Chapter 227

Episode 227: The Man in the High Castle (6)

education (敎育).

The process and means of teaching and learning all the actions necessary for human life.

Regardless of East and West, the meaning of education is the action of human formation that is established by the combination of the power of internal natural growth and external influence. is recognized as

In general, the definition of education is often given differently depending on the times and social conditions, the educator’s own attention, world view, and life view.

Kant (I.), who emphasized moral and personal aspects, viewed education as an action that shapes humans as human beings, and John Dewey, J. Recognizing that it is an act of adapting and regulating a finite biological life, he argued that education is a process of constant experience modification.

On the other hand, Pestalozzi (J. H.), who had a social worldview, judged education as a means of continuous social reform, and emphasized the aspect of national or national development or social reform rather than the completion of the conscious self or autonomous individual.

In this way, it can be seen that Kim Ho-beom’s remarks just before were in line with Pestaloch’s idea of ​​education as a means of continuous social reform.

This is also an idea related to the education ideology and policy of the modern nation in general.

In the case of Korea, as well as the establishment of the Republic of Korea after liberation and the promulgation of the , the policy was established based on such educational goals.

[Education Act Article 1. The purpose of education is to serve the development of a democratic country and to contribute to the realization of the ideal of human co-prosperity by helping all citizens to complete their character and acquire the ability to live independently and as a citizen under the ideology of the Hongik Ingan (弘益人間). ]

Well, just looking at this, it seems that his thoughts aren’t all that bad.

The problem, however, was that his thoughts were seriously focused on the aspect of ‘serving for the development of a democratic country by retrieving the qualities of a citizen’.

‘It’s a very frighteningly dark modern mind.’

That’s why I couldn’t agree with him.

This is because, under his perception, a student or human being is merely a means, not an end.

“CEO Ho-beom Kim. I’ll answer you. Your words and your thoughts are fundamentally wrong.”

But he didn’t seem to like my answer.

“what?”I laughed lightly at his sharp response.

Then he slowly approached him and opened his mouth again.

“Have you not heard? It’s not difficult, so let me say it again. The reason why CEO Kim must accept our offer. It’s that simple. It’s because CEO Kim’s ideology is outdated enough to create a future.”

Then he revealed it and looked at me.

“Is my thinking out of date?”

I nodded.

“Yes, it is old. It was so old that it was crumbling all the way down to the very bottom. So, if you really love this country, if you love the citizens of this country, you will have to accept our proposal. If you don’t, you’ll probably just kick the ‘Spring’ of 1987, which you were proud of, by yourself.”

Well, that wouldn’t be the case.

But now that I’m here, I didn’t want to argue over whether I was right or wrong, who was responsible or not.

If I had to do anything, I would have listened to the data one by one and refuted it, but anyway, that was a thing of the past. There is nothing more foolish than arguing over past mistakes.

The road we have to go is about the future. Because it was about education itself.

So, what I and we need now is to break that dazzling ego.

It was to bring the flow of public opinion back toward us by dropping the brilliance that was misleading people.

‘From what you can see, the preparations are complete.’

Hearing my words, he smiled and shook his head.

“Hey, that’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous.”

Then, looking at Yoo Deok-hyun, he scratched his sharp voice.

“Do I have to be listening to what this young man is saying right now? What about this bloody word now?”

It seemed like he was trying to cover my mouth with Yoo Deok-hyun’s hand.But there is no other person, and there is no way that the underworld Yoo Deok-hyeon can stop me.

Yoo Deok-hyun, who made eye contact with me, opened his mouth with a trusting expression.

“Yes. You will have to. I don’t know if it’s blood or not, but he’s capable enough to say that.”

Kim Ho-beom frowned at his words.

“Isn’t this supposed to mean that the story this person is talking about is your, or the official position of the school district?”

“no. Yes. From now on, it is safe to assume that all the remarks Mr. Kim makes are his own and the office of education.”

Then Kim Ho-beom looked at Yoo Deok-hyeon with the eyes of a hawk looking for food.

“Are you sure about that?”

It is a demand for certainty. It was a question of confirming that there would be no more enemies if only I was defeated, and whether I had that much faith.

Yoo Deok-hyun nodded his head with a determined expression.

