Chapter 230

Episode 230: All-Out War (2)

Jinrugak (塵累閣).

It used to be the cradle of closed-room politics in the past, and it is now used as a meeting place for members of the Seoul Metropolitan Association of Large Schools. This place where the sly laughter of women, the sound of drinking glasses clashing, and the fragrant gayageum sanjo melody flowed… Suddenly it started to get noisy.

“CEO Ho-beom Kim! Say something! How are you going to take responsibility for this?”

That’s right… Members of the Seoul Association of Large Schools.

To be precise, it was because of the voices of the principals of the academy who suffered losses due to the ‘Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education condemnation’ incident.

“Yes! How are you going to solve this situation now? There were more than 10 instructors in our academy alone!”

“Our academy has 15 instructors and 100 freshmen! What are you going to do with this! Yes?”

“If you try to just ignore this and move on, we won’t be able to stand still!”

“Take responsibility!”

They raised their voices, voicing their grievances like a flock of furious wolves.

But one in the midst of their accusations.

The person responsible for planning the ‘Assembly against the Office of Education’, which started this incident.

Hobeom Kim.

He just had no expression on his face, and with his eyes closed, he was sitting in the highest place in this place, listening to the people.

“… … .”

Then, the people who saw it, and the directors who suffered great damage from this incident, began to accuse him as they threw down the prize with their reddened faces.

“No, say something!”

“haha! Are you evading responsibility now?

“You must be ashamed!

Then, the drinking glasses on the table poured down, and the frightened women shrugged.

it was shit

And it was not normally possible.

It was because they were the ones who normally looked at him while holding his breath, pressed by Kim Ho-beom’s name and K-Edu’s scale and influence.


“… … .”

Today’s Kim Ho-beom was no longer a threat to them.

Kim Ho-beom reflected in their eyes today.

‘Tiger with no teeth’

It was nothing more than delicious food that had passed its heyday.

“No, if you can’t take responsibility, why don’t you just step down? Or is he compensating for the damage? No, this is something a person must have a conscience for.”

“Huh, like that. In the meantime, if you have been treated as the president of the association, you have to show your abilities. It’s not like you’re heading to the ground. Ttttttttttttttttt.”

“Don’t do that, just apologize sincerely and resign. At this point, if you apologize to the Office of Education and resign, the other side will accept it as well.”

Seeing this, Do Kyung-young, the representative of M-study, sighed deeply.

“Phew… .”

In fact, the atmosphere within the association wasn’t too bad until Kim Ho-beom issued an order to mobilize all of his academies a while ago.

More than 500 mid-sized and large academies.

Dozens of private academic foundations.

Famous instructors you can recognize just by hearing their names.

Thousands of regular instructors.

And even the staff members of each academy.

This is because, as thousands or tens of thousands of people gathered, a sense of self-confidence that ‘this is not enough’ grew among the directors.

‘Hey, were there so many people in the academy?’

‘If there are that many people, would even the president have to resign?’

‘Haha, then, shall we light some candles that day?’

‘uh? That’s a good idea too. After all, when you protest, it’s a candle.’

But… Just a few hours before they mobilized all the people to hold a rally.

Things started to get weird as the school district put a big knife in their stomach.

[Academic and private school corruption bounty up to 500 million! We ask for a lot of participation from the awake instructors and teachers! Whistleblower protection program and re-employment opportunity!]

In a brief statement from the Office of Education, the people who had previously been like meek sheep suddenly turned into the enemy, and began to surrender to the Office of Education, cutting off the supply of commanders.‘I have come to file a complaint against K-edu. I brought all the materials, so check it out.’

‘I brought proof of tax evasion from OO Academy, how much compensation can I get with this?’

‘Because I don’t need a bounty. Director, please make sure to send that one bastard.’

Then, the people who had managed to gather them were agitated, and in an instant, the ranks collapsed.

