Hades made an ok gesture.

Straighten out my clothes, walk up slowly, stand in front of the table, and support it with both hands, looking relaxed.

The live auction room quickly poured in with countless people.

People from all over the world still have the capital to buy places, and they start waiting early, and their hearts are anxious.

There is excitement, nervousness, and longing.

If only a place could be purchased.

In the future, we will definitely be one step ahead and soar into the sky!

“Have you started!?”

“Let’s go, go quickly, continue to raise funds, and make some equity transfer documents.”

Seeing Su Che’s account open the live broadcast, they entered the live broadcast room as soon as possible.

For a time, many big V accounts rushed into the live broadcast room with accounts officially verified by Tushu, and they often consumed on the platform.

So the special effects are skyrocketing.

Some viewers quickly saw an international acquaintance!

“Groove! Last President Skma is also here !? ”

“Oh, you see, isn’t that Douyin’s boss, Zhang Mingming, lying in the groove, Douyin also wants to intervene?”

“But I’m afraid these people are not qualified enough! Some old capitals are the richest! ”

“I rely on, Debei Heavy Industries!”

A big guy, but the audience is dazzled.

There is too much capital pouring into the live broadcast room!

Speakers from various countries also appeared!

Eagle Empire!


Hua Guo!

One of the three major countries is not bad, and there are countless developed countries behind!

Kimchi Country!

Sakura Country!

Proud country!

Sunset Country!

And so on and so forth…..

All are developed countries with national economies in the forefront of the world!

As more and more people poured into the live broadcast room, Hades quickly smiled and said: “Hello everyone, welcome to this umbrella technology product purchase auction.” ”

“In order to keep the auction orderly, the silence mode will be turned on during the auction, only participants are allowed to speak, and if you want to participate now, please contact the administrator to compile the list, and please show your identity and some asset certificates during the period.”

Online auctions are certainly not as convenient as offline.

But Su Che is in a hurry for funds, so it can only be like this, otherwise holding an auction offline will take at least four or five days to go.

The base will auction the administrator of the live broadcast room has long been ready.

A lot of people are on standby at the computer.

The identity and property authentication of the representative lasted for half an hour, and more than 400 administrators were added to the live broadcast room at once.

Gradually, the certification ended.

Hades nodded and said loudly with a smile: “Before the auction officially started, many people must have doubts, and many people were asking in private messages, let me explain.” ”

“After this auction, Umbrella will open a platform where various technologies can be purchased directly without any restrictions!”

“Remember, there are no limits! Even if you buy it back, produce it and sell it to others, we don’t care! ”

Hades said above, and Su Che couldn’t help but smile below.

Those who ask these questions think too simply.

Like exoskeleton armor, laser weapons, etc., the base directly sells finished products, and if you want to carry out a technological reversal, I don’t know how much time to waste.

Wait for the reinvention to sell people.

At that time, the umbrella had already rushed into the starry sky!

I don’t know how many generations the equipment is ahead!

So there is no effect on the base in the slightest, in simple terms.

Su Che is now taking scrap iron and selling it at the price of gold.

But the people involved in the auction don’t know!

Hearing Hades’ words, they were all excited and cheered loudly in their respective offices or conference rooms!

“Hahaha, the umbrella is so kind, so that we can definitely earn back by reselling!”

“That’s right, it’s not a loss to spend money on it today!”

Everyone rubbed their hands one by one, and they couldn’t wait.

There are also many people in the live broadcast room who are urging.

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, start quickly, I want to see how much a place can be sold for!”

“I wipe, another moment to witness a miracle, maybe this false quota will set the highest auction history of Blue Star!”

Hades, who was urged, cried and laughed, and said busily: “Okay, don’t worry, start right away, let me explain the rules clearly.” ”

“The last sentence, this auction will be randomly secretly auctioned or openly auctioned, and those who need to bid in the secret auction can directly publish their price to the umbrella administrator, and the open auction can be sent to the administrator or in the live broadcast room, and I will broadcast it…”

The rules of secret shooting were given to Hades by Su Che.

Often, it is possible to make a lot of money at one time or lose a Muggle, because under the secret auction, everyone does not know the competitor’s bid.

In order to win places.

That price may be raised very high all of a sudden.

If you want to pit money in this way, the first place must go to the open auction and raise the transaction price.

Followed by a secret auction, the bids of all parties will definitely not be lower than the first transaction price.

In order to make money, Su Che was simply bad, and now he has picked up his mobile phone and is ready to find a drag for himself.



Hua Guo, the capital.

A very secret place.

Many bigwigs are also participating in watching this auction, after all, Hua Guo also wants to buy a place, and everyone is a little nervous.

“There is actually a secret shoot…”

The leader in charge of the auction frowned, this is full of too many variables, it is fine when there are still enough places in front.

At the back, those who are bent on wanting a place but haven’t yet arrived.

Another dark shot.

The psychological pressure is very great!

Most likely stud at once!