“I will take responsibility. So don’t worry.”

For a moment, the people around him looked embarrassed.

“No, Superintendent, that’s a little… … .”

It was a passive skill of a public official not to give a certain answer because something could go wrong.

However, Yoo Deok-hyun only shook his head with a tough attitude like never before.

“I told you I was responsible.”

Then, as if the people who had been dissuading him could not help it, he bit his mouth.

to take responsibility. Because the value it had was heavy.

People came out with anxious eyes and looked at Kim Ho-beom in turn.

A smile appeared on Kim Ho-beom’s face as he looked at it.

“Haha, there’s a fox in the academy that attracts people, and it looks like she’s completely possessed.

Then he looked at me with eyes as if waiting for his grandson’s joke.

‘I’ll make you cry soon.’

I slowly moved forward and opened my mouth.

“I told the representative earlier.”

“Currently, our society and the education world are going the wrong way. That road was built by politicians, ruthless education experts, and people at the Office of Education without a national insight.”

“And because of that, public education completely collapsed. The students are getting dumber day by day, and all that is left is the superficial, ignorant education policy.”

“So we are not guilty. If we have any sin, we have nothing but to point out a better way for those who are confused by the frantic education policy. So we have no reason to accept your offer.”

“Is that correct?”

After I finished speaking, I stopped right in front of Kim Ho-beom.

The distance between me and Kim Ho-beom is only 50 cm. If I were a skilled hunter, it was a distance I could target my heart at once.

Kim Ho-beom was also aware of it, and he was looking at me with a gaze full of displeasure.

“What was it? But why?”

I smiled and looked at the people around me.

“Then I will ask you and the representative. Is it really a normal society to feel guilty if we don’t solve the problem?”

For a moment, the people’s faces hardened.

Words I hadn’t thought of.

It was only in the fact that he was dazzled by Kim Ho-beom’s force that he couldn’t reach him, his thoughts went crazy.

I continued to speak.

“I am not talking about the society you have seen, experienced, and felt. We are talking about a normal society, a just society, and the society we want to create.”

Then, he turned his gaze to Kim Ho-beom.

“Is it the right society, the society we must reach, in which we feel anxious and guilty for not solving math problems when we put on makeup, eat, and play games?”

Then, the faces of Ho-beom Kim and his directors were distorted, and cracks appeared in the faces of people.

“Why do we educate? And where is the destination? good college? good job? more money? Are they the purpose of education?”

“I am just asking, what is the ultimate purpose of education?”

“Of course, I am not trying to deny capitalism itself. I don’t want to ignore the fact that money is a necessary and sufficient condition in a capitalist society. Just to be sure. What is the purpose of the education we speak out every day?”

Then Kim Ho-beom frowned and asked me.

“Is that important now?”

I nodded my head resolutely.

“It is important. not important Everything changes depending on what kind of answer you give to what the purpose of education is.”

And then he went towards Kim Ho-beom again.

He opened his mouth to meet his eyes in front of his nose.

“CEO Kim said earlier. They say that students are getting dumber because of bad policies, they’re getting dumber and they don’t know what we’ve been taught in the past. Is that correct?”

Then Kim Ho-beom nodded.

“Yes it was.”

“Have you not changed your mind?”

“I? It’s never going to happen. I don’t think it’s going to change in the first place.”

I waited for this reply.

I moved away from Kim Ho-beom and raised my voice towards the people.

“Well, then, would you like to ask Mr. Kim? Why do you think students shouldn’t be stupid? Ah, you talked about the Sputnik shock, so what you’ve already said is not true. Your representative will think so.”

I purposely started imitating Kim Ho-beom.

“Education is an essential activity for the construction and maintenance of the state and society, and only the continued prosperity of the state and society can make people rich and happy. So, for the CEO, it is most important for the students to ‘not become stupid’.”

In an instant, Kim Ho-beom’s expression changed completely.

He also seemed to have noticed roughly what I was going to talk about as he had spare time.


‘It’s already too late.’

I continued without giving time to object to that.

‘Speech is the art of timing.’

“I will ask you again. Are our students really getting stupid? By what standards are the students who say we are getting stupid?”

Then people started groaning.

All of the people here were engaged in education whether they liked it or not, so if you could open up a little bit, it would be enough to understand what I was trying to say.