‘Oh, it’s me, Vice-Chairman. Yeah, isn’t there anything special about the school? uh? You can’t see Kim OO? find! Find him and heal him unconditionally!’

‘Aigoo Kim. what’s the matter. It wasn’t bad between us. I’ll do well in the future, so don’t think about it badly. Yeah, okay?’

‘what? How are the protests? No, what kind of dog grass are you talking about in this situation! Now, the main camp is on the verge of being robbed!’

It was because there was no one who had not committed one or two corruptions among those who had been working with K-Edu in the past.

‘CEO… OO Academy said that it will not be able to participate today… .’

‘Even in Dongchun History… .’

‘I don’t think I will be able to participate in the Good Mothers’ Council… .’


[The demonstration against the education office of the Seoul City Academy Council, which was scheduled to be held in the plaza in front of Seoul City Hall at 1:00 pm today, was abruptly canceled due to internal circumstances. this time… ]

Hobeom Kim’s grand and grand plan ended without even starting.

‘her… How did it happen… .’

But the problem didn’t end there.

The Office of Education, which blocked the advance of academies…

[Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, False, Exaggerated Advertisement Detected Dozens of Admissions Schools][Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, crackdown on publicity materials containing students and school names for entrance exams][Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, institute entrance information session D foreign high school investigation commenced][Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Advanced Learning and Illegal Advertisement Admission Admissions Schools Found][Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education strengthens crackdown on late-night lessons][Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, intensive crackdown on high-cost consulting for private institutes]



As if the academies wouldn’t give them time to come to their senses, they started attacking like crazy.

As if they were going to return the school district to the Stone Age.


Instructors fleeing and students moving.

A snowball of distrust and a rapidly shrinking pocket.

The atmosphere of the academy, which had been barely calming, has literally changed to the atmosphere of a portrait house.

It was a huge loss.

So someone had to take responsibility for this situation.

If it doesn’t, the Association of Large Schools in Seoul, which has been running for decades, will be torn to shreds.

“… Phew.”

Doyoung looked around.

Then, people looking at Kim Ho-beom with the eyes of a hungry beast caught my eye.

It seemed that most of the people in this place were thinking of overcoming this situation by sacrificing Kim Ho-beom.


‘I can’t.’

Do Kyung-young shook his head.

In fact, in terms of losses, he and Hobeom Kim, the industry leader, suffered the biggest losses.

So, in terms of the amount of damage, he was right to be the first to impeach Kim Ho-beom.

But he knew.

Kim Ho-beom is not a person who backs down so easily.

He also knew that he wasn’t the kind of person who easily forgot his grudges.

And that revenge would be quite frightening.

However, most of the people who did not know it were barking like a moth jumping into the flames, like a dog with its front paws sticking out towards the tiger’s jaws.

‘It’s like stupid people.’

I just wanted to leave them alone after all. Like it or not, we had to save the people we could save as we had been together for decades.

‘It will be easier for the association to resolve the current situation when it exists.’

Do Kyung-young, who had made up his mind, looked at the directors who were in a similar position to him and were of a similar age.

It was because they thought that if they could calm people’s excitement with themselves, then they would be able to silence the current commotion without much difficulty.

‘They will understand enough without having to say anything.’

But… His expectations were shattered.

“Hmm… .”

“Huh… .”

“Hmm… .”

It was because everyone who received his glance turned their heads in ignorance.

‘what… .’

Apparently, they also took this opportunity to bring down the great Ho-beom Kim.

At this point, anxiety began to sprout in his mind.

‘Maybe I was wrong?’

As time goes by, the number of students and the public power that are tightening the investigation network.

Profits that are going downhill and people that are going to be divided.


“Hmm… .”

Even the appearance of Kim Ho-beom without words. Everything was confusing him.

‘Should I change this now?’

But then.


Somewhere, I heard a phone vibrating.

Then Kim Ho-beom, who had not seen any reaction with his eyes closed until then, suddenly opened his eyes.

even right away.


