Chapter 223

Episode 223: The Man in the High Castle (2)

Fairy (料亭).

This term refers to the place where politicians’ backroom politics, so-called ‘fairy politics’, which existed before the civilian government, took place. It was a place where a large part of Korea’s political history was governed by autonomy.

But, it’s like a flower eleven red. Those who sat on the fairy cushion and commanded the world fall one by one with the ups and downs of time… … .

Ojinam (梧珍庵), known as the first registered restaurant in Seoul and as a regular restaurant of the savage Kim Doo-han, was later made famous as a place for discussion in advance of the July 7.4 North-South Joint Statement.

It is the place where Kim Jaya, the poet of Baekseok, was the owner, and played the role of a sarangbang for the powerful people of the 3rd Republic. Daewongak (大苑閣) is now known as Gilsangsa Temple.

And Samcheonggak (三淸閣), a fairy that was created by the military dictatorship on purpose to entertain North Koreans.

All the fairies that once played the role of the cradle of our country’s politics have disappeared.

This is because the center of power and the preferences of those in power have changed according to the change of the times.


Even if the time is cloudy and society changes, there will always be people who want to have a secret meeting, and there are those who prefer the ‘cushion’ to the ‘room salon’.

Probably because there was something called ‘style’ in the fairy that couldn’t be filled with the room salon culture.

Thanks to this, only one of the fairies who led the nation’s fairy politics, located at the foot of Mt. Inwang, is now the only place where the fairies that once had fame have disappeared.

Jinrugak (塵累閣).

Only this place was able to maintain its position unchanged despite the ups and downs over time.

And today. At a time when the shadows of Mt. Inwang stretched toward the ridge, dozens of cars began to flock to Jinrugak.


After passing the mountain road where the cold spring rain was pouring down, the cars that went up against the hillside covered with water fog one after another stopped in front of Jinrugak.

Then, in front of the Jinrugak, waiting women in thin uniforms approached the side of the car with large umbrellas.

It was to meet the people in the car, the fairy’s new customers.

As the women approached by the car opened the car door, the men inside slowly appeared out of the car door.


They are the directors of a large academy in Seoul. They were members of the Association of Large Schools in Seoul, generating at least 10 billion won in sales a year.

The women who approached them slowly bowed their heads to avoid getting wet in the rain.

“nice to see you. It’s called Yeonhwa, who came to meet the president today.”

“It is said that it is a training session to have the president today.”

“It’s called Hwajin, who has met the president today.”

However, despite the women’s greetings, the faces of the men who got out of the car were expressionless.

“where are you?”

The purpose of today’s meeting was quite serious to play with and play dirty jokes as usual.

Then the women who greeted them also began to guide the men in a cautious manner.

It was because he knew from experience that he had to be more careful when men were making such a heavy expression than when they were making dirty jokes.

“I’ll see you.”

after a while.

Grand banquet hall inside Jinrugak.

The dishes that made Jinrugak the best fairy south of the Yalu River, said to have been passed down by the last Colonel Master of the Korean Empire, were spread out in the large banquet hall.

However, today, none of the guests who visited Jinrugak paid attention to the dishes served on the table.

They just drank bitter alcohol in succession and frowned a lot, as if they had been attacked by someone.

“after… .”

Of course, it was not because they did not know how to eat precious food and did not know how to play.If it had been normal, people I had not seen in a long time would have enjoyed this time by having a drink with each other, asking each other’s well-being, and talking about what had happened in the meantime.

But today… I couldn’t.

because. This was because Yoo Deok-hyeon, who recently became the head of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, investigated corruption in the education office and expelled the suspects, and almost all of the contacts in the education office that had been working with them for a long time were torn apart.

“Damn it… .”

One of those people who had a drink with a silent expression for a while. The owner of the academy with the highest sales among those who participated here. Do Kyung-young looked at the people and slowly opened his mouth.

“How long can we not just drink alcohol? Shall we discuss the countermeasures now?”