Today, the order given to him by his superiors is also simple!

Be sure to take a spot!

There is no shortage of these money, and the number of places is the top priority!

“Take it easy, let’s take the place in front.” Some people comforted that because this auction is related to technology.

A number of academicians of the Academy of Sciences are also in the field, ready to win a quota and immediately buy technology and conduct research.

At this time, Yang Zhenguo’s phone suddenly rang.

He picked up his mobile phone suspiciously: “Who is calling me at this time?” ”

However, seeing the name clearly, Yang Zhenguo’s eyes suddenly straightened!


“It’s him!”

Yang Zhenguo’s reaction was great, his old face was excited, he had already thought of something, and quickly greeted everyone.

Pointed to the phone.

“Who, Lao Yang? So happy! ”

“Hehe, Lao Yang, what’s wrong, answer the phone, answer the phone, and tell us what to do.”

Seeing this, everyone smiled and asked.

Yang Zhenguo hurriedly, he said that he was already excited, and the following words were unfavorable: “It’s Su Che Xiaoyou…. He.. This is…”

Everyone also knew about Lao Yang’s problem.

First, it is easy to break when excited.

But when they heard the name, they were shocked one by one: “Su Che?!” The one under the umbrella!? Hiss….. Calling at this time must have a purpose! ”

“Hurry up, Lao Yang! Quick Connect! ”

The big guys who had just returned the gods and gods, as soon as they heard that it was Su Che, who was an umbrella, immediately thought about whether it was related to the auction.

Anxiously urged Yang Zhenguo to answer the phone.

The latter also quickly answered, and at the same time turned on the hands-free button, Su Che’s voice quickly came: “Elder Yang, I’m Su Che, huh…. I want to ask Xia Hua Guo to participate in this umbrella quota auction? ”

Of course, Su Che asked knowingly, give others a little face…

“Participate, now it’s a tough fight, hehe.” Yang Zhenguo looked at everyone and suppressed his excitement.

Su Che said with a smile: “Okay, then I will make it clear that I need Hua Guo to help us raise the price, and then in return, our company will ensure that Hua Guo gets a secret auction quota, and at the same time, the subsequent purchase price is here, five discounts.” ”

Su Che was unambiguous, directly stating his intentions, and the auction had begun.

Not so much time to delay.

“Five fold!?”

Elder Yang was stunned, not only him, but everyone around his eyes glowed green!

One by one, they nodded desperately towards Elder Yang.

It’s the same as kowtows.

Su Che smiled and said, “Yes, it’s five folds.” ”

“Good! I agreed, no problem, we will help your company to raise the price as much as possible! Elder Yang smiled happily and assured with a pat on his chest.

The countries participating this time are in addition to the relationship between the Winter Kingdom and the Chinese country.

Not bad for now.

The rest can be said to be fierce opponents!

There were even wars.

If you can pit an opponent here, everyone on the scene applauds!

After hanging up the phone, they all grinned.

“Haha, okay! The second move of the umbrella is very beneficial to both of us! ”

“I love it! Haha, umbrella can! ”

The leader in charge of the auction also rubbed his hands, and looked at the international countries with bad intentions:

“Look I won’t let you vomit blood this time! Those who once stole my country, this time they will be returned to me! ”

But he counted personal grudges and national grievances together this time!

If it were known by all countries, it would indeed vomit blood!



At the base, Hades nodded to the technician on the side:

“Enable the microphone function!”

Immediately said directly: “The first place, the auction begins!” The reserve price is 5 billion US dollars, and each price increase must not be less than 1 billion US dollars, start! ”

Hades took a big hand, walked to the side, and gave the big projection screen behind him!

Real-time bidding will be realistic!

He will also explain from the sidelines!

The words fell!

In the live broadcast room, the microphone channel sounded and shouted: “The Eagle Empire bid 20 billion!” ”


“Lying groove, directly raise the price of 15 billion!? Is there such a play!? ”

The audience was dumbfounded, this is also too ruthless!

But it can also be seen that the Eagle Empire is bound to get the quota!

However, other countries do not dare to show weakness!

A croaking voice sounded in the live broadcast room: “Sakura Country bid 25 billion!” ”

“Kimchi country bids 30 billion!”

“Sith Country bids 40 billion!”

“The Eagle Empire bid 60 billion!”

The audience is crazy!

“Lying groove, it’s too fierce, it seems that the Eagle Empire is bound to get the first place, this is to show their identity?”

In the end, Hades split a screen and did not silence the audience.

So the barrage they publish can be seen by people all over the world.

“Haha, my Great Eagle Empire will definitely win the first one, and as a citizen of the Eagle Empire, I am extremely proud at this time!”

“Yes, in terms of military and economy, my Eagle Empire is the number one in the world, why should others rob us?”

The countries have not yet bidd, and the audience of the Eagle Empire has already begun to float!


PS: Ask for full booking, ask for a monthly pass! Thank you guys for your support, love you, Moda!


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