Chapter 204

Episode 204: Water and Fish (1)

out of breath

It was the first time the director’s office looked so narrow.

Because now, the faces of the people in the director’s office were not normal.

“Doesn’t the car fit in your mouth?”

I put a teacup on the palm of my hand, making a terrifying expression. I asked the bear-like man with a huge body.

Then the bear-sized man shook his head and opened his mouth.

“no. I just think the quantity is a bit small… .”

He then puts the teacup in his hand down on the table.

Well… Still, it’s a fairly large sized Dawan, but when held in his hand, it looks like a playhouse tool.

“Can I have another drink?”

When I asked him, Superintendent Candidate Yoo Deok-hyeon, who was sitting opposite me, shook his head with a soft smile.

“Fine. As long as you don’t drink it as a treat anyway, it’ll be the same. Isn’t that right, Deok-ik?”

Then, Deok-ik Jang, a bear-like man with a terrifying expression on his face, answered with a grin.

“What is it? It’s fine, representative. After all, I have to drink one or two more drinks, so I don’t think the message will go away.”

In fact, given his size, it looked like he would wear a hat even if he drank from a kettle.

I nodded and placed the tea in his hand on the table.

Then Yoo Deok-hyeon, who was still looking at me, slowly opened his mouth.

“Actually, I really wanted to meet you after seeing K-Edu’s disclosure of corruption this time.”

Then, looking at me through the eyes of a sasaeng fan, he began to scan my every move.

Well… To be honest, it was a bit embarrassing.

Because the person in front of me right now, Yoo Deok-hyeon, a man with exceptionally large ears, is a middle-aged man who is about 20 years older than me… .

[Mr. Yoo, who belongs to OO High School, is accused of school corruption! No conscience here!][Private Academy Foundation OO, Detecting Corruption! The source is… The whistleblower’s revelation!][The bare face of our time, ‘education’ missing in the private school foundation]

It was because he was the protagonist of a story that anyone in the educational field would have heard of at least once.

“I really wanted to meet the candidate once. When I heard about the candidate, I was really impressed.”

Then he opened his eyes and looked at me.

“Yes? Oh, have you ever heard of me?”

I nodded.

“Yes, of course. Probably, among the people on the floor, there are very few people who have never heard of the candidate. Literally… It’s like a movie.”

Then he put a small smile on his lips as if recalling the past.

In fact, when he, who had been a Korean language teacher for 20 years, exposed his anger at his school’s private school corruption, no one thought he would build his current reputation.

This is because the relationship between the original private school foundation and the whistleblower is a clear relationship of superiority and inferiority, so the end result is usually the same.

[How to live as a whistleblower in Korea… ‘Litigation, disgrace, loner’][After revealing the whistleblower’s identity, ‘promotion’… ‘Awkward reason’ of public corporations][Let’s liquidate the ‘historical bankruptcy’… The whistleblower is ‘defenseless’]

just as expected.

As soon as the public’s interest in the case waned, the relevant historians dismissed him. From then on, Yoo Deok-hyeon had no choice but to start a lonely fight alone.

[Removal → Administrative demonstration → Withdrawal of dismissal → Re-exploitation → Administrative demonstration… ]

Then soon.

the appearance of colleagues.

betrayal of friends.

family tears.

Things came to him that would make him frustrated and give up if he had been a decent person.

But his will was greater than expected.

[The 111th day of the administrative protest! Cancel the unfair dismissal of OO history!][The 222nd day of the administrative protest! Apologize and cancel the unfair dismissal of OO history!][The 333th day of the administrative protest! Apologize, cancel, and confess the unfair dismissal of OO history!]Even though he continued to fight alone for 333 days after his dismissal, he never gave up.

‘Apologize, cancel, confess, and disband the unfair dismissal of OO history!’


‘Brother, I’m sorry I came so late. I’m here to help, so let’s change this damn world.’

‘Teacher, I’m Kim OO, remember? I’ll help too! Come on!’

‘Mr. Yu. This is a small amount of money, but it is used where it is needed.’

People who were influenced by his will gathered around him and offered him a position on the education committee with authority to audit private schools, and he was able to be elected by a 0.3% difference from his opponent.

And as a result.

[Private Education Foundation OO, a hot issue from head to toe! ‘Corruption, corruption, corruption][The teacher’s brilliant return! There are no exceptions. ‘Relentless Swordsmanship’][Is Justice Alive? The mace falling on the private school foundation OO!]

All the members of the private school foundation that committed the corruption were torn apart, even the state subsidies provided to the private school foundation were all returned, and the school operation under the private school was normalized.

Because of this, there were quite a number of titles to refer to him.

