Chapter 215


It’s already October 2010.

In Jinhae, the commissioning ceremony for the 6th of the 3,000-ton submarines under construction was held.

As a result, two-thirds of the nine ships have been commissioned.

The difference from the previous deployments is that a whopping 10 vertical launchers are now installed, and the direction of the operation has become even more extensive.

โ€œThe naval power is taking another step forward.โ€

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was watching the commissioning ceremony, said with an expression of excitement.

He just nodded his head without saying anything, and he spoke softly again.

โ€œWhat is left now is to secure submarine power of 5,000 tons or more?โ€

The look on his face was full of anticipation.

Even so, if he were the current president, he would certainly not deny that path.

No, actually, the fact that those words came out of the mouth of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff means that there is a high possibility that some kind of dialogue has already taken place between the military and the government.

โ€œWhat do you say to the president?โ€

I’ve been thinking about it just in case.

A sly smile.

Again, it seems that my prediction is correct.

โ€œAs Chairman Jin knows, the title of president is usually the strongest for two years after taking office. So it seems that the current president will make a decision before his power wanes. Moreover, the atmosphere has risen quite a bit since we experienced clashes with China.โ€

It was a part that I acknowledged about the atmosphere formation.

The reality is that even the media, who had criticized the increase in national defense power so much before, changed their attitudes as if they had done so.

In a way, it will also be a profit if it is a profit obtained from the conflict with China.

clap clap!

I left the thought behind and cut the ribbon.

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who responds to congratulations from those around him, makes a hint.

โ€œBy the way, I think it would be a bit silly to raise a conventional submarine to a 5,000-ton class.โ€

I looked at it, hoping that the word had some meaning.

Although I said it round and round, the bottom line of that statement is the same as the opinion that we should start developing nuclear-powered submarines now.

Actually, I too had been thinking about that for a long time, so the conversation naturally continued.

โ€œIt’s not a wise decision. No matter how efficient they are, conventional submarines cannot keep up with nuclear-powered ones. Besides, to some extent, it is a yard covered with boards.โ€

The blurry behind the scenes was emphasizing that we had already obtained the tacit consent of the United States for the construction of nuclear-powered submarines.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff immediately nodded, as if he was aware of that, and I brought up the point again at that point.

โ€œBut the problem is getting nuclear fuel.โ€

โ€œYeah, thatโ€™s the problem.โ€

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff responded as if slurringly.

I glanced at him, and he spoke again with a dissatisfied expression like mine.

โ€œHonestly, I have no idea what America is really thinking. Why are they refusing to sell nuclear fuel when they even condoned the construction of nuclear-powered submarines anyway? In my mind, we want to do our own production. There is nothing that canโ€™t be done in the yard that can be reprocessed anyway.โ€

โ€œIt is, but itโ€™s going to be pretty tough to get behind the scenes.โ€

I smiled and shook my head.

After a long sigh, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shrugged his shoulders and continued.

โ€œWell, if you do, all sorts of sanctions will come in. In fact, the United States will be terrified. Reprocessing is already allowed. In that yard, North Korea is making a fuss with nuclear weapons like that… There is no law telling us to endure forever.โ€

As I listened to him, his frustration was contagious to me as well.

Considering that most of the neighboring countries are nuclear-weapon states, we are the only ones who listen, and it is foolishness in the world.

How long do you really have to endure such an irrational situation?


While the thought had been taking root for a while, a general rushed towards us.

The fact that a general with a whopping three stars on his shoulder is so excited is proof that something has been firmly established.

As the tension grew, he spoke again.

โ€œNorth Korea just succeeded in testing an SLBM at sea.โ€



[Today at 2pm. North Korea conducted an injection test of an SLBM in the sea near Wonsan. The result is said to have been successful, and the projectile is said to have crashed just a few kilometers from Japanese waters.][Japan has seriously protested North Korea’s provocation through an emergency statement. In addition, through cooperation between Korea and the United States […]

ur ur.

โ€œThere is not a day when I will be comfortable with this.โ€

We left the venue with the complaints of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and headed straight for the National Security Council meeting.

Since it is an issue related to North Korea, I am officially qualified to participate this time as an advisor to North Korea.

What was surprising was that the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Commander was also taking a seat in the conference room that he saw through the window.

โ€œIsnโ€™t that person the commander of the USFK? Why is that gentleman attending this meeting?โ€

Since it was such an unfamiliar situation, I immediately turned to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and asked.

Normally, it is not very common for the US military to participate in security conferences.

As if he had the same question, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also stopped and motioned for his aide.

โ€œHey, why did Commander Megan come to this meeting?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m thatโ€ฆโ€

The lieutenant hesitated, unable to respond.

Warak, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, distorted his eyes, and the lieutenant spoke urgently.

โ€œI didnโ€™t hear it in person, but it seems that we attended because we were afraid that we would bomb North Korea on our own.โ€

“What are you talking about?”

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff asked, with his eyes still unresolved.

โ€œThe situation in China. As we came out so hard in the process of resolving it, it seems that we were worried that the North Korean issue might be dealt with in the same way this time.โ€

In fact, it wasn’t entirely unlikely.

Anyway, North Korea’s current power cannot even be compared to ours.

Because of that confidence, we cannot rule out the possibility that our government will make an extreme choice.

If that happens, the US will have to deal with another chaotic situation in Asia, which has barely been put to sleep.

For the United States, which has now established the foundation to stably suck up China, of course, it should have been prevented.


Besides, the current president’s inclination is so strong that even I can raise both hands.

