Chastity Layman

Chapter 1199: shocked the ruling and opposition parties

  Chapter 1199 shocked the ruling and opposition parties

  The emperor unceremoniously accused Cheng Qian of being ignorant.

  “A boss who doesn’t allow his subordinates to be better than himself is not a good boss.”

  An emperor who can't even tolerate his courtiers is naturally not a good emperor.

   "Could it be that because Qin Langgong is highly respected and well-connected, even the emperor should be afraid of him?"

   "It's wrong, it's not fear. If Qin Lang really rebelled, then even if his achievements are beyond the sky, his in-laws and friends are all over the government and the public, and his disciples are all over the world, then he should take action. But the question is, has Qin Lang rebelled?"

   "Don't get stuck in the corner and can't get out, you can think about it from another angle."

Li Shimin also doesn't understand why Chengqian suddenly got into the horns. Qin Lang is Chengqian's base. Qin Lang and Changsun Wuji have always been Chengqian's strongest supporters, and now Chengqian is married to Qin Lang's half-sister, and Qin Lang married Chengqian's own sister, could this relationship be worse than that of his uncle, grandson Wuji?

   Not cherishing such a powerful supporter, and thinking about punishing Qin Lang for conspiracy, isn't this poaching his own corner?

   What kind of weird idea is this?

   Those like Zhang Liang and Fang Xuanling who support the King of Wei need to be deeply vigilant. Those like Qin Lang are all confidantes, but Cheng Qian thinks that he needs to deal with him because he is doing some business overseas to make some money?

"Official titles, although prestigious in the imperial court, cannot be granted easily, but they must be given when they should be given. After Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, the Sui Wen emperor's title system was abolished, and only the third class was left. It was the family that established the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty in Guanzhong back then. After several generations, the title remained unchanged, and Yang Guang immediately won the title, and even many heroes who founded the Sui Dynasty were also taken away by him."

   "So you also saw the result, the whole world turned against Yang Guang, and even the guard army Xiaoguo Army he established turned against him and killed him."

  Official titles and titles are of course not given casually, but they should be given to important heroes.

  When the Qin family does some business, they give dividends to the shopkeeper and the buddies. You, a prince, won't even give them overseas territories?

   It doesn't need anything from the court, and it neither cuts the land nor divides the land into households.

Li Shimin is not the kind of stingy person. Although the emperor of Wude gave high-ranking officials and nobles everywhere, all he gave were loose ranks and false ranks. Li Shimin gave many real titles at the beginning of his succession, and later introduced the world title system. To reward meritorious service and arrange clan.

  Now, in view of the proliferation of honored officials and insufficient rights and interests, it is especially necessary to award honors in Liaodong.

So after discussing with Ma Zhou, Li Shimin has already made up his mind, thinking that as long as the imperial court does not intend to change the national policy and suppress business overseas, then the situation of setting up business stations or even residences overseas like the Qin family will not change, so instead of pretending If you can't see it, it's better to actively deal with it.

   At least it is the best policy to incorporate it into the system.

   Chengqian thinks of blockage, but Li Shimin thinks of sparseness.

   Blocking is worse than sparse, that's for sure.

   Make the most of the situation and keep things under your control. This is what the emperor should really consider, instead of going against the trend.

  It’s like the Five Surnames and Seven Wangs have a very strong reputation among the people, and Li Shimin once hated them very much, but Li Shimin didn’t rely on his own evil, so he insisted on getting along with the Five Surnames and Seven Wangs, and dedicated himself to fighting to the end. That’s not what Mingjun did. Li Shimin was very careful in dealing with the five surnames and seven families, beating while wooing them. Over the years, aren't the five surnames and seven families now obediently contributing to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty?

"Chengqian." Li Shimin sighed, "I have selected three auxiliary ministers for you, namely your uncle's eldest grandson Wuji, your brother-in-law Qin Lang, and British Duke Li Ji. These three are all capable ministers. Both Qin Lang and Li Ji are talented in general and prime minister."

  Using these three people can check each other, Qin Lang can balance Changsun Wuji, and Li Ji can balance Qin Lang when necessary. Changsun Wuji is now the core of the Guanlong faction, while Qin Lang is the leader of the military upstart, and the two balance each other.

   Although Li Ji has been in Bingzhou for many years and has not made any outstanding achievements in these years, he was once the founder of Wagang, and most of the core generals of the Qin Palace were from Wagang. So Li Ji can balance Qin Lang and replace him at any time.

"You can also rely on Su Dingfang and Xu Jingzong. In addition, Zhang Xingcheng, Yu Zhining, Gao Jifu, and Chu Suiliang can also be relied on. For generals, Cheng Yaojin, Niu Jinda, Liu Lancheng, etc. needless to say, but Yang Guozhong, Simo, Although Si Li, She She, He Li, etc. are aliens, they are also loyal and have outstanding abilities, which can be used at critical times."

  The emperor's words were already somewhat pleading, and Cheng Qian couldn't help crying when he heard it.

   "Why did Grandpa say this, you are still in your prime..."

"Listen carefully to me. My body may go away at any time one day. I know you have lofty ambitions and a strong heart, but the most important thing to be an emperor is patience. The emperor is not one who rushes into battle, let alone fights against the crowd. It is hard to be an emperor. , you have to balance all aspects, whether it is domestic or foreign, court or local."