As the magic of Kim Ho-beom was released, the color of people’s faces began to return.

I looked at them and shouted out loud.

“Absolutely not! Look carefully. The reason the students seem to be getting stupid is because we are trying to look at the changes in society, and furthermore, society is becoming more sophisticated and shifting to a paradigm different from the previous era from the perspective of the past.”

Then Kim Ho-beom opened his mouth with a firm expression.

“Don’t mislead me. What I was talking about was not simply talking about learning changes as times change. It means that there is a common sense that at least every person in society should have. If there is no common sense appropriate for that age, it is natural that further theories and forms cannot be accepted, but… Look, the absolute amount of study of today’s students. Do you have enough common sense?”

“It still seems important from the CEO’s point of view.”

“Because reality is like that. No matter how much you talk about dreams, reality doesn’t change.”He looked at me with a look as if the sky could not fall.

I opened my mouth with a light smile on my lips.

“Then let me ask you. Our past talents, the students of the past whom President Kim loved so much, the ideal students who felt guilty if they memorized thousands of words a day and did not solve math problems. Where are the students who made today CEO Kim? what are you doing now. Is the society they created ideal?”

“… … .”

“Of course, I am not denying that those students made the Republic of Korea it is today. Yes Miracle on the Han River I think it’s great too. And I do not want to ignore the impact of the education system and private education so far. But does that mean we have to stay in the past, rejecting social change? Can’t we change for the future?”

I caught my breath for a moment.

And then he spoke slowly.

“Of course, personally, I think there are also side effects that the education system has brought so far. Education policies up to now have not touched the form of education, but only the content of the education, thus destroying even the basic framework of education. That is why, as the CEO is concerned, the so-called ‘scholarship decline’ occurred.”

“But, CEO, everything is not made complete. It is us humans and a culture created by humans to adapt to changes in the environment through many trials and errors through the transitional period.”

“So, in order to adapt to the environment of the future, we need to create a different educational paradigm.”

“It is necessary to build a system that can provide students with opportunities to pursue their own happiness and promote the lasting development of society through him.”

I looked at the people behind Kim Ho-beom.

“For that, your help is desperately needed.”

Then, some of the directors started talking.

“… From what I heard, do you think it’s true?”

“Kim, be quiet! What if you say something like that and get caught!”

“Ah, from what I can see, the CEO of K-Edu seems to be being pushed back, too.”

“Still, this man!”

For a moment, Ho-beom Kim looked at the directors with blazing eyes.Then, in the corner of the conference room, the directors who were conspiring to rebel, bowed their heads, saying, “It’s hot.”

Kim Ho-beom, who cracked down on the inside for a while, spoke to me in a growling voice.

“You still live in a fantasy. Again, it’s a dodol ticket. So, are we going to introduce the same futile policy as before? You are overestimating the existence of a human being. Humans are nothing more than dogs and pigs if left alone. No, in a way, it might be worse than a pig. At least, pigs and pigs find their own food without training, and with a little more education, they will perform tricks for their owners.”

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he rolled up the corners of his mouth and continued his speech.

“But what about humans, humans? If he leaves him alone… Eat, sleep, cheap, kill and kill. So, to educate humans, you need a little bit of coercion.”

It was a judgment based on the vocal theory.

It seemed that his long career made his stubbornness even stronger.

‘Well, maybe it was originally.’

I simply answered him.

“Generally speaking, that is not education, but correction, indoctrination, indoctrination, and training.”

Then he looked at me with burning eyes.

“Don’t play with words. In order to think as a human being and to become a member of society as a human, that degree of restriction is necessary. free will? Will human beings with free will study hard for their self-actualization? Do you think that would be possible?”

Then he looked down at me as if he were looking at a stupid student.

“Yeah, you already talked about it. He admits that the policies so far have led to a decline in educational attainment. Well, then, let’s see that the so-called policies that foster the free will of students are all right. But is there any way to solve the decline in academic ability that those policies will bring?”

He looked at me with a look of no way.

It was understandable that he made such an expression.

Because all the people who have tried to reform our country’s education have not been able to find a way.

“Probably not. is not it?”

I smiled softly and opened my mouth.

“How? Of course there is. It’s very simple.”

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