Chapter 218

Episode 218: Under the sovereign rule of the country, peace (4)

The moment I checked my phone.

[Missed Calls +500][Unconfirmed text message +300]

A huge number of messages and missed calls caught my eye.

‘What are so many?’

Slightly perplexed, I slowly checked the visible text messages and phone calls.

But before I even checked all the texts.


The cell phone’s battery, which was half-full, rapidly decreased, and then turned off with a short spur.

“… … .”

It was the first time in my life.

I’ve heard that the more messages there are, the faster the battery drains, but… .

‘It must be like this.’

I had no choice but to find and replace the battery I was carrying as a spare.


[Kim Yuna: Ugh! Sam! I just saw the news! God Deok-seung I didn’t like that person from the beginning, but seeing it airing earlier, I really hate it; Oh, and trust me in the election! Because I will mobilize all the people I know to take the first picture! Hehe, won’t I get at least a thousand votes? Sam, I’m going to go play after the election is over, so keep fighting until then! Side by side♡♡♡]

A text message from Yuna Kim caught my eye.

I could feel the man’s cruelty just by texting.

‘It’s on the other side… .’

I shook my head and sent a simple reply.

[Junyoung: ㅇㅋ]

If you don’t send a reply, you’ll be sending a huge number of text messages.

The next thing you see is… It was a message from Eunsol, who was currently teaching at the academy.

[Eunsol: I heard the news from Mr. Kim. ‘Cause I’m always cheering you on cheer up! There is nothing wrong with school. ∑(。>﹏<。)∑]

It was an emoticon that I had not seen in a long time, and it was still an emoticon that did not match the text content at all.

‘Where the hell do you keep getting those emoticons?’

After that, a lot of people's texts caught my eye.

[Park Ji-Sung: Teacher Kim! Haha I saw the news, was it a hit? Don't worry about the election, because I'm going to gather all the people I know, from in-laws to eight cousins. Understand? Let's have a glass of soju after we're done][Lee Arin: Teacher! When you have a bad luck with your family, I will tell you to vote for your friends too! Oh, my father said when we should have a meal, are you okay?][Park Soo-han: Sam! Superintendent's Election is awesome! I'll take everyone from school to vote! Symbol number 1 Yoo Deok-hyun! Cheer up!][Kim Ja-young: Teacher. I saw the news. Suhan will visit you soon. cheer up!]

Contacts from countless people who have been in a relationship during that time. Everyone who knew that I was helping Deok-Hyun Yoo's election seemed to have called or contacted me.A smile crept onto his lips.

of course.

[Uncle Father: Uncle… . Yeah man, if you start a big job like an election, you should contact your uncle first. Make your uncle hear the news on TV first like everyone else! Well! Come quickly and say hello!][Park Hoon: Haha Teacher Kim! I heard the news. If you had just spoken, I could have been of great help, but would you… ]

Although there were also unwelcome messages mixed in it.

‘These letters are a little… .'

Still, except for a few texts, most were welcome messages.

As I was checking their messages one by one, I was deeply moved.

[Nayoon Son: Haha, you are also our teacher! Teacher, I'll give you lots of support too! The members are also flirting, so maybe 100,000 people!][Lim Yong-seok: Sir, this is Lim Yong-seok. If you need anything, please contact us at any time. Whether I am an actor or an idol, I will mobilize all the people in our company to help.][Lee Hyung-tae: CEO Kim. If there is anyone who wants to blow a bitter taste, please contact me immediately. I will take care of it very neatly.][Lee Ah-reum: CEO! People from the BJ Association also said that they would fire support. Hehe, you must win!][Pi Hyeon-deuk: CEO. I decided to have a meeting with the people of the Writers' Association at the polling place that day! Please drop by the office sometime!][Dok Go-kyung: CEO Haha also shows a new side every day. If you need administrative work, please tell me. We will help you in a line that does not violate the law.]

Because people who I would not have been able to even look up at are now close to me and are genuinely supporting me.

[Continued: CEO Kim also… . No, how did you just recognize a blue chip like Yoo Deok-hyun? I'll fire support as much as I can, so let's eat together later… ]


That's when I picked up my phone for a while and checked people's messages.


Suddenly, the surroundings became noisy.

Slowly turn your head and look around.

“Haha, shall we close the business today and have a drink?”

"uh? Oh right? Would that be ok too? How is the general manager? Are you taking a day off today to tell the candidate?”

A strange noise was heard all around.


It seems that the concept of people went on a business trip to Mita Temple while Yoo Deok-hyun was not there.

After listening to the people, the general manager looked worried for a moment.

“Hmm, let’s have a drink?”

Then the people in the camp looked at the general manager with anticipation.

"Yes! No, if not on a day like today, when would you like to have another drink?”

"that's right! You've worked hard all this time, so today is a good day, right?"

“Chief, please.”

The general manager nodded his head in the constant wind of people.