Even taking the current dispute with China as an example, it remains to be proven that it is a presence that is prepared to endure any amount of damage.

So, in the US, it’s natural for shit to burn.

โ€œWhere is the president now?โ€

With a fleeting thought, I asked the lieutenant.


At the same time, the door to the hallway opens and the president and the defense minister enter.

I immediately walked up to him and whispered, and the president looked at me with round eyes.



โ€œWith this conference room, there will be no leaks of conversation.โ€

President and I. And the main military commanders moved to the situation control room next to the main conference hall.

Fortunately, the commander of USFK has not yet heard of the arrival of the president.

Even so, I said straight-forward because it is the same as being pressed for time.

โ€œWhen you enter the conference hall, I would like to suggest that you give the commander-in-chief of the USFK a little swearword. We are going to bomb North Korea alone.โ€


The president and other people all at once looked surprised at the words.

To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, I spoke quickly.

โ€œItโ€™s not that Iโ€™m actually going to do thatโ€ฆ Ah! Before that, let me ask the President’s intentions first. How are you going to solve this situation?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s meโ€ฆ I honestly havenโ€™t made a decision yet, but in the worst case, I could actually start bombing a nuclear base. Why, do you want to oppose it?โ€

โ€œNo, if the head of state decides to do that, what will I say against it? But now, I want to remind you that bombing a North Korean nuclear base will not solve anything.โ€


The president looked at me silently.

Afterwards, his gaze turned again to the main commanders of the army, and the Minister of Defense, who finally met his gaze, uttered a hint.

โ€œThat is what Chairman Jin said. It may have been before North Korea completed its nuclear force, but now that North Korea already has complete nuclear weapons, bombing is meaningless. No, it only increases the possibility of nuclear delivery by misjudgment. Of course, we do have several defenses. But the problem with nuclear weapons is that even one mistake can change our fate.โ€


The president hardened his expression at the minister’s long speech.

As if to express that he was in a troubled situation, his hand was about to go up to touch his chin, but this time I intervened again.

โ€œLet me explain a little more. If we bombard, we can foresee two situations. The first is that North Korea, fearful of national collapse, has secretly requested the South Korean government to refrain from escalating the situation to prevent the spread of the situation.โ€


โ€œAnd second, as the Minister said, if they attempt an all-out war with the mindset that they are the judges of this judge.โ€

โ€œDoesn’t that open the way for the restoration of North Korean territory? Ah! Of course, if it were possible to completely eliminate the nuclear threat.โ€

The president spit out his words.

However, he seems to have a shy expression on his face as if he thought he was overly optimistic.

โ€œIf nuclear weapons are completely eliminated, of course, the road to territorial recovery will be opened. But you should always keep one thing in mind. If you miss even a single nuke. In fact, that is the superiority that only nuclear powers have.โ€


โ€œMoreover, we are not yet prepared for the exhibition. Aside from securing items for warfare, including daily necessities, prepare for an economy that will rapidly collapse due to war. And the social consensus on what to do next.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s itโ€ฆ Go ahead.โ€(Read more @

โ€œThe decisive one is China. If a war breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, they will surely invade North Korea.โ€


The president was completely frowned upon at that point.

After that, the form of the eyes moving around seems to be the part that interests me the most, too.

โ€œI donโ€™t know anything else, but the Chinese problem is serious. After all, they are the ones who are aiming for North Korea’s resources and territory. It is true that things will definitely get more complicated if you push them down for an opportunity in a situation where the US has already grabbed them.โ€

“Yes. They need a way out now more than ever. And war on the Korean Peninsula is the most attractive escape route. So, if a war breaks out, they will most likely try to negotiate while quickly occupying the northern part of the Cheongcheon River. The United States and China naturally collide. After that, we will even exchange the threat of a full-fledged nuclear war, and to prevent that situation, we may again be excluding us from territorial negotiations. Just like on 6.25.โ€


The president frowned at those words.

I hope it looks.

I continued with a sigh.

โ€œIt would be better to stop thinking that such a situation is not going to happen. The reason China withdrew from the previous clash with us was because it was not worth sticking to the nuclear card until the end, but the issue of securing North Korean territory is different.โ€


โ€œSo what I mean is, if things get so bad that the crisis of nuclear war becomes a reality, would the US really risk dropping a nuke on their land to protect us?โ€

โ€œIt wouldnโ€™t be.โ€

โ€œIf we do, of course we will try to negotiate with China, thenโ€ฆโ€ฆ.โ€

Then the war would be meaningless.

No, it’s not just meaningless, we’re losing territory again, and that’s a problem for my future scenario for a complete Chinese collapse.

โ€œWhy arenโ€™t you talking?โ€

The president tilts his head and looks at me, as if hesitating all of a sudden.

He came to his senses and spoke again.

โ€œAnyway, I donโ€™t want to do good things in China. No, only China would be better. I would say that Japan is more handsome. As you know, Japanese politicians are the ones who openly say that the old Korean War was an opportunity for them.โ€

โ€œIt is the same with me. At best, we cannot provide an excuse for others to intervene to restore territory. But isn’t the request you made to me just the opposite of what you’re claiming now? I told the USFK commander to emphasize that we can strike North Korea arbitrarily.โ€

The president’s words went straight to the core.

For a moment, people’s eyes turned to me again, and I tapped the armrest of the chair I was sitting on with my finger.

โ€œThatโ€™s a bit of a brag.โ€

โ€œWhy are you bluffing?โ€

โ€œIf something has already happened, we want to take advantage of this opportunity. So I would like to take this opportunity to secure some nuclear fuel.โ€


Can you make nuclear weapons too?-216

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