all places in the future.

  Using Balang and Bawei intermixed, instead of directly using the 12th or 12th Lang, one is that it is convenient to use directly, and the other is that it is used alternately between civil and military to show both civil and military skills.

  The title of the retainer can also be promoted based on merit, and the essence is the same as the title of the imperial court.

Qin Lang is very generous. The first batch of enfeoffment lists is very long, which is astonishingly long. Anyway, the Luzon Islands are so big, and the fiefdoms of retainers generally consist of three parts. One part is in the Central Plains, which is the most fertile one today. land. Another part is sealed in the mountains and other places around the central plain of Luzon Island, and another part is designated to the outer islands.

   This ensures that everyone can get a fertile and good land, and it will not divide up the most fertile central plain as soon as they come.

  Everyone here is the old man of the Qin family, his confidants.

  After seeing this list, they all had joyful expressions on their faces.

  Qin Yongdao, "Isn't this enfeoffment method too generous? We are all from the Qin family, so we don't need to look outside like this."

   "Because everyone is my family, I can't be stingy anymore." Qin Lang replied with a smile.

  Treasure Island is huge, but if no one comes to develop it, it will be a deserted island and a dead island. If you guard these lands, you will never be able to develop them. Appropriate profit sharing, everyone will work hard together, and then there will be a bright future.

"Everyone is familiar with me, Qin Lang. In the past, the reason why our Qin family's industry was able to grow bigger and stronger quickly was that rewards and punishments were clearly defined. If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded. If you have done something wrong, you will be punished. Our apprentices are learning Skills, while still getting wages, passed the test, and when you officially started running the business, you can already get a commission based on your performance. After you become a senior clerk, you start to have a top-up stock, with a four-year billing period Participate in dividends. Not to mention the stewards and shopkeepers who are in charge of a store and a store."

   "It is precisely because of this incentive system that the members of our Qin family have always been active and desperate in doing things, because everyone knows that hard work will be rewarded, and the more you do, the more rewards. Who is not active?"

"I want the horse to run, but I also want the horse not to eat grass. This kind of good thing is impossible, so you don't have to feel sorry for me. I really hope that everyone can share more, because it means that everyone helps me lay down the grass. more!"

  Qin Yong gave a thumbs up, "Sanlang is magnificent!" On the entrustment list, his name Qin Yong was on the first page. At the same time, Qin Lang also granted Qin Yong the post of governor of San Francisco State, which can be said to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility and he trusted him very much.

  Qin Lang smiled, "Brother, as the first-rank Chao Yilang, you have to train thirty cavalry and seventy infantry within a year, and you have to prepare their full set of equipment, so don't delay."

  Qin Yong said with arrogance, "No problem at all!"

  (end of this chapter)

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