Then the rest of the people also looked at him and expressed their consent.

“Ha, it must be so.”

“Actually, as Director Do said, we can’t just stand still.”

“all right.”

Do Kyung-young nodded at the answers of the directors.

He then asked the woman next to him to fill his glass.

“Is there anyone who has an information network among them?”

Then the people shook their heads with gloomy faces.

“Heh heh, that’s… I’m probably in touch with some of the employees, but they probably won’t be of much help because their positions are so low.”

“Yes. I’m also in contact with a few people… I guess I’ve become a jerk this day… .”

He even smiled bitterly, as if it was better not to have high expectations.

Doyoung nodded his head.

“It’s fine. It’s a broken information network anyway, so it’s something that needs to be rebuilt. what… It will take some time and money, though.”

People sighed at his words.

It was because my head hurt when I thought about how much time and money it would take to create something similar to the information network I had made before.

“But the problem is… It didn’t end there.”

At his words, people looked at him with questionable eyes.

“No, is there anything else to say about that?”

Then he took a piece of paper out of his pocket and held it.

“Before this meeting, I received an email from the Office of Education. Exactly… It was an email from that person, Kim Jun-young.”

He then handed the paper to those who looked at him with a complicated expression.

“Everyone, read it. It’s probably not your favorite letter.”

People took the paper and started reading it with curiosity.

and after a while.

“No, isn’t this guy crazy?”

“Heh heh, this gentleman is getting along a little bit these days, and then he seems to have lost his cowardice.”

People who read the letter began to accuse Kim Jun-young with a face full of displeasure.

The contents of the email sent by Kim Jun-young… Because it was something they couldn’t accept.

‘I also know that you have been building an information network within the education office and taking unfair advantage of it. So, if you don’t want to be destroyed, come to the Office of Education and surrender. If you surrender obediently, I’ll give you my life.’

It was an incredible amount of confidence. Although it was politely expressed, it was a command, not a request.

Some of the people who saw the paper turned by Do Kyung-young began to speak harsh language.

“No, should we listen to Kim Jun-young? Don’t do that. Let’s talk Kim Jun-young. After all, there’s no one who doesn’t get dust off of it, and there’s no one who doesn’t get sick from being beaten, right?”

“Yes. If we pass on like this, the other side will continue to look down on us.”


Of course, not everyone who saw the letter agreed with the opinion.

“I disagree with that opinion. No, in the first place, if we bow our heads a little, isn’t it possible to get along nicely? That would be better than doing a lot of work and taking a loss.”

Then, the person who first proposed to attack Kim Jun-young shook his head as if it was nonsense.

“Heh heh no, Director Park. Are you saying that you’re going to bow your head to that guy who doesn’t even have blood on his head?”

“Is there anything else I can’t do? And he must be someone who works at a private academy, so how can he be so harsh? I mean, would he do anything that undermines his business? Besides, didn’t you write it clearly in the invitation? You are invited to collaborate.”

“No, do you believe that?”

“You have to believe it. If you don’t believe it, you’ll be blown away over the next two years, so what do you do?”

it was shit

The representatives barked and stared at each other incessantly to enforce their opinions on the other side.

“You are so naive. Be naive. That’s why it’s not like I get hit in the back of the head by the instructors every time!”

“No, why is that story here!”

Just like that, the meeting was about to go to the extreme.

“Calm down.”

Do Kyung-young, who had been silently listening to the members’ conversation, quietly raised his hand.


“… … .”

The people who were slandering each other slowly shut their mouths.

No matter how much they belonged to the same association, the superiority and inferiority of the members was divided according to the size of the academy they owned.

Do Kyung-young, who calmed the people like that, slowly opened his mouth.

“Since the election has not yet ended, I think it would be better to avoid directly attacking Jun-young Kim or Deok-hyun Yoo with this incident. If you make a mistake, you may be criticized by public opinion.”

Then some radical leaders began to frown.

“No, Master Do. If we move at once, wouldn’t Jun-young Kim be able to cover just one?”