‘The hero of the miracle that made the impossible possible’

‘A whistleblower who stood up to protect his conscience’

‘The owner of a belief like steel whose will is not broken despite all kinds of conspiracy’

Because his actions were nothing special, a 20-year-old Korean language teacher who blew an uppercut in a large private school with only one conscience.

‘No, was it a high kick, not an uppercut?’

When I looked at him with new eyes, he bowed his head with an innocent look that was not appropriate for his age.

“Ah, haha, this is embarrassing. After that, I went through a lot of things, so I don’t think I’ll be able to do it now.”

And now that he thinks about it, he stuck out his tongue, saying he had no idea what he was doing.

Then the men around him looked at him with faint smiles.

I looked at him and put a smile on my lips.

It was because he could tell just how much trust he had from people.

However, it was not possible to just drink tea like this forever.

It’s because the post-processing of K-edu wasn’t finished yet.


I put down the teacup and opened my mouth.

“Now then, can I hear the reason why you came to me today?

Then he looked at me with his innocent eyes blinking.

“Ah yes. When I actually saw someone I usually only see on TV, I got a little excited. Hmmmm.”

“Fine. Because of that, I was able to see the person I had always wanted to meet. However… I’ve been behind a lot of work lately because of my work with K-Edu… .”

“Ah, it was. Well… Then I will tell you as soon as possible.”

“Yes. I will listen.”

I looked at Yoo Deok-hyun and straightened my posture.

I already had a rough idea of ​​what was going to come out of his mouth, but still, there was such a thing as politeness.

‘He’s worthy of that.’

Then Yoo Deok-hyeon and his companions looked at me with serious expressions.

“CEO Kim.”


“How about working with me?”


I looked at him with a calm expression.

“Are you together?”

“Yes. Exactly… I would like to have you as a consultant for our camp.”

“Hmm… ,”

I looked at him with a low moan on my lips.

Did you realize that my reaction was not terrifying? He began to open his mouth with an active stance.

“Some of the words the CEO said on TV were like this. ‘Conscience is the only lamp that illuminates man, and it is reason, and it is the only stick that guides the dark path of life.’”

that is… It was the words of Heinrich Heine that I spoke on JTTV.

“He also said this. ‘I couldn’t lie. If that happens, I may be able to live a full life right now, but the real me will be as if I am already dead.”

Huh, I got goosebumps when I saw Yoo Deok-hyun reciting the same words that I can’t even remember right now.

When he finished his words, he looked at me with burning eyes.

“CEO, if you’ve ever heard my story, I’m sure you know what I did when I was a member of the education committee.”

“… Yes. I heard that you dealt with the corruption of the private school foundations in your jurisdiction.”

“Yes, that’s right. To be more specific, we found corruption in 78 schools and 15 private school foundations within my jurisdiction and eradicated them.”

It was an amazing number. No matter how much power a person had to inspect, he could not ignore the dynamics of the forces surrounding the community.

So, his words also meant that he devoted himself to his work without paying a glance for almost the entire period of his career as a member of the education committee.

As I looked at him with a condescending expression, he continued his words, his eyes lit up.

“CEO. One educator was that much. So, if I became the superintendent, how many more schools and how many more students’ lives would be normalized.”

I nodded.


As the head of the city and provincial office of education that executes education and curricula for each city and province, there are 17 members, one in Seoul, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Sejong Special Self-Governing City, and each metropolitan city and province, metropolitan city mayor, provincial governor, and metropolitan city He is an elected public official at the same level as the president of the parliament and the vice-minister of the administrative department.

Well, it is common for ordinary citizens to hear the name only during local elections, so it is generally not easy to feel its status.

The overall education direction in Korea is set by the central government, but it is the education office of each city and province and the head of the education office, the superintendent of education, who selects and applies it to the actual field.

‘Because the status of public officials is proportional to their discretion.’

So, if he were elected superintendent, he could project his ideal of ‘normalization of education’ more broadly and deeply.

“I think I know what you are trying to say. Hmm… But there is one thing I don’t understand… Can you tell me?”

“Ask anything. We will do our best to answer you.”

“Nothing else… In my opinion, if you have the level of recognition and credibility of Candidate Yoo, you will be able to win the election without my help.

“Ah, that’s why. Well… Actually, it’s a bit embarrassing to say it with my own mouth, but what the CEO said is correct. To be honest, the name I have now is enough to get me elected as superintendent.”

“But why me?”

“Ah, that… .”After thinking for a while, he slowly opened his mouth as if he had made a decision.

“Hey, because this election is a by-election, not a local election.”

In an instant, I could understand everything.

‘Ah, that was it.’

In fact, as I pointed out and he agreed, if this election was a general election, there would be no reason for him to come.