He stood up, hitting the table with the palm of his hand.

People looked at him with surprised rabbit eyes.

“what… what?”

“Why all of a sudden?”


Seeing this, Ho-beom Kim looked at the people who had criticized him one by one with a firm expression on his face.

“Now the chaff are separated.”

In a moment, the people who were pointed out by Kim Ho-beom. The so-called chaffs looked at Kim Ho-beom with their eyes trembling.

“Ha, ji, are you talking to us now?”

“No, a person who has not been able to answer before is now coming… .”

“You take some responsibility.”

Hearing their words, Hobeom Kim smiled and opened his mouth.

“Director Kim, Director Lee, and Director Choi. If you want to live, shut your mouth from now on.”

Then he went straight to the door and opened it.


“Forgive me for being late.”

A man appeared outside the door.

“No, who… .”

In an instant, the appearance of the people who confirmed the person’s appearance was colored with astonishment.

Because the person at the door right now… Someone they should never see. It was because he wasn’t supposed to be close.

“No, why is he here… .”

Kim Ho-beom, who checked people’s expressions, opened his mouth slowly with a fishy smile on his lips.

“Because I don’t play losing games.”

* * * *

[Sukyoung Foundation, the head of the education department, the corruption of twin children][Welcome Kindergarten’s accounting fraud][Nangin Foundation Teacher Recruitment Corruption].


It was when I was checking the accusations that came up today.

Suddenly, someone banged my head in the back.

Surprised, I look back.

Yuna Kim, with dark dark circles around her eyes, was looking up at me with her moist eyes.

“Phew… . You have too much work… .”

It was probably because of the explosive increase in the amount of work these days while fighting the war with the academies.

“Is there so much work left?”

When I asked, Yuna Kim shook her head with a helpless smile.

“Don’t talk. There is no end to it.”

Then, with a bitter face, she began to say things like that 24 hours a day isn’t enough, that the administrative staff she works with are sleeping in rakuraku beds, and that it looks like she’s going to change jobs as a civil servant.

I nodded her head.

Although it was a little less than the first time, dozens or hundreds of accusations were still being received a day.

Because of this, most of the people walking around the current office of education were wearing dark circles like Kim Yuna all the time.

It was because a considerable amount of manpower was wasted just by checking the validity of each complaint received and linking it with the relevant department.

“Eww… Is it really like these days, no matter how much you eat, you will lose weight?”

I listened to her complaint and quietly nodded her head.

“Hold on a little more. Maybe some people will come in this time and it will get better. If you think it’s really difficult, just tell me.”

“Five? Really? Then, right now… .”

But then.

katok katok katok-

ding dong ding dong ding dong-


Suddenly, the phone started ringing nonstop.

For a moment, Yuna Kim looked at me with a surprised expression.

“Huh? What is Sam?”

“Well? I don’t even know?”

With her puzzled mind behind her, she pulled out her cell phone from her pocket.


[Eunsol: Teacher! It’s a big deal right now!][Eunsol: Now, a person is coming out of the old office][Ji Sung-hyung: Junyoung-ah, there is a riot at the academy now! If you see a text message, call me as soon as possible]



Dozens of text messages and KakaoTalk floating on the screen.


[Lee Erin]

The name of the person who called me caught my eye.

The moment I saw people’s calls, I felt insecure.

“Why, sir? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Yuna Kim asked me with her worried face if my expression was unusual.

But I still didn’t know.

I shook my head and hurriedly pressed the call button.


[Teacher is in trouble! People, people! how to do!]

Lee Arin’s cry erupted from beyond the receiver.

I opened my mouth slowly, calming my pounding heart.

“Arin, calm down and tell me. What is the situation now?”

[This is the National Tax Service! revenue! Suddenly, people from the National Tax Service came out!]

In an instant, Kim Ho-beom’s fishy smile passed in front of my eyes.

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