“Yes. It’s the public anyway, aren’t they pigs? So the election is over. They must have completely forgotten who they supported and why they supported it.”

“Don’t do that, prepare from now on and blow it up right?”

… It seemed that he could not convince them with any words.

After thinking for a while, Do Kyung-young’s eyes caught a woman with a tense expression on her face.

In an instant, Do Kyung-young’s eyes lit up.

He thought of a way to convince these rhinos at once.

Do Kyung-young opened her mouth to her woman with a faint smile on her face.

“Did I say your name was Su-li?”

Then the woman who was asked the question looked at him with a surprised expression.

Suddenly he seemed unaware that sparks would hit him.

But soon she regained her new color and nodded her head with her stern face.

“Yes, it is called water lily.”

“Okay, Soo-ryun, let me ask you something.”


“You know Kim Jun-young, right? Tell me what the image of that person is.”

For a moment, Su-ryun had a troubled expression on her face.

Because he didn’t expect such a question to come to him.

“that is… .”She looked around with trembling eyes.

I just noticed that the people who had said bad things about Kim Jun-young were staring at him.

Then, seeing her expression, Do Kyung-young nodded her head with a hazy smile on her face.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. No matter what you say, Soo-Lily, there are no people here who can listen carefully. So, what is the image of that person among young people these days?”

Su-ryun opened her mouth with a cautious attitude to the continued urging of the provincial government.

“… I don’t know, but I know that she has overwhelming support among young people. So to be precise… .”

He then calmly recounted how much influence Kim Jun-young had in this election and how wide and thick his support was.

Then, those who had taken her hard-line attitude before her just began to look at her and her Tao-gyeong with subtle expressions.

Because he seemed to know what her intentions were to ask her such a question.

“… That’s all I know.”

Doyoung, who is changing people’s expressions in real time, opened his mouth slowly.

“Now, in this state, if we resist, or if we bump into each other head-on, what will happen? Maybe you don’t know, but you won’t be able to see anything so different from God.”

People nodded her head with a sullen complexion.

Because everyone in this place was well aware of what happened to Go Deok-seung.

But that didn’t mean everyone gave up.

“No, then what are we going to do? So, are you going to just pay your head like this and bow your head to the school district?”

Apparently, following Do Kyung-young’s words, it seemed that the stubbornness and pride she had accumulated over the years did not tolerate it.

Then those who agreed with his words began to present their own opinions.

“Don’t do that… Why not just boycott it? After all, it is an invitation, not a request for cooperation. just… If you’re busy with work and ignore it… .”

“No, the people of the school district aren’t even crazy, so why don’t you just watch it because we all fall for it?”

“Huh, so what? Director Park, then, do you have any sharp points?”

“Why don’t we apply what we have been doing so far? No, there aren’t many people who don’t like good food, good tea, and good houses under the sky. As far as I know… The people on Yoo Deok-hyun’s side seem a bit struggling financially, don’t they?”

“Are you sane? No, it’s been three months now for some reason. You want to bribe this yard? Heh heh… .”

“No, when did I ask you to take a bribe? He is the person who has more power than Kim Jun-young, so it would be better to just erase the debt there… .”

Again, a mess broke out.

But at that moment.

“Everyone is always stupid. I don’t want to fight at all, I’m just thinking of running away.”

Someone’s voice came from outside the door.

In an instant, the faces of the representatives hardened.

It was because the moment he heard the infinitely low and heavy voice, like the growling of the Daeho, someone’s face came to mind.

‘no way.’

The representatives looked at Do Kyung-young, the organizer of today’s meeting.

Then Do Kyung-young nodded his head with a faint smile on his face.

“Isn’t it a difficult task to solve on our own?”

And as soon as he finished speaking.


The door to the banquet hall opened.

Then there… … .

The true owner of K-edu, the number one private education foundation in Korea.

A tyrant in the school district.

Kim Ho-beom was looking at them.

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