‘The hero of the miracle that made the impossible possible’

‘A whistleblower who stood up to protect his conscience’

‘The owner of a belief like steel who did not break his will despite all kinds of conspiracy’

Because many of the titles Yoo Deok-hyun had were strong enough to break the rival’s will to compete.

However, it was a different story in the case of the by-election.


As one of the election methods in the Republic of Korea, when a member of the National Assembly, a member of the basic/regional organization, or a member of the general/region elected by election loses his/her position due to resignation, death, or imprisonment, etc. It is an election method.

Therefore, in the case of a position where public awareness is low, such as the superintendent of education, when the by-election was held, there was a high possibility that the voter turnout would be lower than expected.

[2007 Busan Metropolitan City Superintendent Election 15.3%][2008 Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent Election 15.5%][2009 Gyeonggi Superintendent Election 12.3%]

‘If you make a mistake, it may be lower than in the superintendent’s sole election. Unless you are a parent, not many people even care about the by-election.’

and… The very low turnout compared to other elections was also a word that could influence the outcome of the voting with the power of a small number of voters.

For example, in 2008, the election for the superintendent of education was still held by a single election. Just like in the election for superintendent of education that year, the public OO candidate’s voter turnout exceeded 75% just by driving the votes for the public OO candidates by the academy officials in the 3rd district of Gangnam.

So, as Yoo Deok-hyun, he must have been so busy that he had no choice but to save talented people.

‘As it is, no matter how well-known and reliable it is, it will be dangerous.’

“Hmm, that’s right.”

“Yes. To be honest, if it had been a general election, I wouldn’t have done it this far. It’s not as popular as that.”

Then he sighed and spoke slowly.

“However… Isn’t it important to support the by-elections from those who have the economic and time enough to participate in the election? However… .”“Candidate Yoo’s support base is the opposite of that.”

“Huh, that’s right. therefore… We wanted to have someone like you. If you are a representative… I thought you had enough plans to end this situation.”

Then he looked at me with hardened eyes.

“So, I would like to suggest one more time, Mr. Why don’t you join forces with me to create a school that is not ashamed of the students and is a normal school?”

After speaking, he eagerly awaited my answer.

‘Hmm, what should I do?’

I thought about it for a while.

Obviously, his recognition and credibility were great. and… His life was also worth cheering.

That’s because the road he’s been on has been such a dangerous and noble road.


‘But it’s not something you can easily hold hands with.’

As the height of the current tower I built was high, it was impossible to destroy the tower with a single moment of emotion.

No matter how hard you worked to build a foundation and reinforce it, it was politics that could destroy that tower in an instant.

So even if I could sympathize with him emotionally, I couldn’t havetily nod my head.

‘Cause I wasn’t alone anymore And under the name of hermit crab, the lives of countless people were already at stake.

I glanced around.

Then, with burning eyes, I saw the attendants looking at me with an expression of ‘If I refuse, I will fold my spine!’

‘Looking at that alone, it seems certain that people are sincere.’

However, as in politics, truth and purity alone were not the only ways to win.

But even so, I couldn’t help but be drawn to it.

That’s because the passion of a genuine person was to shake the hearts of others.

‘Phew… How do… .’

after a while.

After thinking for a while, I made a decision.

I slowly opened my mouth to those who were waiting for my answer.




Deok-ik Jang, a dear colleague and attendant of the superintendent candidate Yoo Deok-hyeon, who came out of the front door of the hermit crab academy, shouted with wrathful eyes.

“No, brother! Was it necessary to bow your head like that to that cheap, parasitic brother? Eheh, there was no need to bring that kind of private education garbage in the first place, right?”

Then, he started exhaling his snort.

It seemed like he was just resentful that Kim Jun-young had rejected their proposal just before.

Yoo Deok-hyeon looked at the appearance of such equipment and looked at the bronze-like man next to him, spectacular luck.

“Kwanwoon, do you have the same thoughts as Deokik?”

Then, Minister Woon, who was quietly looking at the hermit crab academy, opened his mouth with a firm face.

“I have the same thoughts as Deokik. To be honest, there are not many talented people who are not necessarily this person, right? Because there are a lot of people who will come running barefoot if you call me.”

With a faint smile, Yoo Deok-hyun looked at the two brothers, Jang Deok-ik and Jang Jang-woon. Even though it was rough, he knew very well that they were reacting that way because they were worried about them.

“I am OK. Yes, it’s because I’ve been through a lot when I was alone in administrative protests.”

Then the men who heard him shook their heads with expressions that they couldn’t stop him.

“still… .”

“Heh, bro… .”

Deok-hyeon Yoo, who had been holding onto Deok-ik Jang for a while, slowly looked at the whole view of the hermit crab academy. Then he slowly opened his mouth.

“He is a must-have… .”

His eyes gleamed.



author’s words


Before 2000, elections were held whenever there was a reason for a re-election.

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