"In fact, the emperor is like the driver of a fast-moving carriage. You have to control the horses pulling the cart well. Those are your courtiers. You also have to control the direction of your carriage and protect the goods on your carriage. That's you. People. Try to follow the main road, don’t take shortcuts, and slow down when turning…”

  The emperor rambled on a lot.

  Eighteen years of the emperor, Li Shimin has also changed from the Qin king back then to a wily emperor. If it is not for his body, at Li Shimin's age, it is possible to be the emperor for another eighteen years.

  The prince still looks a little immature, but he doesn't have much time for Cheng Qian to practice.

  He can only try to clear some obstacles.


  Zhenguan seventeen years, summer.

Ma Zhou, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, died of illness at home. The emperor issued an edict to stop court for five days. He gave the posthumous title of Wenzhen, the governor of Youzhou, the Duke of Lu, and was buried with Zhaoling. bit.

  Before Ma Zhou died, he asked his son to dig out all the memorials he had given to the emperor over the past ten years, and personally burned these drafts. His son asked him why he did this. Ma Zhou said that in the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong and Yan Ying often criticized the faults of the king, making them look great. How can I be so disrespectful to the sage who has the grace to know me?

  When Ma Zhou's son sent his father's watch to the imperial court, Li Shimin was greatly moved when he found out about it, and then thought of Wei Zheng.

When Wei Zheng died of illness when he conquered the Liao Dynasty, he sorted out all the advice he had given to the emperor before his death, and asked his son to hand it over to the historian in a very solemn way. On a certain day of a certain year, Wei Zheng put forward a certain suggestion, but the emperor was unwilling, and in the end, Wei Zheng forcefully remonstrated with him, forcing the emperor to accept it. For another example, on a certain day in a certain year, the emperor wanted to go out to play and hunt, and was criticized severely by Wei Zheng before he came to his senses and changed his past. As a result, the emperor was playing with the bird. Seeing Wei Zheng coming, he had no time to take the bird away, so he had to hide it in his robe. When Wei Zheng saw it, he deliberately delayed playing the right time, and did not point it out. In the end, the bird the emperor liked was smothered to death. In his clothes, Wei Zheng used this method to remonstrate the emperor again.

  Before the official historian reported this matter to Li Shimin and handed these materials to the emperor, Li Shimin still thought that Wei Zheng was a loyal and admonishing minister, but now Ma Zhou's last words made Li Shimin immediately dissatisfied with Wei Zheng.

  The more Li Shimin thought about it, the more angry he became, especially when he thought of the bird he suffocated to death. The emperor ordered someone to overturn Wei Zheng's tombstone. It was written by Li Shimin himself for Wei Zheng on his way back from the Eastern Expedition.

  The emperor also ordered to change Wei Zheng's posthumous title of Wenzhen to Xiang, not to allow Wei Zheng to use Wenzhen as his posthumous title like Ma Zhou, but to give Xiang, who was lowered by a grade, as his posthumous title.

  Finally, the emperor sent an edict to cancel the engagement between Wei Zheng's eldest son Wei Shuyu and Princess Hengshan, and the emperor changed Princess Hengshan to Princess Xincheng and gave the marriage to Ma Zhou's eldest son.

  The next month, Zhang Liang's treason case was jointly tried by the three divisions, and the case should be executed.

  The emperor handed down an edict, ordering Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling to have a retrial.

So he ordered Fang Xuanling to go to prison to bid farewell to Zhang Liang, and sent him to Luoyang Xishi to ask for execution, and confiscated all his property, leaving only the youngest son born to his first wife to inherit the incense for him. Ask to cut.

  Afterwards, Han Zhongliang, the imperial historian, impeached Fang Xuanling when he tried Zhang Liang's case.

  The emperor summoned Fang Xuanling to reprimand him face to face, and Fang Xuanling kowtowed to apologize. The emperor ordered a department to investigate, and finally found out that Fang Xuanling did have the intention of favoring Zhang Liang, and he was guilty. The emperor thought that Fang Xuanling was highly respected for his meritorious service and was old and frail, so he granted Fang Xuanling permission to serve as an official and return home for the elderly.

  Cui Renshi, Minister of the Ministry of Justice and member of Zhongshushe, falsely accused Qin Lang of treason. The emperor ordered the prince to investigate the matter, but found nothing.

  The crown prince ordered that Cui Renshi be convicted of false accusation, reduced to death, and exiled to the frontier.

  The crown prince gave Qin Lang five hundred bolts of silk and a pair of silver vases to comfort him.

  In the same month, the emperor dismissed Li Ji as the governor of Longyou Diezhou on the grounds that Li Ji was involved in treason in the communication with Zhang Liang, the third rank of Tong Zhongshu, the prince Zhan Shi, the minister of the Ministry of War, and the governor of Bingzhou Dadu!

   On the second day after Li Ji was demoted, the emperor issued an edict to set up the Lusong Governor's Mansion on Treasure Island in the South China Sea, granting Qin Lang the title of Lusong Governor, and allowing Qin Lang's descendants to inherit Yongzheng.

The Luzon Governor's Mansion was granted to Yongzhen by the Qin family, and the land was ruled by the world. Xu hired his own staff, Xu recruited guards, administrative, judicial, taxation and military affairs were all autonomous, and one-third of the tax revenue from the territory was turned over to the national treasury, and the rest was kept by himself. ·····

  As soon as this edict came out, it shocked the government and the public.

  The emperor's envoy rushed to Wu'an to proclaim the imperial edict. Qin Lang expressed his gratitude and donated 100,000 yuan to thank the emperor.

  (end of this chapter)

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