Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 3278: I just found it.

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"Well, you said." Lu Xingzhi was so busy that he wouldn't have time to help Jiang Yao.

"The girl that the couple sent to the hospital today is not their daughter, and they don’t know how they suddenly changed their biological daughter. Then they got a girl named A Fei from Shihe Village to get me treated, You help me go to Shihe Village to investigate what is the specific situation, and look at what hospital their biological daughter is in now for what condition."

"A Fei in Shihe Village?" Lu Xingzhi said, "You are waiting for me later. I am now in the hospital to find you. It was also a coincidence. I happened to be looking for someone, and I just found out about it.

"Good." Jiang Yao should go down.

"I'll be there in an hour," Lu Xingzhi urged. "Before I come back, I'll stay in the hospital. Don't run around and let silent follow you all the time."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yao shouted silently and took silent to the round. He first went to see the little boy, and then went to Xiao Hu.

The darkest ward in the whole hospital is Xiao Hu’s ward, but in this ward, there are laughter and laughter, which is completely different from the dull atmosphere the other day.

"Dr. Jiang is here!" The Jiang Yao people shouted suddenly before they entered.

"It's a god." Jiang Yao walked in and boasted, "How do you know?"

"Footsteps." Xiao Hudao said, "I can tell the sound of Dr. Jiang's footsteps and the frequency and speed of footsteps."

"It's a bit powerful." Jiang Yao exaggerated, "I saw your inspection report in the morning, and it's all very good. After insisting on these two days, you can go out and walk around."

"It's okay, I didn't have this treatment when the troops were confined. The family was with me all day long, talking and laughing." Xiao Hu couldn't help teasing Jiang Yao as soon as he returned, "Today Didn’t Commander Lu come with your sister-in-law? The leader wanted to be separated from her sister-in-law?"

When Jiang Yao didn't hear it, she didn't answer Xiao Hu deliberately. After confirming that Xiao Hu had no problem, she left the ward and returned to the office.

Although Lu Xingzhi said to wait for an hour, in fact, Lu Xingzhi arrived at her temporary office after 40 minutes. When watching Lu Xingzhi come back, sweat was still on his face, Jiang Yao quickly poured him a glass of water, and Lu Xingzhi, like a cow drinking water, drank a glass at a stretch.

"What's the matter with A Fei?" Jing Lu asked after Lu Xingzhi's breath finally stabilized.

"This matter has something to do with Miss Du." Lu Xingzhi bluntly told the story behind the incident. Before you told me that Miss Du ridiculed Mrs. Cheng, then I thought that Miss Du knew Is it too much? Regarding your news, I have always been very well protected. No one knows what our family is doing. However, Miss Du does seem to understand that her father-in-law and mother-in-law are just ordinary farmers, so she made a mockery of Mrs. Cheng and you. "

It was this abnormality that led Lu Xingzhi to quickly arrange for someone to track and investigate Miss Du, wanting to see whether she had speculated about Jiang Yao’s maiden’s affairs, or if there was anything around to help her. This person seemed to allow his wife The ability to hurt children.

"This investigation revealed that Miss Du had a few words with Fei's parents alone on the charity dinner. Then that night, Miss Du went to Shihe Village overnight, and this girl's parents' house in A Fei happened to be Du. Miss Du’s neighbor, Miss Du, went in the middle of the night and then came out with a girl early in the morning."

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