“Okay what? Then wait a little bit, and when Candidate Yoo comes in, let’s talk about it.”

People who heard the general manager's words cheered.

"Oh yea! Chief is the best!”

“Haha, how about just eating here?”

… It seemed that if I had left it alone, it would no longer be out of control.

'The people who should be stopped are agreeing… .'

With a sigh, I got up from my seat and slowly opened my mouth to the people.

“Everyone, calm down.”

Then at that moment,

‘It’s expensive’

The atmosphere in the camp turned cold.

Mouths that had been moving happily until recently were firmly closed, and most of the people in the camp began to look at me with unpretentious eyes.

“… … .”

To be honest, I also didn't want to pour cold water into the festive atmosphere.

Because nobody in the world wants to be hated as part of others.

But there were times when I had to do it even when I didn't want to.

just like right now.

“It is true that our camp has an edge in the election right now. But, winning an election doesn't mean it's over. To be honest, right now, candidate Yoo Duk-hyun has nothing prepared for the superintendent of education.”

Then one of the campers. The general manager frowned and opened his mouth.

“CEO Kim. That is, once the candidate becomes the superintendent, and after grasping the practice… .”

I shook my head with a determined expression.

“It’s late, it’s late. The general manager doesn't know how much welfare workers are inconsistent. If Candidate Duk-Hyun Yoo becomes the superintendent of education without any preparation as it is now, a considerable amount of time will be consumed for the candidate to understand the practice and implement the policy. If that happens, he would have to prepare for the next election without accomplishing anything, let alone succeeding in educational reform for the rest of his term. Do you wish for that?”

It was.

The current superintendent election is a by-election. There were only two years left of the superintendent's term of office.

So, in the meantime, to take over the superintendent's job and push forward the organizational reorganization policy, every minute and every second was not enough.

Some might say that I can understand that to a certain extent. Public service was practical. Even more so for elected officials.

Because the basic principle of the election was to lose in the next election if you couldn't live up to the expectations as much as you were elected.

'I'll probably bite like crazy. Because of this election, there will be a lot of people grinding their teeth… .'

“You didn’t think that if you were elected, the people of the school district would jump out and meet Candidate Yoo, right? If so, please wake up. The path left for us is not a flower road, but a battlefield with incredibly sharp thorns everywhere.”

“… … .”

People's heads were lowered.

They also seemed to remember that this election was a by-election, and that the time allotted to us was short.

‘Everyone must have forgotten for a while.’

I looked at the people with their heads bowed and nodded.

“So you and I have to come to our senses. This is not the time to be engulfed in this little joy. If Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo doesn’t make any changes for the remaining two years, will the voters vote for us in the next election?”And at that moment, Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo, who suddenly came in, spoke to me.

“CEO Kim is right. No, not us. When were we just looking to win the election? Our goal is education reform to the end. If there's anyone who thinks what we're saying is wrong, I don't mind leaving the camp now. The way we are going is… As CEO Kim said, it's not a flower road, it's a thorny road. Now, what are you going to do?”

Candidate Deok-Hyun Yoo's resolute words made people's faces red as if they were children being scolded.

They seemed to be ashamed of the way they looked again.

“Huh, I’m embarrassed.”

“We were really stupid.”

"sorry. We will make sure this never happens again.”

It was a success.

All that was left was to seal the wounds between them and me so that no emotional residue was left behind.

I looked at them and bowed my head.

"no. I guess I was too emotional. I will listen to what you guys have to say.”


"no. There is nothing wrong with Kim. We must have been too excited.”

"Yes. We got it wrong. The important thing is not the election, but after that.”

They shook their heads as if they were indifferent.

It seemed that the sediment had already disappeared far away.

Seeing this, Yoo Deok-hyun opened his mouth with a kind expression.

“Come on, let’s all get started! The first notice isn't far away, so don't be vigilant until the end, okay?"

"Yep! of course."

“Trust me!”

with a loud reply. People are starting to focus on their work again.

As if trying to make up for the shameful appearance he had just shown, there was strength in every bobo of people.

“First, we have to focus on monitoring until the end. There are still a few days left, so you knew that variables shouldn't appear in the meantime, right? Concentrate, focus!”

“We need to check to what extent the policy pursued by the former superintendent has been realized. Who had the phone number of the office of education office worker?”

“Free education and free school meals are topics that cannot be given up. All the other candidates made similar promises, but there were no contents. So, we are trying to figure out a way to make this promise a reality as much as possible… .”

Busy moving people. Seeing them moving vigorously as if they had been released, I thought anew that Yoo Deok-hyeon had an inbok.

If it were people from other camps, they wouldn't have accepted my opinion so easily.

'I knew it and did it.'

I nodded and looked at Yoo Deok-hyun.

As he said, there was only one thing left.

That's right… … .

[D-DAY 5]


It was the end of this long fight.

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